Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

13.000 hours

Seeing this as a good excuse as any, Bernadette wiggled herself out of the rats grasp, earning a pouty huff from Leoniya as the head engineer expressed her displeasure by sticking her tongue out at Leoniya in a somewhat childish manner.

“Ne Veselo, both of you.” The rat replied with a dismissive wave. “Fine! I shall make it myself! And eat it myself! None for you!” The rat laughed, walking off and heading to the galley. Bernadette merely watched her leave, giving Katherine a nod before heading back to the ships engineering and maintenance areas, certain that the Firbolg had nothing to actually talk about.

Of course Katherine could always ruin Bernadette’s day as Leoniya had planned to. She wouldn’t do that, would she?

@Click This

Whenever Polina found herself cleaned up and presentable, she’d find Leoniya toiling away in the kitchens along with a few other maids, preparing an admittedly rather lavish looking dinner to be eaten on the way back to the Maison. A few other maids expressed apologies, almost running into Polina as they scurried about, cleaning, cooking, and generally doing their duties.

“Ah, Stroganoff, my mouth waters just thinking about you-hm? Ah, Polina! You are here! I was wondering if you’d be a spoilsport like the others, ahaha! Katherine dragged Detty away and here I am, making dinner just for me. Help a little rat?” She’d turn her head towards Polina as she’d walk into the kitchens, a bottle of half empty vodka sitting next to the stove she was using to cook, no doubt having used it on the sauteed meat currently being prepared to be served.


Finding the infirmary wasn’t hard, mostly thanks to well documented signage.

Upon pushing open the door to the infirmary however, she would have something of a surprise…or rather, a lack of surprise. Lyssa and Viatrix weren’t in the infirmary. Not the main sickbay area, it seemed, rather they were in the dedicated on board surgery room, door locked and the two seemed to be discussing something but nothing Lucrecia could hear. She had taken just long enough for Viatrix to get started in her examinations it seemed, though it was a bit odd she had taken Lyssa into a more private area…

This would leave Lucrecia alone with Akantha.

“U-uhm…sorry…she took the erm, scary one back there…” Akantha quietly replied. “She told me to sit here for now…” Akantha tucked her knees against her chest in the chair she was sitting in. “...uhm…m-miss?...what’s going to happen to me? Mom and dad…I don’t have any siblings or…close relatives…I think.”

Okay, as expected from what we talked about and as far as I can see, nothing wrong here. Happy you have you back aboard.

"It was quite worrying when I heard tell of your situation. I though I may have to give someone quite an unexpected investigation. I am however, glad we came to an understanding. I don't expect a demon like you to get along with the other maids, but so long as you work together on the job and follow my orders I have no reason to do anything to you. Quite the contrary, in fact. Welcome to the Maison. Just be sure to earn your keep. I'd dislike greatly to give certain actors a reason to call for your...execution."

Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

Dragan would make his way back up, passing by a few people who somewhat timidly, expressed their thanks, as if expecting him to be angry for doing so. They were already starting to tend to the dead that had been left alone, burning the beasts and starting to remove them. As he’d find his way back up the stairs, it seemed Giles had kept his word and barricaded the room but after a bit of insistence the villagers would remove it and allow the vampires back into the abode.

“Did you actually manage…to drive the beasts back?” Giles would ask, seeing Dragan return mostly unharmed. “...forgive my disbelief, I wasn’t expecting you to return.” The boy that had run up earlier was running down now, likely to look for and check for his parents that had been left behind. “I don’t suppose you found where those creatures came from?”

Human Village

Luna climbed the rather hastily made ladder. Whoever made it likely intended to use it as a secret entrance into the village below. Climbing up was easy enough, the old thing creaking under her weight as she’d pull herself out of the tunnels below and into the lightless world above.

She was met with an unfamiliar sight.

She was close to the river, not extremely deep into the forest but far enough away from the village most villagers likely wouldn’t bother with it. The ladder itself came out into what was a pile of boulders that seemed to have been purposefully placed to hide it, causing her to have to step out of a little rocky passageway to be outside properly. If she hadn’t come out of here or knew that it was here, there was a good chance it’d have gone unnoticed.

