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<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

Keep an eye on the sidebar then, on the 10th the entries will be posted.

If any of you decide to vote, read all the entries and vote seriously

I did the poem partly as a bit of fun for us but mostly to support @Calle's hard work on the site. She's made a great competition for people who like that kinda thing to enjoy
@Dark CloudI wrote a poem about Clive and entered it into roleplayerguild's Microfiction & Poetry contest #10 lol

Perhaps if we stick together, we would have a better chance of beating this bitch.

Zell raised his eyebrows, impressed. So Joji wasn't just in on ploughing through any obstacles to find answers. No, the big guy was all in on taking out Madam Big kahuna of monster nation. As far as Zell was concerned, they were dropping off some cube and then asking around as to just why the hell they ended up in this world. He hadn't really considered the prospect of fighting in the war.

Fuck it, why not.

"Well, my schedule just happens to be wide open," Zell replied with a smirk. "Count me in, big guy."

Joji asked about length of the journey and Zell listened as Adam answered. Zell was pretty certain the younger guy was a Druid Class adventurer, from what he'd found out about the various classes, plus the fact that Adam declared to the group he had some kind of plant magic. It was a for-sure fit. Adam was handling himself well at the head of the column, keeping everyone informed and confidently making good decisions. At least, Zell assumed they were good decisions. What did he know about travelling through forests n stuff? He went to Peru in his Gap Year and told some guys he was up for going on the four-day mountain hike to see Machu Picchu... he ended up blowing all his money on partying and never did it. That was the closest Zell had ever come to camping in his life.

After Adam had warned everyone to stay alert, Zell shifted his priorities and started keeping an eye on the surroundings. There was no guarantee that they'd seen the last of The Witch Queens soldiers, and Zell didn't fancy getting snuck up on. As a Fighter or Barbarian Class (which was likely what he was) he needed to be ready to get in front of the magic users and Rangers. His job in a party was to defend and provide space for the others to cast and fire. He looked at the group and thought about where best to position himself if they were suddenly attacked. Having experience in sports, team formations in dynamic games, it wasn't too hard to grasp.

He'd be ready.
@TeyaoLAD'S NIGHT OUT Let's goo!

<Snipped quote by Zool>

You heard it here first, James x Zell OTP :P @Teyao @Saiyan


@TeyaoLAD'S NIGHT IN Let's goo!

Zell's head was on a slow swivel as he took in the tranquil vista he walked through. It was certainly a new experience for the man who who'd lived in big cities his whole life. The song of birds, the random calls of animals - nature didn't shut up! But it wasn't bad. Just different. Occasionally he waved away an insect that flew in his face.

He started to get bored with walking in silence.

"Hey, big guy," he said to Joji next to him. He offered his hand to shake. "Nice to have a fellow swordsman around. All these magic-nerds, amarite."

He was only messing around, but still clearly jealous that he didn't have any magical powers like the others. Joji didn't look like the type who liked to joke around, but Zell tried anyway. In fact, speaking of Joji; Zell knew something about the man just by looking at him, and that was that the big guy was no stranger to 'the other side' of civilian life. The Underworld. Zell had rubbed shoulders with some shady people in order to buy the amount of product required to make a decent living as a drug dealer. In the criminal world, there were a lot of guys like Zell, who weren't tough or who weren't in too deep. But then there were the 'real cats' who lived it and thrived in it. Those particular people - you could just tell who they were - it was in their eyes.

Joji had those eyes.

"Guys like us gotta stick together. You know, guys who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty," he continued. Then his voice got a little quieter. "In this life or the last." Zell held the man's gaze for a second. "Back in England, you rub shoulders with certain individuals, kinda hard to keep your hands clean, ya know."

He left it at that. In the streets, a loose tongue was a quick way to get yourself sent to jail or the hospital. That no longer mattered to Zell, seeing as he was now Skelly Slaying Swordsman: Hero fromm the Sky. But still. It would be disrepectful to just start blabbing to Joji when he didn't even know the guy. And whatever the specifics of Joji's background were, he was very clearly a man of respect.

