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Current Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
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18 days ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
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20 days ago
Guess who has Covid. Replies will be delayed, sorry loves.
25 days ago
Kids started homeschool this week so it's been crazy. Sorry to my peoples.
28 days ago
dedicating the entire Saturday to writing. so replies will be done then.


I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.

Most Recent Posts

Minutes after escape)

Was he avoiding her? It was probably the most intelligent thing that Fenros had done in days. The two had been going at it hot and heavy for years now- and then suddenly, he professed his love for the princess. Called it off with Ritza. The man was a complete and utter fool- yet, in truth, she was as well. She had known Fenros was in love with Eleanor, and had been since before she had taken up residence in his bed. But still...The betrayal caused a rage to boil within her. She wanted his jewels and his head on a spike for all to see. How dare he dump her? And now he was gone. Nobody had seen him in days. Apparently he was shacked up with the princess right now.

Ritza’s hands clenched into fists and she paced her small room. She was lucky at times to be the only woman within the Vanguard- meant she had a room all to herself. In times like these, she enjoyed the peace. As nobody could have known of her relationship with Fenros, her current attitude would be out of the norm...Well, actually, it wouldn’t. Once a seething bitch, always a seething bitch.

But, seriously. Where exactly had he gone? Even if he was avoiding her, he had duties to uphold. Nobody in the Vanguard had seen or spoken to him in three days. Which, for Fenros, was concerning. She hadn’t spoken to Elle in that time frame either, for fear of her lashing out at the woman in irrational jealousy.

She needed to find out. With a long, slow exhale, she quickly exited her room in time to hear muttered whispers around the common area. Raising her brow, she made her way to a small gathering of soldiers. They spoke of treason, of someone being branded a traitor to the crown. Had she been found? How had her agenda been realized? Then, it hit her. Her stomach sank as Fenros’s name reached her ears.

Quickly heading back to her room, she grabbed a few daggers and hid them in her boots. She sheathed her sword at her hip and looked over at her bow. Ritza was a master at archery and it would be good to use when taking the guards out. Slinging it and the quiver over her shoulders, she snuck out past the mob in the main area. As she made her way to the dungeons, she kept her eyes on her surroundings, waiting for someone to take notice of her.

Thankfully, no one did. News of Fenros’s capture had reached everyone’s ears, so the townsfolk were too busy spreading gossip to care about the heavily armed female soldier. She soon made it to the dungeon and notched an arrow in her bow. Holding the string taut, Ritza kept her ears and eyes open as she made her way to the cells. The smell of blood hit her quick. Biting back a growl, she peeked around the corner and stopped.

Two guards were dead at the floor of a cell. Fenros was nowhere in sight. Raising a brow, she lowered her bow and hesitantly made her way over. It was then that she spotted the old man, causing her to raise her bow immediately, an arrow notched and waiting to be fired. ”Where is he?!”

Sighing Marcaeus leaned his head on the wall. Heart just starting to slow from that last sentence of the General's. He knew the King couldn't be trusted, but he avoided politics and knew how to look like a weak old man who was beaten half to death when it was needed. Taking a deep breath, Marcaeus made to leave when a sudden voice filled with loathing reached his ears.

Looking up quickly, he saw that woman from the Vanguard staring at him. Cold purpose in her eyes, an arrow pointed at him. Stepping back in fright, Marcaeus bumped into the wall the soft thump reminding him that he could also be frightening when he needed to be. Stepping forward he spread his arms out, and prayed she would believe him. He didn't want to kill innocent people tonight. ‘’Ritza, listen to me. I had nothing to do with this, I had a vision of a Misto rescuing him. I don't know why, but when I came upon the scene it looked like this, and they were running through a portal some mage of theirs summoned.’’

He wanted to squirm, would Ritza call him out and expect him to know where they went. He was strong enough to know and if she knew who he was then he'd have to tell her. Hopefully this guard just believed him. Because he'd hate to have his next piece of jewelry be a necklace made of hemp. ‘’Listen Ritza we must report this to the King at once. This man was a traitor to the crown and was obviously working with some kind of powerful group. We need to hurry!’’

The man seemed frightened of her. Good. He seemed oddly familiar to her, but Ritza couldn’t quite place him. Her hand started to loosen on the grip when he fell backwards. Before she had time to speak, he took a quick step forward with his arms out, causing her hands to tighten once more on her weapon. She raised it slightly and her eyes narrowed more. Her hand was itching to release an arrow into the man’s skull. The sound of her name from his lips startled her.

As he continued to speak, she became more confused. Why would a Misto rescue Fenros? Sure, he was kind to all groups and factions, but the mistos...How would they have known that Fenros was captured, when she didn’t even know until now? And then the man spoke of the portal. That bit of information definitely grabbed her attention. In all her years, she had never known him to consort with mages. So, why now? What the hell was going on?

