Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Also, really loving the contrast between Skobeloff and Fellwing's families. Do you think the two are aware of each other's family situation or no?

Fellwing would be aware of Skobeloff's family situation at least. Skobeloff isn't shy about asking his clutchmates for help when one of them can do something that would aid his plans. This includes the plans he makes to help his parents.
I haven't bought it yet either. Why must all the good games be so expensive?
So how about that Baldur's Gate 3? Anyone seen/played any of it yet?
She also has not seen his hallucinations

Take another look at the second paragraph of my latest IC post. I decided to add a little pizazz to Brutrumukk's latest level up.

Brutrumukk whiled away his time under the laughter spell by laughing. He then spent some time after the spell wore off enjoying the skiff ride. When Vansel began to perform his final musical number, Brutrumukk desired to join in the dancing. And so he worked to free himself from the ropes the others had tied him with to keep his own sides from splitting. The bugbear managed to free himself after twelve seconds of work and promptly joined the song and dance.

As Brutrumukk capered though, something within him connected with something in the air around him. A combination of the magical hooch he had imbibed, the ambient magic of the Feywild, and his own personal connection to Prismeer through his past with Zybilna all came together and suffused his entire being with wild magic. For a brief moment then, his imagination was imposed on the world around him and the hallucinations that he was seeing became visible to everyone else as well. When the song ended though, the effect quickly faded away, leaving Brutrumukk the only one to see the drakes return to him.

"Well that was fun." Skobeloff said. "But now we should probably head back. Shieldwing is still in the cottage and this little diversion has put us very much off course."

"Right right." Brutrumukk said as he turned towards the skiff. "Back to the cottage then. Conga!"

"Conga!" The conga line called back as Brutrumukk led the way to the skiff, intending to row back to the cottage and find Shieldwing.

I'm still here.
@rush99999 You seem to have added an explanation to the first of your fellowship questions and not the other two. Could you add an explanation there?

Sorry for taking so long, but I've finally managed to get this done.
@Guardian Angel Haruki

Out of curiosity, how close are we to hitting level 3?
I call dibs on Shade of the Divine.
We already have an NPC called Sunglow (it's one of Garrock's parents who he mentioned to Skobeloff earlier)

Speaking of, would it be a simple task for Skobeloff to track her down once he's back on the mainland or will it take some doing?
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