Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Nids End

Something in Luna’s psyche was telling her to fight more. To push harder. To burn every ounce of strength she had to defeat this elf in front of her, even if she wasn’t quite aware of it herself.

“Guh-another headbutt-!” Sarah complained, head reeling again from the second impact, likely earning a small concussion now and losing her footing. It was perhaps, quite an inelegant fight that they were having, but the fomorian and elvish spectators seemed to enjoy the spectacle regardless as Luna would lunge towards Sarah, body crashing into hers, the two of them falling to the ground.

Yet, it was not Sarah that would end up pinned.

A swift motion as they fell. Luna would feel Sarah’s hands gripping her armor, pivoting with one of her feet as she’d catch the humans lunge using the momentum to spin them around and slam Luna’s back into the ground.

“My my,” Thus, Luna would end up with Sarah on top of her, straddling the other knight with one hand pressed firmly into the ground next to Luna’s head. “Its rare a human can even match an elvish warrior, let alone even hope to defeat one.” Sarah would say, smiling confidently. “You’re lucky that your head is unusually hard. Shall we consider this a draw, Miss Luna?”

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

And smack into the trunk it would.

A solid, wooden thunk as the wooden implement impaled itself on the trunk as Ethelred soon followed, driving his lance into the base of the tree, ice blooming from the wound. Elnith followed suit, the crimson blade shimmering as she’d swing horizontally, space warping and distorting along the length of the tree before it sharply snapped back into place.

It seemed to have some effect. The sound of wood cracking and twisting as a large crack appeared in the trees bark, starting at where Ethelred had impaled it with his lance and all the way up to where Luana’s spear had embedded itself in the side of the tree.

“...Ah! Wait! Everyone move!” Lugh shouted, forgetting that Luana was ear plugged.

A sickly sweet smell emanated from the crack, making all present feel tired and sluggish…and then the tree moved. The branches above twisted and swayed in the wind, the ground beneath them rumbling as earth was ripped beneath their feet, malignant roots whipping from the ground and lashing out towards Luana and Ethelred. Some would wrap around Ethelreds’ torso, though they’d quickly freeze. Another root would grab hold of Luana’s ankle, more quickly aiming towards her.

The branches above twisted and turned, almost taking the shape of a wooden hands as a group would attempt to slam itself into Elnith.

The singing was getting louder. Urgent. Gleeful sounding as the groups strength seemed to slowly be sapped by the music and whatever scent was coming from within the tree.

Airedale Prison

“...was I just…ignored…” Cethlann seemed particularly offended by that, falling silent as Vyrell offered Fio the spare change of clothes while she’d get dressed. The fomorian would earn a cold glare from Vyrell, who’d pull out some spare strips of cloth. He’d walk over to their prisoner just as Fio would start to leave. “Sad, leaving so soon miss witch? Careful you don’t get mud on your clothes on the way out migh-” Cethlann would say as Vyrell started gagging her again, cutting off whatever other words she was going to say as they’d soon be muffled from the cloth.

As the pair would leave the prison, Vyrell would offer Fio a small cup of tea after having apparently asked a servant to prepare some for later, escorting her up to the queens chamber and knocking on the door.

Only to receive no response.

“...My lady? Queen Sorcha?” Another knock from Vyrell. After receiving another few long seconds of silence, Vyrell tossed open the door to an empty, if somewhat still messy room. A balcony on the other side of the room had its doors slightly ajar, but a quick check would also soon reveal no sign of the Queen either.

“...She’s…not here.” Vyrell frowned. “...once that gluttonous, lazy, fool returns…” Vyrell held onto one of the bed posts, knuckles going white as he’d mumble some other not so nice things that he would do to the queen, like burying her in paper work or making her clean up her room by herself.