The damn man was speaking again. Her hand had never wavered from her bow, and she kept it steadily aimed at his head. Ritza couldn’t help as her hand added tension to the bow when he mentioned Fenros being a traitor. Her voice was low and menacing as she snarled at the man. ”General Fenros is many things, but he is no traitor. If you take one more move, this arrow will take up residence between your eyes.”

She looked him over and raised a brow. If he had seen a vision of Fenros being rescued, then he definitely knew more than what he was letting on. Ritza needed that information. She should have been here sooner. Yes, the ass broke it off with her, but he didn’t deserve to be hanged. Well, by someone other than her, that was. Keeping her stance, her eyes darkened at the man. ”You know of me, so you should know of my skill and reputation. I have no problem with leaving you littered with arrows in this cell. Casualty of war, I’d say. Now, mage...Tell me what you know.”

Hearing her snarl that Fenros was no traitor gave the man a jump. She knew who was here? More importantly she was on his side. A grave mistake on my part, Marcaeus mused to himself. ‘’I know not what his apparent crime was, only that the King ordered his arrest on claims of treason. We must be careful what we say, and to who. I did not know you were a friend of his as well.‘’ Speaking carefully he considered his options. Should he tell her… ?

No. Like he said, you had to be careful what you told to people. Seeing her firm grasp and angry eyes convinced him that he had to say something. ‘’I don't think the General knew the man who rescued him. They were unfamiliar with each other. It is possible that he was sent here to rescue the general without his knowledge. But I must go, I have to tell the King what happened. He'll know I entered the castle, and I'll have to tell him the truth and what I suspect. Even if it is not General Fenros, there is a traitor in the castle and they must be stopped. ‘’

Edging towards the doorway, he prepared to make a second jump tonight, while not the safest thing to do, he had no choice, she'd keep him here until she knew everything he did.

Ritza was getting more confused by the minute, but she couldn’t let that emotion show through her tough exterior. If Fenros didn’t know his rescuer, then that meant the rescuer had an agenda...Who would go through so much trouble to break him out, that he didn’t already know? Fenros knew everyone...Which meant it was someone outside the castle. Maybe one of the outside guilds? What would they get out of rescuing the General of the Vanguard? Her eyes immediately narrowed. Ransom. They would want something out of it.

But who would bother with ransom for a man set for execution? The mage’s last statement snapped her from her thoughts. Blinking, she eyed the man and tilted her head. A traitor inside the castle? Well, Ritza knew who she would brand as a traitor. The King himself was the number one on her list.

Even if it were a slight movement, she quickly caught on that the man was moving. She growled and pulled the string of her bow back further, the arrow begging to be released. The woman had been betrayed by Fenros, but that didn’t stop all feelings she could have ever had for him. Ritza wasn’t leaving without an explanation. ”You aren’t going anywhere near the King without telling me everything. I know you’re hiding something, and I won’t hesitate at putting an arrow in your jewels.”

Marcaeus was done. He wasn't to be trifled with, even if this woman was a stronger fighter he had something she didn't. Breathing out slowly he focused on what he wanted to happen. Sucking air, he imagined his lungs holding more than ever, and as his chest began to ache and feel like it would burst from the pressure, he suddenly breathed out, letting the air and magic rush from his lips in an explosive force, the corners of his mouth cracked, his chest aching, and he could finally leave without killing anyone today. The price of a conscience as they say.

Reaching toward the doorway, he focused on the king, for once he would get away with lying, he looked like he'd lost a fight. Sweat pooled along his forehead as he pulled the energy from his last jump to be redirected to the king. He'd make it to him even if it caused him harm. Seeing the light gather, he tugged the door open and saw the king. With a relief he had never experienced for the man before, Marcaeus quickly crossed the doorway, letting the path close behind him.

Watching him closely for any sign of movement, Ritza rose a brow at the man. She didn’t know what he was doing- he simply looked like he was trying to calm his nerves with all that breathing. It brought a small smirk to her face when she believed he was truly terrified of what she could do to him. He needed to be scared; her aim was impeccable.
Suddenly his entire demeanor changed. The man looked like he was going to suffocate himself. Holding firm to her bow, she prepared herself for letting her arrow fly. However, she wasn’t prepared for the sudden onslaught of air that hit her face. Swearing under her breath, her eyes instinctively shut to block out the power coming at her. Ritza lowered her bow and moved it to the side. Wouldn’t do her any good if she couldn’t even see her target.

When the air finally cut out, her eyes shot open and she looked over at the man. Only, the man was stepping through a portal. ”NO!” She swore and raised her bow, quickly releasing her arrow towards the man. The arrow flew in the air and landed firmly in the wall, just seconds after the portal had closed. Ritza growled and lowered her bow, her eyes firmly on the back wall. She had him. And yet, her hesitation for wanting further information, allowed him to get away.

