Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Brutrumukk visibly deflated when Tsu revealed that the unicorns could not fly. He'd thought he was onto something when she mentioned the unicorns, but unfortunately he was mistaken. When Tsu apologized, Brutrumukk waved her off. "Ah don't worry 'bout it, Sue. It ain't yer fault. We'll figure it out eventually." Brutrumukk said. "Sorry fer snappin' at ya just now as well."
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Is the T in Tsu silent?
Dude you assholes showed up after we chased away the bad guy and held us at gunpoint, some favor!

The arrival of the Copper Web was what made Abberline retreat. They did help, just not directly.
@Lurking Krog
You're up.
Ervdul stiffened momentarily as Aura moved the hex to him. He turned to look in her direction just in time to watch Aura's Eldritch Blast catch him in the arm, causing it to break of. "GAAAAAAAAAH!" Ervdul cried out in pain as he clutched at the cracked remains of his shoulder. The sight and sound of their other leader coming to grievous harm caused both halves of the attacking force to falter this time.

At this point, Ervdul surveys the battlefield with the face of someone coming to an unpleasant conclusion. Then he gives a simple order. "FIGHTING RETREAT!" With that said, Ervdul fell back towards the trees from which the attackers had emerged, striking down one more highway man as he ran past a fast fading Yosef.

Garrock: Murr, I am grumpy and demand respect!


"If it's respect you want, you won't get much through grumbling and abrasiveness." Skobeloff pointed out. "As the angels on New Nicaea are so fond of saying: Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you."

Aura is now Inspired.

"I have?" Skobeloff asked when Garrock told him that he'd spoken of the pixies already. Then he remembered the tale he told mere moments ago and laughed. "Oh of course I did. Silly me. That's the problem with us thinking types. We just get so caught up in what we're thinking sometimes that we stop paying attention to what we're saying." Skobeloff chuckled and shook his head as they continued on.

"Ohhh! You meant a unicorn! Why didn't you say so?"

"I did." Brutrumukk stated exasperatedly.

"Hmmm...I do remember that there was a pair of unicorns that live in Prismeer. But I don't know what happened to the two of them after Prismeer was split apart. Haven't seen or heard them since,"

"Could either of 'em fly?" Brutrumukk asked, a hopeful look on his face now that he was getting somewhere.
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