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Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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8 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I'm still here for this.
I'm not even mad. Justice could not have pick a more appropriate moment to be drawn.

I have edited my post to reflect the result.
"Your Eidolon can change it's head into a-." Was all that Ashley had time to say before Luka willed the air around her mouth to stop vibrating, leaving her speech completely inaudible.

"Quiet you." Luka said before turning back to Agent Simonsen. "Don't mi-"

"I will not intervene this time." A familiar voice spoke up from the back of Luka's mind. "Tend to him as thou see fit."

"THANK YOU KINDLY." Another familiar, and much more terrifying, voice thanked the first. An instant later, Luka felt the presence of the cloth gag at his mouth again. Though when he tried to pull it off, he found nothing there.

dispelling any theories that they are 'Shades' whatever those things are.

You sure you wanna do that? If we let them think we're Shades, they'll be one step further from figuring out our true identities. Plus, I get the feeling that Ashley and Luka contradicting each other like this would also imply a lack of cohesion.
The Essence Of Life

BTW, the name is meant to be in all caps.
Fyodor Strelnikov

Fyodor glanced over at Wynvere when she stated that she didn't mind going first. At first, he considered letting her do just that. But ultimately he decided to do so himself. Ulgad had entrusted the gate-key to him. Fyodor wasn't going to give it away at the last moment just because he didn't enjoy the thought of catching up to that drow Mercykiller. "I'll go first." Fyodor said. "If the Mercykiller is there, I'll meet you on the street." With that said, Fyodor used the gate-key to open the portal and traveled through it.

Upon reaching the other side, Fyodor grimaced when he saw that he had indeed caught up with Zaraknyvr. He passed no comment on this however. Simply passing by as quickly as he could and making for the exit to wait on the street for the rest of his fellowship like he said he would.
When Agent Simonsen expressed his disbelief at the fact that they were people he killed in an alternate timeline and theorised that they were instead Shades trying to trick him, Luka opened his mouth to insist that they were in fact people. But he paused before he could start. After a moment of consideration, Luka figured it'd be a better idea to let the guy think that was the case. If their enemies thought they were Shades, they wouldn't think to start snooping around for possible civilian identities.

"Well drat." Luka cussed in light exasperation. "Looks like you're too smart for us, man who works on behalf of fields. You are correct. We are indeed Shades and we were indeed trying to trick you. We've taken issue with you and yours trying to destroy us whenever we try to come and vacation in your world, so now we intend to bedevil your organization at every possible turn. Meaning we aren't about to let you hurt Mister MegaTen here." With a snap of his fingers, Luka turned the broken window into a doorway with a wide variety of ostentatious exit signs pointing towards it. "If what you are looking around for is a way out though, we'll be more than happy to help you in that regard."
"When it comes to who we are, you may think of us as the Reader, the Writer, and the Reveler." Luka spoke, gesturing to the respective owners of the pseudonyms as he introduced each of them. "As for why we have Eidolons, like the Writer said before, we died in an alternate timeline as a result of an explosion you caused. On our way to the afterlife though, a Shade intercepted us and offered a mulligan with the added bonus of also having Eidolons this time around."
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