Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

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Hi its me again
just waiting on a few things to see who gets meido
Hiiii yes its me am awake and making terrible decisions

I'll be making meido just gotta figure out specifics.
Nyoko and Kaeru

@Raineh Daze@Zeroth@PKMNB0Y

Kaeru stifled a laughter as Kyozan plowed face first into the dirt. He really should be focused more on the matter at hand, but playing with the newcomers was always part of the fun of the jobs in and of itself. Still, they did indeed have a job to do. He'd put an arm around Nyoko's shoulders, rubbing her head with a grin.

"Alright, that's enough playing don't antagonize him too much." She'd respond with a purr, glancing towards the annoyed Rakasha who seemed to at least take the little prank a bit better then some had. Kaeru was right, after all, they did indeed have a job to do. The pair would move towards the black mass, now that most of the grudges had been dealt with and the area mostly secured and that left them to do their cleanup job.

They were both mildly worried about their boss, but there was little to be done until this had been resolved.

"Mhm Kaeru?"

"Oooooi! Big guy with the big strong muscles bigger than his brain!" Kaeru waved Kyozan over. "We can handle the little guys if you want to try and clean up that big blob thing." Truthfully, both of their skills were much better suited for taking care of large numbers of grudges rather than something huge like that. The pair would immediately set into action, with Kaeru engaging the Grudges with his martial arts and while Nyoko began another dance, focusing on once more hampering their movements for Kyozan to deal with the big blob and Kaeru to take out more Grudges.

@Raineh Daze

"Oh, you want to meet an Iron Rose knight, away from crowds?" Cecil flashed her a cheeky grin. "Sounds like you were hoping to get a private date with one." She'd tease the elf. A step to the left, to the right. A little bow, as Cecils hands held her elvish partner firmly, but gently guiding her steps as best she could. It was a good thing she had natural grace to her that made the effort much easier, and able to easily correct her mistakes.

"Your mom was an Iron Rose herself, wasn't she?" Cecil would casually inquire, hoping to perhaps glean a bit more of information about the older elf. "Honestly she's about as pretty as the paintings." Shale was remaining mostly quiet, though Cecil was pretty sure she was grumbling something about why always with the flirting.

Yuisa said nothing, merely following Vammy with her eyes as she’d proceed to follow the demon down the tower and then, down the stairs into the basement. The revolting sweet smell got only stronger here, with vines and plants growing along the walls nonstop and having completely taken over the walls and floor. But nothing overly important. Just more cells. More experiment halls as the stairs would continue deeper down into the island they found themselves on.

Eventually the descent would lead them to the final floor, thankfully having run into no more of those plant things. Here, there were two doors. A large metal door carved with the image of a serpent, the vines having pried open the doors and seemed to be where they were coming from. Vammy could feel faint, incredibly old divine power coming from them.

On the left of the wall, though, was…some sort of odd, heavy metal door that was shut. No obvious keyhole, it looked more like a giant metal slab with rivets and hinges in it. A small metal panel was in the wall next to it.


“...the spines on this guy, hah.” The one named Sella chuckled. “Thinking he knows what hes talking about. Instead of the little kiddies, you should be more worried about me snacking on you.” She’d flash a row of sharp, pointed teeth at Finn. “And where do you think you’re going to run, too, huh? Too deep for a human to swim out. Too small for you to crawl out before we just drag you out. Maybe we’ll keep you locked up here like some pet-”

“Sella, that’s enough…! Why do you always insist on doing this? This is why the land dwellers hate us!” The second Valtem interjected. “I don’t know what you’re thinking human, but its just us two and one brood mother. The rest of our sisters are…already dead-”

“Melleph!” Sella snapped. “That’s not something he needs to know!”

“But if we just ask maybe-” Sella silenced Meleph with a glare.

@Click This

“...Hey, shh.” The ratmen fell silent, all looking up from around their campfire. One was looking around, one of his ears twitching. “...thought I heard something.” A few quiet seconds passed as Lissa quietly would move away, earning a nervous chuckle from the other Krysa.