In the distance, back towards the village she could see the burning smolders of a house. She could see the carcasses of a few dead beasts back that way, too. Giselle’s work? The fire seemed contained at least.

This far into the forest though, she could smell it. The stench of blood coming from across and further down the river. It was faint, likely being much further away but it was present, but the fact she could smell it so far away meant there could be no small quantity of it. Perhaps it’d be better to meet up with her fellows before pressing onwards.

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This

Julene was quiet as the two explained themselves, grip on her blade not faltering for a moment.

“I can stand on my own, fake nun.” She’d say after a few seconds, though it soon turned into a fit of coughing, as she’d point her blade to the ground, impaling it into the earth and using it to help her do it. “I don’t buy a word of what ye said, but…well, I don’t think you’re here to harm us at least.” She’d wheeze a bit, taking a few lungfuls of air. “Sorry about the poor welcome…urgh, but I can’t be too careful about vagrants like you two.” She’d, perhaps through sheer force of pride and her desire not to show weakness, managed to stand back up, face still covered in soot.

“...I can let ya both stay at my place if you need a place to lay your head for a bit. Ain’t big, but I got space for a few extras just in case.” A frown, glancing towards Giselle. “I dunno what you’re talking about. Ain’t no civilization that can exist out here…all people here can do is survive. Ain't no gods either.” She’d narrow her eyes at Akyasha. “Except beasts and evil things claiming to be one. We don’t need either here.”

Pirates End -> Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

“Fair winds and safe travels, Captain. Remember - the Violet Witch rewards loyalty.” With that, the Maid would fall silent, watchin Fellborn leave, heading north towards the river that she had indicated. As he left, she would soon as well, disappearing into the forests in the opposite direction.

She had a report to make.

Argus would make his way across the rocky shoreline, eventually finding his way to the aforementioned river not long after parting ways with Cynthia and a forest. Following it upstream was a trifling task, with the ability to see in this lightless world the beasts that would have beset most travelers were wary, scurrying around just in the shadows deeper in the forest. Aside from a few hounds and similar beasts and having to cross to the rivers opposite shoreline to get up a particularly large waterfall, it was an uneventful trip.

This did however, put him on the opposite side of the village mentioned as well as in the middle of a forest. It had become much thicker now, with the few bits of foliage that remained on the trees obscuring the lightless sky and their twisted branches and roots making it not the easiest of places to traverse.

It was curious then, that the Vampire would catch campfire light in the distance. While he could now see some ramshackle buildings across the river where the village would be, this person was both across the river and a fair distance away from it still.

Creeping up to see who they were, would reveal a single human. It was difficult to tell much of their appearance beyond their short, brown hair, pale skin and somewhat long, thin fingers for it was obscured by a thick, heavy cloak around their shoulders. They were seemingly writing in a book of some sort, hunched over a small desk as a cauldron bubbled away over a campfire. Didn’t smell like food. A number of glass vials and if he was a learned man he’d recognize other alchemical equipment sitting on it. Oddly though, there did not seem to be anything in the way of a shelter. Perhaps they didn’t intend to stay long.

They didn’t seem to have noticed Argus…and perhaps it’d be best he didn’t engage whoever this was. Something about this traveler would make him uneasy.

On one hand, the skeletons were proving easy enough to deal with.

On the other...

"Ahahah, Looks worse then Lord Autmere does." Cecil laughed to herself, before shaking her head. Focus, she had to focus. Thankfully though, that hulking monstrosity might have its size...but it made it a much easier, much bigger target to hit. "Alright big guy, lets see how well you stay put together." Fill it full of enough holes, use wind to rip and tear at its flesh, it could be easily done.

First, cripple that arm of its.

Another wind burst arrow, this time aimed for the things shoulder that was carrying the hammer. It was followed by deftly knocking a few normal arrows, towards its legs, hoping to slow it down even slightly.

The man from Barukstaed
@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@Creative Chaos

As Steffen rushed towards the Barukstaedian, the hulking mass of a man seemed to make a calculated movement himself. After all, if he had no weapons, then he was going to have to get close. Real close. Which meant a large two handed axe wouldn't be all that useful in such close quarters if he got past it. He made a movement that made it seemed like he was going to strike, but the sound of metal grinding and the catching of his axe on something caused a moment of bemusement as the blade did not move - leaving him right open to a flurry of punches from Steffen.

