Vanovar Pythis stood alongside the rest of his newfound teammates with just as much composed professionalism as the rest of them. Though the more insightful people in the room might also have noticed that there was a hint of something else to his demeanor that was reminiscent of a hungry customer at a dining establishment waiting for someone from the waitstaff to come and take his order. Vanovar wore the uniform of High Inquisitor Jerec's branch of the Inquisitorius and the organization's signature lightsaber hung from his belt. Hair as black as the void framed his face, stopping just above his shoulders. Any who gazed upon Vanovar's visage would be quick to call him handsome. The only flaw to it that someone looking for something to criticize would find being his nose, bulbous in shape with flared nostrils, though it would take some creative critique for any such barbs to land effectively.
Vanovar had been impressed by what he had seen of the Revenge thus far. Something that hardly came as a shock to him. The people of the galaxy always seemed to come up with their most impressive works whenever he was at his least attentive of such things. The highlight of Vanovar's explorations prior to receiving the captain's summons had definitely been the ship's holding cells. Though they contained no prisoners just yet, Vanovar knew the cells wouldn't stay empty for long. Nor would they stay full for long either. Not with him on board.
While he had already developed some opinions regarding the vessel, Vanovar had yet to form any attitudes towards the rest of the commando team he was a part of now. Aside from Reanar, that is. Vanovar didn't think too highly of the noisy corporal. Although the fact that he'd been thinking the same thing as Vanovar in terms of questions was at the very least half a point in the sniper's favor.
Vanovar had been impressed by what he had seen of the Revenge thus far. Something that hardly came as a shock to him. The people of the galaxy always seemed to come up with their most impressive works whenever he was at his least attentive of such things. The highlight of Vanovar's explorations prior to receiving the captain's summons had definitely been the ship's holding cells. Though they contained no prisoners just yet, Vanovar knew the cells wouldn't stay empty for long. Nor would they stay full for long either. Not with him on board.
While he had already developed some opinions regarding the vessel, Vanovar had yet to form any attitudes towards the rest of the commando team he was a part of now. Aside from Reanar, that is. Vanovar didn't think too highly of the noisy corporal. Although the fact that he'd been thinking the same thing as Vanovar in terms of questions was at the very least half a point in the sniper's favor.