Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts



"Thank you for the help, sir. I shall come inquire again if there is anything I need for the foreseeable tenure of lord Reginalds enrollment in the academy." With potential money opportunities possibly gained, she needed to now just come up with a good plan to start saving. Sponsoring someone would certainly be a good idea and could reap great benefits...but that still left the issue of gathering enough capital to do so in the first place.

Perhaps she should approach lord Reginald with an idea of her own...?

Hm...if she could get his ear on some inventions from the modern day perhaps she could turn quite a profit indeed...though that meant trying to get him to agree to give her a share of the profits and not take it for himself. So caught up in her thoughts, she was completely surprised as she'd feel someone just run into her.

"Oh dear-" She'd exclaim, stumbling backwards and landing a bit awkwardly on her arm, sustaining a few minor scrapes for her troubles herself as she'd sit up, rubbing her arm a bit where she landed on it. "Haaa, you really should watch where you're going." Mella grumbled as she'd get to her feet. "Are you alright, young sir?"
Nids End

The elf’s wrist was caught, Luna barely managing to grab it before the weapon was brought to her neck. Sarah gave a mildly surprised grunt as Luna’s head met hers, the impact of which caused her to stumble backwards just a bit, head swimming from the rough impact and shortly followed by a blow to her stomach from Luna’s shield.

“So you do have some tricks, huh.” Sarah replied, barely managing to deflect Luna’s sword, holding her sword with both hands beside her head, blade pointed towards the other knight. She was clearly on the defensive now, though how long that would stay so, remained to be seen. The elf in retaliation would attempt to side step around Luna, attempting to flank her with her speed.

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“Ah the cat talked!” Lugh would exclaim as Luana made her presence known. Elnith’s hand tightened on her blade, clearly wary of this feline beast as it began to speak, and only until it revealed itself as a human practitioner of druidcraft did her grip on the blood red blade relax a little. “Ah, the cat turned into a pretty lady!” Lugh would astutely observe, earning a soft bop on the head from Elnith.

“A druid…out here…mhm, did you learn from the Tuatha?” Elnith would inquire, still a bit wary, shaking her head and declining the offer of earplugs. “My hearing is…far too good for those to be effective. I should be fine, for a while at least. My curse at least offers some resistance to other curses and spells.”

“Hmm…seems fine.” Lugh nodded. “Not bad. Pretty lady is just pretty. Not Unseelie or Fomorian. Don’t think earplugs work.” He’d point to his large, fluffy ears. He’d need a lot of cloth for that. “But Sorcha says I should thank you for the offer so thank you.” This, was about when their conversation would be interrupted. Not by unseelie or fomorian, or something else attacking them.

But by a song.

The entire forest went deathly quiet. An uneasiness settled over the air, birds that had been flying above fell from the skies near instantly, one falling to the ground near Ethelred as a few more could be seen falling in the distance, forced into a sleep while they were still flying.

It was a mysterious, otherworldly noise. Whoever was singing, was singing something none could understand, but if it flowed like water but was dissonant as the grinding of stone.

“...it hurts.” Lugh winced.

Every single one of their bodies, save for Luana would find themselves briefly turning in near unison towards deeper into the forest, an almost uncontrollable urge to follow overcoming them.

Airedale Forests

The cephalopod tentacle slammed into Elia’s legs, but in the same instance the axe was brought down onto its body. The axe cleanly swung through the flesh, cutting another deep gash into the writhing mass as it’d attempt to now coil around its leg…but that was all it could do. It shuddered, a wet squelching noise coming from it as it went momentarily rigid and then completely limp, falling to the ground and releasing the brief grip it had on Elias.

Its body would turn translucent, before ultimately disappearing in little motes of light.

“...haaa…” The mage relaxed now, shoulders slumping a bit as she’d pull herself to her feet, rubbing the back of her neck. “I suppose I should thank you.”

Airedale Prison

“Eh, why aren’t you saying anything? Fomorian caught your tongue?” Cethlann didn’t seem cowed by Fio’s silence. If anything it seemed to amuse her. “Come ooon, what’s the matter? Surely you’re gonna tell me? Eh? Why are you coming closer?” Those words had barely just left her mouth as Fio began, of all things disrobing her.