"Guh-" the man grunted, impact after impact swiftly being delivered to his armor. The runic armor taking the brunt of each blow more than most armors could. He struggled only briefly with freeing his axe, before deciding that he had enough of Steffen. Releasing the axe with one hand, he'd deliver his own blow right to Steffen's face with a left hook in the moment the Ingvarr also struck, the force momentarily dazing the Ingvar. This was followed by him grasping the axe again with both hands, twisting it and managing to unhook it from Flueri's lockdown.

He'd follow it up with a step forward, a knee aimed towards Flueri's midsection, and a horizontal swing with the axe, its runes glowing with arcane might.
Nids End

The elves were busy carousing, one was dancing a rather entrancing, flowing dance around the flames and Sarah was busy regaling the elves of the tale of some far off battle with a demon. A ferocious battle, where all she had was the great shield she was carrying, and the well wishing and training of her teacher that left shortly before.

She was mid sentence when Luna returned with Sucaria.

“Oh? By all means, having someone else familiar with these lands telling stories would be appreciated!” Sarah replied with a friendly grin. “Come on, you start then. I can finish mine later.” Sucaria would stand pensively next to Luna, seemingly still uncomfortable but acquiescing to Luna’s commands. Curiously the cyclopean fomorian could be caught casting a few glances towards the maid, but he didn’t seem to say much or do anything aside from join the elves in their carousing, challenging a few of the elves to arm wrestling contests or other shows of strength.

Eventually though, as the night wore on the elves would turn in one by one. Sarah was completely smashed by the end of the night as they say, and had at various points in the festivities ended up leaning and falling on Luna, earning more than a few cool glares from the maid before said maid also helped carrying her off to her tent to prevent further incidents.

It was in the middle of the night, after Luna and everyone had fallen asleep would Luna be woken by a somewhat familiar voice.

“Oi, human. Get up.” It was the fomorian. He was leaning against a rock wall, seemingly sharpening a few sticks of large pieces of wood into spears. “I’ll smack ye if I have too, on yer feet. That maid of yours needs some help.” He’d gruffly reply. “Elder Beast out there’s being ornery tonight. Her fomor blood is listening.”

It was true, Sucaria didn’t seem to be anywhere. Up on the hill at the top of the rocky shoreline she could see little motes of yellowish light over it.

Hjrelskins Fall, Forest
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

Elnith deftly avoided the slow, cumbersome tree, having been a distance from it to start with made it easy for her to avoid most of the blow as she’d avoid the hefty blow. Lugh fared slightly worse, being knocked on his feet from the impact and tumbling across the ground a bit…and giving the little Unseelie the perfect opportunity to swarm him.

“Aw, they wanna be new friends!”


“Cut and prune the flowers~”

“Until they are done~”

Lugh growled, quickly rolling along the ground, avoiding one of the creature's claws and jumping to his feet, but one leaped into the air and latched around his head and neck, proceeding to viciously claw and rip at his hair and head. The tree would slowly try setting up from where it had fallen - only for Luana to grab it with her hands and proceed to well, quite effectively peck it.

“Ah~ah! Oh that tickles!” The tree giggled as Luana’s head viciously began hollowing a hole in the tree’s bark. “Oh, but…I don’t think its ready! I’m a tree! Still a tree! Can’t be something else!” Luana would feel the branches wrap around her, swiftly yanking her off of the tree and tossing her away, and towards a group of the ravenous little plants.

There was however, now a fairly deep, sizable hole in the tree’s bark. Green sap was leaking from its body now, and the tree would turn its attention towards Ethelred and Elnith, the initial crack had almost completely extended from the creatures base to its top, along with the hole, the thing was nearly falling apart. Some of the things roots were still trying to pry itself apart, for some reason, but it also had significantly slowed down.

“No you don’t!” Elnith swung her sword, the blade bonking the one trying to get Lugh off and sending it to the ground, earning a huff from the youth and a thankful nod. His face was pretty badly scratched, but otherwise he seemed fine. “Any ideas, Ethelred?”

