Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Short reply, sorry yall

No need to apologize. This ain't the advanced section.

I'll have a post up as soon as I can.
Any chance we'll be able to continue this? I really was enjoying it.

We might be able to.

@RBYDark @Candykane @Guardian Angel Haruki
Any of you still interested in this?

"A secret passage! Wow, I never would have guessed! Fellwing, Brutrumukk, you two are amazing!" Stargaze exclaimed, impressed by how quickly the puzzle had been solved.

"An' I weren't even tryin' all that 'ard." Brutrumukk said.

"But where does it lead...?" Fellwing asked.

Before anyone else could answer her question, the people within the portraits suddenly sprung out and started doing the conga.

"Come join us for the conga! Conga conga conga!"

"Only one way to find out." Brutrumukk said as the conga line formed up behind him. "Come on everyone! Let's conga!" With that said, Brutrumukk began conga dancing his way into the secret passage.

Either way, Brutrumukk is too drunk for knowing better at the moment.
Is Brutrumukk currently smiling while standing in front of the mirror?

He is indeed.

A goofy grin blossomed on Brutrumukk's face as the portraits greeted him in the hallway. The bugbear returned the greetings with a wave of his own. He then opened his mouth to compliment the fairy's dancing, but Stargaze spoke up on his shoulder before he could.

"Ah! Look! There's Fellwing! We found her!" Stargaze cried happily upon recognizing the black drake who was examining the mirror down the hall.

"Ah, Stargaze, Skobeloff. There you are! I'm glad you're alright!" Fellwing greeted her friends before turning her attention back to the mirror. "There's something odd about this mirror, but I'm not quite sure what it is..."

"Right then." Brutrumukk said. "Join yer friends on me shoulder an' lets see if we can't figure it out." Once Fellwing was settled, Brutrumukk moved to stand in front of the mirror and tried to determine what was up with it. However, Brutrumukk would quickly become preoccupied with admiring his reflection in the mirror. "Oi oi. Who's that 'andsome chap in the lookin' back at me, eh?"


"Whatever she's laughin' about must be real funny to keep 'er goin' this long." Brutrumukk commented as the tiny old woman continued to laugh.

"And it seems like she won't be stopping any time soon." Skobeloff said. "While we wait for her to calm down, do you think we could start looking for our two friends?"

"Sure thing." Brutrumukk said as he placed the tiny old woman on the top of his head while keeping a hold on the length of rope he didn't need for the tying. "Who're we lookin' for?"

"They're both drakes like me and Stargaze." Skobeloff described. "One of them is red and goes by the name Shieldwing. The other is call Fellwing. She has black scales."

"Shieldwing an' Fellwing." Brutrumukk said with a nod. "Right right. Now we know who need's findin', we just need to know where to start lookin'."

"I wonder where that smell is coming from?" Aurora spoke up then.

"Smell?" Brutrumukk asked. "What smell?" The bugbear then sniffed the air and quickly picked up the delicious scent of stew. "Oh. That smell." Brutrumukk said as he looked to the door he could smell it coming from.

"That smells like something worth investigating." Skobeloff said. "If our friends aren't wherever it leads, at the very least we'll find something tasty."

"Let's go 'ave a looksee then." Brutrumukk agreed before moving to follow the scent.

@Lurking Krog

Two things:

1: There's a pretty obvious formatting error in your latest post that you might want to fix.

2: Would I be correct in thinking that you're trying to lead Brut to B7?
I do hope I can find a super cool sword to put in this super cool sheath

Worry not. Super cool items are on their way to everyone.
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