“I apologize Fio. it seems her majesty is currently out of the building and has not informed anyone.” Vyrell would turn back to the mage after a few seconds of regaining his composure. “I’ll take full responsibility as her personal attendant for losing her.”
12.000 hours

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Ahaha, luck didn’t have anything to do with it.” Lyssa replied with a giggle, with a somewhat dopey, happy smile as she detached herself from Lucrecia, managing to stand mostly on her own and didn’t seem too bothered by what was likely a few broken bones now. “They just couldn’t handle my cuteness-ah, Macarons~!”

She’d gratefully take the treat, smile never fading as she’d proceed to completely ignore Polina’s instruction about not eating them all at once, stuffing one in her mouth and nearly eating the whole thing in a single bite.

“Eheh, oh, I almost didn’t see the cute little girl.” Lyssa said, walking around Polina to look at the girl clinging to her back. “Oh, I think I saw her earlier…she was running with her family. Hey hey, little girl, its okay you’re all safe now.” The girl was none too enthused, burying her head in Polina’s back and ignoring the pink haired maid.

She otherwise seemed fine, aside from trauma she’d likely need to work through after this.

“Eeeh….I think I’m scaring her.” Though Lyssa seemed to do nothing but laugh about that, nibbling on another Macaron as she’d walk up to Lucrecia and proceed to present her with a few out of her own bag. If Lucrecia would let her, Lyssa would proceed to feed the other maid the sweet.

Regardless though, it was likely a good idea for the trio to make it back to camp sooner rather than later. They had the only survivor of the forward operating unit and the rest of the maids would likely be sent in to help with cleanup, along with certain members of the church.

@Pyromania99@Click This@AzureKnight

“I’m of the same opinion, Katherine.” Leoniya replied to the fellow maid, earning a chuckle from Sir S.

“Well, then with your permission I shall be off.” He’d bow, a deep, formal bow. “We shall likely run into each other again at some point, do stay safe until then.” And with that, he’d walk away from the pair, off into the distance before disappearing behind some rubble not to far away. Thankfully Leoniya and Katherine would not have to wait too long for the others to show up. Now that the main demonic threats had been taken care of, there was nothing left to do except make sure the LZ was secure and wait for extraction.

Lyssa would spend the time tending to her wounds and eating the rest of the macarons. Leoniya repaired her tank, and the little girl mostly kept to herself, though seemed to avoid Lyssa and cling close to Polina. After an hour or so of getting the radios back up and working from Bernadette, the maids would find themselves receiving extraction orders as another squad would be soon arriving to secure the area now that the place had been mostly taken care of.

The Clemantis would land just on the outskirts of town, just on the eastern end near the evac zone. Lyssa wasted no time in running ahead of the others, seemingly totally fine now from her injuries as she’d bound up the gangplank, quickly arriving on the deck of the airship.

“Mom~!” A certain foul tempered maid was there to greet them - and was giving all of them a glare as they arrived, but her stern visage was soon shattered by the sight of her daughter it seemed who proceeded to just…tackle her, burying her face in Myrilla’s chest and wrapping her in a tight hug.

“Bweh-lyssa!” Myrilla coughed, her cigarette falling to the ships deck. “Not while on duty!” She’d hiss, though she couldn't help but to sigh and soften her voice a little. “I was worried sick, you know. Are you hurt?”

“Nope. A demon smacked me around a bit but its all dead now and I’ve had worse during training.” She’d giggle in response, pulling away from the hug.

“Good, good…” Her stern visage returned, looking at the other maids that had returned. Leoniya, Polina, Lucrecia and Katherine. “...I’m assuming there were no other survivors from the squad?” Lyssa walked back over to Polina, giving her a somewhat expectant look. “...actually, before that. Just who in their right minds,” Myrilla interjected before either could answer. “Thought it was a tactically sound decision, to draw every single demon in the vicinity to the Landing Zone!? Do you have any idea how foolish and stupid that was? You’re lucky you didn’t end up as that High Demons plaything for eternity!” She’d snarl.

“Got any more? Please? I’ll give you hugs…or something else!” Lyssa whispered to Polina, a somewhat sly smile painted on her lips.

