Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

If impatiently waiting could be a skill, Takara would likely have won several awards for it. So when the messaging app buzzed with a reply, she'd quickly check the reply...and immediately frown in irritation. Short stuff? Fine, if she wanted to go home see how much she actually cared! Zero, that was it, definitely! Oh wait...she actually sent a follow up message. Don't die? What was she? A child?! Well, yes, but she could handle herself against some basic bad guys!

She was about to type up a very angry reply, when something warm and fuzzy headbutted her in the leg. Looking down, she'd see the dog and internally cringe, angrily stuffing her phone in her pocket and giving the mutt a pat on the head before walking over to Abigail.

"Finally." Takara huffed, noticing the bags of well, everything Abigail came walking up with. "Got anything good in there or just gonna eat it all yourself?" She'd snatch up her favorite - an unreasonably sour hard candy. The roar of an engine finally indicated that they had at least, all started to finally show up and filter in.

"Kana." She'd give at least a polite greeting, though her somewhat irritable expression didn't change as she'd pop the sour candy into her mouth without so much as batting an eye...at least until Shun finally arrived. Takara stomped over, immediately giving the other girl a somewhat rough punch on the shoulder before she could react.

"Shorty?! I'm like, the second tallest here! You're just unreasonably tall!" So she says, without having actually looked at the heights of her teammates.


Definitely good information, as helpful as she'd imagine such a character to be. She did however, catch herself staring just a little at simply how...different still, he'd be from the in game version. Rather than a faceless NPC, it seemed as though he was still just as real as she was, or even Reginald was. Then perhaps he could potentially help with something else, too? She doubted it since by the second act of the game he was gone, but you miss every opportunity you don't take.

"I see, thank you. The information is helpful." She'd reply. "But...perhaps if you'd be willing to help with a more personal request," She'd lower her voice slightly. "I'm looking for...investment opportunities." She'd pull a coin from somewhere within her dress, holding it between two of her fingers. "Not for my Lord, mind you. But for myself. I apologize if this is an odd request for a maid, but I simply find myself needing a large sum of money."
Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

“...able bodied men?” Giles frowned at the words, taking a look around his living room. No one here was particularly able bodied. Sure, they were living and surviving but…the only truly able bodied one here, in his opinion, was Julene. No one else would dare to take a step outside and fight those creatures.

He unconsciously grit his teeth as the three vampires convened, but his thoughts were soon interrupted by a scream.

“Giles! Theres-monster-hah-beastmen in the basement tunnels!” A child had run up from the basement, clothes stained in blood, panting heavily. The entire room went silent.

“Barricade it.”

“But-but dad-”

“Barricade it. now.”

The other residents hesitated for only a moment as they’d start trying to find anything to barricade the door to the basement with…and though he had given the order, each vampire present would see Giles just briefly glancing towards the three of them.

Forest of Beasts
@Click This

The leaping creature howled, missing Giselle by a hairs breadth, but before it could react again the tarnished silver of the holy blade impaled itself in its back sending the beast into a fit of pain as the wound burned as it was pulled from the wound, causing it to roll around on the ground in pain, howling all the while but it was not quite dead yet.

The next creature that was engaging was the one that had retreated into the tree, leaping from it and gliding towards Giselle from above. The slash tore into its gnarled talons, but its momentum carried it forwards still as it made an effort to land on her, its wings trying to wrap around her head. The gorebat, understandably annoyed by this thing attacking her perch, leaped onto the things head, immediately sinking her own fangs into its neck. The thing shrieked, losing its grip as in mere seconds the thing had lost half of its blood.

The gorebat saved her from that particular one, but three hounds, and one of the antlered wolf deer things had quickly made their way towards her, one of the hounds going for her ankles while the deer made to charge her, aiming to gore her with its horns.

Human Village, River

Julene could only watch, in mild awe, as Akyasha merely started…brawling with the undead. The skeletal undead being quickly dispatched as any of her bolts would have. She furrowed her brow, watching the scene as the woman made a mess of her plan. The undead were now entirely focused on her. She needed them to -

“Oi, what the hell are you?” She’d ask. “There ain’t no weapons or anything here you dummy! This is a trap i had set up for those briny bastards.” She’d respond with a disapproving grunt. “And no human can just punch something like that. You and I are gonna have questions after this, redhead, or your head is gonna come clean off your shoulders. For now, lass,” She’d load up another bolt. “Get your ass outta here before I bow it up with the rest of those undead!”

By the door, just inside of it, was a barrel leaking what was ostensibly oil. The rest of the interior of the house was completely empty, nothing but a charred husk as it were. The plan was rather obvious and simple really and anyone could probably put two and two together. Draw the undead and beasts here, then blow them up and watch them burn. Dispatch the rest once the majority had been dealt with.