"You really think we'll get some answers in Valhiem? Something tells me it's not gonna be that easy."
@TeyaoLAD'S NIGHT OUT Let's goo!
@Eviledd1984Damn bruv, I didn't realise Joji was 6' 10" tall! I misread your profile as 'six feet' lol. Need to edit an old post of mine. I don't think it changes much tho so no biggy. Wow, we have two giants in the party.

@Eviledd1984@GoblinguyOur guys need to find a shady tavern in Valhiem and start some arm wrestling or cage fighting action. Make some extra cash. Arthur and Joji with the muscle. Zell talking in the suckers-ahem-challengers, taking bets. You two in?
"Yup," Isaac agreed. To think that a raider leader wouldn't have taken advantage of such an amazing skillset. Dumbass savages. It wasn't a wonder why raider gangs often flamed out as quick as they were created. If they weren't 'got' by a bounty hunter, another gang or the various wasteland scaries, then they were wiped out by their own greed. Blinded by lust for power and destruction. "Their loss."

He was about to tell her that he was in fact a world renowned hide-n-go-seek champion in his youth, and challenge her to track him down some time, but his full attention was drawn to the rock formations when the noises started. He mirrored Zara and got onto his front so he could shuffle along the branch, then decided he'd switch weapons and make use of the newly acquired pistol. For molerats, his 50 cal Raging Bull just seemed a bit overkill.

It just occured to him that this was supposed to be a lesson in shooting for Zara and giggled as he thought of the fundamentals he was taught about marksmanship. "Jeez, this is gonna be the worst ever first shooting lesson in the history of everest."

Weaver stance for right handed shooters - Feet shoulder-width apart, right foot back, left hip turned towards the target...

Lying on a tree branch threw this first part right out of the window. At least the next part, he could tell her, although it wouldn't make as much sense without the stance.

"When shooting right-handed, make sure your right arm is straight. Tilt your head slightly over your shoulder so you can see down the sights." He waited until she followed the instruction, and would repeat himself whenever she needed to hear it again. "Your left hand holds your right, cupping the butt of the pistol. Like this." He demonstrated with his gun. "Left arm relaxed, right arm straight. This should create a push-pull feeling, with your right hand slightly pushing the gun forward, your left hand slightly pulling it back. That'll give you some stability aiming and help absorb the recoil."

The molerats were scurrying around in clear sight now. Three of them. And, no doubt, more inside the cave.

"Now listen; when you fire, you squeeze the trigger. Don't pull it with your finger. Squeeze the whole gun like your getting the last of the toothpaste. And there's gonna be a shocking amount of recoil. Don't be scared of it. But brace yourself, okay."

His voice got quieter as the molerats closed in. "Take your time. You only have six shots for this lesson. If you even manage to hit one, then you're already a better student than I am a teacher. Let's rock."

And they started shooting. Lay on their belly, balanced on tree branches, trying to hit moving targets. This was Zara's first lesson. Isaac was laughing his ass off at the absurdity of it all.

Bang! Bang-bang!

He took one out and injured another. His gun was a crappy condition Beretta, but it fired well enough to hit something. Two more adult molerats came out of the cave to join the fight, only to find that they couldn't reach the two wastelanders. Mostly they just ran around, or scratched up at the tree trunk. Isaac was slow with his shooting to give Zara a chance to empty her cylinder, but once she was done, he started cleaning house.

He fired in bursts of up to three shots, angling his body around, dangerously shifting his weight in such careless fashion that he'd turned himself 180 on the tree branch and was hanging off by a single leg and hand for the last kill.


He hung from one hand for a second before dropping down to the ground, keeping an eye on the cave in case anymore tried to rush them. "Hit anything?" he asked as he got out some more ammo, thumbing bullets into the empty magazine.

Caught mid reload, there was suddenly a growl and the patter of feet. One last molerat looking for blood and revenge, charging right for them. Isaac dropped everything in his hands immediately and drew his primary weapon.

Taurus P90 aka The Raging Bull. 50 cal tip already sitting in the chamber.

Stay ready so you don't have to get ready.

Isaac smirked as he looked sidelong down his sights at the charging creature....

@Dark CloudClive doesn't need level-ups. Clive is The Source in superhuman form.
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