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Tristan Glory

The guy seemed nice enough like the rest, but he really wasn't too interested in listening to a stranger talk about their problems which seemed so minor in comparison to the robberies." Right...well tensions are high what with everything that has been occurring on this ranch. Makes sense any sign of mistakes would be scrutinized and certainly those with the best eye on the..." He spoke in a somewhat bored tone as his gaze turned over to the young man speaking when he took notice of the way the man was standing leading to him trailing off.

If there was one thing he learned from modeling it would be the way the models stood and walked. And only times he has seen a person shifting their weight so much save for muscle cramp was a leg injury they wanted to hide." Hm, I can only imagine how stressful this whole thing has been for everyone on top of the long grueling hours of work on top of it. And from what you've said Mr...? Well it sounds like things have been particularly difficult for you. With having to stand for long hours arounds these eggs while every one of your actions are so scrutinize." Nodding his head with a click of the tongue." As I couldn't help but not notice the way you're standing. Maybe a cramped muscle or perhaps hurt yourself recently?" He asked with a concerned look while observing the freckled young adult curiously having the suspicion something was off.

And during that time, King had witnessed seeing something incredibly odd and strange; a tauros transforming into something small and pink. The shiny bird carried a perplexed expression at least in a way a bird could express with a quizzical caw. Uncertain of what he just saw and so the small bird flew off over to the spot in an attempt to see if it could spot or follow the pink moving object for a closer look or determine their numbers.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Mentions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet

Menzai chose to hang back and keep his distance which has proven to be the proper choice. As the signs of sparks emanating from the woman's body showed the capabilities of her inherit magic of which she seemed to have little control over. It was likely tied to her emotions and in her current state, any more stressful experience may cause an unfortunate incident and damages. And his presence would very likely exacerbate the situation.

So for now the wolf left it to the brothers to try and calm the female and explain the situation to her. Though a part of him felt like even these two might not be the proper people to do so after having witness their childish bickering. and as such, Menzai kept himself alert and ready to intervene if Isolde showed any signs of losing control.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy
Mentions: Isolde @Blizz

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet

It was readily apparent that the two brothers were quite hungry with the way they ate. Seeing as how they had no qualms with his offer and conditions and chose to say nothing else to not disturb their meal, instead turning his attention to the restaurant to keep a watchful eye.

When finished the three exited the building as Darius comment about possibly needing more help than the kind he was giving might be needed caught his attention but otherwise said nothing regarding it. As like he said; outside an actual need of his aid he would strictly be an observer though there was also the lack of knowledge on what exactly the brothers goal were. This made offering any advice difficult and ill-advised as he may suggest something to influence them in the wrong direction.

Besides, the fact the latest discussion was about finding a place to sleep was something he was not needed for considering that he didn't have a single coin to his name. Menzai didn't even know what kind of currency was even used outside his isolated village.

Eventually they had come to the decision of sleeping at the beach; an interesting result but not one that bothered him in the slightest as the wolf was very well used to sleeping outdoors.

With a respectful bow to the brothers to show he understood and followed from a short distance. Menzai knew not to stick to close as the two probably did not quite trust him yet, plus offered a better view to observe the pair. Taking in their mannerism, way they moved and interacted along with their thought process on how they would act and make decisions.

He could tell already that he would be learning a plethora of things regarding humans from Darius and Dante leaving him intrigued for the adventure that awaited them.

Upon reaching the beach they had found an outropping of palm trees that offered plenty of shade making for an optimal place to sleep with the cool and soft sand beneath his bare feet making for a somewhat comforting bed. He, however, had moved to jump up and climb the thickest tree until he was sitting crouched atop the tree after bading them to rest well, preferring a vantage point that offered a wide view to keep watch for any dangerous individuals.

Hours passed well into nighttime with nothing eventual occurring when Dante had awoken who would move to wake his brother shortly after. His voice flicked upon hearing their voices signaling his watch for the time being had ended prompting him to jump down from the tree where he landed gracefully with nary a sound made save for the tiniest crunch against the sand. Not long after, Darius spoke causing him to turn his head in his direction while folding his arms together within the sleeves.

"Hm, insight. There are a number of the sort I may be able to give, but what I suggest depends on what your current goals are. If it is supplies needed I can offer my skills in tracking and hunting seeing as I unfortunately lack any funding. Or if knowledge of the world is what you seek then I suggest a library or safety then perhaps my.." Trailing off there for it was then that his nose picked up the scent of another human, this one female.

How peculiar to encounter a third human already so soon after leaving his village though what was especially peculiar was the strong scent of sweat and...the faint unpleasant smell of charred fur and meat lingering around this person. A slight curious tilt of the head as his gaze shifted from the brothers to roam over the beach until he saw the human female. A quick glance of his sharp eyes gleaned from her posture looked to be exhausted which led credence to why the scent of sweat was so prevalent though offered no explanation for strange charred scents. From this, he surmised that the woman had unfortunately found herself alone in the forest where she was left to flee and fend for herself; a miracle she was able to make it to this town alone.

After musing silently to himself for a brief moment did, he turn his attention back to the brothers." Before deciding on any such destination. I might inquire to help the human female over there." Motioning towards said individual with his clawed left hand." She looks to be tired and frightened so it may be prudent and safer for her to be approached by something she knows which would be the two of you while I remain here..at least for the time being." He peered back over at the woman; able to tell that his presence might frighten the woman who was likely already in such a distraught and stressed state and had no desire to risk worsening her situation any more.