The little girl was clinging to Polina’s legs now, trying to hide from the others. Leoniya was directing some other maids onto the ground.

@AThousandCurses@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

Wait, this was...oh, she recognized this klutz now. One of the capture targets, wasn't he? Mella frowned, just slightly, as she'd consider the implication of this. Was the heroine near? She'd place her hands in front of her, folding them together as she'd behave a bit more maid like both in front of Lord Reginald and...oh dear, was that Elastasia? An interesting development. Terys and Elastasia. What were they doing here? She didn't remember an event like this in the game...

"Its quite alright. I've suffered worse. Lord Reginald works me so hard for so little pay." Mella replied with a mildly dry tone making it a bit difficult to tell if she was joking or not as she'd glance towards Elastasia. "...is something the matter young miss? I assure you I am fine, though if you'd like to check for injuries I wouldn't mind."

A few shouts caught her attention. Chaos in the streets. Some students running from what looked like some sort of petshop? A few creatures were running rampant, and towards them while also running towards them. She couldn't remember an event like this either. Had there been? Irrelevant. Mella's money gears were already turning, and if nothing else Reginald could likely already see little dollar signs in the maids eyes as she was already considering some way to make money from this.

"I agree with Lord Reginald. T'would be quite a shame to see these little creatures running about and getting hurt." She said, while looking for the most exotic and rarest creature she could find.

...I'm going to probably sound a bit like an ass, but this is the casual section, not free.

This CS is simply not up to standard at all. What does this 'soulstriker' sword even do? I'm assuming its a magical artifact of some sort, which are a bit of a huge deal, especially ones with names. They're not something just anyone can get their name on and would either be controlled by the church or secreted away by a clan of mages or kept with the fey, or any other inherently magical race. I'd like you to at least discuss with me what it does if you intend to pursue this.

And a...slingshot..explosive? That's well, creative I'll give it that but a little underpowered and a little thematically....mhm, not appropriate. It'd be better if it was something like a hand canon or perhaps a small ballista/repeating crossbow with special ammunition.

Also, the Work History? That was intended to be a summary of the characters personal history and overall experiences. I combined it into one to make it a bit more like a job application. I would like to know more about her motivations, history, how she came to work for the Maison, that sort of thing.

Also your character ID image is broken.

Overall, as far as CS's go, this is sub-par at best and would like you to put in a little more effort before I can accept this. I will be more than happy to help if at all needed, but as it stands I can not accept this even with leniency.

An elevator or pulley system was so…basic though. How could anyone not know them. Such words though, never left Yuisa’s throat as the elevator began to free fall from its cables snapping, its age having finally gotten the best of it.

“H-hey put me down!” Yuisa shouted as the demon scooped her up in her arms, intending to use her fire abilities to help slow her descent…well, it certainly was a good idea in practice, though perhaps she should practice doing something a bit more before putting it into use. As she leaped from the quickly descending elevator, accurately controlling her descent while also holding onto something proved a bit trickier then it seemed.

She’d end up slowing her descent, but it didn’t help Yuisa certainly wasn’t being cooperative, trying to wiggle free of Vammy’s grasp…and ultimately tipping her over and sending the both slamming into the ground from a few feet up.

Conveniently, and likely to the demons amusement, she’d end up face planting into Yuisa’s chest.

“Get…offf…” She’d complain.

They were in the deepest part of this prison it seemed. Was it some sort of workshop? The stone golems seemed to be made here, and there were so many old storage shelves, boxes, and unidentifiable tools…

A small creature, wrapped in an orange coat of some sort, with what seemed to be a cheshire grin, but with no eyes and a large set of rabbit like ears atop its head. In one of its four fingered grasp, was a book of some sort. A bow was strapped to its back as were several arrows. Spindly appendages that ended in sharp points served as its feet, making it seem as though it was walking on stilts, but it seemed to have no problem moving even though it was barely two feet tall.