“Prekratit, you fool. This forest is haunted! Don’t scare us like that!”

“Haunted by wolves, maybe. Stop being a child and get back to looking already.” The last member would snap to the others, making the rest get up from their post and start packing up the little camp to get moving again. Thankfully though, Lissa was now long gone.

So trees marked with that symbol were the wrong path, was it? A simple thing to keep in mind. It wouldn’t be too hard to avoid them or to keep things hopefully on the right path. As she’d walk through the snowy forest, the charm in her possession would grow slightly warm, and as she’d pass by a particular tree she’d feel the world before her…shift, slightly.

As if something had been pulled off her vision, the scenery changed before her just slightly.

This would happen a few more times as she’d wander through the forest, eventually reaching a small clearing with a cabin in the middle. She could hear voices from inside.

@Crusader Lord

“Well if its herbs you want,” Jivka got up from her seat, walking over to where a few dried plants were hanging on a nearby rack. “I’m your girl. One of them, anyways. A good hunter always knows to brush up on this stuff just in case they get injured.” She’d pluck a few and place them on the table. “This ones good for fevers,” She’d say, holding a dried bundle of short, fat leaves to her. “This one’ll help with swelling and this one goes great on meats.”

She’d laugh at the last one.

“If you want, I could show you some. Got nothin’ better to do right now and if I get any more bored I’ll probably go crack a rat skull or two.”

@crimson Paladin

“I don’t see how that’s my problem.” The Yaga replied curtly, folding her arms and narrowing her eyes at Novak. A few tense, quiet seconds would follow as Ayumi hopped along the table, nuzzling Novak’s arm. The only sound was the crackling of the fireplace and a cool breeze blowing in from outside.

“...look,” The Yaga sighed after a few moments. “Its not that I don’t understand, but I can’t exactly help even if I wanted to. I am far more terrified of the Lady of Death then I am of any rat or whoever it is that you serve. I’d rather be killed then have a relatively peaceful afterlife then die and be tortured for eternity as a lost soul in the Asphodel Meadows.” She moved over to a few cabinets, rummaging around and pulling out some bread, vegetables, plates, and a number of other foodstuffs and placing them on the table.

“...but if it’ll get you out of my fur, alI I can really say is that if they’re looking for me, then they believe one of two things. Rifelshka is involved in this assassination attempt, or they think I can help them find who is through some sort of contract with her.” The Yaga walked over to an egg basket, taking a few out and placing them next to the bread. “If its the former…well, they think they can use me in some manner.” A derisive chuckle from her told all one needed to know what she thought about it.

She’d start chopping some vegetables with a knife.

“Maybe you shouldn’t be so blinded by something so flimsy as friendship and stop to think that maybe they have legitimate reasons for targeting your caravan.” She’d leave the knife embedded in a particularly large onion and glance up at Novak.

@Cu Chulainn

“Aha, a spear is all? Well don’t you worry.” Asvar excitedly took the spear. “For helping little Raelzeth…I’ll do somethin’ special for ya. Come by tomorrow evening and she’ll be good as new, that’s a dwarven promise.” He’d run his hands over the spear, a low rumbling tone coming from his throat, a small smile forming on his lips as he’d give it a few test swings. “And a fine spear she already is. Won’t be much trouble at all.” He’d give Raelzeth a rough pat on the back, nearly causing her to stumble over. “If there’ll be nothing else, better get Raelzeth here something for her throat and get started on a plan for this beauty.”

It was getting late in the day too. The sun starting to sink a bit low over the horizon as dusk would settle over the village. Perhaps there was something he needed to do under the cover of darkness-

“Oh, seems I’m interrupting a party.” A blond haired woman with fierce eyes walked up to the group. Something about the woman made Gideons skin proverbially crawl, as if this womans mere presence was off-putting to the Raam. “I heard there was a dwarf smith here and was hoping to buy some things and get my blade looked at.”

