Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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4 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
5 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

gonna reply in the next day or two. Works been tiring
The smartest and cutest doll - Lena
@FujiwaraPhoenix@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin

"Steel, so Iron, Carbon and something called Mithril plus extraneous trace elements." Lena would hold a hand on her hip and a finger pointing upwards in response to Javal's question. "Your armor. Thats what its made out of. It seems as though I have an ability to be able to discern what seemingly man made things are made of. I was testing to see what triggered the knowledge. Seems its objects such as armor or weapons for now. Handy, since I was an engineer and worked with my hands and machines back on earth." She'd nod, considering the implications of this. If she could know what something was made of at a glance...hm." The little seriousness Lena just displayed evaporated as she thought, her mouth slowly turning down into a pout. "Eeehhh...not very useful right now...why couldn't I get some fancy armor or a magic staff of some kind..." Lena turned back to Sephily, holding out her arms. "Elfy let me hug you."

From the way she was indeed, walking back to Sephily, she was not about to actually wait for permission.

"Ahahaha..." Colcette responded with a nervous laughter. Well, she supposed a high ranking member of such an organization would be that perceptive. Thankfully at least, she was not entirely opposed to it. The following offer wasn't bad, either. A dwemer ruin, huh? She had never been in one before. "Let me be clear miss, as a follower of Akatosh who spent her time growing up around clergy doing menial chores for free is not something I am opposed too, if it helps people...but thank you for the understanding." She'd look over to the young man and the paper presented, studying it. "Never been in a Dwemer ruin before. A little exciting to think about. Either of you have complaints?" She'd ask her two companions.

The smartest and cutest doll - Lena
@FujiwaraPhoenix@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin

"Science, my cute elf!" Lena replied with a little giggle as she'd watch Sephily step back. "Orichalcum, Steel, Oak...Crystalized Mana? And various other unimportant trace elements. Thats what your staff is made out of." The doll placed a hand on her hip, the other held up with her pointer extended as she spoke in a fairly matter of fact manner. "If I had to guess, its made mainly of wood with a steel and orichalcum coating of some kind, and that big crystal is just...mana? That's going to take some time getting used too." Lena's expression slowly turned from serious to a bright grin. "And your ears are made of a hundred percent elvish cuteness." She'd state, perhaps far too casually and not allowing Sephily any time to say anything as she continued. "Your clothing seems to be made of Woad, Silk, Flax, gold, and leather. I am unsure of the specifics though. I worked with buildings and machines, not cloth. Now, then,"

Lena turned on her heels and walked over to the kitchen.

"Javaaaaalllll!" She'd call out as she'd approach from behind, hoping to get his attention so he could turn towards her. If he didn't well, it didn't matter too much. "Quiet, I must test something!" Javal, would thus feel the dolls hands end up on either side of his face, lightly pressing and squishing his cheeks together. "Hmhm...your not bad looking, now that I'm this close aren't you?" After a few seconds she'd lower her hands and start touching Javal's armor in various places. If the effect was this repeatable then maybe this was some ability that she gained when coming to this world? That would certainly be useful. Even if she didn't know the exact material ratios, even knowing what things were made out of could easily allow her to replicate them with some experimentation and trial and error.
The smartest and cutest doll - Lena
@FujiwaraPhoenix@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin

Whatever her companions were saying, Lena did not hear. For the moment she touched the armor, a switch was flipped in her head. Steel. Specifically a composition currently Carbon, Iron, Iron oxide thanks to the rust, and a bunch of other elements. She already knew that's really what it would be made of, or at least could be assumed. Rather, she knew thats what steel in general was. Take out the rust and it was just an alloy of iron, carbon, and other miscellaneous elements.

The problem wasn't what it was made out of or that she could have already assumed. The interesting thing was that somehow, she knew with a hundred percent certainty that it was and she could pinpoint the trace elements left in it.

The same was for the dagger too. A little touch and she already knew what it was made out of.

She'd pocket the silver locket, and tie the dagger to her side using a spare ribbon from one of her dress' many frills. Shed inspect the locket later, for now, there was science to be done! Javal was in another area, which meant the only one she could test this one was the cute elf at the moment.

"Just a silver locket! Nothing amazing. Though," Lena called back out towards Javal as she'd approach Sephily. "Cute little Elf, I need to test something. Stay still, da?" Her hands, thus, went first to Sephily's staff. A logical first choice. Would she immediately know what it was made out of? Perhaps some wood or fantastical element? Wordlessly and regardless of results, her hands would then move to the dress Sephiliy was wearing, specifically placing a hand on her stomach for a few seconds. The cloth looked high quality and well made, and after a few seconds of inspecting the dress, Lena's hands would deftly move...right to Sephily's ears. She'd give them a little rub and a gentle pull.

