Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

@Lurking Krog
A +1 wouldn't get a 6 or an 11 up to 20. However, if you believe Jørmund wouldn't hesitate to volunteer for front line combat, you can have inspiration for that 6 you rolled. That would count as acting without thinking.
Attack Roll: 14 (Could I use a spell slot here to boost this? ^^")

Of course.
I wouldn't mind giving this a go. Here's my character.

Finally got a post out. Sorry for taking so long. I'll try not to let it get that bad again. If anyone has any questions regarding this new experimental battle system, I'll be more than happy to answer them.
When Aura revealed that he had sent her familiar on ahead to do some scouting. The leader of the highwaymen regarded her with an impressed nod. "Let's hear it." The simic hybrid said. "The more eyes we can get on whoever's attacking, the better." The leader then listened to what Aura had to report. As Arua's report went on, the impressed look on the leader's face steadily grew even more so. "We'll be able to make good use of this." She said once Aura was finished. "Well done. I'll remember this once the battle is over." The leader then turned back to all the assembled defenders and raised her voice for all to hear. "Those of you who can fight will be expected to at the very least serve as the last line of defense!" She called out. "Those who contribute more than the bare minimum can expect to be rewarded more than the bare minimum too!"

@Vertigo @Digizel @Guardian Angel Haruki

Orbital Boop Cannon charging sequence initiated...
Your sanctum may have the following disadvantage. It's location is known by many.

*Misty, around a mouthful of yogurt* gob dmn it

Worry not, the location isn't known by many. Kendra only knows it if you decide they've been there before. If not, they only know your phone number. As for Paimon, I believe one of your sanctum's downsides is that it attracts otherworldly attention?

"You know a Queen?" Brutrumukk asked at the mention of a Queen. "Is she the Doormat Queen? Some clowns at the Carnival asked us to come free the Doormat Queen. That, an' find the alley corn. D'you lot know where we can find the alley corn or 'ow we could free the Doormat Queen?"
Speaking of artwork, I was going through some stuff I've purchased over the years, and let me say, can this be Mitra's demon form?

That's fine by me.
Speaking of stuff you draw, do you have a DeviantArt page or something like that on some other art website? If you have any other drawings, regardless of whether or not they're game related drawings, I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them.

What faction would you say Nephren-Ka is a part of?
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