Avatar of rush99999


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29 days ago
Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
3 mos ago
3 mos ago
3 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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8 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
"Hmmm." Bartholomew hummed at his daughter's suggestion. The situation did seem well suited for a detective. But from the looks of things, the detective herself wasn't keen on getting involved. And as much as he enjoyed working with Slaugh, he enjoyed earning a bigger cut of the reward money more. But how to keep Artemisia from getting involved without disappointing his daughter. Bartholomew glanced around in search of an idea and found it when his eyes landed on the door leading into the kitchen.

"Maybe so." Bartholomew said after swallowing another bite of breakfast. "But in my old age, I am fairly certain I'd just slow her down. That Elizabeth girl though... If she is anything like her grandfather, she won't be content to just stay in that kitchen while other littlings solve the crimes. Perhaps while I'm off keeping that Imp from causing any more trouble, you two could help the girl figure all this nonsense out."
Relationship and love mysteries

I think he meant to say he loves exploring relationships and also mysteries in general, not just mysteries about relationships and love.
As far as puzzles go, this adventure does have one puzzle that has a hard cap on attempts made (so the characters don't sit there forever trying to solve it). Is that an amenable puzzle situation for you?

My dislike of puzzles stems from a time I was trapped in a room where the only way out was by solving a puzzle that damaged my character every time I got it wrong. So long as the puzzle you have planned isn't like that, I should be ok with it.
In the name of keeping a pace, @rush99999 you're up first.

Introduce yourself and your character to the group, and if you have any kinds of content you so not want to see, or content you so want to see in the game, please mention that as well!

Alrighty then.

As you can see from the left hand side of the screen, I am rush99999. I shall be playing as Jenk, a goblin rogue who was raised in a cult dedicated to the worship of angry mobs. Jenk was recently shipped off to the Magaambya after he manifested a talent for magic thanks to his aiuvarin heritage.

In regards to things I don't want to see, the only two things I can think of are puzzles and sadistic choices.

As for what I do want to see, I'd very much like it if Jenk could get a chance to rile up an angry mob and send it after one of the villains.

"So much treasure." Brutrumukk repeated as he was led into another room. "So much treasure... 'Ow did it all get 'ere...? Why 'as it all just been left lyin' about?"

"Is there something I can help you with or...?"

"Oh yeah! That's right!" Skobeloff said in realization. "Rudrick was headed this way to check up on you after what went down at the lab." The Trickster gave a sheepish laugh then while scratching the back of his head. "I may have ever so slightly distracted him from doing so." Skobeloff admitted before straightening up. "But that's ok! I can do so in his stead."

Did Riaen specify which barrel was the portal barrel when telling the Bleakers where it was?
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