“Eh?! Eh!? What are you doing!? Are you actually a high class witch?!” Cethlann would shriek, only confusing what exactly she thought a ‘witch’ should be even more as she’d struggle a bit in her bonds. “I’m a married woman you know! You’d do this to a married woman!?” Well, that was…information. Probably false, considering this was under duress and there was a high chance Cethlann was just messing with her.

Still, this little show would continue as Fio managed to pull the Fomorian’s coat off of her, the fabric surprisingly soft and extremely clean, and just the right size for Fio it seemed like. Cethlann herself was left red faced, and naked, aside from her own undergarments.

This, would allow Fio to see the rest of her body. For the most part there was well, nothing of note.

Save for a large, vertical scar that ran the length of her stomach. She could barely make out another, much larger scar on her back.

“...I-if this is how you torture people I may have to rethink my opinion of your…witchiness.” She’d grumble, seeming more like she was pouting than actually upset at the turn of events, though whether that made Fio feel better or not…remained to be seen.
12.000 hours


“Ahaha, apologies miss.” He’d reply with a friendly smile. “They reminded me of something my daughter might have liked to have…though far more animated than what I am used to.” He’d not respond to the comment about being able to take care of himself, and instead quietly let the doll go, taking a brief look around the area. “Well, don’t mind me then. I’m merely a passerby hoping to help those where I can. Its good to see the Maids of the Maison already swiftly taking care of things.”

At hearing an unknown voice, Leoniya tore her attention away from the tank, grabbing her wrench and her grenade launcher both, approaching the man and Katherine with some manner of curiosity.

“That is what our jobs are, comrade. Dealing with demonic threats such as this.” Leoniya replied coolly. “...and forgive me for being a bit suspicious comrade, but a well dressed man such as yourself without a speck of dust or debris on them from these ruins seems a little…mhm, odd, don’t you think?”

“...ah, yes, I suppose it would, wouldn’t it? Though I have no satisfactory answer for that.” He’d reply somberly. “I can assure you though, I mean no harm towards any. I was merely visiting Cogsfell today to visit my daughter and wife, though…it seems that is no longer an option.” He’d close his eyes, exhaling and shaking his head.

@Click This@AzureKnight

The hail of bullets and knives laid into the large, fiery creature, hot lava blood pouring from its wounds. It did little to distract itself from Lyssa, however, as it’d immediately turn to slam its large hands right on top of the other maids chest, only stopped as a loud metal clang as Lyssa’s armored gauntlet managed to stop the creature from crushing her entirely. WIth her other fist she laid into the creatures underside, a powerful blow right to its stomach, pistons pumping and gears turning as it’d rip a large hole right in its abdomen.

“Nngh…” Still, Lucrecia was able to mostly pull her away from the beast as it’d fall backwards from the blow, thrown a bit off balance. “Guh…ugh-cough-ahahah, oh that hurts~” Lyssa, was still giggling in a mildly uncanny manner as Lucrecia would help her away from the stage and back up the stairs towards the theater’s main entrance.

Thankfully most of the lesser demons had been killed, but still - as they made their way towards the front entrance, the building’s supports could no longer hold the building. The far wall started crumbling, portions of the ceiling cracking, crumbling and coming down on the pursuing demons and the maids.

“NNngh, I wanna fight them more though…” Lyssa pouted, not seeming too concerned with her condition.

A section of the wall slammed into the ground right in front of them - the ceiling at the front entrance was coming down quickly, too!

Takara's glare only intensified as shun teased her further. This...this....

"Grrrr..." She growled, though it was a much less menacing growl then she intended as she waved her arms more like an angry puppy than anything else. "I don't need to catch up to anyone! I'm perfectly average height!" Or was, at least! Ugh, this was soooo frustrating! Why the hell couldn't she have at least kept her height!? Shun might have been right about Abigail being taller, but that went in one ear and out the other.

At least the talk of the shade managed to pull her attention from beating Shun to a pulp.

"Hmph, its a coward then." She'd reply to Abigail, turning to face the other magical girl, though still glaring at Shun. Still, this was probably not something she was immediately good at. Tracking something was not her specialty at all, even if a proper hero had special tracking abilities and devices. "It probably just saw me and run like a chicken. Once I find it I'll rip its arms off. If one of you guys can make yourself useful and track it, I can do the rest."