It seemed briefly startled by the pair's appearance, and wasted no time in running down a large side hallway.

Not that they had to pursue it…they had a task to find something, after all.

@Crusader Lord

“...eh, what’s with that lukewarm response?” The yaga frowned, placing a hand on her hip and flicking the Mothraki’s forehead with a finger. “Do you wanna help me find it or not?” She’d ask, having hopefully gotten her attention. “Like I said, anyone that found it would be a pretty big deal around here and I wanna find it.” She’d assert again. “And I thought you’d be into it too, since ya seemed like ya know a lot about this stuff. Got any ideas?”

@crimson Paladin@Click This

“No.” The Yaga replied quickly, without even thinking about it. “Aside from the fact I would never ask her for help in the first place as I can handle myself, if she did refuse to help...well...then she has merely deemed by time in the mortal realm has come to an end and my penance served.” her voice grew quiet, a small, wistful smile forming on her lips. For once, her expression softened as she’d glance away from Novak. “Do not misunderstand. This is not blind devotion, but merely me accepting and understanding my past crimes and wishing to make them right.”

She’d go back to what was apparent cooking as Lissa would state her piece. Overall, she didn’t seem overly interested in the arguments presented. There was no personal reason for the goddess to get involved in this petty squabble, and as far as she was concerned this was just the nature and course of things.

“Then why don’t you solve this yourself?” The Yaga questioned Lissa. “If you’re aware of this, then you already have the knowledge and power you need to do something about it. Why do we need to get involved? What would you have us do, anyways?” She’d place a bowl of now ground up herbs on the table. “But fine, whatever. I can see both of you are serious about this. I do not believe your arguments warrant much merit, but I will see that she hears them and they are judged fairly. Tomorrow night. Come back tomorrow night and you’ll have your answer, right at sundown. In the twilight hours. If you’re even ten minutes late I’m assuming you’ve decided to forgo this foolish endeavor.”

@Cu Chulainn

The hunters greeted Gideon with apparent friendliness, most were eager to hear of this Raam sage that had come to their village and had also already helped them more than once. They’d listen to his words with some curiosity, and when allowed they’d start informing him of some more beasts that live in the area - notably in the deep forest and in the snow fields beyond the forest.

The former, was full of all manner of mysterious and nasty creatures, it seemed. Only the most skilled hunters went there and even then, most would prefer never stepping foot there, aside from Maira who was still missing. Grove Bears, things a particularly aggressive form of rabbits, and a number of other more curious beasts though they also mentioned that most animals living there had the protection of the Kyrnith, it seemed.

The snowfields, though, were a different story altogether. Aside from being where the Elder Beast that caused all this snow and ice were currently resting, it was fairly dangerous already. Snow Wraiths, occasionally some raiders, and other mysterious and large creatures that called desolate, uninhabited snowy places home.

After all this talk of business though, some of the hunters were starting to get a little bored.

“They say you traveled all over, right Raam?” He’d ask. “You must’ve seen and hunted lots of beasts out there. Got any stories?”

Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

Aleksiya’s spears quickly found their marks. A spear of ice halted the winged beasts attack, sending it flipping in the air and crashing into the ground some distance away from Luna. The second quickly joined it, ensuring that the beast would no longer be a problem, its murky, blackish red blood quickly staining the ground.

A quickly made undead beastly companion. Skin fell from bone, flesh rotted. Organs stopped beating. The creature seemed to howl, almost as though it was somewhat fearful of what was happening…but it was sort lived as whatever sort of free will such a beast had was stripped from it.

It fell obediently in line.

The villagers couldn’t respond, still paralyzed both by fear from the beasts, and by what they had just seen these people in front of them do. One woman’s legs went weak, and another had pulled a child close to stop them from seeing it. Well, unless someone wanted to drag them away they’d likely stay here for a few minutes in shock.