It was a very important scientific question, definitely.
posty finally
*Yingmei Okudaira*


"Uhm, hmhm." Yingmei went over Niara's suggestion in her head. It would be a good idea to get a little something going, but at the same time did they have the actual time to? Well, it wasn't like they were expected back anytime extremely soon. Besides, it would be refreshing to actually put her skills to work after such a long time. "Hmm, you know what! Okay!" Yingmei would sit the chicken creature down near her feet as she'd pull her hoe from where it was strapped to her bag.

"It'll have to be small, probably a place without much growth or weeds. It'd be too much work to remove those entirely for now, but it should be fine if we plant them and do the weeding later. Since we don't have a Mill...some of the tea leaves and rice will work." It wouldn't be the ideal scenarios for either plant, really, but it'd be better then nothing. It wouldn't take her long to find a suitable spot. A small patch of area that wasn't quite as overgrown, and nothing that her Hoe couldn't handle or she couldn't pull up right with her hands if she had too.

So, with a surprising amount of fervor Yingmei would get started, using the Hoe to make small furrows and to remove any remaining weeds in the area.

"Hmhmhm~" She was now humming quietly to herself as she worked, though it wouldn't be any tune or song Niara would be familiar with. After making the furrows and spacing them far enough away, Yingmei would start dropping the rice and tea seeds into the grooves, followed by properly piling the soil around them and what would be the future base of the plants. After a little while the farmer would have created a small little plot that would hopefully be suitable. "Eheh, okay, I think that's good. Uhm...though it will take awhile for them to grow? Erm, maybe I could do a prayer or ritual for a good harvest, ahah...erm, maybe we should maybe head back soon and let everyone know what we found." Almost as an afterthought, Yingmei would turn her head to the chicken. Where had it gone? "And Miss Clucky! Don't dig up and eat the seeds."
The cutest Doll - Lena

It was a little disappointing that the upper floor didn't seem to have much in the way of anything useful. Beds, some broken furnishings. Maybe a few scattered miscellaneous objects here and there, but as far as anything useful there was none. Likely already picked clean or taken during whatever mess caused this place to become abandoned or shortly afterwards, perhaps. So she made her way downstairs instead. Hopefully they would be -

"O-oh. Thats...a body...oh."

Honestly, though, what was she expecting? A completely clean building devoid of remains in what seemed to be the aftermath of a warzone?

"Curse my cushy first world problems, nngh." Logically, she knew she shouldn't be put off or upset by such a thing in her situation, but it easier said then done. On the other hand, though...maybe they had something useful on them? Aside from the dagger, that is. Lena would approach the deceased body with some manner of caution and start to inspect the dagger and the armor it was wearing, reaching out and touching the armor with a firm, but gentle touch before starting to rifle through any pockets the armored individual might have.
Location: Orange Road.

If one were listening between the shouting and debating, they would here a Saxhleel curse be muttered from the direction of a certain lizard.

"This one...has many, many questions. Why do you have one? Where did you get it? And why in the name of the great Hist are you carrying it around like its a trinket?!" Meen-La would interject with a surprisingly hostile growl. "If we had been searched by guards or inspected at any point during our trip, how would you have explained it? A black soul gem? You incompetent, short sighted hatchling!" Meen-la Folded her arms across her chest, doing her best to resist just choosing violence as a solution to this problem as she inhaled deeply. If this had been someone in her old gang casually carrying around something like that...well. She'd force feed it to them after breaking their arms.

She cast a glance towards Auron, though it was hard for him and the others to tell what she was really thinking behind that scaly face of hers hidden behind her headdress. She had no qualms with necromancy itself, and her concern was mostly about public perception. It may not be illegal, but it would give the guards and their enemies both reason to detain or accuse them of something. The public tended to not approve or like necromancy, after all.

"Tsk, such concerns aside..." She shook her head, the feathers swishing as she did so. "It might come as a surprise to all here, but I am wholly against this as well. I may be no mage and do not have an intrinsic understanding of such matters but I have standards. Few, but I do. This is not something we should toy with and I agree with Auron here. To say nothing of the fact doing something will only breed mistrust between us when we should be working together, might I add."
I will try to post in the next few days. If needed, feel free to skip and assume Yingmei does go back to the village, otherwise tuesday evening at the latest.
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