Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

As Dragan approached, the beast started growling, struggling against its chains snarling at the vampire as he approached, trying its best to claw and bite at the vampire, but its muzzle and bindings held fast. Whoever bound the creature up, certainly knew what they were doing in that regard it seemed, and so the blood spike formed…and was impaled right in the beasts still beating heart.

The beast let out a gurgled, pained howl as it’d continue to weakly struggle as Dragan left. Soon though, as it’d raise a shackled claw towards the vampire, its body would fall completely limp, death claiming the beast.

There was nothing really else of note in the room aside from what had already been gleaned. For now though, it seemed the small crisis was over with and they were safe enough to return to Giles and maybe see how Akyasha and Giselle fared above ground.

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This

“A girl that wanted to survive.” Julene spat back towards Akyasha. “And…not sit on her arse while the others cower in fear.” The blacksmith held onto Giselle, her legs weak and strength drained from the fighting and inhaling a bit too much smoke to stand easily. “Aye, we should-” A series of sputtering coughs followed. “-but before that,” As weak as she was, she promptly pointed her blade towards Giselle and Akyasha both, glaring at the two of them.

“I thank ye both for helping me and the village.” The human suppressed a cough. “I want answers. What the bloody five hells are you and,” A cough, but the grip on her blade held tightly. “I saw the way you fought, fake holy woman. No way you and this one are normal humans.”

Well, it wasn’t like Julene could do anything to the two of them, even if she wasn’t currently injured and winded but it was hard to tell if she was planning anything or had some other trick up her sleeves.

“What are you…and what are you here for?” She’d narrow her eyes, messy hair swaying gently in a breeze, the blade shifting slightly in her hands to point tip pointed right at Akyasha’s neck. “I ain’t no fool so don’t play me for one either.”

One of Akyasha’s blood bats landed on her shoulder, hissing at Julene in an irritable manner.

“Hurt me. Fun, but hurt. Smashed against wall. Can eat?”

The other one that had become Giselle’s friend took a position on her shoulder too this time instead of her head. Though, from the fact it was rubbing its head against her cheek now like some sort of impish feline it remained to be seen if this was an improvement.

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

“You have my thanks.” The maid replied with a tired nod of her head. Getting to shore was fairly easy. The undead seemed to settle down, vanishing back into their watery grave as the vampire carried his ward across the ships and towards the shoreline. Cynthia remained quiet as she was carried up until they had finally arrived at their destination, atop the sheer cliffs overlooking the now calm sea below.

“Here, put me down.” Cynthia would say, and whether he did or not she’d swiftly leap out of his grip either way, seemingly tired still, not no longer unsteady on her feet. “I must say, I’m quite impressed. Mhm, perhaps if I had my fellow Maids or a handful more vampire lords we could have given that thing a thorough walloping and send it back to its terrible sleep.”

She’d rub the eye she had used to gaze at the beast with, but otherwise made no mention of whatever it was she did.

“...Your destination is that way.” She’d point in a vaguely northerly direction. “A river that leads out into the ocean. Follow it to the east and you’ll arrive at that village. You should be fine on your own, now and it's better if we split ways to avoid any suspicion.” She’d pull a small charm from the pockets of her maid dress. “...normally I’d say I’ll come find you, but here,” The charm was in the shape of some sort of religious icon, though it afforded no discomfort to the vampire. A blooming violet, whose stem turned into a blade while the crossguard seemed to form scales upon which to weigh something. “If you need my assistance or wish to speak about our deal, I shall come as soon as I am able…or if it's particularly urgent I may ask a favor of my colleagues.”

"...You guys worry to much." Cecil idly commented. Perhaps it could be said she worried too little about things like this, but Serenity could handle herself, and what were they going to do? Waste time and let these conspirators do whatever it was they set out to do? "I'll buy ya a drink when we all get back, Serenity." She'd offer the knight a cheeky smile and a friendly salute as she'd follow off after the others, forming up as the captain had told her to.

It was little surprise more undead awaited them in the crypts.

