When the Warden powered back down to his normal state, resuming his normal pace- though did Miral detect it moving a little more stiff, like it was angry?- she sighed, shaking her head. She looked back hearing the conversations and noted the boy genius minutely seeming to follow Ryfon's suggestion, though he seemed like he was on the edge of brewing over because of being stuck with the riff raff. What nobleman doesn't bring a horse? For that matter, LaMontiya didn't come on one either. She looked over at the other noblewoman, now scrutinizing her actions. Why hadn't she been on a horse??
Miral turned her attention to Ryfon motioning for him to come along. He nodded and increased the speed on the carriage to keep up with as she moved forward enough to keep up with the Warden and perhaps reach a pace that wasn't breakneck for the horses, but enough to satiate his desire to go a little faster. They needed to cover ground a little faster anyway. It wouldn't do to actually take the whole day to get to the dead wood- if they could get there before the sun went down, there would be just a little less of the more extreme monsters to be wary of. Sure the thieves and the little girl might have had some use, and she was sure that little girl packed some sort of hidden secret, but they would be in serious danger up against the beasts said to roam there.
She could feel something tugged her onward towards the crag, like she didn't honestly need a map to find it (though she would to find the bridge), and it bothered her just a hair. Surely all mages felt this pull to their source of magic, yes? There was nothing to be so uptight about...
"How fast can you drive that thing, Ryfon?" she asked her cousin, wanting to pick up the pace, though her horse seemed a bit uneasy as it felt her energies changing.
"The carriage might not be built for harsh treatment," Ryfon warned but sped up a little more. He noted her odd behavior but figured it was just nerves. Everyone had seemed to defer to her somehow, which made some sense, she hadn't shown an ounce of hesitancy thus far, but what most didn't realize she did it because she was actually incredibly nervous and wanted to make an incredible impression on her comrades because there were other nobles, or middle to high class at least, among them. She had worked hard to get to where she was, and she didn't anyone questioning them.
"It was meant for a literal cross-country expedition, it will be fine," she sighed a bit, shaking her head
Miral turned her attention to Ryfon motioning for him to come along. He nodded and increased the speed on the carriage to keep up with as she moved forward enough to keep up with the Warden and perhaps reach a pace that wasn't breakneck for the horses, but enough to satiate his desire to go a little faster. They needed to cover ground a little faster anyway. It wouldn't do to actually take the whole day to get to the dead wood- if they could get there before the sun went down, there would be just a little less of the more extreme monsters to be wary of. Sure the thieves and the little girl might have had some use, and she was sure that little girl packed some sort of hidden secret, but they would be in serious danger up against the beasts said to roam there.
She could feel something tugged her onward towards the crag, like she didn't honestly need a map to find it (though she would to find the bridge), and it bothered her just a hair. Surely all mages felt this pull to their source of magic, yes? There was nothing to be so uptight about...
"How fast can you drive that thing, Ryfon?" she asked her cousin, wanting to pick up the pace, though her horse seemed a bit uneasy as it felt her energies changing.
"The carriage might not be built for harsh treatment," Ryfon warned but sped up a little more. He noted her odd behavior but figured it was just nerves. Everyone had seemed to defer to her somehow, which made some sense, she hadn't shown an ounce of hesitancy thus far, but what most didn't realize she did it because she was actually incredibly nervous and wanted to make an incredible impression on her comrades because there were other nobles, or middle to high class at least, among them. She had worked hard to get to where she was, and she didn't anyone questioning them.
"It was meant for a literal cross-country expedition, it will be fine," she sighed a bit, shaking her head