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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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"No no no no no! Fuck!" Brutrumukk cursed as he watched Zavakri storm into the study and Aurora fail to stop her. Brutrumukk then growled in frustration as Gabriel entered the study and commenced his tirade. As the swordsman ranted, Brutrumukk looked to the goblin on his shoulder. "Did those two fuckwits learn nothing from Agdon?" Brutrumukk rhetorically questioned in exasperation before looking over at the door that didn't lead into the study. "Y'know what? Bollocks to this. Time to go, booyagh." With that said, Brutrumukk broke into a run, making for the door to the other room and hopefully a way out that didn't involve going through the hag who was now very much ready for them.

Sorry for the wait. I'll have something up soon.

@Lurking Krog @XxFellsingxX
Would I be correct in thinking that Jørmund and Flicker have gone off to get some rest rather than join Aura and Cascade in seeking out and reporting to the leader of the highwaymen?
@Guardian Angel Haruki
So did Zav move away from her spot next to Brut at some point before overhearing those words?
@Guardian Angel Haruki
How come Brut doesn't get to act? Aurora is further away from the door than he is, and he's the same distance away as Zav was to boot.
Brutrumukk: *Messily kills someone to satiate his bloodlust.*

A Morningstar Wielding Redcap Brutrumukk Encounters Later On: 'Ello Dad... And goodbye.

If you're still telling tickets, I wouldn't mind a ride on this train.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

You mentioned that we all had the things that Agdon didn't take. Does that include the raft and the stilt pants Brutrumukk had with him?

"Yeah, that's a good point." Brutrumukk said as he walked back onto the balcony where Jub was standing. "I'll keep you with me while the rest 'ead on through then." With that said, Brutrumukk plucked Jub from where he stood and returned him to his proper place on the bugbear's shoulder. Brutrumukk then regarded the rest of his party. "Anyone else got any problems I've missed?" Brutrumukk asked.

Brutrumukk chuckled darkly when Bloody Toes informed the party not to expect to get the jump on Bavlorna. "You'd be surprised by 'ow easily a bugbear can get the jump on someone." Brutrumukk said as he pulled the vulture corpse off the javelin he was holding, stowed it away for later consumption, and put his javelin back in its holder. "Especially when that someone is expectin' 'em."

With that said, Brutrumukk turned to the others and spoke again. "Alright, just to make sure we don't botch this as badly as when we went after Agdon, let's 'ave a plan this time." Brutrumukk said. "I'm thinkin' we wait until this other guest Bav 'as in the study leaves so we don't 'ave to worry about 'em muckin' anythin' up. Once they're gone, you lot go into the study to talk with the 'ag while I 'ang back fer a bit. If she asks why I ain't with you, tell 'er I'm eatin' vulture shish kebabs an' drinkin' 'er beer or something like that. Either way make sure she 'as 'er back to the door. That way when I come in, I'll 'ave an easier time sneakin' up on Bav an' clubbin' 'er over the 'ead. Once I do that, we all start throwin' everythin' we've got at 'er while keepin' 'er on the backfoot with Widdershins. That sound good to you lot?"
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