"Well at least we don't have to worry about the smell of a rotting corpse." Cecil immediately knocked a few arrows, but there was on thing her keen eyes had spotted and she was definitely not going to let go so easily. Her goal was obvious. Arrows wouldn't do to terribly much against skeletons as a whole aside from some well placed blunt force wind trauma or smash them against the walls, but she could definitely make it easier for the others and rattle whatever it was following the skeletons.

"Shael - Windburst!"

The twang of the bowstring. The whizzing of the arrow through the air. Aimed towards a skeleton towards the back, as soon as the arrow impaled its skull the arrow would explode in a flurry of wind, hopefully knocking or at least making the skeletons movements difficult for a few moments so the others could take care of them...and also distract whatever it was that was sneaking up in the back.

The man from Barukstaed
@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@Creative Chaos

A swing and a miss.

The axe missed Steffan by just a hairs breadth, the head of the weapon slamming into the floor again, another smoking crater being left behind where the knight had been previously. Rocks and earthen debris were flung from the crater, dust and smoke clouding the air from the impact. Immediately following the miss, however, the large warrior wasted no time in following through. The mans grip loosened on the axe, a single hand moving towards the very end of the weapons haft and swiftly turning to his right. As Flerui's blade found its mark, the cleric would suddenly find his head ringing as the axe was swung around in a wide arc, just clipping his helm.

This would put Vier in a somewhat favorable position on his left side, aiming to slice the mans unoccupied left wrist. The runed warrior, shifting his stance slightly would move his feet back to steady his stance, easily avoiding Vier's strike and instead bringing his own fist down on the other mans head, shoving him out of range before taking a few steps back, assessing the situation now.

And thus, his eyes fell on Steffan and his taunt.

"...Humph." An irritable grunt followed as he pulled his axe back into his hands...but he had a job to do. He wasn't to let these three past. That was his job, and that's what he was going to do. Instead of moving from his position blocking the path down, he'd merely glare at Steffan.

Exhaling, the large warrior would choose not to engage Steffan immediately again and instead heft his axe, giving a nod with his head, with a very clear understanding of "You come over here." If Fflueri's strike was bothering him, he didn't show it.
Nids End

Sarah shrugged, allowing Luna to head off with her maid as she’d run back over to the other group of elves, giving a friendly toast to what she was now calling a ‘victory’ on her end that Luna could very clearly hear her bragging about. The elf was certainly…embellishing the events of the duel just slightly.

“Yes.” Sucaria replied simply, motioning for Luna to sit in front of her. The half Fomorian would pull a small box full of a fragrant herbal paste from her satchel of supplies. She’d place it near her, before grabbing Luna’s hair and pulling it back, tying it into a braid and keeping any errant strands from her forehead. “I can’t…explain it. Well.” She’d lather up her hands in the herbal remedy, gently starting to massage Luna’s forehead. “Don’t want to…tire you.”

The decision seemed to be left up to Luna, as it stood, though it seemed Sucaria was still feeling uneasy; she didn’t want to make Luna travel just because she was feeling a bit ill.

Hjrelskins Fall, Forest
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

The branches coiled around Ethelred. Breaking them once frozen, was not terribly difficult with his own strength and a helping hand from Elnith’s own blade. The Black Knight used her blade to keep more branches off Ethelred, cutting them with the range her weapon had as the Frozen Knight impaled his lance into the ground.

The tree jerked to a halt, its roots frozen and impaled in place, while Luana had successfully managed to sink her claws into its bark…its…surprisingly fleshy feeling bark. Lugh wasn’t far behind, having chased after the tree, using his superior agility to run a bit of the ways up its trunk, trying to slash more of the branches that were trying to widen the crack in its trunk.


Words. Coming from the tree. Understandable, this time.

“Tree. Yes. I’m a tree now. A pretty little tree!” Laughter, the bark rumbling as Lugh lost his grip on his footholds, jumping away from the creature as it pulled harder, bark creaking and cracking as it ripped itself more and more. Lugh landed on the ground, taking a few quick steps back.

“Do you want to be a tree too? We’ll be such good friends. A lovely little wintry tree~” The tree would state. The party would become quite aware that now there were about two dozen or so of those small, plant-like imp things that had now surrounded them, watching them from various places from the trees, to the underbrush. It stopped pulling now, and instead, seeing that escape was going to be more trouble than it was worth, immediately turned around and lunged at the group, using its mighty weight to simply try and crush the four combatants.