“I’ll carry an axe next time.” Lugh commented, readying his own weapon. They likely needed to finish this fairly quick or find a way to deal with the small pixies before they were overwhelmed entirely.

Queens Quarters

“Okyaaa?!” The little fairy immediately did a 180, wings fluttering in a panic as she’d shout in surprise, somehow, having been completely oblivious to Fio. She initially seemed like she was ready to bolt, but upon seeing the diminutive witch, the Fairy's posture relaxed slightly, a look of mild annoyance forming on her face before her mouth turned upwards into a grin.

“Ahaha, its a human child.” She’d laugh. “A teeny tiny itsy bitsy human child! Ahaha, like I’m scared of a pint sized child that’s barely bigger than me!” The pixie derisively cackled. “For annoying me, I’ll guess I’ll curse you instead!”

The pixie raised her warped, twisted hand. She was certainly building up magic, though Fio couldn’t say what for. In fact, she could barely detect any magic at all! Was it because the fairy was too powerful for her to feel? No, in fact, it was quite the opposite.

This fairy, was so incredibly weak she’d barely be a threat to anyone. The curse would probably be an inconvenience at best for a few minutes, whatever it was if she was allowed to finish.

I'm going to just say upfront, your response comes off as quite rude and makes you seem like a jerk here.

The fact of whether I wanted or expected someone to app a demon or not is irrelevant. (Quite the opposite, I was really hoping someone would, which is why I'm particular about them getting it right.) Ignoring the fact it seems like you didn't even read the basic demonic rules, I gave you clear cut reasons on why the idea you presented as it is, did not quite work out so well. She does not work well as a blood demon, and would work much better as an Eye demon - ones known for being insectoid and not having any tendencies other than making deals like your classical demons and pursuit of magical knowledge. Whelps and Demon Beasts are the animals, so she needs to be a high demon. I gave you ideas and potential ways the idea could work but instead of trying to work the idea out, you simply dismiss the critique in bad faith.

The fact you read malice and negativity where there was intended to be none and completely ignored what I did say tells me quite a bit about you, and more than enough for me to know this RP is not a good fit for you. I could go into more detail here, but as it stands, I'm going to simply tell you that this RP is simply not for you and to kindly leave.

I do wish you luck in your future endeavors and RPs.
13.000 hours
@Pyromania99@Click This@AzureKnight

“Oh goodness, a saint? I do believe you’re exaggerating, you flatterer.” Viatrix responded with a light giggle. “Come along you two, now. I won’t have Myrilla shouting at me if you have a little hair on your head singed off.” Viatrix knelt down, putting her arms around Akantha and holding her. “And you, little one, will be just fine.”

“...Uhm…yes, I’ll be fine…” The girl responded quietly, glancing towards Lucrecia and Polina, seeming a bit uncertain but would ultimately allow herself to be carried off. Lyssa offered everyone present a slightly impish smile and a wave bye before heading off after Viatrix.

“Da, that mission could have gone much worse, I think.” As Viatrix left, Leoniya would walk up to the trio. “Good work you three, especially you two.” She’d say, giving Polina a friendly, somewhat rough pat on her back. “...its a shame about the forward team, but not much we can do aside from cleanup and move on. Anyone want a drink? I was planning on helping out in the kitchen for some food on the way back to the Maison.”

“Mhm…Leoniya. You three.” The sleepy voice of Bernadette was next to make herself known. “Comms units are fixed-”

“Ah, Bernadette! Perfect timing!” Leoniya immediately grabbed the small girl by the shoulders. Bernadette’s expression was unimpressed, to say the least. “We’re just about to all head to the galley to celebrate! I’m going to make my signature Stroganoff!”

“...drowning it in alcohol is not cooking.”

“Nonsense. Everyone loves it!” Leoniya was now dragging Bernadette off. She looked at the other three, a somewhat pleading if sleepy expression.

Well, they had a few hours before they arrived back at the Maison later tonight. Maybe they could join Leoniya or save Bernadette from a fate she did not seem interested in. Viatrix would probably have Lyssa and Akantha both out of the infirmary soon enough to join them in whatever it was they wanted to do on their way back.