Kazumin Nagasa

Currently wearing: Caesonian traditional formal wear

(Minus the gloves and cape)

Location: Sneaking off to the secret afterparty

For a first ball, it had proven to be a most interesting and wild evening. As fun as it was, it eventually had to end which came about through King Edin giving a speech. A bit odd when not long before he had a bunch of women rubbing the man all over.

Now that the party was over, Kazu was left two options; a quick glance over in Asteroth's direction to see that the man was scanning the hall likely in search for his ward with the angriest face imaginable. Make that one option left to him and so procured the crumpled paper princess Ani had given to him. Giving it a quick read over to remind himself of its location then slipped it back into his pocket.

" Looks like its time for me to twenty two-skidoo." There were things he wanted to do, but Asty was in far too a foul mood to bother asking anything of him tonight and no idea where Percy had gotten to since leaving her though knew she was capable to handle herself for the night.

And so, the cowlicked blonde used this chance to slip into the crowds of people leaving to sneak pass the fuming Baron and before long was outside. From there he made off for the warehouse; hands in his pockets and whistling a merry tune as he went like a person on a nice casual nightly stroll.
Tristan Glory

Tristan observed the man closely; a friendly kind of sort though most of the people on this ranch have been save for the farmhand, but that was mostly due to being suspicious. The man seemed nice enough, but also the one person with the best position to give the thieves an opportunity. Also the first person to be suspected which would make for a poor decision. Still, it was best not to go ruling anyone out just yet." That I am. I will try not to get in the way as I look around and might have some questions. Like for example. Have you noticed anything strange or out of place since the robberies began?" The silver haired teen asked while turning his attention over the room and incubators checking for anything, but chances of him catching something the staff hasn't was pretty slim.

Meanwhile, King was flying around the farm with his eyes scanning the field. The shiny bird did so while making sure not to be too high to lessen the chance of missing anything that could stand out from any mistakes the thieves may have made or left behind.
Tristan Glory

Tristan gave a nod of his head towards Hurly before standing up." You have been most helpful with this investigation. I extend to you my thanks and will be sure to let the owners know of the immense aid you have given towards putting an end to these egg thieves." He spoke politely to the man who had gained his respect for being so tolerate and accepting of his many array of questions that most others might have been annoyed by.

" Let us be off and see this Robbie then, shall we, Mr Bill." with one last nod of his head to Hurly, the silver haired teen turned to leave the station. Following after Bill; taking this time to organize his thoughts on all that he learned, and all the while King had rested quietly upon his shoulder seeming to know not to be a nuisance as his trainer worked on his investigation.

Such good behavior brought a pleased smile to Tristan lips who then gave King a soft scritch atop his hat shaped head. As he did so, an idea came to mind." Yes, I almost forgot. Perhaps with a different perspective we could discover something. King, I want you to fly around and scope the area. If you notice anything out of the ordinary. then come find me and guide me to such or if you find something bring it to me." He made sure to give the order as clearly as possible in the hopes King could understand his instructions.

The shiny murkrow tilted his head, a bit uncertain but looked to have gotten the gist of it and let out a crow to show he understood then with a flap of its wings took off to the sky.

Tristan watched King fly off with the hope a bird's eye view might lead to finding something that had been missed from all prior searches done by the ground.

Leaving that to King, the rich teen continued in tow behind Bill and before long arrived at the barn. He entered shortly after Bill though remained by the door for the time being to avoid causing any misunderstanding or suspicions. Choosing to wait for this Robbie to reveal himself and during that time moved his gaze over the incubators where some held eggs and others were empty. His eyes scanning over the room checking for anything that might be out of place or an object that wouldn't normally belong in this room when a thinly red bearded man stepped out.

" Ahem...hello. I take it then that you are Robbie? I am Tristan Glory..." He paused waiting expectantly and with hope to get some recognition towards his last name for once before carrying on." And I am here regarding the egg thieves and the robberies that have been occurring. I hope you don't mind if I ask questions and have a look around?"
Tristan Glory

After listening to Hurly's continued explanation, Tristan's came to the conclusion that this kid was definitely being used unknowingly. As even if this guy was good with tech, it likely wouldn't be difficult to trick or manipulate him which is the likely reason for targeting the nights when he was manning this station. Seeing as no experienced group would have a clumsy screw-up in their group or at least not directly. This line of reasoning led him to the likely possibility that the thieves were someone he knew; a friend (or at least pretending to be friends) or an associate not part of this ranch.

Then there was what Hurly said about the scheduling and how it was handled. If it was indeed someone that worked on the ranch they simply needed to check it in this breakroom. yet, with how prepared this group always seems to be, the digital scheduling which was probably made a day or more early before being put up and if indeed one of them were to be a hacker....

" Hm...an interesting case you have on your hands. These thieves always know the best time to strike and come properly prepared and yet something threw them off last night considering the close call they had last night." If he could just find out what it was that caused such a mistake...he felt like he was close to figuring out this case but was still missing some vital clues. Tristan rubbed at his forehead and let out an annoyed sigh.* Detective work really is not my forte but I already made the deal and made myself look awful enough as is. Besides, the owners are too kind and don't deserve to have their business ruined cause of this.* Grumbling to himself for a moment then took a deep breath to settle down lest he found himself getting all depressed again were he to enter that headspace again.

Leaning back in his chair with his attention kept on the screens as if expecting to notice any other clues though had a feeling he wasn't gonna get anything more off the videos." Hurly, you said this kid is good with tech, correct? I have a strange question to ask but is he part of any outside group/club or brings any friends onto the ranch that show any signs of being good with tech?" He asked while turning his attention to the man." And don't think I can get anything more out of these videos...is it possible to inspect the place where the eggs are kept?"
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