Airedale Forests

“Hmph, I was in fact, heading there myself. I don’t need a babysitter, though.” She replied with a dismissive huff, though it’d quickly turn into a mildly embarrassed seeming sigh. “...Raella. Raella Norinth. Student of the Great Witch Morgan. If I am to go with you, you shall show me the proper respect I am afforded.” She’d grip her staff a bit tightly before giving another humph and starting to walk off towards Airedale.

“Also I can find lodgings myself! I don’t need any help don’t even think I do!” She’d say quickly…there was probably a story behind that, but she didn’t seem like she wanted to share given how quickly she was running off. "...but you could point me in the direction of the keep I have business in the castle!"

Queens Quarters

While it could be said that she had indeed, muffled her voice, there was an audible ‘pfft’ noise from Vyrell as he went about cleaning up the room and he was for some reason, making sure to keep his back to Fio for a few moments before he’d finally turn back around wearing a smile full of levity.

“Well, while I can’t say what she is up to, Fio,” He’d say. “I can see that you’re fairly tired from that. I’ll leave you be for now, I’m sure the queen won’t mind you staying in here for a bit. Maybe she’ll be embarrassed enough not to pull a stunt like this again anytime soon.” Vyrell offered her a small smile as he finished up doing some small bits of cleaning. “If there’s nothing you want to report to me, though, I must get back to my own duties. With her highness gone I need to make sure no one else stumbles in here…haa…”

Assuming Fio didn’t stop him, he’d do just that, allowing Fio to stay in the Queens quarters for now.

The luxurious room was likely the largest bedroom in the keep, as expected. Shelves full of books. Many of the Queens belongings were within easy reach, if she was perhaps to be curious about it…but surely Fio wouldn’t be the snooping type. As the time drug on though, she’d find the room fairly peaceful, perfect for taking a nap in. In fact the bed was extremely comfortable. Unreasonably so almost.

At least until she’d become aware of a small fairy fluttering in through the balcony.

“Whew, finally managed to get away from that cat. Ugh, dumb feline…” The fairy grumbled. “Hmm…so this is that Queens room, huh? Pfft, what kinda queen leaves her trash all over the place…” The fairy, not seeing Fio, fluttered over to the small pile of plates and began observing the rest of the mess in the room. “Is she so poor she doesn’t have servants? Or maybe she just likes living in a trash pile…trash queen? Ahaha, she’s a trash queen of garbage, ahahah~! Ohoho, maybe I should do a little prank…”

12.000 hours
@Pyromania99@Click This@AzureKnight

Lyssa jumped, body going stiff and giving a little squeal as she’d feel Katherine’s hand smack her butt.

“Nyep-Hey save that kinda stuff for the bedroom.” She’d giggle a bit, a coy smile given towards Katherine. “Oooor bribe me with something sweet and cold if you wanna do that sorta thing in public.” She’d rub her butt just a bit where she was smacked before turning towards her would be assailant. “So kitty cat, what’s your name and are we gonna get a room oooor are you just gonna leave me hanging?”

The small girl in the red dress responded with a frown, glancing warily towards Lyssa and Katherine before looking up at Polina and Lucrecia.

“...I-I…uhm…y-yes…” She’d quietly reply. “A-akantha…my name. Akantha…”

“My my, aren’t you all quite rowdy this evening.” A voice, familiar to the maids would interrupt their conversation as the resident nurse and long range fighter would make herself available, stepping out of the ships lower deck and onto the main deck. “Hmm…oh, it seems we have a new guest, too.” The white haired maid offered Akantha a smile. “Lyssa, I believe your mother requested a checkup by me before anything else, yes?”

“Aww, but I wanna do other things.” She’d pout.

“Not until I check you for injuries.” Viatrix grabbed the pink haired maid by the wrist. “Is the little one in need of some medical attention as well?” She’d ask Polina and Lucrecia.
Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

Running into the building that had the door violently ripped open from the inside - it became clear this wasn’t just your average building. Bookshelves lined the walls, and a number of instruments of alchemical and scientific nature had been scattered on the floor. Ripped pages from books. Medical diagrams that showed of all things, what seemed to be dissected beasts.