"Potions, hm...quite lucrative indeed." A fairly easy and common way of getting money, really. It certainly wouldn't be too difficult if rules followed the same way alchemy happened in the game. Still...she lacked any actual alchemical skill herself, and didn't fancy learning truth be told. It'd be a lot of work, trial and error...haaa, she didn't mind hard work but she really didn't want more work. Still, maybe she could sponsor someone -

"Ah." Cervantes hit the nail right on the head. "How rude. I would like to inform you lord Reginald and the Von Afah family reward their maids with quite adequate pay." She'd respond. Well, she certainly liked getting paid more, but there was no need to start saying that the Von Afah family went around paying their maids barely enough to live on. "Still...mhm, you're not incorrect. I find myself needing quite a lot of money for certain personal reasons I am not at liberty to divulge." Mella's expression remained neutral and unreadable as she'd bow lightly. "Even if I were to invest in an inventor, that requires some form of capital to start with...haaa..." her unreadable expression shifted just slightly to one of mild annoyance. "Everything always comes back to money, doesn't it? Needing more to even get more...maybe I should just commit embezzlement or tax evasion and move Von Afah's funds to some island out of the country..."

Her voice trailed off for a few moments before she'd cough, shaking her head.

"...apologies, I should finish the shopping before lord Reginald starts wondering where I've gone."
Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

“...I knew you three were…different, but this…” The moment Aleksiya formed a spear of ice in her hands, the room collectively grew quiet, aside from the distant sounds of someone fighting outside and the very near howls of beasts below. Some murmured to themselves. Demons. Witches. Monsters. Beasts. It seemed that such an action may have put the already distraught humans on edge a bit.

Could they do anything about it? No, not really.

“...If you go down there, I’m still barricading the door.” Giles replied coolly. “Do what you want, but if so much as one slips up here…I refuse to let them reach us.” The man said, stalwartly standing his ground in front of the others. Supposing they didn’t say anything to the contrary, Giles would do exactly that, order the rest of the people to use what they could to strap down the door as the vampires who went, slowly descended into the houses’ basement.

The smell of blood quickly met the two’s nose.

The basement, while it was likely once a simple storage room or perhaps a small club or rec area in ages past, had been enlarged by what was likely years and years of work. Once wooden walls had been dismantled and the room expanded to allow for more people to comfortably be down here. Many boxes for storage could also be seen here, as could some of those silvery lamps that seemed to hold some sort of off-putting holy light. Many bedrolls and mats had been in the process of being laid out on the wooden floor and several tunnels had been carved, leading elsewhere under the village.

Curiously, off to one side there was what was ostensibly some sort of farm growing scraggly, somewhat unappetizing but still edible vegetables in the ground. A large silver lamp had been hung over it like a chandelier.

But of course, all of this was likely just background noise to what the vampires were witnessing currently. A large humanoid looking beast with fleshy, weak looking wings was currently feasting on the corpse of a human. Another one, looking some mix of wolf and deer was standing at the start of the soil field, hissing and growling at…a handful of people that were fear stricken, hugging the back wall tightly.

The beast didn’t seem like it wanted to go further into the field.

They could hear more shouts coming down from the only tunnel that extended off, along with the roar of beasts.

Forest of Beasts
@Click This

As the gorebat would drain the large creature, it was occupied for the next few seconds of Giselle’s fight. It would likely not be getting up again - gorebats could drain a being of blood in mere seconds.

The hound charging her would go down, howling in pain as the bullet would lodge itself in its head, though not out completely as it’d follow through, hoping to latch onto her leg but would, in a way that it hadn’t quite intended. Giselle’s foot slammed into its head, sending it flying away with a sickening crack, breaking whatever bones it had. Thankfully, it didn’t after.

The momentum would carry her to avoid the creatures main charge, one of her bullets finding its mark but merely seemed to agitate the creature as it’d dig its hooves into the ground, immediately pivoting, using its own momentum to turn itself immediately back around, continuing its charge towards Giselle.

