Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@rush99999 By the way, since we're now onto Chapter 3, have our characters reached level four yet?

You'll all reach level four once you have completed chapter four.
Sorry for taking so long. I'll try my best to post here a bit more regularly.
Chapter Three: A Bad Seed At The Manticore's Tale

Once all the preparations had been made, the party departed from the highwaymen's campsite and set off along the King's Road for the village of Zephyr. They would soon discover that they weren't the only ones departing in that direction though. Half an hour into their travels, a mighty dire wolf drew level with the party's newly acquired wagon. The large beast bore upon its back the orc that Rala had encountered the prior evening. Gorgash Grim-Tusk as he introduced himself had been pointed in the village's direction by an omen from the orc god Gruumsh as he was planning his next move. When filled in on the situation at Zephyr, the orc grinned eagerly. An opportunity to cross blades with raiders from the Northlands was an opportunity Gorgash was always happy about.

With their new companion in tow, the party crossed half the distance between the campsite and Zephyr in a day of travel. And as the sun began to set and the party began to think about rest for the night, Gorgash seemed eager to crest one last hill before any talks of stopping began in earnest. For when the party reached the top of the hill they would see a road side inn waiting by the opposite foot of the hill. They were just close enough to make out the sign, which bore the inn's name - The Manticore's Tale - and depicted a manticore that lounged before a crowd of various humanoids who were all listening with rapt attention to whatever the manticore was saying.

As they approached, Gorgash mentioned that he had done right by the people of this inn before and promised the party the they would be well received with him among their number. And he was right. When he kicked open the door and announced to all present that he was back, he was met with a joyous welcome that extended to the rest of the party once the orc made the necessary introductions. Soon enough, Gorgash and the party were guided to the best seats in the house, a table large enough for all of them that was positioned right next to the fire.

Gorgash took a seat at the head of the table and gestured for the party to do likewise as menus arrived. "Order what ya will! Everythin' at this table is on me!" He declared happily. "AS IS A ROUND FER THE EVERYONE 'ERE!"

That last booming announcement was met with enthusiastic cheering from the present patrons.

What do you do?
The sounds of joy, accompanied by a warm . A smile played over lips and she caressed the lute she held in her arms.

This line might need a little tweaking.
"You could just use me as a table." The Chwegwn body sat on Adrian's lap suggested. "I'm good at sitting still, my head is wide enough and flat enough for the job, and your lap is very comfy."
Count me in.
Zavakri was turned into an NPC in Mem's absence.
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