Aleksiya, peeking inside and following just behind Dragan would notice a bit more than he would have. A few pages referencing the source of these creatures. Something about humans and beasts both being warped by something further in the forest - possibly a vampire being the cause of it.

More, was research about various notable vampire lords, but the pages were ruined, caked with blood and torn in some areas. The only notable thing she could make out ‘The forest is likely where one fell, but who, I can’t say.’

Dragan, rushing in and heading further back, would see a second room full of cages.

All had been opened, some smashed open…but in some were carcasses of beasts from above, but he wouldn’t be able to observe the room for much longer. In the room was a large, beastly looking creature pinned to the floor. Thick, heavy chains were keeping it locked down, stakes drove into its claws and arms in several places were keeping its arms locked to the ground, with similar treatment for its legs. Its head had a large, thick shackled collar around its neck.

Part of its back had been surgically tore open, revealing its bone structure as well as its beating heart and other still functioning organs.

A blindfold over its eyes, a nose that had been stitched shut, ears plugged with spikes, mouth muzzled and gagged. It hadn’t noticed him yet, but no doubt it would notice him if he got closer.

Behind it, off to the side seemed to be a small ladder leading upwards to the surface. A hole had been dug, quite recently.

Well, they had found the source of the beasts.

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This

“Damn it, the only other door…” Well, she had boarded it up. Didn’t want anyone else escaping. A perhaps reckless and short sighted decision in the end. Had she been over confident? Julene’s expression softened only somewhat as the smoke became thicker, the crackling of fire filling her ears. Well…perhaps this was fitting in the end.

“What’s the matter, creature?” She’d say to the gorebat as it’d chitter in an annoyed fashion. “Shoo or you’ll get burned, too-ah?” The bat forcefully grabbed her head, turning it in the direction that Akyasha and Giselle were attempting to pry open a hole in the weakened, thin walls of the building.

“...tch, that lady is crazy.” Still, if it was a way out of this alive, then she’d take it. Normally the bolt would probably be too weak to blow a hole in the wall, but if nothing else, it could help. Her head was starting to get dizzy from the smoke inhalation anyways. “Ack-ngh-cough-Move you-cough-!”

She aimed the bolt, and loosed it towards the wall.

Another explosion.

The wall split open, with thankfully Giselles’ reinforcement holding the rest of the wall and building around Julene up just enough for the blow not to bring down the rest of the building down around her. And a hole, just big enough for Julene to be pulled through.

The human fell forwards, crawling on the ground as she’d move towards the hole, the gorebat tugging on her sleeve as she’d soon manage to get through the opening.

“...you…are a crazy woman…but thanks…” Julene sputtered out, needing help standing currently. She was covered in mostly superficial wounds. A few light cuts and scrapes, a few burns and was singed in a few places but she was otherwise mostly fine.

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin



It would leave the captain feeling a bit weakened, but it’d be enough. Fire alighted on the large, makeshift harpoon. It was incomparable in size to the creature that was gazing at them with a heavy, imperious gaze, but it was the only weapon they had for now. As it sailed through the air, Cynthia pulled herself up next to Fellborn.

And slowly, she’d lower just one side of her blindfold, revealing beneath a single eye the color of clearest blue. It lacked any pupil, iris - it was just a completely, blue sphere in her eye socket - but it was only the briefest of glances for the captain, for just as quickly as she had revealed it, she’d recoil in pain, clutching the side of her head.

Whatever she had done, if anything, was not something Argus could see. All he’d see was the result.

As the titanic creature rose its tendril from the sea in order to crush them, the bowspirit slammed into the watery wall that served as its armor, but it did not stop. It pierced through the armor, and right through to what was presumably the beasts flesh. An explosion rocked the beast, sending it swaying to the side, and sending its tendril sinking back into the water as the beast itself closed its eye, a sing-song like voice shuddering with what seemed like pain and annoyance.

“Nngh…I hate to ask this but…land…carry me…” He’d feel Cynthia’s hand on his wrist. “While its stunned. Can’t hurt us there…”

Now why had she gone to a crypt again?