This was about the time the first creature had gotten back to its feet, burned, half dead, but still very much a danger. It shrieked, leaping to the side, trying to flan, swiping its claws in long, fast, sweeping motions in an attempt to grab her. The hounds remained an annoyance, aiming to pin her bite her ankles it seemed.

Human Village, River

“There aint nothin’ to be devout to!” Julene shouted back as Akyasha would leave through a back door. “Lights, that lady is more suspicious than them ‘society’ folks…” She’d grumble as she’d make sure a bolt was loaded inside her crossbow. Julene, indeed seem to have this. The shambling undead seemed more than eager to rush towards the singular living being they could see. They’d shuffle and shamble into the old, burned out house. Juele smirked as she’d climb up to a second floor, the old, creaky stairs barely holding her weight.

“I almost wish ye freaks were edible.” Julene laughed as she’d watch them make a beeline towards her. Instead of waiting around though, she’d leap off an old railing, grabbing a conveniently tied rope as she’d use it to slide to the ground floor once more…and as she did so, she’d fire another bolt at a barrel sitting on the second floor.

Immediately, the entire upper floor of the building caught on fire as a holy explosion rocked its upper floor. It’d quickly spread to the bottom floor, too…there was just one problem Akyasha could see from outside, that Julene could not.

A gargled, harrowing roar came from not far away. Akyasha could see it - it looked like some sort of large…amalgamation of seaweed, skeletons, and fish parts. One skeletal hand grafted onto a fleshy body covered in fish scales, hunched over and in one hand what appeared to be an old ship cannon while in its skeletal hand was grasped what could only be described as an old ship mast. Its face was smooshed, looking something like a mix between a humanoid and a fish.

It made a beeline towards the now burning house just as Juelne was heading for the exit.

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

The anchor was launched, hurtling through the air - and through the waterlogged undead. It careened towards the group, and one of the few available paths one could take. Unable to avoid it, the skeletons were crushed under its hefty weight, completely knocked their torsos from their legs as the makeshift weapon would ultimately end up crashing through a waterlogged ship hull before disappearing far beneath the roiling sea.

If Cynthia was impressed or thought anything of Argus’ show of throwing an anchor about, she didn’t show it. It was good timing, if nothing else. The moment he’d clear a path, the creature below slammed into the wooden planks once more, throwing some skeletons off balance and into the briny depths below.

Cynthia herself was right behind Argus, using her spear as a polevualt to launch herself over a group of skeletons, landing right next to him and without missing a beat, broke into a sprint.

“Watch your step! That thing is getting closer!” She’d shout, cutting through a skeleton that useless tried to fire one of its waterlogged pistols - conveniently allowing Argus to swipe it as his own as the creature would fall, and true as Cynthia had said, another solid thump came from below - almost as if whatever it was under them was testing the waters, trying to keep track of them, perhaps?

The thump was quickly followed by one of the platforms under argus and Cynthia being grabbed from below and pulled under water.

“Keep moving!” She’d shout - they were about halfway now, towards that fallen mast. As Argus would keep moving, another platform directly under him would be yanked under the water, as more undead would be still chasing and congregating around them. One would attempt throwing a net over Argus, and more would go in with their swords to aim to both decapitate and maim.

Cynthia would heft her spear, launching it towards a group - impaling several on it before the spear would impale itself and the skeletal creatures on a nearby mast that was sticking up out of the water.

Argus could see just barely a hint of a somewhat smug smile on her lips as she’d run to retrieve it.

“...its something from the old world.” Yuisa flatly stated, as though this was an obvious answer. “The magic they possessed back then is far beyond our understanding…but I believe ID was short for Identification or something.” She’d watch, somewhat unamused as Vammy began waving around the key they had found earlier. “I really don’t think-”

“Bzzt-Id-acce-bzzt- Welcome back, Director LaChanc-zzt.”

“...you certainly have the luck of demons.” Yuisa stiffly replied as the hologram vanished from the glass sphere, the sounds of metal and gears creaking and turning, unlocking from ancient and long, long centuries of slumber. Slowly the large metal doors would slide open, creaking and grinding against their old stones. It was a wonder this place had any power left, really.