@AThousandCurses@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

It seemed though, unless she wanted harm to befall her current employer, it would be best to intervene in some manner. Now, she could do as Elastasia did and simply politely inform him that holding onto a holy hand grenade bird was a bad idea, but on the other hand, that wouldn't be quite as entertaining and there was a chance he would neither hear nor heed those words. So she needed to make him drop it.

"Lord Reginald." She'd simply say in order to get his attention. "Hold this for me, yes?" And then promptly grabbed the Axolotl like creature she had in her grasp, and threw it right at Reginald. A totally flawless plan that would certainly get him to drop the bird before anything bad happened. The animal flew through the air with a dopey smile as though it was enjoying the freedom of flying through the air.

With her other hand, she'd press the kitten a bit harder against her chest, didn't want it getting free and squirming about either.

Alright so

Overall, the concept is...mhm, fine. A weak demon that was about to be sealed, begged to work for the maids instead.

That said, there's a number of things in this idea that don't really work.

Lets start with the classifications. Perhaps I could have explained this better, but anything below 'High Demon' level is often little more than an animal. Demon Beasts are basically the animals of the demon realms. Little intelligence, but can be tamed by demons or summoned by particularly powerful mages. Whelps, are going to be even weaker with even less intelligence and sentience. They're basically krill, plankton, small slugs you find on the underside of a rock. Such beasts aren't worth sealing because they are far too numerous. It'd be like trying to cage every animal on five different earths if they did it. Easier to just kill them and let their souls return to Naraheim or purify them rather easily with a holy weapon.

Not that they can't get powerful - that's why and how Devil Beasts exists. Such creatures that lived for awhile and were able to essentially self-evolve.

Basically, she needs to be a High Demon.

Now, secondly, blood demons if I had to describe them are the embodiment of Lust, Wrath, Slothfulness and Greed. Basically every single negative human emotion wrapped up into one tightly wound choleric, irritable and angry bundle. That is to say, there is not a single blood demon that would be cowardly. Its basically hardcoded into their entire being to be violent murder happy human-eating psychos. You want a demon that is cowardly and shy, or at least appears to be - those would be your Tear Demons. These demons would happily fight to their own death just to prove a point even if they knew they were likely to get beaten to a bloody pulp unless the power difference were just too great. Like say, a High Demon trying to fight a Primarch. Not a single high demon would dare.

Thirdly, Blood Demons magic is entirely destructive. It Explodes, burns, slices, cuts, destroys, vaporizes, etc. It can take many forms - such as these bloody butterflies, but as it stands I'm gonna need more info on what it does if I'm to approve it for the previous reasons as it needs to embody 'pure and unfiltered violence and destruction' in some way. Perhaps her blood itself is the weapon and its extremely corrosive or toxic. Perhaps her blood just causes things to rot.

Lastly, a minor thing is and perhaps I also left it open to too much interpretation is that blood demons tend to be Animalistic in appearance. That is to say, vertebrates. Wolves, bears, elephants, cats, dogs, lions, tigers, penguins, birds. Something like a Butterfly would be better suited as an Eye Demon, as they are specifically noted to be insectoid in appearance.

I think a good bit of the problems could be dealt with if she was an Eye Demon. They would have no qualms about fleeing instead of fighting to preserve their life, and a butterfly would fit here better. You'd just need to change her abilities a bit to fit in line with the Eye Demons lust and penchant for magic and knowledge.

Heyo sorry it took me awhile! I work eleven hour shifts on thursdays so I don't have a lot of free time.

As for your request - I certainly wouldn't mind someone trying. Just keep in mind the lore related bits about them and likely you'll have to keep it under wraps from the other players in character.

As well, I'd like to know what idea you have for them first and just to make sure you understand - demons are not just another fantasy race here. They're bad. The antithesis to most mortal life in some fashion. Not that they're evil, just that generally speaking their motivations and desires are beyond what most humans find digestible and I'd like someone to be able to play those nuances well. As while a demon is definitely going to be a callous slightly murdery and maybe human eating bad guy, there's more to them then just that.
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