This place was ill-suited for an archer like her, wasn’t it? Cramped hallways, poor vision…but even so, her mind was elsewhere. She had been put in well, not a bad mood but certainly one of mild brooding. Part of her felt relieved at seeing her again, but on the other hand another part of her wished she hadn’t. She wanted to put that whole thing behind her, after all, and getting involved with them again wouldn’t be any good.

“What’s the matter Cecil? Do I need to give you a kiss or something to cheer you up?”

“For once, I’m the one that feels annoyed by such a comment.”

“Tsk, did meeting her really put you in that bad of a mood? You should have stayed behind if it was going to bother you that much.”
“And do what, Shael? Introduce myself as a wanted fugitive and traitor like the rest of my family?”

“What would they do, hm? I’d rip that entire palace to shreds with a storm if they tried to harm a pretty little hair on your head.”

“...you can be surprisingly overprotective sometimes, can’t you?”
“Tsk. You say that like Im the reason you haven’t died an ignoble death yet.”

She didn’t respond, Serenity’s shout pulling the archer from her thoughts. Despite the instructions and the clear, commanding voice of Serenity’s though, Cecil was a bit too late to react. She hadn’t drawn her bow yet, nor even knocked an arrow or even started flinging any spells by the time the others had engaged. She had been far too focused on her own thoughts, distracted and in the following seconds it took her to prepare herself the other undead had swiftly been dealt with.

It was a good thing she had collected herself enough by the time this large, hulking mass of a man appeared wielding what seemed to be an enchanted axe of some sort.

“I’ll help escort the captain further down!” Cecil shouted. Her arrows wouldn’t be particularly effective here, either. Too cramped. Too many people. Still, she could at least help provide some form of distraction for this behemoth of a man and make it a bit easier to push past him.


Steffen engaged the man first, weapons mightily clanging against each other as they made a contest of strength out of it. As Steffen pulled himself back out of retaliatory strike range, the armored man didn’t so much as flinch or allow himself to slow down. With nothing more than a battle cry, he charged towards Steffan, the runic axe glowing with arcane power as it swung towards Steffan.

As it made contact with either his opponent, the ground again, or another blade, a powerful explosion would send anything flying if not outright severely injuring an opponent.

@AThousandCurses@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

Quite the rambunctious critters, weren't they? Unfortunately for them, they could not escape a talented maids quick hands! She may not have had special powers or magic like Elastasia, but she was no less capable! As the critters were funneled towards them, Mella honed in on the more exotic looking ones and went specifically for those. A lizard like creature that vaguely reminded her of an axolotl was easily dealt with after snatching it from the ground before it could slip through Reginalds feet while he...oh, was that some sort of...holy bird or something?

Her eyes lingered on Reginalds prize for a few moments before she'd tear her eyes away.

She had and wanted nothing to do with such things. They'd only just get her in trouble. It was a good thing, then, something else else needed her intervention.

"Humph," As the kitten leapt towards Elastasia, it would instead be finding itself face planting right into Mella's bosom as she put herself between the kitten and the mage. "Its rather impolite to leap at a lady's face." She'd scold the kitten, using a free arm to pin it against her body in case it tried struggling.
12.000 hours
@Pyromania99@Click This@AzureKnight

Being handed a bag of macaron, Lyssa gave a fist pump and a chuckle as she’d snatch it eagerly. The rookie maid would proceed to well, start quickly stuffing her face with the pastries, listening to the exchange between Myrilla and Polina. The pink haired instructor, in turn, merely took a long drag on her cigarette, listening to Polina make her case.

“I should have expected the maid that didn’t know her place was the one I’d have to beat more training into.” She responded gruffly. “You think this was a ‘critical success’? You not only put the whole mission in jeopardy fighting a high demon when you’re mere rookies that could barely fight these common animals.” She’d snarl. “Not only that, you didn’t even manage to save a single member of the recon team aside from Lyssa. And did you even see if you could find anything that happened? No, you just went in shot every demon you saw and didn’t use your bloody brain to figure out-”

“Moooom we get it you were worried about them!”

“Bwehf!?” A quite uncharacteristic choking noise came from Myrilla as she’d cough up cigarette smoke. “L-lyssa?!”

