Miral swore a bit before looking at the noble whose horse had abandoned her, "You, get those carriage horses moving!" she said before getting down from her own horse and started swinging her pike in a circle, basically applying what Thomas was telling Eir to do, but with fire instead. She created a wall of fire, pushing the dogs in, the trees catching to eliminate them as an escape option. Her horse and Ryford's (which she will have been leading since its rider disappeared) stomped on the mutts as they got closer, squealing as they weren't about to let their claws gets into their hides. She backed towards the carriage, directing her flame wall to block the woods off on all sides so no more of them could join their current attackers, going all the way to the edge of the crag, "If we can get those horses moving and get on the bridge, I can roast these mutts and we can be on our way before anyone gets bitten," she said, not turning her back to the hounds, driving her pike in their their heads before they could get too close to her and throwing them into the flames.
Ryford swore and tried to urge the horses forward, but they were slow to progress, freaking out from all the sounds and the obvious presence of something malicious.But there was something rumbling in their direction from within the woods that suddenly spooked them into wild, uncontrolled action. They bolted forwards, nearly breaking their harnesses on the carriage as they yanked on them suddenly. Ryfrod had to grab the seat to not be flung back into the carriage and he looked back to see what was coming at them that scared the horses so badly as he tried to reign them back in. He would much rather someone else be driving so he could get to fighting and dealing with these beasts.
Miral looked past the flames as she saw some hulking figure that looked like the large beasts that wandered the plains around the Imperial City barreling towards them with no regards to the flames. It's large ears were tattered and barely still on its head. Its long trunk was covered in the sores that covered the hounds, its eyes blazing red like a flame. Its usual grey body was black like it was charred and there was flesh missing as if it were the dead brought back. She paled a little, getting back on to her horse as the beast was quickly closing the distance. She didn't need to grab the reigns for Ryford's horse, the beast not being stupid enough to hang around to get crushed, keeping up easily with the carriage. Miral followed onto the bridge and threw up another fire wall at its base, filling in the gaps to burn the hounds, but the larger monster was still coming, running straight into the flames for them, as if driven beyond its sense of self preservation and made only for killing them.