Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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If the chapter you are referring to is the one I think it is... let's just say you have glimpsed some somewhat spoilerly lore.

Ah... That is unfortunate. I shall hold off on reading any further then.
(a total lunar eclipse where all moons are blocked from the sun CAN happen, and it is considered a very bad thing)

I got my hands on the rulebooks a few days ago and just I've reached the part that talks about this. The chapter in question also mentions an interesting unique move. One you decided not to copy over to the list of unique moves on the first page of the OOC tab. Did you not want us using this move or did you simply forget to add it to the list?
No worries, I'm just glad that things are moving forward again.
Accurate, but I doubt Garrock would appreciate the comparison. He tries very hard to appear intimidating, after all. XP

Garrock: Skobeloff, what does kawaii mean and why have you been using that word when describing me to other people?
DM post up.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that the posts of Plasm waking up are events of the future and haven't happened yet.
@Lurking Krog

As Jørmund drew closer to the figure holding the skull. He began to make out more and more of the figure's features. And as he made out more and more features, the figure became more and more familiar to him. The figure was still facing away from Jørmund, so he couldn't see the figure's face. But the earth genasi could still see the clothes the figure wore and the shape of the figure's body. And his ears even briefly caught the sound of the figures voice. All of these things along with the skull reminded Jørmund of one person: Plasm. But before he could reach the figure and either confirm or deny his suspicions, a work crew passed by ten feet ahead of Jørmund, obscuring the figure from view.

When the way was clear again, the figure was gone.
Daisy let out an annoyed huff at the sight. She was already late enough for her first day from over sleeping. She didn't have time to wade through a bunch of brawling boneheads! Thankfully enough however, the aforementioned boneheads seemed more focused on fighting each other than on anything they'd usually do that set Daisy's blood to boiling, so she didn't feel the need to make time for doing so. Daisy took a moment to look around then, checking to see if there was anyone stuck on this side of the fight that wouldn't be able to make it through on their own.

"Err, just hold for a moment," Jub spoke up, making Brutrumukk pause and look back.

"What? Why?" The bugbear gnome asked.

"Err, hello?" Jub answered Brutrumukk's question by calling out to the bullywug knight in the jail cell. "Hello over there, you wouldn't happen to know a Sir Talavar, by any chance?"

"That tiny dragon what gave me the dagger?" Brutrumukk asked as he turned to fully face Jub and followed him into the jail. "What would some frog in a cage know abou-"

"You know Sir Talavar?!" The bullywug knight exclaimed suddenly.

"More than I expected, I guess." Brutrumukk said with a shrug.

"Yes. Yes, I know him." The knight continued. "How do you know him?"

"We found 'im 'angin' from a tower what some dead frog crashed a balloon into." Was Brutrumukk's answer. "What about you? 'Ow d'you know 'im?"
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