The narrow passage Dragan was in, certainly wasn’t great for fighting in. Barely two people wide, the undead beast could not walk alongside him. Either behind, or in front. Not much room to swing his weapon either, should he have to, but thankfully it seemed as though the beasts were too focused on whatever was on the other end of the hallway…

And what was on the other end of the hallway, was a most unpleasant scene.

It appeared to be a central chamber of some sort. The villagers had carved a large, dome shaped cavern into the rocks beneath their village, about roughly the size of a decently sized middle class house. Storage rooms had been carved into the sides, so had houses, beds. It seemed as though whenever they were beset by monsters, the people would flee down here for safety.

It seemed as though that was no longer an option.

A number of beasts, some humanoid like the bat winged one were feasting on the fresh kills they had gotten. Some more hound and deer like ones were trying to break into some places that had been hastily barricaded.

Forest of Beasts
@Click This

The beast missed its follow up, barely grazing her face with its claws. Two shots, and the beast would stagger. A howl, then cut short as Giselle’s blade would cleanly cut through the rest of its body, finally sending it to the ground where it no longer moved. Whatever had made these beasts, certainly made them quite…resilient.

As the fighting died down, she’d find herself greeted with silence. The rest of the beasts, if there had been any…had fled, it seemed. A few more had been taken care of by the Gorebat, who’s now fattened belly was making her have a hard time flying so she’d plop herself back down on Giselle’s head, making a mess of her hair and turning it into a little bat nest.

The only sound that followed was that of an explosion near the river and the sound of someone shouting in the night. Perhaps she could go see what Akyasha was up to, or head back to the village to make sure there weren’t any more stragglers hanging around.

Human Village, Riverside

The Monstrous undead let out a gurgling howl as Akyasha avoided its swipe, instead leaping into the air and digging her heels into its shoulder, only to have her slam the axe into its face. Blood spilled from its almost split in two visage, but it wasn’t going down so easily. It stumbled back from the first strike, but it quickly planted its feet in the ground, steadying its stance and just barely not meeting the burning wood.

As she’d give her orders to the Gorebat, the creature would retaliate by simply grabbing her as she finished, strong hands grabbing her. Pain shot through her body as she’d feel several bones break from the crushing strength.

A feral, gurgling roar as it’d slam her onto the ground, and proceed to point the old cannon it was carrying at her. Normally such an old, waterlogged canon would never be able to fire…but she could feel it - magic was building in its barrel! Whatever it was going to do, it was going to try and just obliterate her.

The gorebat acknowledged Akyasha’s orders, chittering mildly irritably at being told to protect a human, zooming into the now burning building to help Julene.

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

He managed to pull himself onto a piece of flotsam just in time, the roiling water growing more and more agitated as the undead tried to grab and reach for his heels, pulling him into the watery grave he had just barely escaped from. It was difficult to maintain his balance at times, each platform barely supported his weight and quickly gave way under his quick movements, but even so he’d eventually leap towards the shattered remains of the old hull that Cynthia had disappeared through. He’d pull himself up over the small ledge, the ground swaying under him as the waves continued to rage but it would serve as if nothing else, better footing than that now watery pit behind him.

There was, however, now a clear path for him to leave. The ship was angled to have its bow jutting out from the water, towards the shoreline they were heading towards. A small climb up to what remained of its hull, and running across its front figurehead. If he could make a leap across a watery chasm and onto a beached ship across.

That just left Cynthia.

She had been knocked against the deck of a ship that had jammed itself half sunk against this one, barely managing to keep both of them afloat it seemed. A large piece of jagged wood jutted from her shoulder, but that was the least of their worries. She was managing to get to her feet just as Argus would pull himself up into the capsized ship.
And the beast below, too, was just now starting to claw its way up from the depths.

Behind Cynthia, the water began to swell upwards, pulling the water up with it along with the various pieces of flotsam.