On the other side of the door, was…just a small room. A metal box, mostly. Large. As soon as they’d step inside, a panel of buttons would light up on one of the panels. There seemed to be old letterings next to each, but it was too old, worn, and ancient to read…for Vammy, at least.

“...its an elevator, huh.” The demon uncharacteristically quietly replied as though she was afraid of being overheard. “Press the button on the bottom. Should take us there.”

And she was silent once again.


A loud, resounding bellow from the horn.

Sella hissed, recoiling back from the cacophonous sound, instinctively losing the grip on her sword, head swimming from the loud noise as she’d fight to reorient herself. This, also allowed Finn to finally be free of her grasp as she’d released her grip, pulling back from him. Melleph fared only slightly better, being a bit further away, but still wasn’t fast enough to stop Soyala - who would plunge her own dagger into the Valtems neck, a large gash being cut into her flesh.

The result well…was near instant.


Her body went limp instantly, a quiet final gasp of air escaping from her lungs.

“There we go, that makes this a bit more even, doesn’t it?” Soyala laughed derisively at Sella as she dropped Melleph’s limp body onto the ground.

“You…human…land-dwelling scum…!” Sella hissed. She was quickly recovering, and was getting ready to attack again it seemed like.

@Crusader Lord

“When you first drink it, well…the body can have a particularly adverse reaction to it. Death. Hallucinations. Most first timers tend to get a bit rowdy and pick a fight with everyone, ahaha.” Jivka laughed nonchalantly. “Buuut eventually you’ll get used to it, and it makes the body stronger. Helps if you fight or work out during the high, ya know.” She’d pluck a few leaves from the vines. “Makes some people a bit more aggressive, though, if they’re a bad fit for it. Gotta mix it with a couple other things back home, too. I could show ya if you want.” The yaga would stuff the leaf into some of her pouches, likely to make more later.

“...say you’re an herbalist right?” Jivka said with an inquiring glance. “You ever heard of ‘Shalfey Blossom’?” She’d inquire. “...doubt it, eh. Its a local thing. Legend says its a cure-all for most physical maladies and can be used to make life-extending potions.”

@crimson Paladin@Click This

As soon as Lissa made her request, the Yaga went quiet. Eerily quiet. Her eyes looked Lissa up and down, arms folded across her chest and her mouth seemed to almost briefly curl into a snarl before she inhaled sharply.

“Do you…have any idea what you’re asking?” She’d reply coldly, exhaling her held breath. Judging from the icy glare she was now giving Lissa, she was not happy about this request in the slightest. “My kinsmen put you up to this, didn’t they? On the off chance you’re more educated about us then you appear, you should know your chance at successfully doing this is close to zero, but fine,” She’d shake her head. “I assume you’re here for the same reason that the other one is, so drag him back in here. As a show of good faith on my end, I’ll let both of you in the Adjudication, but there are a few things we should discuss first before we begin. As a follower of the Pale Violet, I must listen to such requests and judge them fair or not regardless of my personal desires. So present your case first.”

The information Jolca and Ambros would have given her about the Adjudication was that basically, it was a formal entreatment of the Goddess herself - and have her and one of her agents judge whether or not a particular issue was worth her time getting involved. The Death Goddess hardly ever got involved in mortal affairs, after all, and there were usually only two cases where she would directly intervene. If a great loss of life was about to come at the hands of foolish mortals, or if the request was of a personal interest to her.

Neither case would be easy to argue, here unless they could find something that was of personal interest to the goddess or convince her that allowing this to continue without her intervention would result in a mass loss of life.

“I must warn you, though,” She’d coldly state. “If you fail…then we won’t hear this case a second time, no matter what you desire - and in such a case, I will have more than enough permission and reason to remove you from bothering me.”

@Cu Chulainn

“That lady that showed up earlier today?” Akando frowned. “Don’t know much. She arrived this morning with an elf - apparently she’s her bodyguard or something. From the way she carries herself, though…she seems more like a barely tamed beast that if she wanted, would kill on a whim.” He’d start walking, leading the Raam towards the lodge near the edge of the village. “I’ve thought about asking if she could help around the village, but something tells me she’d say no from the way she seems to disregard everything else around her except the elf.”