“No trouble at all lass.” Asvar replied. “You’re that new girl that arrived with the elf aren’t you?”

“Aye.” Sorcha’s eyes glanced over Gideon briefly. “...not often a Raam travels this far past the mountains.”

Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

“A pleasure to meet the three of you.” Gilles responded with a small smile. “Wish we could have at a better time, but well…I guess no time is really a good time for introductions these days.” He’d sigh, rubbing his messy head of blond hair, a bit taken aback by Aleksiya’s formality and seeming disappearance of her frightened demeanor but he didn’t question it beyond a mildly puzzled glance.

“Usually, anywhere between ten to twenty.” He’d say, moving to help fasten some ropes to the boxes and anchor them in place alongside Dragan. “All we can really say is that they routinely come from the forest. We’ve sent a few people to scout and see if we couldn’t find anything but the ones that returned said some…well…” He’d frown. “I don’t know if I believe it, but apparently there’s some half dead beast that has something to do with it.” He’d finish tying a knot into the ropes, giving it a firm tug to test its capabilities. “That’s to say nothing from the undead that crawl out of the river nearby. Those only showed up recently. No idea where they come from or what they’re doing.”

Some of the children had taken notice of Luna. Despite the danger of the situation and their somewhat dirty appearance they were curiously gazing at the woman in front of them. A number of men and women too couldn’t help but to turn their heads towards her, even as a few would usher the children downstairs into the basement.

“Personally? Only once, and that was far too many times.” Gilles responded to Luna’s question. “If it hadn’t been for Julene’s quick thinking I’d not be among the living right now.” he’d rub the back of his neck. “As a whole? Too many. It happens too regularly to keep count, really.”

Forest of Beasts
@Click This

The gorebat gave an impertinent sounding chitter as she was flicked, none too impressed.

It was a sound strategy. Trick them into thinking that they were being attacked from the front, by the houses. Giselle’s bullets easily found their mark on the unsuspecting creatures. Two found their way into the torso of a humanoid that screeched, flailing its arms and leaping into the air as blood poured from its wounds, flapping its pitiful wings and gliding to a nearby tree. Another found its mark in the skull of a hound like creature, knocking it to the side while the fourth shot would eviscerate the chest cavity of another humanoid beast, sending it to the ground. The last two managed to tear into the flesh of another, silencing it entirely by almost taking its head completely off.

If these creatures had normal human senses at least.

One of the ones on all fours raised its muzzle to the air, a sickening howl sounding halfway between a painful screech a beastly roar rang out as it’d turn in Giselle’s direction. Leaping on all fours, it’d charge at her with powerful muscles, aiming to tackle and rip and tear her to shreds. The others she attacked had been stunned from the surprise assault, but the others had quickly taken note of the commotion and were quickly converging on her.

Somewhat preemptively, the Gorebat atop Giselles head would flap its wings, screeching at the beasts. The little bat would climb down Giselle’s head giving her a little bite on the neck. Instead of being painful, though, Giselle would feel a sudden rush of energy as the Gorebat shared what blood it had with her.

Human Village, River

“Damn it woman, you’ll only get in the way!” The woman hissed. The second rock Akyasha lobbed hit one square in the chest this time, breaking clean through its ribs but not knocking it out. Several undead had now crawled out of the river, shambling towards the village - at least fifteen of the things, slowly making their way towards the village. “I don’t see anything useful on you except them arms, and unless you intend to punch these things to death, get lost!”

The woman still didn’t bother telling Akyasha her name, now wasn’t really the time for introductions as the undead were mere feet from them. She’d load another bolt into the crossbow, just in time for her to somewhat clumsily block a strike from one with the ranged weapon. With her free hand, she’d bring her heavy blade downwards onto the creature, cracking its skull and sending it stumbling backwards but not killing it yet.

Instead of engaging more directly, though, Julene would lob another bolt towards some undead towards the back of the river, running away from Akyasha and the river.