“Captain fellborn!” Cynthia shouted, wincing in pain slightly. “Get to the shore! I can handle myself! Your survival is imperative!” She shouted, as the shadowy, watery figure behind them continued to rise from the ocean like some sort of primordial creature, keeping itself cloaked entirely in water. She managed to get to her feet, twirling her spear. “This thing gets a hold of you its over!”
12.000 hours


“Ahaha, when you’re as old as I am you learn some tricks to keep yourself spotless, as you say.” He’d respond with a chuckle. “Though, I fear the response I’ll give you to my name is less than satisfactory. You may call me Sir S, if you must have a name. I can give you no more than that, and as for my family…” He shook his head. “Its too late. I’ve already confirmed that myself.”

“...Hm. While I can not say I trust you, Sir…S,” Leoniya responded. “If that is true then you have my condolences. That said, may I request you accompany us to our airship for an interview.”

“That is a request, I will have to refuse for now. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must be off.” He briefly glanced over his shoulder, frowning slightly. “There’s little reason for me to stick around if the maids have this handled.”

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Eh, but I haven’t done any of that since-ah, momma said I can’t talk about that.” Lyssa coughed, blood splattering the front of her dress. Though she was injured, Lyssa wasn’t content to settle down and be treated like such. She couldn’t do much, but she could at least use her large gauntlets to deflect bits of smaller debris as the old theater slowly crumbled around them more and more - and just as the trio would burst from the front entrance, stumbling from the debris, demons nipping at their heels…the entire thing would thus, come down.

Burying the theater, the demons, and anything else that might have been inside.

“...nngh…thanks you two…” Lyssa would say, tone faltering as she was still being held up by the other maid. “Ugh…anyone have any food, I could use a pick me up…”
Nids End

Sarah managed to bring her blade low, steel clanging together as the elf deflected Luna’s strike. She’d smile, seemingly none to concerned as Luna would attempt to bash her shield into her midsection, sending her stumbling backwards, though only briefly. The elf dug her heels into the ground, shifting her stance to quickly and easily regain her balance. In retaliation, the elvish warrior would grab make to grab Luna’s wrist, pulling her close and ram the pommel of her blade into the other warrior's head.

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

Seeing that he was in fact, not fine from the apparent singing fey, Lugh would quickly grab the cloth from Luana, stuffing it quickly into his ears. If nothing else, he was quick on the uptake and to rectify a mistake of his.

“...that is a horrid song.” Elnith replied, holding the side of her head and cupping one of her ears. “Don’t worry, Ethelred.” She’d offer the frozen knight a smile. “Whatever that thing is…we can handle it.” She’d begin walking forward, shortly followed by Lugh as the group began moving deeper into the forest.

Making an abrasive noise seemed to assuage the song only slightly…at least the singing was both a blessing as it was difficult to deal with - it made it extremely easy to track the source of the singing. All they had to do was…let it lead, and not become enraptured with its voice. Deeper into the forest it would lead them, past more beds of fey flowers. Some trees seemed to have been twisted in the form of human faces upon their trunks, but it was likely just a trick of the light, surely. Some of the impish green creatures would run across their path, but ultimately not bother them as they ventured further.

Until the point where the small group would find themselves standing before what could only be described as some sort of large tree, reaching high into the forest, a bit taller than most trees while its trunk was easily large as a house. Twisted, gnarled roots dug into the ground, licking up nutrients from it while its branches were barren of any leaves. Its bark was moving as though it was breathing, steady, rhythmically and it was clear the singing was coming from within this tree's interior.

It was clear if nothing else, this tree was the source of the singing, but it didn’t seem to bother or acknowledge them if it were even capable of it.

Airedale Prison

“This is torture, what else would it be? You beast, you absolute lecherous beast-bweh~” Cethlann was silenced by having her coat tossed back onto her, though it was a bit harder to get it back on then take it off with the restraints covering the fomorian in place. “And now I’m…clothed again. Tsk, for a witch you sure are whimsical. You want me one second then the next you don’t. Did I not squirm enough~?”

Cethlann would fall silent as there came a knock at the door to the cells.

