Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I think we're waiting on you.
Would Miss Light have enough time to use her weaver's tools to make some minor alterations to the stitching of one of the formal dresses in the dressing room?
Well that's problematic. Do we have any spare formal wear in the dressing rooms or something like that?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

How much time is there until midnight?
Alright. I think it's safe to say that I could have handled this better. I apologize for not doing so.

Due to IRL things that I would really rather not go into, the whole concept of signing contracts in blood makes my skin crawl. I should have said this sooner, but I didn't. I apologize for not doing so.

And upon re-reading my latest post... Yeah, I can see where you're coming from about me controlling your character. I should have come to you about this via OOC channels first. I definitely shouldn't have taken matters into my own hands IC. I'm sorry for doing that.

With that being said, let's do what should have been done from the very beginning and talk this out.

I can edit my post to have Miss Light sign the contract if that's what you'd like, but I'd very much prefer it if she signed in something other than blood.
I've nothing to add here. Skobeloff's still sad.
Miss Light

As the others signed Grimi's contract, Miss Light moved over to Grimi himself and offered him her hand. The first time he had presented her with it, Arkerym had leapt from her hip and sliced the contract to ribbons before she could even start reaching for a nail. It turned out that the hexblade wasn't keen on his warlock signing contracts backed by an otherworldly patron that wasn't him. Secrecy needed to be guaranteed however, and so the two patrons struck a bargain between each other that would be symbolically sealed by a handshake between their two warlocks every time Miss Light came to the King's Chamber.

Once the handshake had reaffirmed the agreement, Miss Light watched the latest show to kick off on the stage. Widry, Rockmar, and the rest of the band were playing for the audience. The band played their various instruments as amazingly as they always had. Rockmar played the drums with a skill that only those aware of a drum's full potential knew existed. And Widry played her flute and danced a merry jig for the crowd, stopping only to breathe and speak briefly to Grimi.

Were she capable of doing so, Miss Light would have smiled at the sight.

Normally, she would have joined in. Dancing and tumbling to the music, stopping occasionally to make a minor jest at the expense of an inattentive onlooker. But Miss Light couldn't do that now. None of her usual performances would have the same effect while her cloak concealed her costume. And she couldn't cast off her cloak without revealing Arkerym's presence to the genasi. So instead Miss light simply enjoyed the show and waited for further developments brought on by these two new arrivals.
Please do let me know if a post-mortem Mechanics (tl;dr) at the end of each post would be helpful.

A TL;DR would be very much helpful.
Does Plasm need any rolls to investigate the skull?

Make an Investigation check.

Quick Question: Do bad things happen if the six bodies of a goblin fail to remain within close proximity of each other?
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