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

The skeletal creature hissed as its ribcage was shattered, being easily tossed into the crowd of quickly growing of those drowned and dead at sea. The others engaged may be undead, but they were still nothing more than skeletal minions. Against a human they may have proven dangerous, but their former captain? His blade easily severed skull from neck, but even so the sheer number that was starting to creep up from the sea was becoming concerning.

“Glad to see your skills are still sharp.” Likewise, Cynthia was having little trouble dispatching the skeletal creatures. Moving with what can only be supernatural grace she’d use her spear to elegantly dispatch the creatures as though she was merely dancing with them. A low spin, severing legs followed by quickly shoving her heel into one of the creatures jawbones with just as amazing flexibility, somehow, while not once getting a drop of water from the roiling sea below on her. “But I fear fighting all of these is beyond us currently.”

As if on cue, the water below them began churning more, rocking the platform they were on just as the sodden, rotten planks below them began to creak and grown, as something slammed into it below.

“Make a path! Head towards the mast hanging from the far cliffside!” Cynthia shouted. It wouldn’t be hard to spot. In the distance, a mast with a tattered sail hanging from it had somehow been impaled into a cliffside some distance to the north. The only path was through more water logged and rotten planks and skeletal creatures that were eagerly convening on the both of them. One, hefting an anchor swung it somewhat clumsily towards Argus, but it was soon followed by two more, one trying to charge with a cutlass to decapitate while the other approached from the side.

The door was…well, a door.

Nothing overly special about it, but no particular key slot either. A smooth metal wall with a smooth metal panel next to the door. Upon poking said metal panel, there was a ‘fwoop’ noise as it would be pulled up into the wall. Underneath was a small glass semicircle buried in it. A box of light appeared in front of it seemingly coming from the small glass semicircle.

“-czzzt- pres-bzzzt- ID”

A loud crackling noise came from a small series of holes next to the panel.


“...heh.” Sella chuckled, her eyes gleaming like a predatory fish in the darkness of the ocean eying its prey. The next instance happened far too fast for Finn to react. The sound of rushing water. His entire body being covered in ice cold water. Pain in his shoulder. Sella’s face mere inches from his, a toothy, sharp grin close enough he could smell her breath.

“Go on. Scream. I’m a monster, so I enjoy such sounds don't I, you dry skinned fool?” It was her blade. Her sword had been firmly planted in his shoulder. She’d twist it hard. “Give me some entertainment.” Her other hand was firmly gripping his neck, but not choking him.

“...S-sella…!” Immediately she turned her head towards her companion. A low growl as Finn would likely be relieved to see Soyala having managed to sneak up behind the other one, cutting open her side with one of her hunting knives while her spear was pressed roughly against her neck, drawing blood.

“Two can play that game, fish.” Soyala chuckled. “Now I really don’t think you believe killing that boy is worth me taking the life of this one, is it?” Sella glared, but she hadn’t let go quite yet.

@Crusader Lord

“You two have fun, alright?” Eirhild waved the other pair bye, not particularly interested in freezing.

“Alright.” Jivka grinned. She’d immediately head out of the cabin, grabbing a well worn logging ax from where it was laying nearby against the desk. “Hurry up, I wanna get outta here before some rat bastard puts me in a bad mood!” She’d shout back towards Nylah, though keeping up with the Yaga wouldn’t be too terribly hard as long as she didn’t let herself get distracted and kept a decent pace.

Soon the pair had left the village, heading out a bit towards the forest.

“A lotta the plants here you’ll have to dig a bit in the snow for.” She’d say. “They grow pretty well. Others you might find growing along the trees or even in some rocks. Just pay attention…like this one.” She’d say, using her foot to kick aside a pile of snow. Under it was a small plant, an herb with a fairly big root and small, three pronged leaves. “This one is a pretty potent poison. Makes an animals muscles lock up so they can’t move.” Jivka would lead Nylah through the forest for quite a while, pointing out a number of different plants and herbs. One could be used to induce vomiting - helpful for making someone spitup anything toxic they ate. A particular purple leafed plant was a pretty powerful hallucinogen and was sometimes used in yaga rituals, apparently.

“My favorite though is this one.” Jivka moved to a vine that was growing around a tree, pulling off one of the bright red flowers from it. “Oros leaf, we call it. If made right, it can really help one get stronger physically…well, if ya know survive the side effects. A number of the top Yagan hunters have to drink a draught made of this stuff to be recognized by all clans as anything more than a simple warrior.”