“Fio? Its Vyrell,” The friendly, familiar voice of the knight, muffled from the otherside of the door seemed a bit concerned. “I’ve bought food for the prisoner…are you alright? You’ve been in there for quite some time and the guard seemed a bit distressed...I've also bought a change of clothes, if you so happen to need it. Call it intuition.”
Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

Whether Giles had much to comment on the vampires words, he didn’t speak it. He’d merely order the rest of the villagers to do as previously ordered. Quickly they’d clamor to grab anything they could, barricading and sealing off the door to the basement as the vampires made their descent…

Dragan was the first to engage, the beast hearing him approach as he’d rush towards it, hammer raised and poised to smash its face in. The creature, quickly turned its head towards the vampire knight in response and with little care for its own wellbeing met Dragan’s charge with its own. Dragan’s hammer met flesh, slamming the creature's face against his hammer with a sickening crack.

Whether through its own momentum or power though, it didn’t have the intended effect of smashing him through the ground. Instead, it would carry through, its antlers slamming against his armor as the beasts claws, in a frenzied, gluttonous rage tried to rip and tear at his armor, trying to find anyway to get to the fleshy bits within as it gnashed its teeth and howled.

Luna’s assault was as elegant as she was, it seemed. The beast, upon feeling the magical restraints on its flesh, chains attempting to bind it, shrieked, looking up from its meal just in time to see the vampire launch her assault upon it. Her sabre slashed its flesh, right near its neck, the blade cleanly cutting through it as blood oozed from its wounds. It struggled against its bonds, arms flailing and shrieking, wrapping its gnarled claws around one of the chains, pulling and wrenching the chain as another cut was delivered to its head, right through its eye.

Finally, with a hiss and a loud shriek, it managed to break the chains, flapping its weak wings and leaping into the…well, it tried, only to bang its head against the ceiling, and then promptly fall upon Luna, still aiming to claw and otherwise injure her in a somewhat admittedly unconventional manner.

From further down the hallway, the shouts of more humans, cut short. They likely weren’t going to be able to save many unless they hurried. There didn’t seem to be an obvious way that the beasts had gotten in down here.

Forest of Beasts
@Click This

Landing on the beast, it struggled, throwing its head and bucking its body as it’d slow to a halt, trying to throw the vampire off as she’d plunge the silver blade into the creatures arm as it made an attempt to grab her, earning another pained shriek as it’d recoil, but still not down as it’d clutch the injured arm, giving her just enough time to plunge the blade into the skull of the antlered beast, having a near immediate effected as it bucked and tried to remove the pest from its back coming to a near complete halt and almost throwing her off - and it would have, had it not been for the first creature that had finally managed to grab her.

She’d feel pain in her stomach, the beasts claws having impaled her as it’d pull her from the beast, slamming her into the ground where it’d pull its claw from her stomach, proceeding to try and maul her.

Human Village, Riverside

Akyasha engaged the beast, bloody axe sinking into the creatures knee as it hadn’t even seen or acknowledged her presence up until it was too late to avoid it. The beast howled, gurgling as it’d immediately tur blood oozing from the wound but the cut was far to shallow to reach bone, cutting through what seemed to be nothing but fat, making the beast more agitated then anything. Immediately, it’d turn, making a wide sweep with the ship mast in its arm in an attempt to slam it into the vampire nun.

Inside, Julene made it back down to the first floor, the building quickly lighting up with fire, but the undead were not so easily deterred. Not caring for their own unlife, and still burning they’d leap from the upper floor, trying to accost and drag her down with them, while the ones on the stairs and lower floor still made their way towards her.

“Tch, just die already.” She’d growl, managing to block a strike from one of the undead creatures, shoving it back into a wall that was on fire. She had to get out of here before the other barrels ignited - but the things were being awfully persistent in slowing down her escape from this place.

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

Perhaps, Argus better be glad even considering making a servant of the Violet Witch a thrall was not considered some form of treason.