She was patience herself as she waited. Watching the pieces fall into place as each little pawn moved upon her chessboard. She'd known that it would be easy in the beginning to get every move to go according to plan with minimal interference. She's had years to perfect her art, and these young mortals did not know to watch for themselves. As the foolish wizard entered the room, she held her breath. He was the only wild card, if he struck now then she'd have to start over again.

But thankfully the man was foolish enough to let the general go, ah the mercy of the short lived. Relaxing, she leaned back against the wall, until suddenly Ritza showed up.

The Vanguard woman? What was she doing in this corridor? Peering closely, the lady watched as Ritza interrogated the wizard for news regarding the general, and finally she had another pawn in her hands. ‘’Where only the soul may know, on this path I must go.’’ Falling into the shadows, she came out behind the Vanguard Woman. Her ‘’skin’’ tight from the astral travel. It wouldn't due to need healing this night.

‘’Tsk, tsk, Ritza letting your back be open for just anyone to come upon, your trainers would be ever so disappointed.’’ Smirking, she allowed the shadows that made up her current form to give the semblance of a face in twisted amusement. Reaching forward she twitched her fingers saying ’’Come child, we simply must talk.’’

Her eyes travelled along the cell, taking everything in. If Fenros had been here, this whole time...As she continued to look, she noticed several spots of fresh blood on the ground. She snarled and squeezed her hand into a fist. They not only captured him, but had tortured him as well? Ritza would kill them all.

As she was about to turn and leave, a strange sensation crept up her spine. Someone else was in here, watching her. She gripped her bow and slowly reached her hand back to grab an arrow when the entity spoke. Her brows furrowed in confusion. Here was yet another person who knew her name. Yet, this time the voice sounded awfully familiar. Tilting her head, Ritza slowly turned and eyed the woman. She couldn’t quite place her finger on it, but she knew this woman. But, how?

She looked down at the woman’s hand before lowering her bow. Everything within her said to listen to the woman, yet her mind was extremely apprehensive. Yet, she had to listen to her gut. Her gut was never wrong. Slipping her bow behind her back, Ritza looked back up into the woman’s face. Clearing her throat, she folded her arms across her chest. ”You had something to do with this.”

There was hope yet. The woman was bright enough to find her hand was in this. Not that that was too difficult considering the evidence, but it was a good sign. She'd been looking for a member of the Vanguard to perform some duties. Now, what could she do to make certain the woman would stay faithful to the duties assigned? ”Yes, I certainly did. I have connections, and I wanted the General, getting him out of this cell became a necessity once he'd been branded traitor. However, I must know, what do you have to do with this?”

Cocking her head to the side, the woman thought about it, and there weren't many options for flying off into the night armed to the teeth and arriving at a traitor’s side. This had to be some kind of personal, it was time to find the right buttons to get the answer.

”The General became a problem for the king. This was meant to clear the problem up. I liked the problem remaining for him so I made certain he escaped. But, you never do know what might happen on the dangerous roads.

Watching the woman, Ritza tilted her head to the side. For the life of her, she couldn’t pinpoint where she knew this person. Who were these people who suddenly had an interest in Fenros? And how did they all know her name? Her eyes narrowed slightly. Bringing her hand up, she let it rest on the hilt of her sword. ”He’s my General. And I don’t happen to believe he’s a traitor to the kingdom.”

Her eyebrow rose when the woman looked her over. What was she looking for, exactly? When the woman spoke next, Ritza became far more interested in her. So she wanted to keep Fenros a problem for the king. She took the General to spite the king. With a small smirk, she looked the woman over. ”I hardly believe you would rescue the General, only to have harm come to him once you had him. Obviously the king doesn’t care about his life. So. What is it that you want, exactly?”

Folding her own arms across her chest, the woman looked Ritza up and down again, thinking that she had some courage in her to question her statements so openly. That or she was foolish, but she’s always been optimistic in the end. ”I must say it takes someone used to the royal treatment to question someone who holds greater power than yourself. But I need Fenros to do some things for me. He’ll be fine so long as he keeps doing those things. You on the other hand seem to be a smart woman. While you aren’t wrong about me not just harming him for no reason after getting him, there is a bit of an issue with that that thought. He’s become a bigger issue for the King now that he’s gone. No matter what, just making him disappear has cause the king a lot of problems, and there is no reason to kill him off or keep him alive beyond my own fancy. He is my toy to play with as they say.”

Looking away, the woman wondered about how to get this Vanguard on her side, she didn’t need her affection, just her conditional loyalty. Looking back at Ritza the she continued ”I know you care for him, I’ll not only keep him nice and safe if you do me a few favors but more importantly I’ll give him back to you.”