@crimson Paladin@Click This

“I don’t need your help,” She’d say as the knock came through the door. “But thanks.” The Yaga sighed, not seeming too bothered by it as Novak walked towards the door. She simply went back to her food preparation as he’d open the door, apologizing to Lissa. “Only my peace and quiet. If you’re here to harass me like this guy and his pet rat then you can get lost.” She’d grumpily respond to Lissa’s question.

Ayumi, would decide to use this time to steal some dried meat out of a nearby crate.

“That’s a no. I don’t know her, and I’ve already helped you as much as I have any desire to, so get lost.”

Friendly as ever, it seemed.

@Cu Chulainn

Sorcha watched Gideon leave, the woman not taking her eyes off him as he left. He did catch just the start of Sorcha and Asvar’s conversation, however - she was looking for a blacksmith. Though, not to hire, but to use their facilities herself, apparently wanting to maintain her own blade. Raelzeth waved bye, and was ushered back inside by Asvar.

“Raam, hello.” The familiar voice of Akando met his ears this time. “Heard you were helping the blacksmith with something. Seems you caught yourself quite the beast, too.” He’d offer the Raam a friendly, if somewhat competitive seeming grin. “Would’ve like to try and capture that beast myself. You busy right now? Was hoping you could stop by the hunters lodge. The rest of the hunters want to meet ya anyways…well. Soyala is out and Maira is still missing.”

Nyoko and Kaeru

@Raineh Daze@Zeroth@PKMNB0Y

Kaeru's foot slammed itself into the 'face' of a grudge, the young boy following through with a forward movement and delivering a strong jab right into its mid section. The shadowy creature fell to its knees, just as a second came up and made a futile attempt to swipe at Kaeru. His martial arts might nowhere be near the level to do anything superhuman really, or fancy, but this level? Well, he could certainly manage. He caught the grudge's wrist, hooking it under his armpit. He grabbed it, sinking fingers into its shadowy flesh and slamming it into the ground.

"Aaha, what's the matter, I expected more!" A swift dodge to the left, a retaliating punch to the creatures midsection. As long as they were focused on him and slowed by Kaeru, this would be easy. Almost disappointingly easy, really. It was a shame then...they had decided to throw their attention elsewhere.

"Eh? What gives? You guys all running from cute little 'ol me?" He'd laugh, though his eyes narrowed at the figures as they instead, decided to run towards the blob, spurned on by Sato's flames and the Youkai anchoring it.

"...Kaeru." Nyoko had stopped her dancing. Slowing the grudges were only going to get them so far. "I think...it wants to absorb them?"

"Geh, guess I shouldn't be surprised this freak of nature wants to absorb more freaks of nature..." He was hoping to save his own resonance for later, but someone probably should help the newbie. "Nyoko, slowing them down won't work! Lets get something a little more...pointy!

"Mhm, on it." Nyoko clapped her hands, a resounding clap echoing through the area as she'd begin another dance. Vigorous aggressive movements. From Mai, to Odori, she'd leap, spin and another clap, and as her hands parted, a large skeletal creature crawled its way out of the ground below, looking something akin to an old, large samurai wearing traditional armor, broken and rotten in some areas, but with a blade as sharp and gleaming as any masterwork. With an exhale and a downward movement of her arm, the undead warrior sliced its blade into the shadowy blobs flesh where it was trying to envelop Kyozan.

This, though, had the effect of releasing the hold the lesser spirits had on the grudges still about, but Kaeru was still working to thin the herd as he could.


Entrance ceremony, huh.

She had mixed feelings about it. For about three years now, she had lived with this looming over her head. She tried not to let it get to her too much, but really, how could she just ignore it? The fact that this entrance ceremony might end up being the start of her rather...unfortunate path. Well, far be it from her to just rollover and die as it were. She had never done so in her past life until she had literally died from not rolling over and dying, and damn it if she was about to start now!

She thought briefly about meeting up with Reginald, but rather first, she should pick up some necessities from the market and possibly visit the staff to see if they'd let her use the kitchen.

Maybe she could find some good...investment opportunities here, too. She had already saved up a good deal of money from her work but she'd need a fortune if she wanted to live comfortably once the Von Afah house ran into troubles in the second arc.

"...ah? Isn't that...?" Walking through the market, she'd come across a rather familiar face. Well, sort of. The tutorial NPC that gave the heroine a rundown of the shops in the area. Huh, so he existed too. Normally she wouldn't think much of him but...hm, perhaps she could use him if he still gave out useful information. It was a good thing she was still dressed as a maid so she wouldn't draw too much attention.

