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Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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8 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

I give to you your comic relief... JENK!
Finally got something out. Sorry it took so long.
Bartholomew spent the rest of the encounter pointedly ignoring the Fairy Lieutenant, his gaze only ever straying from his drink to give reassuring glances to his wife and daughter or to give Elizabeth a thankful nod when she arrived with food. Though while he wasn't looking very far, the old bandit had his ears open and listening to every detail he could pick up from among the whispers of the crowd. From what he could piece together, a mouse thief was on the loose. One whose thefts left quite a bit of collateral damage in their wake. One who was bold enough to steal from the Slaugh even.

"Do you know anything about this mouse thief?" Bartholomew asked his wife.

Marian shook her head. "The Faeries have been trying to keep it quiet so far." She replied. "Not a word could be pried out of them and all offers of aid have been politely yet firmly rebuffed."

"Of course they would be. Prideful buggers." Bartholomew said. "...If they're changing tack now though, that must mean they're getting desperate. And desperate Flies do tend to give generously in our experience, don't they?" The old bandit gave a dark chuckle that was swiftly cut off by another nudge from his wife.

"None of that at the table." Marian decreed. "Besides, weren't we going to pay him a visit after breakfast?"

"We are. We are. We still are." Bartholomew said, hands raised placatingly. "Though I'm thinking this mouse thief should be dealt with before it can cause anymore trouble. And hey! Once the thief's been dealt with, I'll have a nice tidy sum to buy a little something for when we go see him, yeah?"

Marian eyed her husband for a moment before sighing and shaking her head at the floor. "Just be careful, ok?" She requested.

"Of course dear." Bartholomew said softly, before turning to the food that had been brought to the table. "Now then. Let's see to this breakfast!" With that said, Bartholomew eagerly dug in.
Just figuring out the inventory. I'll have the character done soon.
The Fox is currently stomping around the upstairs.

FYI, the current story is taking place downstairs in the Entry Hall.
...Y'know in hindsight, perhaps it might have been a good idea to have looked up what kind of adventure Threshold of Knowledge actually is after being the one to have asked which pre-made adventure we're going to play. 😖

Consider Nathaniel withdrawn. I'll have a new character up once I'm done looking before I leap.
Can you make a case for the uncommon background Circuit Judge? I'm inclined to decline it, given the setting, the starting level, and the class of Fighter.

What aspects of the setting, starting level, and class leave you inclined this way?
I'm also considering using a pre-made adventure from the official Pathfinder 2e stores

Did you have any particular pre-made adventure in mind or are you still thinking things over?
Should you decide to run a play by post game here on the guild, I'd be interested in that.
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