Akando pushed open the door to the lodge, warmth welcoming the two as the sun slowly sank over the horizon. Smell of warmly cooked food met both as well, local herbs and spices tantalizingly wafting through the air. Hunting trophies hung on the walls, bears, and a few things that could only live deeper in the forest.

As for the hunters present, only about fifteen would greet Akando as he’d enter the spacious cabin. Most were more than friendly, too, greeting Gideon just as welcoming.

“I want to know more about those veins, though.” Akando would say. “The ground around here isn’t suitable for mining. We’ve looked, so most of our iron and metals are brought from that merchant, Mie. So if we could hunt these and have a somewhat stable supply, that’d be good for us.”

"I see, I see." Cecillia replied with a small smile.

"...are you feeling jealous, Cecil?"

"Yes, incredibly jealous Shael why do you ask?"

"You know, you could have kept in contact after-"

"Ahaha, well, its always fun to meet someone from new lands."
She'd ignore Shael, focusing on the two people in front of her. "Met all kinds of people in my time as a mercenary you know. Never had the pleasure of traveling outside of the country myself, but I've heard lots of wonderful stories." She'd offer a drink to Annika and lord Bashar. "I can tell you all sorts of stories from my time as a mercenary and of the recent-"

Unfortunately, it seems fate had other plans.

The sound of an alarm. An assassin? Cecil swiveled her head immediately towards the source of the commotion. A hooded figure. Small. Inept. Why on earth would an assassin try getting this close unless they were confident? It'd be far better to make a shot from afar...but then again, she supposed not everyone had a spirit of wind on their side.

"...it seems I must cut our conversation short." Cecil smiled, unable to hide a tinge of reluctance to it. "Duty calls and all that. Perhaps we can speak more later." With that, Cecilia would take off.

"Shael, I need speed!"

"Yes yes, order me around after ignoring me why don't you I don't mind that at all, hmph."

Despite her sass, Cecilia would have her lightened steps. Being likely the fastest and agile of the iron roses present, her goal was simple - get ahead of the assassin. Cut her off by any means necessary. She'd

"I'll try and cut her off!" She'd shout to her comrades.
Nids End

“My teacher taught well.” Sarah quickly swatted the blade aside with her own, a strong arm completely overpowering Luna’s own strength. Unfortunately, being this close to the elf made clear the difference in perhaps not skill, but definite training made itself apparent. Perhaps creating some distance would have been a good idea, because at this range Luna could barely keep up with the elf.

Before Luna could even react, the elf had slammed her fist right into Luna’s chest, the strength of the blow knocking the air out of the other knight as she brought her blade down in an attempt to bring it to the other knights neck.

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

Elnith nodded, readying her sword silently. Lugh would do much the same, eagerly making a poking motion with his own spear. So Lugh would approach the flower patch, stabbing the ground near the first flower with his spear. Ice began forming around the hole, chilling and freezing the rest of the flowerbed…but no monster, if they were here, would make movement.

He’d do this again and again, with one or two more flower beds with similar results. It wouldn’t be until he was a bit further in, would something change. A flower bed just a bit out of sight, deeper in the forest.

What he would have noticed as he’d work through the flower beds, is that they were somewhat oddly shaped, not just possessing odd flowers. Almost as though they weren’t natural beds, rather something made them. It would be this, coupled with the discovery as he pulled his lance out of a final flower bed that would put a rather disturbing image together.

A human arm, still somewhat fleshy but intertwined with roots and colorful flowers, would be pulled out of the ground, impaled on the tip of his lance. The flower beds were roughly shaped, perhaps as though someone had simply laid down to sleep and hadn’t got back up again.

“...there’s a cat.” Lugh would comment, not having been paying too much attention to Ethelred’s deforestation attempts. Indeed, there was a cat. It was perched on the branch of a nearby tree for some reason.

Airedale Forests

“...I’m gonna murder you myself!” The mage shouted, completely red faced out of both embarrassment and anger. “If that tentacle doesn’t, I’m gonna kill you myself you hear!”

Reinhardt’s quick action managed to avoid the tentacles grasp from crushing and squeezing him, the blade of the axe just barely grazing the underside of the tentacle leaving another deep gash in its flesh. Annoyed and now bleeding profusely, it would lash out in a fluid motion of its own, its slamming grab transitioning into a powerful sweep, aiming to try and knock Reinhardt off his feet.