“Oi you wet mop-heads! Over here if you want a taste of me!” She’d shout, taunting the undead however ineffectually as she’d run over towards an abandoned looking house near the rivers edge, not paying akyasha another thought.

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

Completely and utterly ignoring Argus’ request, Cynthia slammed her spear into ones skull, impaling it on her weapon and immediately grabbing its ribs with her free hand. An elegant spin later, and she’d slam it into a second skeleton, shattering the first ones bones in multiple places and sending the second rolling to the ground. Not wasting any time, Cynthia completely crushed its skull beneath her heel…just in time to see Argus trying to parlay with his crew.

Cynthia let out a small huff.

The skeletal crewmate he had tried to command approached with a groan. Its body held together by little more than magic and seaweed. For a few moments, it stood, as if it was about to comply with the request as it’d raise the rusty sword, and simply proceed to clumsily lunge at Argus, his attempt at controlling them completely ineffective.

Before the sword could reach him, it was promptly sliced off by Cynthia.

“Captain Fellborn.” She’d state sternly. “Your desire to save your crew is admirable, but they have a new captain. In your current state, well…you wouldn’t be able to win a simple game of Liars Dice against it.”
12.000 hours


“Ahaha, Net!” Leoniya laughed, releasing Katherine from the hug. “You rest! The other three of you miss Chef, Senya, and Kinswoman, head back to the defensive line the local police have made and go support them. We’ll handle this from here.” A brief salute and the other two maids in training would wander off in the direction of the defensive line from the police. No doubt they could still use some extra support in fending off the remaining demon assaults.

“Bozhe…whoever opened fire while still dropping is going to get a stern pummeling from Myrilla.” The rat lady would sigh, walking over to her tank and hoping up onto its treads, inspecting the damage. “That was a nasty little demon. Corrosive breath or such…really did a number on the plating.” She’d lean the wrench over the side of the contraption.

“For now Katherine, you rest and watch the perimeter while I fix up this guy I doubt we’ll be finding any more demons here. From above what I can tell most demons have either been dealt with or fled into the surrounding countryside for now, or converging on that old theater…”

@Click This@AzureKnight

The girl gripped the sweet macaron gently, thoughts he couldn’t bring herself to eat it. All she could do was simply hold tight to Polina and let the maid carry her as she wished. She was too tired and exhausted to do anything else. When she felt her position shifting, she didn’t compromise or try resisting. She’d do whatever it was Polina told her too, and just cling tightly for her life.

So inside she’d run.

The inside of the theater, what was left of it was a mess. Immediately upon walking in, she’d barely have time to react as the corpse of a demon was flung right by her, grazing just by her head and splattering against a nearby wall before collapsing into a puddle of black goo. Inside, she could hear bright, cheerful laughter.

“Ahaha, man you guys are sooo weak!” There was a series of loud booms, thuds and clangs as whoever was fighting shouted. “Weak weak weak! You embarrassing excuses of demons aren’t even worth being used as doormats!”

The inside of the theater where they were fighting, was an old, now collapsed theater stage. All the seats had been smashed to bits almost, with the ceiling having collapsed inside letting rays of sunlight in.The stage curtains had long since fallen and were now swarming with demons, and Single pink haired maid surrounded by them. Her arms were covered in large, hefty looking mechanical gauntlets replete cogs, gears, pipes of steam moving and clanging away as the massive contraption made her hands appear at least thrice their size.

One of those large ape like demons bellowed, running towards her. She’d merely laugh sadistically, leaping over it and grabbing the rim of its neckhole with her hands. Landing on top of it, she’d grab the other side…and pull. The beast screeched and yelled as she’d just…rip it entirely in half, flinging one other side of it into a swarm of demons as she’d discard the other one next to her feet, spewing its lava blood all over the stage floor and creating a hazard zone of lava between herself and another of the demons.