Who did this woman think she was? Ritza clenched her jaw and looked away from the woman. Used to the royal treatment? No- just really tired of people playing games. If she bit her tongue anymore where the King was involved, it would surely fall out of her mouth. But until she knew who this woman was, she would have to keep a better reign on her temper. For now.

The woman paused, causing Ritza to glance back over in her direction. When the reason for her visit was finally announced, she scoffed and shook her head. So, in order to have Fenros returned, she'd have to be a lackey. She didn't deny that she cared for the General, but she cared for the princess even more. She'd have to get Fenros back safely for her. ”Fine. Say I'll play along. I don't know who the hell you are, and my patience is running thin. What are these favors?”

“Nothing to difficult. I just need you to do your job is all. I won't ask of you what you do not already do, you'll just have either advance notice of your skills being needed, or I'll need you to guard specific locations. Nothing to major! I swear.” Looking her up and down, the woman in the shadows was certain she could handle it, ”Tomorrow, some of my kids will be breaking curfew and I'll just need you to go discipline them and tell them to go home, nothing at all to worry about. Think of it as a test!”

Ritza blinked as the woman continued to speak. All she had to do was her job? She was Elle's bodyguard. That was her job. But, if her skills were going to be used for something, at least she was going to get Fenros back out of it. Or, the princess getting him back, for that matter. Ritza didn't want him back. She was done with him.

She was about to agree until she heard the woman's last statement. Scoffing, she raised a brow. ”Kids?! You want me to babysit?! What kind of-who the hell do you-ughh!” Ritza looked away and scowled. ”Fine. But I don't play nice.” With a last glare, she slipped her bow over her shoulder and headed out of the dungeon.

Watching the Vanguard woman leave had the older woman musing. Could she really trust her with this? Ah but it was too late, hopefully she would not lose her life tomorrow.

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Bhu Adamina

Watching as Eirween and Leanne took off towards class, Bhu couldn't help a small grin as she shook her head. Her friend was definitely a unique one. She turned her attention back to Zeke and ShiZen just in time for Shi to announce that it was time for class. Raising a brow, she watched as the girl held her hand out for Zeke to hold. When he didn't take it and instead slid his arm around her shoulders, Bhu couldn't hide a slight grin.

The trio soon made their way to homeroom where ShiZen pondered about their research project. Before she had a chance to respond, Zeke announced his subject focus. It made sense for him to do research on light, as it was his element. It was one of the best ways to fully understand what they could be eventually capable of. The boy had made a smart decision. But then, so did Bhu. "I chose Ecopsychology. Apparently it's the relationship between people and nature. Seemed like the perfect fit."

She walked into the room after the pair and took a seat in the middle of the room. Reclining back in the chair, she let out a breath and studied the other people in the room. Her hands itched to get back to the sand. She soon found herself looking up at the clock, counting down the moments until Gym class. Bhu knew their Gym teacher had an affinity for sand as well, and she found herself looking up to him a lot. She hoped that one day she could be even better than he was.

@Regitnui@Stern Algorithm
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Well, the Art teacher is already in her class, soooo
Okay, she's done now. :) @OneStoryToMany

@EchoicChamberAmorette hates everyone, so...but everyone is open to remembering the Queen as a little girl.
@FuriosaYou can feel free to reach out to me with any questions for the Queen of Hearts, as well :)
@Raylahthey eat flesh and steal their victims magic that way

@Wick join the chat!

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Bhu Adamina

Her attention was pulled away from Eirwen by arms quickly wrapping around her torso. Raising a brow, she looked down to see Zeke attached to those arms. She gave a small grin and returned the sentiment before he pulled away from her. Then came the nickname. Biting the inside of her cheek, she looked over at the boy and gave him a small grin. She wasn't too fond of the name, though it did work for her. Bhu knew it was a play on her name, but she was definitely a bookworm...So, she didn't mind the name in all it's entirety. Besides, the boy was innocent and as pure as the light he created. She loved being around his energy.

"Help?" What exactly did he need help with? The girl was confused until Zeke moved to stand behind his friend. He was definitely nervous about something. With a tilt of her head, she glanced at Leanne and Eirwen with a crooked grin. Before she could explain, Leanne knealt down and introduced herself. Bhu grinned at the girl's attempt to make Zeke comfortable. Said a lot about her character. With a clearing of her throat, she gave a small nod. "Zeke just has a different way of seeing the world, don't you?" She grinned at the boy and shrugged. "While everyone else sees in black and white, he sees color."

Turning her attention back to Leanne and Eirwen, she raised a brow at the interaction between the two. The two had a more deep connection than Bhu currently had with anyone at the school- it was something the girl was a tad bit jealous of. Running her hand through her hair, she gave a grin to Eirwen and shook her head. "Getting carried now, Wen? I swear, how you don't gain any weight is a godsend. I have to work out just by looking at a bag of chips."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord@Regitnui
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