Airedale Prison

“Aren’t you just sooo smart.” Cethlann replied with an eye roll. Well, it sounded like she did. She was still blindfolded so it couldn’t be for certain. “Now how about that foo-wuh, hey, wow I knew you were short but I didn’t realize you were that childish. As a witch, you should be more mature.” Cethlann replied with a huff, trying to shake her head a bit to make any water droplets that had gotten on her forehead fly off.

There was an audible confirmation from the other side of the door as whoever had been knocking left Fio with the prisoner.

Unfortunately for Fio, there was very little in the way of provisions or things to dry oneself off with in the prison. At least, not in the cell holding area. Didn’t want anything left laying about a prisoner could potentially use to escape. This just left the fomorian’s own clothes. Specifically, her rather odd if comfortable looking jacket. The only other thing she may be able to use were some rough, old sacks that were laying folded on a desk not far away.

This was made somewhat more annoying by the fact, she could have probably asked whoever was on the other side to bring an extra set of clothes too.

“So, what did you learn about little old me from invading my privacy? Learn my deepest secrets? Maybe my favorite way to cook a human? Or are you going to keep me in the dark so I can languish away here, slowly losing my sanity in this dark prison all bundled up unable to move?”
12.000 hours


“Nyet!” Leoniya immediately pressed her back against the tank, spreading her arms wide across it, giving Katherine a mild glare. “No, you do not touch Valeri! I built him myself!” She’d turn back towards the tank, gently caressing his plating with a finger, tail swishing happily back and forth. “He’s a delicate little baby, yes he is. Stupid demon hurting him…hmph, if I ever see that demon again I’ll rip her little frilly horns off…mama rat won’t let anyone hurt you, eheheh…”

…Lenoya was now off in her own little world, it seemed.

The dolls remaining had started patrolling, walking quietly around the area, marching in time and checking the perimeter. A few had taken to cleaning up a few stray demons that had remained while others were standing by. It was one of these doing some cleanup, that would alert Katherine to a disturbance.

A man, that looked remarkably human and also remarkably unbothered by the destruction in the area. His suit was cleanly pressed, completely hair slicked back and a somewhat scruffy but well kept beard.

“What an adorable looking construct.” Katherine would overhear as he’d reach down to pat one of the dolls on the head with his gloved hand. A ring was being worn on his finger. It looked fairly expensive, though the gem and metal it was made from was unidentifiable. “I thought I heard fighting and was going to lend my assistance, but it seems as though that is unneeded.” His voice was fairly smooth and young sounding despite his somewhat aged appearance.

@Click This@AzureKnight

“But cake is healthy! Mom always complains about it going to her thighs!” She’d cheerfully rebuke Lurecia’s urging for healthier foods and offer some perhaps, some information Myrilla wasn’t particularly keen on sharing.

The headless furnace shrieked, gurgling as it was pierced by the knives, holes and wounds shredded into its large body, only slowing down enough to raise one of its arms to block the knives from hitting its main body and only serving to enrage itself further. It’d take the same arm as it neared, making a wide, crushing sweep with its large arm in an attempt to crush. This was followed up by a lunge forward in whatever direction the maid would be after. A second, humanoid demon would blast a stream of fire in her direction as well from behind. The child on her back was clinging tightly still, though she had her eyes closed and was avoiding looking at anything.

The ones swarming Lucrecia were somewhat easier to deal with, but numerous all the same. The humanoid ones would fall to the ground, stunned as bullets ripped through them, but their flesh quickly regenerated from wounds only giving her a few moments to finish them off or to focus on taking care of a closer threat - that just so happened to be one headbutting her from behind, slamming its maw into her back.

Lyssa, meanwhile, continued to happily engage with the demons. As she’d slam her fist into one, crushing its entire upper body in her gauntlet, a screech from behind was all the warning she had as a second headless furnace slammed into her from behind.


She’d shout in mild pain as she was tackled by the beast, its large hands wrapping around her waist and slamming her into a nearby wall, destroying even more of the already weakened support structure of the theater.

Which, subsequently, caused the entire rest of the building to creak and groan.
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