“Ehehe,” Lyssa bounced over, giving Polina a playful wink and a smirk as she hugged her mom, nuzzling the top of her head against the older womans arm. “C’mon, stop being so grouchy. I’m fine! Not a scratch on me! I got some good field time, too! And now I’m just hungry…fighting makes me really hungry, ugh…”

“A-ahem, w-well,” Myrilla, cleared her throat, turning on her heels and walking away from the group. “Lyssa, go have Viatrix give you a checkup. The rest of you…well, you have free time until we return to the Maison. Dismissed!”
Nids End

“...Ah.” Sarah smiled as she’d remove herself from Luna, kneeling on the ground next to her with a small smile. “Thank you, but if I allow you to heal me more, I think the elf you brought along would murder me.”

True as she said, Sucaria, though her face betrayed not much emotion…there was a subtle, small narrowing of her eyes. A glare pointed right towards Sarah as she’d quickly move over, nearly knocking the other elf over as she’d pull Luna to her feet, wrapping her hands around Luna’s arms.

“Lady Luna,” Sucaria quietly began. “...hm…your head really is…hard.” She’d comment, starting to address some bruises on the knights head. “I have some healing salve with me…it should help some.”

“Ahaha, you know what works more?” Sarah smiled, grabbing Luna by the shoulder and dragging her back to the group of elves. “Drink, Dancing, and a bit of storytelling! Come, I’ll tell you about that demon I slew!”

“Lady Luna has had enough of this drink and dancing…we should be returning to Airedale.” Sucaria interjected.

Hjrelskins Fall, Forest
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

Luana’s spear began growing, much like the roots that were trying to bind its owner. Coiling around the tree, attempting to bind it and restrain it with its own roots, entangling and fighting it. This, only slowed it down so much, restraining it just enough for the roots above that had formed into an oddly shaped human fist to be slowed enough for Elnith to deflect the incoming blow, swinging her blade, cutting deep through the wood and severing several small branches and twigs.

In the same instant, Lugh would make a movement to disengage slightly from the tree - only to immediately have his face sprayed with skunk.

“Bweh!? W-wha Luana why!” He’d shout, being distracted just long enough to feel a root wrap around his ankle, pulling him up into the air and promptly aimed to smash the young Tuatha into the ground. Thankfully the youth was a bit more reactive than that, taking a short blade from its sheath and cutting the roots holding him, landing on his feet.
But then, all of a sudden, there was silence.

The tree would briefly cease its movements as the cracking and breaking of wood could be heard. Luana’s spear was trying to hold the tree in place, fighting for control of its own roots while Ethelred was simultaneously trying to split the thing's interior open.

And split, it would.

The trees movements would resume, starting to get more frantic. A heavy grouping of branches struck towards Ethelred, trying to envelop the frozen knight, trying to stop his movement while its second ‘hand’ grabbed a hold of the crack that had formed and started to pull on it, trying to pull the crack wider and further apart.

…and then it tried to, of all things, flee

It ceased using its roots to defend itself, and instead tried to drag itself away from the group of knights, using its roots to pull and drag itself along the ground.

Queens Quarters

Vyrell let Fio vent her frustrations as he’d merely sigh, starting to take note of the absolute messy and chaotic state of the queens bedchambers. The bed itself was a mess. While they were well taken care of, they hadn’t been made and left in a state of disarray. What seemed to be plates of food had been left a bit carelessly out, several books, half read lay open on a desk, and a few training blades had been left where the queen had simply likely used them last. There was also the issue of her common clothes just liberally being laid in a pile, though the more fancy clothing she wore at least were put up neatly in a closet.

“You would think she would be a little more aware of her position.” Vyrell soon would reply with a sigh. “She’s made a habit of disappearing like this if I’m not watching her every five seconds and nothing she deems important is going on.” The knight frowned, glancing out of the open balcony door. “I don’t know if it's trust in us or carelessness on her part. I do not doubt her majesty can take care of herself, but leaving without letting anyone know where she is is rather careless.”

Vyrell started collecting the leftover plates of food.

“If nothing else, I’d like to know what she’s doing.”
Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

“I-I uh…w-well yes okay…! T-thank you!”