“Just die already, you pieces worthless excrement!” It was now, that she’d just notice Polina at the other end of the theater. She’d blink, tilt her head to the side a bit. “Oh hiiii, you must be here to save me! Ehehe, you didn’t…hear anything odd did you?~” She’d question, smiling innocently as she’d plant the palm of one of her gauntlets into the face of another demon and proceed to pummel it into the ground.
Nids End

“Mhm, I did.” Sarah replied with a small smile. “She’s fairly tall, eyes that could remind one of a clear blue sky. She’s rather irritable, though, and tends to speak with her blade more than her voice.” Sarah would heft her shield, staking it into the ground next to her and leaning on it. The elf passed her a mug with a grin.

“Hmm, thank you for the offer but it’d be ill form to ask the ruler of a human kingdom for aid in a completely unrelated matter.” She’d take a long swig of the drink. “I’d tell you more, but this is something I really must do myself. That and I promised her I wouldn’t actually look for her and focus on my own duties, but well…let's just say I have a message for her I need to urgently deliver when I find her.” Sarah turned to look at Sucaria.

“We simply sailed around this land until we landed here, really. Thought it’d be a good place to avoid any humans, though it seems we’ve been discovered anyway.” She’d chuckle, eyes drawn to Luna’s sword.

“So, Lunalel was it?” She’d flash a smile. “Care for a little duel?”

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“Ah! Its a ice man!”

“What’s an ice man doing here?”

“Ice man, Ice man, we’ll play with ice man instead-”

Elnith was in immediate agreement, charging in not far behind Ethelred. Blood red blade gleaming in the shady wood as she’d bring it down upon one of the creatures head. It’d nimbly disappear, almost as though it hadn’t been there to begin with and ended up a few feet away before leaping towards Elnith with its large hands.

“Hey you look like you’re in pain. I can make you feel-ghhhk”

“Nope!” Lugh leaping into the air, spinning once and slamming the spear down right on top of the Unseelie, smashing into the ground.

Ethelred’s lance would skewer one of the nearest ones easily, not having been able to react to the sudden, swift assault.

“Wah, hey, are they playing with us instead?”

“Aw, boring boring ow ow, it hurts!” The one that had been slammed into the ground said.

“Hey hey, what are they doing here anyways?”

“Who cares, run run~! A simple game of taggy?”

“Catch us if you can ice man~!”

And the small group would all proceed to run off after two of them had summarily been dealt with. Cowards that they were. The man would shakily get to his feet, holding his head slightly.

“Urgh…thank the spirits for your timely intervention…” He was covered in a number of bruises and looked like he might have a few broken bones, but otherwise seemed fine. “Are you…travelers?”

“Well…they fled rather easily…” Elnith frowned lightly.

—-------- -> Airedale Prison

At being told that She’d be seeing her again, Ithica smiled sleepily, her ears perking up happily.

“Please…don’t keep me waiting.” Were the final words of the goddess as Fio stepped back through the Arch. She’d be gone in seconds, so she wouldn’t see the Goddess’ smile fade, the realm itself slowly fading, too. The stars above darkening, slowly fading and twinkling out of existence.

Only a cracked, blackened sky, a white floor and a broken castle, far, far, in the distance.

She’d lay on the ground, ears drooping as a small puddle of water formed in front of her. She’d trace a thin, pale finger across its surface.

Fio would find herself waking back up in the tub she had fallen asleep in. Soaked from head to toe in water, warding sigils completely faded and burned. Noticeably, she was extremely tired herself, her throat parched, and it was hard to tell exactly how long she had been out. Long enough for someone to be knocking on the door shouting something and asking if she was okay.

“And here I thought Fomorians had a bad definition of consent but you witches always surprise me.” The voice of Cethlann would greet her ears. Though she was still bound, blindfolded, and immobile otherwise, she had somehow managed to…somehow…remove the gag. Or at least tear it somehow. It looked like it had been ripped by something. “Hey, get me food. I’m starving or are you gonna just starve me to death?”
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