“Not far now captain!” Cynthia called back, retrieving her spear from the wood that it had found itself resting in as argus tossed the net into the water nearby…whether or not it had some effect for the moment. More skeletal undead would pull themselves from the water around them, earning an annoyed growl from Cynthia as she’d quickly engage, slicing through more and leaping through an open hole on the ships hull that she had pulled her spear from.

“This way! Hurry! That thing-!”

Too late.

Whatever it was, slammed its bulk into the ship hull, cracking its weakened frame, splintering it and sending it sinking into the waves, Cynthia disappearing further within. In the same instance, the platform under Argus was slammed into with enough force to completely shatter his already unstable footing! He’d need to act fast unless he’d want to find himself swimming with the undead and whatever creature that was.

“Are you that much of an uneducated fool?” Yuisa replied gruffly. “Surely you know what a pulley is and how one uses and raises cargo…or are the elves just that backwards?” She’d lean against the back wall of the metal box as the sound of grinding gears started, the box jolting suddenly and then slowly starting to descend, door now apparently jammed open as ancient cables and wires creaked and groaned under the weight.

“...I’m surprised this thing still works given its apparent age.”

Soon enough, though, the elevator would give them a glimpse of its destination. Through the jammed open doors, the pair could see an absolutely massive room as the elevator descended into the floor several meters below. It was a large room made of some sort of metal, massive steel beams running across the ceiling…and the most impressive thing, though, was what seemed to be another one of those stone golems, slumped over some sort of metal beams that were supporting its heavy, inactive frame.

As the elevator neared the floor, there was the sound of a snapping wire. Yuisa’s eyes widened. Well, turns out it didn’t quite work completely well after all as the elevator began its plummet.

@Crusader Lord

“Well, before you get any ideas its just that. A legend.” Jivka said to the Mothraki. “Supposedly it grows someplace to the north east ‘ice burns like fire’ and ‘where one finds clouds resting upon the ground’.” Jivka continued, frowning a bit. “No idea what that means, but…so, the Aspect of Wisdom was returning from a trek to the countries to the western continents when they came upon a plague stricken Yaga village.” She’d pause, glancing at Nylah.

“You following me? So a mother asked the Aspect to heal her daughter. After refusing it’d eventually agree. The cure was a flower that the Aspect grew within the ‘heart of a glacier’. The village was eventually cured and the Aspect continued their travels back south.” Jivka shrugged. "Can't say much more than that. I'm no lore expert...but I think its a neat story at least. Anyone who found that herb would earn a lot of respect among the others."

@crimson Paladin@Click This

The Yaga witch tapped her finger against her forearm as Novak spoke his case. It was hard to tell what exactly she was thinking. Aside from a twitch of one of her ears, she revealed only an emotion of mild irritation still. For a few long seconds after Novak had finished speaking, only the cold wind blowing through a nearby window would be the only sound until Baba elected to speak again.

“...and?” She would soon speak up. “Sure, it’s tragic…but what of it? People die every day in this world, either due to the selfish action or inaction of others or simply due to the elements. It’s not our place to upset the natural course of events.” She’d walk over to a few plants hanging on the wall, pulling them down. A type of onion from the looks of them. “Suppose you’re right. The Oni come and slaughter the Krysa and Yaga. Its hardly a matter for us. Would you expect us to intervene just because those religious zealots in the southern provinces ignorantly slaughter those not like them?” The yaga glanced towards Lissa, wrenching the onion bulb from its leaves as if to make a point.

“I do hope you have something more compelling to add to this argument because quite frankly this feels like a waste of everyone’s time and I can assure you my lady loathes having her time wasted.”

Just as charming as ever, it seemed.

“...so let me ask you a question before your companion here makes her case.” She fixed Novak with a genuinely curious look. “I said so before…but what would you do if your employer is guilty? Would you admonish her yourself? Side with the Krysa since it means they are in the ‘right’?”

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