Being spoken to at least, seemed to help the villagers regain their senses if only a little. The child with them couldn’t help but to look back at Aleksiya as she was swiftly pulled away by what was presumably her parents as the vampires disappeared further into the tunnels, the sounds of the vampires swift assault soon echoing through the cavern system…

Dragan’s hammer tore into the undead attempting to breach a barricaded house, smashing the skull of an antlered beast and sending it to the ground. Retaliation was slow, as it’d attempt scrambling back to its feet, only to them have the undead beast slam into the crowd from the side again, completely clearing them from the barricade and scattering them in the confusion. The undead beast tore into the other creatures, biting, clawing, ripping and tearing.

A particularly large beast lunged towards Dragan, attempting to knock him over with its size.

Aleksiya wasn’t far behind. Dragan’s magic worked to resurrect the fallen villagers as zombies, the beasts that had been feasting on them were in quite for the nasty surprise as the corpses began clawing and biting, ripping and tearing back. It was a gruesome, macabre sight as the beasts still in a feeding frenzy continued trying to eat and devour the corpses while the zombies themselves did much the same. It was perhaps, a fairly ingenious strategy. Though it’d take quite a lot of focus to raise so much, the beasts, if they did happen to kill one only lessened the burden after quite a fight leaving Dragan able to focus more on his own battle.

The zombies, though, at least had Aleksiya’s magic to hinder the beasts too. Unseen bullets of ice pierced numerous beasts hide and heads, if not killing them outright, making them easy pickings for the zombies.

Now that they were in the area proper, they could see something perhaps a bit odd and out of place.

One of the houses looked as though it had a wooden barricade or door or some such, ripped off from the inside.

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This

The creature’s cannon did not need much charge time it seemed. Only a mere few seconds. As a small orb of light appeared at the end of the canon, Akyasha managed to move out of the way, quickly stepping…and having a bit of help from an unlikely ally. Six shots rang out, all slamming into the undead fishman, throwing its aim off balance.

The canon fired in the same instance Akyasha’s weapon met its face once more. It tried to grab her, but it was too late as it fell back to the ground. A blast of highly dense magical energy launched off into the air as it fell to the ground, it soon exploding into the sky somewhere above.

The beast didn’t move again.

The gorebat atop Giselle’s head chittered grumpily before flicking its ears towards the house and hissing…

Inside the burning building, Julene deflected another blow, but the smoke was growing thicker and the flames had completely engulfed the building now. A swing of her blade, managing to crack open the skull of a nearby undead.

And there was the sound of wings flapping, and a small chitter.

“...A beast!”

Julene quickly turned, brandishing her blade and aiming to attack whatever it was…only to have the Gorebat latch right onto her face and chitter a bit irritably.

“What…the blazes are you!?” She’d shout, grabbing the thing and pulling it off her face before roughly throwing it to the ground. “Tch, some new beastie crawled out of the woodworks…didn’t that weird lady…bah, whatever.”

The gorebat hissed in pain as it slammed into the floor. Oh it didn’t like this human. It was going to complain to Akyasha about this.

Julene made to leave, but something heavy fell to the ground outside, and the ensuing shockwave rattled the building, collapsing the front door of the building.

“Geh, just my luck!”

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

Cynthia hesitated for only a moment, briefly glancing back to the figure looming over the both of them. It truly was gargantuan in size, water draining from the shoreline as though an oncoming tsunami was rushing towards the land as it rose higher and higher into the darkened sky. Ancient shipwrecks clinging to the water as though it was using them for makeshift armor. She’d pry the wooden shrapnel from her shoulder, the wound miraculously closing in seconds as she’d use her free hand to grab hold of the bowspirit.

“Captain Fellborn, on my mark, swing this bowspirit around and hurl it towards the beast and infuse as much of whatever spell you want into it as you can!” Cynthia shouted, deftly pulling herself up onto the bowspirit, running atop it as an expert tightrope walker may.

From the depths of the watery visage, a single, vertical eye opened, dwarfing even a ship in size.

A single melodic, sing-song voice was heard. What could only be another part of the beasts body began rising from the sea next to it.

“Now Fellborn!”
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