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5 yrs ago
Been on this site for 6 years, but was on the previous version that crashed. Found this site in its original stage not long after the fall of Quizilla forums.


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When the Warden powered back down to his normal state, resuming his normal pace- though did Miral detect it moving a little more stiff, like it was angry?- she sighed, shaking her head. She looked back hearing the conversations and noted the boy genius minutely seeming to follow Ryfon's suggestion, though he seemed like he was on the edge of brewing over because of being stuck with the riff raff. What nobleman doesn't bring a horse? For that matter, LaMontiya didn't come on one either. She looked over at the other noblewoman, now scrutinizing her actions. Why hadn't she been on a horse??

Miral turned her attention to Ryfon motioning for him to come along. He nodded and increased the speed on the carriage to keep up with as she moved forward enough to keep up with the Warden and perhaps reach a pace that wasn't breakneck for the horses, but enough to satiate his desire to go a little faster. They needed to cover ground a little faster anyway. It wouldn't do to actually take the whole day to get to the dead wood- if they could get there before the sun went down, there would be just a little less of the more extreme monsters to be wary of. Sure the thieves and the little girl might have had some use, and she was sure that little girl packed some sort of hidden secret, but they would be in serious danger up against the beasts said to roam there.

She could feel something tugged her onward towards the crag, like she didn't honestly need a map to find it (though she would to find the bridge), and it bothered her just a hair. Surely all mages felt this pull to their source of magic, yes? There was nothing to be so uptight about...

"How fast can you drive that thing, Ryfon?" she asked her cousin, wanting to pick up the pace, though her horse seemed a bit uneasy as it felt her energies changing.
"The carriage might not be built for harsh treatment," Ryfon warned but sped up a little more. He noted her odd behavior but figured it was just nerves. Everyone had seemed to defer to her somehow, which made some sense, she hadn't shown an ounce of hesitancy thus far, but what most didn't realize she did it because she was actually incredibly nervous and wanted to make an incredible impression on her comrades because there were other nobles, or middle to high class at least, among them. She had worked hard to get to where she was, and she didn't anyone questioning them.
"It was meant for a literal cross-country expedition, it will be fine," she sighed a bit, shaking her head
I'm a horrible liar and totally forgot because I was playing Dream Drop Distance. I'll post now while my students are occupado.
I'll post before I go to bed tonight to progress us. I'll have the Wardens reaction to us talking lol
There could be some sort of first day party or something if you guys want, a chance for a little chaos and mingling. Or we can move forward into the first day of classes, like go to the next day.
@Silver Carrot Sybil wants to know if they can be friends, but Nyx is making it very clear you should say no lol
@thewizardguy Oh no, I wasn't complaining or anything, I just thought I should express her thoughts via GIFs XD
@Polaris North
I'm fine with it *thumbs up*

I feel these two gifs sort of sum up Amelia's reaction to Emily's tirade...
@AimeChambers I can create some nobody NPC to stir up drama with our boys if you want.

@Ryougu Are you still with us?

@Polaris North Nero and Nuka are both sort of hanging out in the teacher's lobby area if you want to interact with someone in the meantime lol
@thewizardguy@Silver Carrot
Amelia listened to the rambling of Emily trying to dig her way out of her situation without a change in expression, though she did look at Eilidh when she responded to her lack of responsibility. She turned her attention back to Emily once the other girls were gone, "My dear, you picked the lock to get out here and are fully aware that this area is not open to freely come and enjoy the view- there are balconies for that that are not restricted spaces. I am not monitoring your personal time, it simply allows me to know when you are entering a space you should not," Amelia said with a sigh, "And out here I'm afraid the laws fall rather short as those invented those laws would rather kill you than defend you, so unless you'd rather have a security escort all times of the day, you will give me your hand," she said, not having put her own down, though the air got a bit colder to alert her to the fact that her ability to make the decision for herself was about to be out of her hands. Her job was to protect her students, and she would do so whether those students wanted her to or not- she would not let their recklessness be their undoing, not while she had a way and the will to stop them. As much as Emily liked to buck the rules and give them a hard time, Amelia did not want her getting into some kind of trouble that she couldn't get out of. This area was off limits because it was particularly hazardous in harsher elements and wasn't protected against anyone who might be trying to be rid of some of the "monsters" on her campus and having three students out here, two of their own free will to get into trouble for no other than boredom, made her quite annoyed. Why was it so difficult for them just to pay attention to the warning signs???

Tiona was wandering around the halls, trying to see if she could find her roommate, wanting someone to talk to. She wasn't about to chance trying to find a different place to fly from with Amelia and Katerina both on the prowl. She was aware she couldn't blame the whole situation on Emily, she did go up there and pick a fight after all. She happened to spot Eilidh going back to her room and sighed before walking towards her, "H-hey, I hope you didn't get in trouble for what was going on upstairs..... Sorry for causing a fuss," she said, rubbing the back of her head. Eilidh had at least tried to be cordial with her, and so she wanted to make sure she hadn't accidentally buried that hatchet with her behavior upstairs.

Henri noted that the reaction wasn't a good one and mentally told himself not to press that issue, "Sorry, I didn't realize it was a negative thing," he murmured. He wouldn't go into any personal details. He himself had nowhere else to go, but he didn't say that aloud as he didn't want to seem like he was creating pity for himself, "What are some things you like to do in your free time? Do you have any games you like?" he asked, switching gears. He walked over to his bag and pulled out a handheld game system, turning it on to some little action game that looked like the remastering of a classic arcade game. Henri wasn't typically overt and friendly, but he didn't want to start this year on a bad foot with his roommate. He wasn't sure if he would be able to help him with his shifting, but he hoped to try.
@Satsuki just making sure before I post again that you have nothing to add
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