"Hmm..." Vanovar pondered Klara's question for a moment. At first, part of him wanted to just declare that Vinca had outlived his usefulness and act accordingly from there. But that initial idea was set aside pretty quickly when a few more uses for Vinca came to mind. Namely hitching a ride with Vinca the next time he went to meet this Fulcrum character and crash the party. But before committing to that idea, Vanovar had to be sure that Fulcrum was the guy they were looking for. "I do have one inquiry." The Inquisitor said as he recalled a detail that he had picked up when reading reports with Klara. Vanovar turned his gaze on Vinca before continuing. "During your meetings with Fulcrum, have you ever seen him wearing White Duraplast plating over a Navy-Blue space suit?"