"Apologies for bothering you, sir." Mella approached Cervantes with her usual even voice of practiced professionalism. "I am a Maid in service to the Von Afah house and was looking for both high quality ingredients for cooking." She'd provide a polite bow, but otherwise spare no friendly pleasantries. Saved her the trouble of spending a day running into every grocer at least if he could point her in the right direction.

Where was everyone else?

Had she really been the first to arrive?

Amidst the gardens, the tall trees and the lakeside just on the path next to one of the bridges that crossed over the water, stood a pink haired girl in a rather flashy white, gold, and red outfit. Arms folded across her chest, foot tapping impatiently. Seriously, where the heck were they? How long was she going to have to wait? Maybe she was early? Did she get the meeting time wrong? As she'd begin to pace back and forth a bit, she'd sigh, consigning herself to waiting longer.

Ugh, this was a pain in the ass. All of this was. Where was something she could just punch already? She almost wanted a grudge to manifest so she could clobber the living hate out of it. Maybe she was just being impatient, though, but ever since he...she, became a magical girl, there was just a constant pervasive impatience that seemed to hang over her head. Even when she wasn't transformed and she managed to remain a bit more calm and out of the way, it was still there.

She'd pull her thoughts away from that as she'd pull out her phone. Didn't they have some sorta magical girl line thing or something? Maybe they were having a laugh about this.

    "You guys are so slooooow where the heck are at?! I could've already beat all these bad guys up!"
    "If you're not here in the next minute I'm gonna have all the fun to myself!"

Hmhm, yes that should get their attention. Probably. Maybe.

"They should really work on their heroic timing. This isn't the time to make a dramatic last second entrance..."

@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR

Make an elf blush like a pure maiden and completely mistep her footing. There were some things Cecil never thought she'd accomplish in her life, but sometimes she simply was the best at accomplishing the impossible, wasn't she? A bright grin spread from ear to ear as she'd listen to Lilia's response about her mom. That was, at least, until Cecil's eyes fell on someone she hadn't expected to see. Or maybe even didn't want to see.

And then, it was Cecil's turn to completely misstep with the dance as her body simply stopped moving, nearly face planting into the elfs chest in the process.

"Cecil I know you have a penchant for indecency but wait until after the dance at...oh. What is the child of those boorish fellows doing here? Shouldn't they just die already so they don't have a chance to bother me anymore?" Shael's somewhat harsh scolding was quickly silenced as she'd realize what exactly Cecil was staring at. "Well, I suppose she could do worse then someone who looks like that, but really-Cecil don't do anything reckless! I refuse to go back to those idiots!"

"Sorry, Lilia, but uh," Cecil pulled away from the elf. "Not feeling to well all of a sudden." A lie, a rather obvious one too. She hadn't been able to take her sights off Annika for the past minute, though she wasn't wearing an expression of interest. Her mouth was curled down into a slight frown as she'd internally fight with her own thoughts on the matter. "We'll have to dance again sometime, alright? I just...have to go do something..." She'd walk away from the elf, her hand leaving hers as she'd approach Annika and the dark skinned man. A duel, huh? Well, she was glad she didn't get roped into it.

She wished she had a flower on her. Then she might be able to just slightly emulate how she had met her previously. A wine glass would have to do so she picked one up from a nearby servant before continuing onwards.

"Well, Miss, forgive me for saying this but I couldn't help but notice that lovely hair of yours." Cecil would say approaching her casually, trying to keep her voice even. "I don't suppose you'll grace me with a name and accept a drink or shall I have to down it myself?" She'd offer the drink in her hand. "Cecilia. Knight of the Iron Roses."
Nids End

“...Queen Sorcha?” The elf smiled ever so slightly. “I see, well, maybe she’s the one maybe she’s not. I can’t say for certain unless I meet her.” Sarah would smile, earning a cheer from the elves around them and the Fomorian laughed boisterously at the thought of watching another bout. “Alright, but I must tell you, I’m no slouch. With these two hands of mine, a demon that wished to burn our forest was slain. If that would still not deter you,” Sarah would draw her blade, staking her shield on the ground. “Then let us start.”

Sarah wasted no more time. With supernatural speed almost completely invisible to Luna’s eye the elf closed what distance there was between them, both hands gripped on her blade and thrusting forwards right towards Luna’s throat.

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“I see…I think I remember something about a Queen going around claiming the land…” The man replied with a sigh, motioning with his hands as Lugh came over to help him stand. “And no, its alright. I’m rather tired.” He’d take a few quiet moments to gather his thoughts. “You have my thanks regardless. Yes, I’m aware of the village I’m actually from. I was cutting some wood, see, and I heard this beautiful voice asking for help, I think? I don’t remember much, and next thing I know I’m being swarmed by those things and you happened upon me then.” He’d take a seat on a nearby fallen log, rubbing his temples.

