Avatar of Sanguine Rose


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1 yr ago
Current Wow three years since an update....well - I guess I've been busy. Finally getting back into real story writing instead of just editing and submitting old stuff.
4 yrs ago
Responses didn't come like I meant them to. I'm working on being able to get to them this week. Thank you for your patience with me.
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4 yrs ago
Responses to those waiting to hear from me will come tomorrow. Apologies.
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4 yrs ago
Shit happens, responses slow. Working on it. Please be patient.
4 yrs ago


I'm an adult with a family and responsibilities that take priority, as well as mental health issues that can cause me to not get on this site for periods of time. Just know I will get back to you - hopefully within a few days. Right now my schedule is in flux until I get everything figured out properly so I cannot make promises to respond quickly.

If you've come here looking to RP, please note right now I'm not accepting any new projects. Thanks for the interest, and I wish you luck on your quest.

I recently started working on getting published, and have self published one story so far. Check it out on Amazon - Into the Night by Alexia Wynd. You can also check out more of my work - short stories and the like - at my recently started Patreon: patreon.com/storiestocaptivate

Most Recent Posts

@RedOnTheBed Yes, feel free to use the link to join the discord. If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll update it.

@xXSINXx You're not late at all. I won't start reviewing sheets until tomorrow (est) for just this reason. I don't want anyone to feel rushed to get their sheet together. The IC is still going to be another week or so from opening as well. This week is a busy one for me with several family birthdays and then a party this weekend one of them.

Faye Wrexlyn

It certainly was good she decided to start with learning more about Grand Glory's landmarks. The city felt like it changed so much since she came here after it first opened up 4 years ago. It was nice to see wild pokemon were thriving around the city, but Pidgeys, Pidoves, and Rattatas were not only hardy from everything she saw of them across the regions but became common features around most cities in this region. At least, she was used to seeing them around King's Cross. Even Meowths were starting to seem that way. Given how desolate of pokemon populations the region was after Cipher first left, she was glad to see them. She took the time to scan each breed, and take the best picture she could of them. Pokemon in their natural environment always came through with the best representation of them than getting pictures of captured pokemon.

As she walked, she chatted at Sage about various things - explaining what the pokemon around them were and showing him the pictures she took of the other pokemon. But standing before the fountain and its majestic legendaries again was something else. She snapped another picture, capturing the fountain and the statues at just the right angle to highlight the beauty of the scene, before hearing a yip behind her. She may have had Sage for only a little while, but she'd figured out what his yips sounded like.

Faye blinked and looked down to see the Yamper. She pulled out her pokedex for a quick ID before slipping it back away. She looked around to see if someone might be looking for it before looking back down at the electric pokemon. Well that was odd. A wild yamper in a city like this? Then she did a double take, looking between the dog-like pokemon and her camera. "Oh? You like my camera? If you can be good and not short it out, I'd love to take your picture and show you it. Okay?" She gave it a moment before she took its picture and switched to picture preview mode, then knelt down and showed the Yamper the picture she took. "What do you think? I think that's a pretty good picture of you, wouldn't you say? You know, I'm kind of surprised to see you here. Did you wander off from someone or are you on your own?"

Faye Wrexlyn

"Mom? You okay?" It was weird to hear and see her mom go so stalk still after answering the phone. If it hadn't been for the fact she heard someone on the other side of the line a second time, and her mom suddenly snapped out of the trance, Faye would have taken the phone and just hung up. Even when her mom did start talking, she sounded choked - almost struggling to form simple words - before offering the phone to her without a word and walking out of the room.

"Hello?" And then she was almost as speechless at hearing who it was. Well of course it make sense that Mom had been so weird. But that was the least of the times it would happen. After the call, Mom had seemed weird when Faye excitedly mentioned what it had been about. Dad seemed apprehensive too but neither talked about it much. After much pressing, and two more calls, it made sense. As far as Dad said, Mom was nervous to see her go out and actually start becoming a trainer - that it could be dangerous. She was ready for the danger; she didn't tell her parents that she was actually looking forward to that because this world needed more people that looked to face danger instead of hide away from it. She'd be damned if she sat idle and let fear of Cipher or other organizations like that do instead of prepare to oppose them.

But that was essentially how it always went. Especially the day before the big day.

Mom sat quiet, painting as she did when she felt distressed. Faye almost couldn't bring herself to get her mother's attention and say goodbye like she did to her father. Her father didn't try to talk her out of it like she thought he would. But then, they were always supportive of her going out to explore and learn. He knew there was no talking her out of this, so he helped her pack as best as he could. It took about a dozen reassurances she would call frequently and not take any unnecessary risks. By the time she had her pack all set and was about to step out the door, Mom had stopped her on her way out of the house. One long very tight hug, and a hellavalotta tears later her mother finally wished her luck and promised to always be available to help give her advice if she wanted it. A solemn reminder that her pokemon were not tools but friends and so long as she listened, they would keep her from straying down the wrong path.

Stepping off the train then walking out of the station in Grand Glory City, Faye stood for a moment and just stared at the grandeur of the city. It had been years since the last time she came here. She couldn't remember much of where any of the landmarks were, but thankfully in her collection of maps was a map of Grand Glory, just for this. Unfortunately, sightseeing would have to wait. A sleeping Snorlax blocking one of the tracks had caused her to need to switch to a different train and now...a meeting reminder beeped on her phone.

