Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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4 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
5 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

ok, felt much better so have a post.
*Yingmei Okudaira*


Yingmei followed quietly along behind Akitsugu, unsure if she should speak. Should she make small talk? Say where she came from? Ask where he came from? They seemed dressed in similar manner, to be sure, and his name was as well. Was it bad to think they may have been from the same general region just because of those small similarities? Her thoughts soon would be drawn to the others, as they approached the square. She had seen many people on her travels. Elves, Dwarfs, all manner of humans so she wasn't too surprised to see such an eclectic group. More than anything, she was glad. She'd stand out less.

"Haeh?" She'd let out a little startled noise as the blacksmith glanced back towards her. Did she need to say something? Was she about to be thrust into introductions with everyone here? She didn't actually explain what she was doing here, did she? How should she introduce herself? Farmer? Former Priestess? One who was cursed by the gods to trip over flat ground when most inconvenient? It was a good thing others continued the conversation while she continued to use Akitsugu as a tactical social anxiety shield. If nothing else, it let her get her thoughts in order as she'd flip flop between listening to the others and not letting her own thoughts get away from her.

Most notably, she was interested in what that Bookish elf was talking about. Yingmei's eyes lingered on Myrr, a little curious. Her job at least was tangentially related to plants, right? Knowing plants and what would be edible and good for cultivating was definitely somewhat adjacent to what she was talking about right? Right. She could do this, work up the courage to say something -

"U-uhm! I'm a far-"

She was interrupted by a rather loud fellow speaking up not long after. Oh. That was fine. She took a few deep breaths. She could just let him finish and speak up after! No problem at all. She didn't really understand what he was talking about, but he was loud and excitable. She wished she had a sliver of his seeming confidence, as hers was only wavering the more people started talking and speaking among themselves. She felt like a rice plant that was getting blown away during a typhoon with how many people were talking.

Thankfully, it seemed she was just about to be given a small chance to finally introduce herself. She'd step forward, finally from out of behind Akitsugu. She was gripping the farming implement hard again.

"H-hello! Erm, Yingmei. That's me. Yingmei, I mean that's my name yes!" She'd manage to finally speak up after Niara. "I-If its fruits and veggies and cultivating things, w-well...I'm a farmer...kind of...I mean I am. N-never mind...ok...deep breaths Yingmei..." She'd take a few seconds to inhale, and then exhale. "Sorry...I'm...not really good at talking or b-being in large groups like this. B-but uhm! I have some seeds with me...a good portion of Rice, Potato, Wheat, and some Camellia seeds I could make into tea. If I can find a good plot of land I could get started soon. I think the land to the south looked fairly fertile." She paused for a few moments, seemingly done speaking before . "A-ah! I-if someone wants to come with me...or h-help me take a look around I wouldn't mind."
might wait until tomorrow to post

Been feeling a bit not so great today. We'll see if i feel better by bed time.
I'll be attempting to posty today
Location: Weynon Priory

Meen-La, was so far, utterly unimpressed with the way these members of the Secrent Militia were behaving. Problem one - they hadn't even introduced themselves yet! Problem two, they were already discussing plans without a full scope of information on what they were doing. How many people they would be escorting, the scope of their supposed enemies. What to expect if things do go south. She would have expected the Legionnaire to at least take such considerations into his purview but it seemed as though she had thought much too highly of them.

Should be expected, she supposed. They couldn't catch her for ten years right in their own backyard.

Problem three, their so called plan was a pile of Wamasu Dung in her professional opinion.

"Mythic Dawn Remnants, reinforcements...do you want us to stick out like a Swamp Jelly in Elsweyr, lukiul?" She would turn her head towards the rest of those gathered. "I apologize for the harshness of my tone, my Kin, but as that one," She would lightly tilt her head in the direction of Sylruna. "People will need convincing, but a story built on nothing but lies will fall under the faintest of scrutiny. Do we have the means of appearing as merchants? Something like that can be investigated and found false very quickly? If they are already suspicious they will already likely be investigating us the moment we step into the city." Her voice took a slightly more playful tone as the edges of her lips curved into a small smile.

"Also, do we really have the luxury of spinning such plans when we hardly even know one another? So allow me to be the first. I am Meen-La. I'm sure some of you have heard of me, especially you, my lukiul Kin. She flashed the argonian Legionnaire a toothy grin. While I think planning things now when we do not have the full scope of information yet, If you'll allow me a moment to interject with this plan of yours, I would suggest something much simpler, more effective, and less open to scrutiny. Meen-La stood straight, gesturing with her hands as she spoke. "Our goals are two fold. Not only take care of the bandits, but also get into Bruma without trouble to escort these delegates, yes? So we split into two teams. I take a few of you with me and we go deal with the bandits in the area. The others go to Bruma...under the guise of hunting a recently escaped Criminal from the Imperial Dungeon. A certain Lizard known for being rather brutal - Me. Meen-La. You have intel that is where she ran, and you are looking for clues of her nearby. The Nords in the region will find less fault with such a plan, especially if you take Kiffar and one or two of our more combat capable friends."
Yingmei's gonna look for a big open field near the edge of town that has good soil and is nowhere near the swamp. She probably can also help someone forage for plants and berries and stuff, if need be though someone will probably have to suggest it to her.
Location: Weynon Priory

Honestly, she had no problem with what was happening. Her only regret was not dying in glorious battle and returning to the Hist or whatever those back home in Blackmarsh thought. The guards that had been used to escort her had long since unbound her shackles and left her with her gear. She had to wonder if they were naive or just that confident. Better for her, either way. She could just smash her way out, of that she had no doubt, but at the same time. A pardon, for her crimes? A more tempting offer than some may believe...but for now, Meen-La stayed quiet, eyes hidden behind her helmet as she'd observe those gathered, only half listening to whatever this holy woman was saying.

Her eyes, of course, were immediately drawn to the lukiul, dressed in what was obviously legionnaire armor. He wasn't sent to keep an eye on her was he? Didn't recall his face, either, so probably noone with a grudge. So just a normal legionnaire? She couldn't fathom the lukiul more than they could likely fathom the swamps back home. The others gathered didn't seem special or interesting in any way, truthfully. Except the Breton looking woman. Something about her intuition said that she might be fun to take in a duel despite the way she looked.

This opinion only changed when an...incredibly well built Khajiit was brought into the priory, being manhandled by guards no less.

"Hah." She couldn't help but to let out an audible chuckle at the sight. A Cathay-Raht. Not the first time shes seen one, but the first time she's seen one outside of Elsweyr. Maybe this group would have someone fun in it after all. Still, might as well get this underway. They were all to be allies for various reasons, and she was in no position to argue.

"Confessor," She would step a bit closer to the group, having mostly stayed off to the side as she observed. "I too, will take the blessing, if your Talos is willing." She would turn her head towards the Breton, the feathers on her headpiece swishing as she did so. "Forgive me for intruding, but that does not seem to matter. We will be mere escorts and whatever happens otherwise is none of our business. Is that correct, Confessor?"

As it says, she knows where she stands in the pecking order of things. She's fine with her position and understands its a little precarious if she steps out of line.
@Letter Bee
Okaaaay, here she is.

Lemme know if there needs to be anything thats changed or you'd prefer just not having a more hardened criminal as part of the cast. Don't worry, she's not gonna get up to any nefarious shenanigans ICly, promise <3

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