Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I'm still looking for a picture that I like well enough to use

Do you have a good idea of what Mariel looks like?
I've never played SWADE before, but I wouldn't mind giving it a go.

"I think you're really making this out to be a bigger problem than it actually i-"

A tiny hand seized Jub's collar and yanked the goblin down the rest of the way to where Brutrumukk lay. "Listen 'ere you little shit." Brutrumukk growled in goblin into Jub's ear. "Fer all seventeen years o' my life, I 'ave felt the brother gods were never too far away. Even if they weren't on the same plane as me. I felt Hruggek makin' me big an' strong. An' I felt Grankhul makin' me sneaky an' cunnin' and more than just a short fuzzy ogre... But now?"

The look on Brutrumukk's face and the tone of his voice slowly but surely began to turn from angry to worried at this point. "I can't feel 'em any more." He said. "They're gone from my life an' their gifts left with 'em. I'm so small now. An' I can barely even shoulder this backpack, let alone swing a weapon as 'ard as I did before. I can't remember 'ow to be sneaky. An' of all the things that've slipped into me mind in its place, about three o' those things ain't completely useless. All that's left now from before I became this... thing is the fear that comes from Skiggaret bein' 'round when somethin' could kill me."

The bugbear's gnome's mood shifted from worry to dread then. "An' if somethin' does kill me... what's gonna 'appen now?" Brutrumukk asked uncertainly. "Will I still go to Acheron? Will I still get to fight in the Eternal War with me old gang at me side again? Or is that not an option no more? Am I gonna 'ave to go wherever gnomes go when they die? Is my soul gonna be in the 'ands o' Garl Glittergold an' whatever other false-things the gnomes think are gods?"

Brutrumukk released Jub then and curled into himself, clutching at his head as a myriad of negative emotions warred for prominence on his face. "What's gonna 'appen to me?" Brutrumukk asked as he was finally forced to fully confront his predicament. "What's gonna 'appen to me?"
I still think that was a really cool twist.

I concur.
Because you opted out of that story hook, I had to think of something else for him to achieve inspiration, with the rest of the party.

Is that why Zybilna turned out to be Brutrumukk's Fairy Godmother?
Sometimes you just have to question decisions in life.

This statement keeps bringing my mind back to the pre-game decision most of the party made to sneak into the Witchlight Carnival eight years ago, leading to the loss of the lost things. But I know that can't the cause of the no Inspiration rule. I opted out of that story hook while making Brutrumukk, yet the rule still applies to him.
Tir na Og.

Tir na Og? Not Tir na Nog?
Now it really hurts that I can't give inspiration to anyone yet

I've been puzzling over this for the better part of half a month now to limited success. Any chance I could coax a clue from you?
@rush99999 Those are some hard-hitting questions. It may take me a bit to think about that, bear with me.

If you're still stuck on how to answer these questions, here's my two cents on what the answers could be...

How could I get you to talk to Rudrick? At this point, Skobeloff has just enough of a rapport built up with Garrock that a successful use of the CONVINCE SOMEONE move would be all that is needed to get him to see Rudrick

How could I get you to talk to Sunglow? The situation with Sunglow is a family matter. And as such, only one of Garrock's family would have any real chance of convincing him to go see his mother.
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