Despite his wide eyes, Jenk was still tired from the early rise. He had to be if his mind would entertain for even a moment that five is enough people to make a mob. Any mob worth its torches and pitchforks is fifty strong at the very least. Five was a fine number for an adventuring party though. And given how all of this magic school stuff felt pretty adventurous to the goblin, an adventuring party did seem appropriate for the situation.
That wasn't to say that Jenk wasn't interested in riling up an angry mob. Far from it. Setting an angry mob on some beastly villain or villainous beast was one of the top priorities on his list of things he wanted to do here. Second only to learning more magic. But in order to whip the locals into a murderous frenzy, Jenk had to get to know the locals he wished to whip into a murderous frenzy first. And meeting this community contact would be the first step in doing so.
"Mile and half northwest." Jenk said before looking to the others. "You longshankses know which way northwest? Jenk don't."
That wasn't to say that Jenk wasn't interested in riling up an angry mob. Far from it. Setting an angry mob on some beastly villain or villainous beast was one of the top priorities on his list of things he wanted to do here. Second only to learning more magic. But in order to whip the locals into a murderous frenzy, Jenk had to get to know the locals he wished to whip into a murderous frenzy first. And meeting this community contact would be the first step in doing so.
"Mile and half northwest." Jenk said before looking to the others. "You longshankses know which way northwest? Jenk don't."