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Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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8 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Is this in reference to Bugbear Brutrumukk or Gnome Brutrumukk?

Neither. This in reference to the fact that it it possible to play a harengon with a high... strength... score...


You were making a joke, weren't you?
"WOO!" Jenk yelped in shock while stumbling back slightly as the fire singed his eyebrows. After taking a moment to recover, Jenk looked out at the canal of fire he had created through this act of arson. "...Wow." The goblin whispered in wonder. Though he wasn't as enthusiastic about fire as goblins with more extreme pyromaniacal tendencies, Jenk still appreciated a good bit of watching the world burn when the opportunity presented itself.

"You did it!" Ms. Pi's shout pulled Jenk from his admiration before the boat began to move again.

"Jenk did it?" The goblin asked, the words taking a moment longer than usual to run through the part of his brain dedicated to translating the other languages he knew into goblin. Once the process was complete though, and excited grin lit up his face even brighter than the flames that surrounded the boat. "Jenk did it!" Jenk cried out then before breaking out into a merry victory dance accompanied by a fit of triumphant cackling as the water taxi sailed through the fire. Once the flames began to flicker out and the boat made it out the other side, Jenk calmed down and returned to his seat.

"EEP!" The goblin exclaimed then as he felt himself sit down on something that decidedly wasn't a bench.

Jenk leapt to his feet and turned around to see a coin purse sitting where he had just tried to sit. "Hey longshanks. This your shiny promise bag?" Jenk asked Ms. Pi while gesturing towards the coin purse. "If yes, maybe not keep it on seat? Very unpleasant surprise for inattentive sitters."
"Jenk have better idea." Jenk said as he produced his flint and steel. "Clarion say poop gas also burny gas. Jenk light burny poop gas to burn the poop!" With that said, Jenk moved over to where the blockage was and set to work on igniting the sewer gas around the top of the refuse.

The gases rising from the sewer aqueduct were flammable, and under the right supervision, a simple flint and stone could ignite the refuse at the top, burning off the top most layer and loosening the blockage as a whole.

What must Jenk roll to be the right supervision?
I need rolls from:
1. @rush99999

Oh shit I knew I was forgetting something!

Could I get a Recall Society Knowledge roll to figure out the best way that someone who isn't athletically inclined could quickly clear a blocked latrine canal.
Count me in.
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
Jenk surrendered the requested two silver pieces as he boarded the boat. "Jenk gotta get to Alandri's place before sun done rising." Jenk explained to the driver while settling in for the ride. "You get Jenk there in time, Jenk also give you this." Jenk pulled out the minor healing potion that the elders of his cult had furnished him with for the journey. Jenk hadn't needed it on his way to the Magaambya and he figured that now he was at the magic school, it would be pretty easy to get a replacement potion or two. "Potion worth four gold." Jenk said. "That twenty times more than two silver. Good deal, yes?"


At the sound of the fragile object breaking, all avaricious thoughts left Brutrumukk's mind as a mix of annoyance and bloodthirsty anticipation seeped into his facial expression. "Well now we know where that fuckin' cat got off to." The bugbear gnome said before turning to Aaliyah. "Does this place 'ave an armory by any chance?" Brutrumukk asked. "I lost me weapons a while back. An' while I do 'ave some daggers now, I reckon a cat the size of an ogre will be needin' somethin' with a little more oomph."
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