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Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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@rush99999 Would you like to Recall Knowledge to find out how much of Haibram's directions you remember? I'll need your society modifier if you do.

I would indeed like to Recall Knowledge. My Society modifier is +7000.
"I suggest we head towards those canals the teacher mentioned. Our fishwoman should be around there, I imagine." One of the party members, an elf it seemed, suggested.

"Jenk think that good idea." Jenk said with an eager nod. "Pointy ear longshanks very smart." Before the idea could be acted on though, an armored dwarf appeared and challenged the group to a race. Jenk was good at a lot of things, but Athletics wasn't one of them. Before he could say as much though, the dwarf offered Jenk a handshake.

"Name's Haibram." The dwarf said.

"Jenk is Jenk." Jenk said as he shook Haibram's hand. The goblin then tried to decline the challenge again, but couldn't get a word in edgewise before the dwarf was off like the clappers.

“If that man can lead us to our destination, I suggest we follow him." Another of their number - A... human? That's what Jenk's initial thoughts were. But he couldn't help thinking that was wrong. - chimed in.

"You want race, longshanks? That fine." Jenk said. "Jenk no race though. Running make Jenk tired. And Jenk tired already." With that said, Jenk headed off in the direction of the dwarf at a leisurely pace. Knowing he stood no chance in a race against someone robust enough to move that quickly in full plate, Jenk simply opted to remember as much of the dwarf's directions as he could and get there in his own time.
@rush99999 omg he's adorable!

Indeed he is. An aiuvarin heritage can do that to a goblin.
Here's Jenk's token.

I happened across this video and it reminded me of Raella and Arndell.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

You still with us?
Despite his wide eyes, Jenk was still tired from the early rise. He had to be if his mind would entertain for even a moment that five is enough people to make a mob. Any mob worth its torches and pitchforks is fifty strong at the very least. Five was a fine number for an adventuring party though. And given how all of this magic school stuff felt pretty adventurous to the goblin, an adventuring party did seem appropriate for the situation.

That wasn't to say that Jenk wasn't interested in riling up an angry mob. Far from it. Setting an angry mob on some beastly villain or villainous beast was one of the top priorities on his list of things he wanted to do here. Second only to learning more magic. But in order to whip the locals into a murderous frenzy, Jenk had to get to know the locals he wished to whip into a murderous frenzy first. And meeting this community contact would be the first step in doing so.

"Mile and half northwest." Jenk said before looking to the others. "You longshankses know which way northwest? Jenk don't."
Well actually, there is one rush. But he's fine with waiting.
Fair Warning: When Brutrumukk learns of how Zavakri paid for the monocle, he will take great pleasure in exploiting this weakness as often as he can.
No problem. I am also having a good time with this. Thank you for running this for us.
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