Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@LostDestiny @XxFellsingxX
"While you should have no fear, that doesn't mean you should have no caution." The sleepwalking aasimar mumbled in warning. "For there is no power in all the multiverse capable of saving you from the consequences of reckless choices." Once more, the aasimar stirred. This time both eyes opened and he looked around in a half-awake daze. "Oh my..." He said, barely able to keep his eyes open. "I must be... sleepwalking... again..." With that said, the aasimar's eyes slid shut once more and he recited another riddle. "O. T. T. F. F. S. S... What is next?"

@Guardian Angel Haruki
The judge cat preened pridefully as Cascade addressed her next round of poetry to him. Leaves on the Breeze chuckled quietly at the cat enjoying the attention from his lofty perch. "Appealing to the judge cat's pride? That'll get him on your side." Leaves commented before returning her attention to the contest at hand.

"Rhyming words we do pursue,
To win this contest and claim what is due.
We search for poetic verses to cast,
So that we may be deemed unsurpassed.
To do such a thing, you need to be bright.
Especially if, like me, you do it all night."

As Rala made her way through the hustle and bustle of the campsite to where the quieter sleeping areas where, her ears would soon pick of the sound of uneven, stumbling footfalls. These sounds belonged to an incredibly drunk orc who eventually drew level with Rala and began to speak. "Oi oi. You seem like yer smart. Smarter th'n me a'least." The orc slurred as he stumbled alongside Rala. "I need 'elp figurin' somethin' out. Y'see there's this guy, yeah? An' this guy, 'e's dead 'ard, yeah? An' 'e's got this axe what 'e uses ta do a lotta dead 'ard things, yeah? Then one day, this dead 'ard guy gets old, yeah? An' since 'e don't need 'is axe no more, 'e gives it to 'is son, yeah? An' the son goes on ta do even more dead 'ard things, yeah? But then one day the axe blade breaks, yeah? Now, the son could just get a new axe, but this is 'is dad's axe we're talkin' about 'ere, so it's got a special place in the son's 'eart, yeah? So instead, the son replaces the axe blade, yeah?"

The orc then pauses a moment to take a swig from a large jug of alcohol in his hand before continuing. "So the son goes on to do lotsa dead 'ard things jus' like 'is dad, yeah?" The orc said. "Then one day, the son gets old and passes the axe on to 'is own son jus' like 'is dad, yeah? Now the son's son also goes on to do dead 'ard things, yeah? But then one day, the 'andle breaks, yeah? Now just like 'ow the son coulda gotten a new axe but didn't, the son's son weren't about to throw away the axe of 'is dad an' 'is dad's dad over some broken 'andle, yeah? So instead, the son's son replaces the 'andle, yeah?"

The orc then pauses once more to let out a loud belch before speaking some more. "But now that both the axe blade an' the 'andle 'ave been replaced, is it still the same axe what the first guy 'ad or is it a different axe? An' also, if some wizard came along and used magic to fix the broken axe blade an' the 'andle an' put it back together, is that the real axe an' the one what the son's son 'as is a fake?"
Sorry for taking so long, guys. Poetry is hard.
@Cao the Exiled

Sorry for taking so long to make my way over. Here's my application.

I've got a DM post 90% done. It'll be out soon.
@rush99999 I'll edit my post, not sure what to do at this point though. Any suggestions

Here's a list of diversions that be found about the campsite

• Teleporting Ring Toss
• Svirfneblin Wrestling
• Outstare the Blind Man
• Cookie Eating Contest
• Game Set Tournaments (Card, Dice, Dragon Chess, etc.)
• Shatterstaff (Two people with quarterstaffs take turns hitting their opponent's staff to try and break it.)
• Familiar Fights (Rock Paper Scissors using scrolls of Find Familiar. Celestial beats fiend. Fiend beats fey. Fey beats celestial.)
• One on One Ring Fights (Two people fight until one side is reduced to 50% HP.)
• Battle Royale (Similar to the above, but with lots of people.)
Even funnier that someone searched up and down for her but Rala just happens to stumble into them.

Funny for sure. But also not particularly fair on the others, so I'm afraid I can't let you do that.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Leaves on the Breeze listened to Cascade's rhymes with a small smile playing across her lips. Once the genasi was done, the tabaxi gave her an approving nod before purring out a poem of her own.

"Nothing like a hot drink while relaxing in a tree.
Although personally I've always preferred coffee.
The starry sky also goes along with it quite well.
Much stronger than any wizard's enchantment spell.
For what more could one need on a night such as this,
Than good friends and good drink for such purest of bliss?"

A few moments after Leaves on the Breeze finished speaking, a meow further up the tree on which Leaves was perched alerted both poets to a scruffy looking tabby cat watching the poetry contest from the higher branches. "Oh! That's our judge, by the way." Leaves mentioned to Cascade while motioning up towards the cat. "Who wins this contest will be his say."

@LostDestiny @XxFellsingxX
"Darkness surrounds you from all sides, but have no fear." The somnambulant celestial murmured in response to his riddle receiving an answer. "The master of this world would sooner see you succeed." The aasimar then stirred slightly in his standing slumber for a moment. One of his eyelids trembles as if it's about to open. But then the aasimar let out a small yawn and settled back down into his sleep. A few moments later, he was rattling off yet another riddle. "I'm the beginning of eternity and the end of time and space. I'm the beginning of all endings. The end of every race... What am I?"
If this aasimar turns out to be a sphinx in disguise I'm gonna lose it.

I honestly wouldn't put it past Rush, considering they threw a freakin' night hag at us earlier xD

I had intended to have this guy just be an aasimar. But now that you've given me the idea, yes, he is a sphinx in disguise.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
"Nice to meet you, Cascade. I am Leaves on the Breeze." The tabaxi in the tree introduced herself with a small yet eager smile. "Five silvers are fine. You may start, if you please."

@LostDestiny @XxFellsingxX
Aura and Flicker would have an easy time finding leads on where the water genasi was in the campsite. Though actually finding her was proving to be a little harder. As they wandered from one last known location to the next, the sound of someone snoring suddenly met the duo's ears despite them being nowhere near the sleeping tents. The source of the snoring wouldn't remain a mystery for long though. An older aasimar man came up alongside them and slowed to match pace with the genasi as he drew level with them. The man's eyes were shut and his mouth hung open, allowing the sound of snoring to rumble forth from the opening. After walking next to Aura and flicker for a few moments though, the aasimar stopped snoring and started talking in his sleep. "Round I am, yet flat as a board. The altar of the Lupine Lords. I am a jewel on black velvet, a pearl in the sea. Unchanged yet e'erchanging, eternally... What am I?"
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