“Did this happen…during the day?” Elnith questioned.

“Yes, it happened just after sunrise.” The man replied. “I vaguely remember…a large flower of some sort, but other than that, no, I don’t remember much.”

“Haven’t seen it.” Lugh replied quickly.

“I can’t really point you in any direction, except maybe follow those flowers,” The man said, getting to his feet. “And I think I’ll head back to the village now. No need for an escort, I’ll be fine…probably. S’long as the fey haven’t replaced me with a changeling or something, haha.” He’d rather darkly joke, before starting to walk off back towards the village.

In the direction the little imps had ran, there was indeed what seemed to be some sort of abundance of flowers littered upon the ground. Multiple colored ones, some exotic and sweet smelling in their direction. These definitely weren’t flowers that were common in most parts of albion…

Airedale Forests

“Y-you’re totally mocking me-aaaaah-owowowow!” And skid the mage did, across the forested ground and nearly face planting into a nearby tree. She’d fall over, rolling over face first onto the ground, her white robes completely covered in dirt and grass from the forest now. She’d get to her hands and feet, face red with barely contained rage as she’d turn towards Elias. “Haven’t you ever heard to be gentle with a girls butt! Wait that sounds wrong-gah-you know what I mean you sword wielding beast!”

The tentacle slammed into the ground, crushing the earth and grass beneath it as it’d immediately retract upwards in fear of seeming retaliation. The octopoid appendage, immobile as it was could not avoid the blow that Reinhardt struck forth with - the axe cutting a deep, long gash in its base and spewing blood all over the ground and Reinhardt himself.

In retaliation, the tendril reached down, wrapping its mass around reinhardt in an attempt to crush him with its coils.

Airedale Prison

The voice from behind the door paused for a moment, seemingly in hesitation before it’d call back that if she needed anything, to only ask. It was probably just a simple guard that heard some commotion or otherwise had thought she had taken much too long. Still, perhaps it’d be a good idea to get dressed sooner rather than later.

“Eeeeh? We’re on a first name basis now? Pfft. And here I thought you didn't like me. Yes, I’m Cethlann. Your average every day little Fomorian.” The fomorian responded with her usual grin. “And you are…Fio, yes? I believe I overheard it when we were traveling. Well, Fio, its a good thing you’re not that queen of yours then, heh.” Despite not being able to see or move terribly much still, the Fomorian was tracking the sound of Fio’s movements with her head, slowly turning it to where her footsteps and voice were coming from.

“Hmm, I could tell, I could not…to tell or to not, hm…I get some good food, I lose a secret.” Cethlann seemed to tilt her head back and forth in thought. “Hmm, I think I’ll pass. Besides, if you’re a smarty little witch you’d already know.”
12.000 hours


“No trouble at all, little kat.” The Krysa replied with a chuckle. “Its what we’re here for. We’d be poor instructors if we left you to to wolves.” She’d take her giant wrench and start inspecting the tank. It was in mostly good shape - the internals were still all fine, mostly, aside from the treads and the barrel having a hole eaten through it. “Aye, I’ll have to patch him up. Maybe I should look into some sort of…corrosion resistant plating, eh?” She’d toss Katherine a small flask of what was very obviously alcohol as she’d hop into the cockpit.

“Well, I’d say you did well enough, but whoever shot those demons from above…well, they’re going to get a talking to.” The rat replied with a chuckle. “You engaged without even figuring out what you were dealing with, and so ya got swarmed because of it.”

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Eeeh, you guys should get better hearing.” The maid teased, reaching for the demon that had been sneaking up on her. Polina’s bullets ripped through it, but it didn’t stop Lyssa from finishing it. The mechanical arm whirred, gears spinning and turning as she’d crush the beasts head with her fist, its body falling limply to the ground.

“We can talk later, yeah? Oh, its Lyssa Sth-Stauhans! My name, that is! We should all go get a cake or something after this!” She’d grin, the demons having mostly thinned out by now, but there were a number of hounds and those humanoid ones still present, and a number of them were now swarming towards Polina and Lucrecia.

One of those large headless ape things were barreling towards them too, crushing the remaining seats in their violent wake.

“Dunno, don’t think so!” She’d say in response to Lucrecia’s last question, blocking the lunge of a hellhound with her arm before giving it a punch that sent it flying with her other arm. “We got split up in all this chaos, haven’t seen another one since we have! We were supposed to meetup back here, but…well, guess they’re not coming.”
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