Avatar of rush99999


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Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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tfw you roll a nat 20 but you also have disadvantage xP

The ball is in your court.
"No!" The attacker dragging Yosef cries out before springing forward in his defence. The attacker attempts to block the blow with the haft of their maul, but they fail to lift it high enough in time and take the mace's strike head on. The attacker staggers back a few steps before collapsing to the ground, leaving Yosef undefended.

Would you mind holding your action until Brutrumukk has had his turn after the surprise round? I have a plan.
@Lurking Krog
Whoops. Sorry. My brain doesn't seem to be working today. I saw the word 'weapon' and thought you were making an attack. Should have read the rest of it as well. Derp.

You still have concentration with that roll then.

Edit: I believe unconscious = auto hit. But as you can probably guess from my derp post, Yosef isn't quite within your grasp just yet.
Sounds good. Went ahead and rolled a concentration check for magic weapon. Rolled a 14.

That's a hit, but not on Yosef. The attacker who was dragging him jumps in your way and takes the blow instead.

Roll damage.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
I see it now. Thanks.

BTW, are any of the Bunny Brigands from that first encounter present at this one?
Brutrumukk's moving on Initiative count 7.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Two things.

One: Is the rope that Tsu gave him just 50 feet of hempen rope or is it different somehow?

Two: The map isn't working.

I miss most things if I'm not mentioned, and I guess the hider hid my mention whoops

Do you not subscribe to threads?
@Lurking Krog

15 feet.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

You would indeed be correct.
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