Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Dibs on the Commissar.
Yay! I'm thrilled to know you're excited! Did the initial plot capture your interest? Any character ideas swirling around in your imagination?

I am happy that you are happy.

The initial plot is indeed an intriguing one. I look forward to unraveling whatever mysteries await us in the Whispering Grove.

As for character ideas, there's this one idea that's been sitting in the back of my head for a while now. One that was pulled to the forefront of my mind the moment I happened upon the circuit judge background.

Speaking of characters, this will be my first time playing Pathfinder. So I may need some help with character creation and such. I hope that's alright.
If you're still selling tickets, I reckon I'd like a ride on this crazy train.
"Interesting." The Chwegwn body speaking with the attendant said with a thoughtful rub of its chin. "And what are the odds on this first fight?"

Meanwhile, the Chwegwn body sitting on Adrian's lap looked up at the Lybarim. "You know anything about this Desdemona that would tell you whether this rumor is true or not?" Chwegwn asked.
Great Healer Zyeka, also called Monarch of Healers though they don't like that at all.

Why don't they like that?
@Guardian Angel Haruki

I'm guessing the reason for Morgort's reluctance to take the deal will be revealed in the next IC post?

"I should be fine for the time being. I walked away from this assignment without a single scratch on me." Skobeloff said. "What do you mean by one and a half healers though?"
I feel called out.

If that's a bad thing, I have not done that. Toriel is my number one favourite Undertale character that isn't Tsunderplane.
I had been writing my own recap, but I stopped when I was beaten to the munch. At the same time though, I didn't want to have done all that typing for nothing, so Imma post all of the recap I managed to do.


• The clutch is sent to help Garrock investigate a sinking island.
• Skobeloff plots to plunder secrets from Garrock in the name of House Myndoth because Garrock is a jerk.
• Upon landing, Stargaze welcomes everyone to her home island and generally acts like an adorable cinnamon roll.
• Shieldwing faceplants on the sand.
• Fellwing snarks at Shieldwing and asks Stargaze about the dangers of the island.
• Skobeloff jokes with Stargaze, snickers at Shieldwing, and subtly inquires if Fellwing had a vision during the flight to the island.
• Garrock acts like a tsundere towards Shieldwing, inspiring me to give Skobeloff a backstory involving yōkai.
• Skobeloff looks at the sand the Shieldwing faceplanted on, says "Just according to keikaku!", and reveals that it is Magical Sand of Teleportation and +1 Charisma.
• Stargaze worries about Shieldwing, answers Fellwing's question, and offers to lead the way.
• Shieldwing attempts to make a plan for how to reach Echo's cave.
• Fellwing ponders her vision and is impressed by Shieldwing's plan.
• Garrock grumbles about wanting to go to the Tessith stronghold.
• Skobeloff offers to go there himself, secretly wanting to do so in order to advance his Garrock secret plunder plot.
• Shieldwing objects to this.
• Skobeloff explains the utility of the gem sand.
• Fellwing has three more visions about the Tessith stronghold, Echo's cave, and Shieldwing.
• Fellwing tells everyone about the visions and tries to join Skobeloff on his mission to the stronghold.
• Skobeloff convinces Fellwing to stay with the rest of the clutch.
• Stargaze worries about Skobeloff.
• Fellwing agrees to stay with the others and tells Skobeloff to be careful.
• Garrock grumbles some more, but subtly approves of Skobeloff going off alone.
• On the way to Echo's cave, the clutch is ambushed by creatures from Fellwing's vision about Shieldwing.
• On the way to the Tessith stronghold, Skobeloff realizes he's walking in circles and something is following him.
• Skobeloff says "Just according to keikaku!"
• The pixie that had been throwing pixie dust into Skobeloff's eyes to make him go in circles panics and flies away.
• Fellwing studies the creatures.
• Skobeloff steals the pixie dust and heads to the Tessith stronghold.
• Stargaze tries to roar, but squeaks instead.
• The creatures pause at the squeak and Fellwing realizes that the creatures are brownies.
• Skobeloff arrives at the Tessith stronghold, a hollowed out tree.
• Skobeloff uses the power of the Storm Moon and Skyrim references to enter the Treehold undetected.
• However, Skobeloff rolled Snake Eyes. His dragon shout wore off as soon as he entered the Treehold, causing him to be detected by Dragon Toriel, who quickly arrived to fuss over Skobeloff.
• Skobeloff studies Dragon Toriel as she fusses over him.
• Dragon Toriel, or Fogdance as she prefers to be called, mentions that moon magic isn't working as it should.
• Skobeloff introduces himself and asks if Fogdance is the only dragon in the Treehold.
Ydylis's sheet is not meant to make a fighter

If I've read Ydylis's sheet right, her role in the group will be administration, navigation, market research, and any social interaction done away from a negotiating table, yes?

If so, I imagine Ydylis would have been one of the first people Chwegwn reached out to, offering her ample financial support in exchange for her talents.
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