Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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What sort of crime do I have to commit to join this party?


You're up.
The Huntsman

When the waitress brought forth the food, the Huntsman didn't mind the low quality meat on offer. As a servant, he was used to subsisting off of the food deemed unfit for the feasting tables of those he served. But just as he was about to tuck in, the Huntsman felt the presence again. He felt as if it were speaking with someone, but he heard no conversation beyond those that were taking place on other tables. The Huntsman also got the sense that some sort of decision was being made, but what that decision was he did not know.

The Huntsman was pulled from his thoughts by Ariel suddenly rising from her seat and beginning to sing an insulting song to a pair of men in black clothing. At first he wasn't sure what was happening, but as threats were made and blades were drawn, the Huntsman decided figuring things out would have to wait. His first instinct had been to reach under the table to grab the longbow he'd set down alongside his backpack, but he paused when he remembered that Mabel was present. He didn't enjoy the thought of shedding blood or killing in the presence of a child if he could avoid it, but there would be no avoiding either of those things if he started loosing arrows. And so the Huntsman pulled away from his bow and drew his shortswords, holding them in a reverse grip so he would be better able to strike with the pommels.

Rising from his seat, the Huntsman dashed over to where the two men in black were preparing to attack. The whistle one of them gave was no doubt a call for back up. Regardless, the Huntsman was not about to let any harm come to Ariel. And so he ran past the girl and place himself between her and the men. "No harm will come to her while I draw breath!" The Huntsman declared as he readied himself for the fight.

neither Orcs nor Goblins may sing, for that is a sacred act only for Trolls

Are whistling and humming also banned?
In Hangman! 1 yr ago Forum: Spam Forum
Gordak watches as Tarinn drops the painful cylinder and listens as she explains that there are papers in a lockbox that might be of value to the right buyer and that she isn't sure if there are traps. "If there are, they will not stop me." Gordak stats. "Show me this tapestry." Should Tarinn bring him to the tapestry, Gordak moves with more care than he did at the door. He slowly moves the tapestry aside with his short sword and takes is time in searching around the shrine and lockbox for any sign of danger.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

Is the Huntsman within 30 feet of the bandit Ariel viciously mocked?
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