"Shit...I'm going to be late!"" She tucked her phone and the map away. A quick resettling of how her backpack sat on her shoulders, and she set off running down the sidewalk to the Headquarters. She burst in the door, thankfully used to the cardio and not completely out of breath, with a few shouts of "I'm here. I'm here! I made it!" just in time for Evlyn to approach the other trainers present. The leisurely walking pace helped her get her breathing back under control more than just standing still did. It was okay Adriane wasn't there yet, as disappointing as it was, she didn't want to be catching her breath in front of her idol. Not only would that be embarrassing, but it would feel like a stark mark against her worthiness as a hand picked new trainer to take on people that the person who took down Cipher felt could help keep this region in line.

Before she could fall down that rabbit hole of thought, they were in the office of the professor that would be running things remotely. Adriane showed up not long after, but by then Faye was already breathing normally. The smile that bloomed on her face the moment the Champ ran in was nothing short than total admiration and set a bit of a sparkle to her eyes. Even after speaking to her on the phone, it was a whole other level to be standing in the same room with Adriane and being reminded once again that out of so many others she was one of the few to be picked by the Champ to be a new trainer for this region. Failure wasn't an option. She listened intently, taking note of everything he said to ensure she didn't forget it. Half of this was information she already knew, but it never hurt to brush up on the basics.

As soon as she had her pokedex, and the others received their starters, she scanned each of the pokemon before putting it - and her pokeballs - away, then ensured snapping pictures of the pokemon with their trainers - provided they actually looked at their pokemon while still in the laboratory - and then Adriane, Professor Kapoc, and even Evlyn before putting her camera away too. She didn't want to keep swapping back and forth, and proper pictures of her own could would come later. Eevee may not have been as special and flashy on the surface as the others, but he would be someday and he was already that on the inside. She squatted down to get on the same eye level as Eevee and smiled broadly. "You look like a Sage if ever I saw one. We're going to be a great team, you and I." She gently ran her hand over his fur before standing up and eying the pompous loudmouth blathering on about how awesome he and his pokemon would be. What a loser. Everyone knows actions speak louder than words.

She shook her head. If she stood here and dwelled on that loser she'd end up opening a can of worms she didn't want. If someone as pompous as him was chosen by Adriane to be a new trainer setting out to compete in the Evig league, there was a good reason. By right now, she had more important things to do than figure out what that reason was. Another glance down at her pokemon, and she nodded her head toward the doors. "Come on, Sage. The wider world awaits." With a yip, Sage trotted off at her heels.

The first step in any journey is getting familiar with where you have been, and the best way to get to know someone was by being around them. So she checked her city map one last time just after leaving the League Headquarters, picked a random landmark to walk to, and started heading that way. After a few steps though, she stopped and looked at Sage. "Wait, I haven't gotten your picture yet. Come on." She crouched down again and pulled out her phone. The camera was already set on selfie mode, and she made sure to pose just right to snap the picture - which just so happen to catch Tristan being escorted out of the building by a Hydreigon. She snickered and saved the picture, and quickly snapped another shot. "That's a keeper!" then texted it to her parents. She also texted them the number from her pokedex so she could focus on just using that for her phone instead.

"Alright. Now we can go." Hoisting her backpack back into place, she stood up and tucked her phone away once more. Then it was off to start hitting landmarks and see what luck may bring her way.
Of course not @Moonlit Ghost. You're welcome to join up too.
The Discord: https://discord.gg/QkyuvyvU97
This link is a permanent link.
This RP will be Co-GMed with @Gittarackur.

At some point you have received this welcome letter.
Are you a new student eagerly awaiting your turn to start at the first ever official school for metahumans?
Or are you a returning student eager to see what the new year has in store?

Welcome to Anepool's Academy for the Gifted
Scientia Procedit Potestas

Beyond the sprawling gates and eight foot high brick fencing, lies the campus of the world's first school dedicated to educating metahumans both in terms of how to control and utilize their abilities (as well as teach those capable of learning it magic) but an education akin to what their human counterparts learn in standard school. While it is part of a populated city, it certainly helps carve out it's own space among the city sprawl.

It covers around 500 acres of carefully kept grounds, giving students plenty of space to be themselves without prying eyes or potential harm to innocent bystanders should a lesson regarding magic go awry. Set up much like a university, it has multiple buildings dedicated to specific studies as well as separate buildings for dorms, student centers and the library, administration, and sports. There are plenty of wooded areas with walking trails, fountains, benches, and even a few ponds and streams cultivated throughout the grounds.

As the first school of its kind in the world, Anepool Academy for the Gifted hosts students from all over the world (and beyond). After the second year of operation it has expanded some of its building footprint to house the increased student body. Students from across the globe are welcome to apply, and the school does its best to accommodate them. Many of the teachers are multilingual and while it is required that Earth-native students speak English to attend, there are staff available to help students improve their English language skills as well as assist non-terrestrial students in learning a language to communicate with others.

The World

This will take place in an alternative timeline from our own.
While most world events will be the same, elements of them are altered to include the introduction of magic/metahumans. If there is a world event you would like to know our spin on, feel free to ask how it happened for our RP. Examples of such events will be covered in the History section, but for the most part we're looking at highlighting pieces of American history as this world has altered them.

As far as technology goes, there are all sorts of tech we view as futuristic that have been around since the 90s here. While fossil fuels aren't a thing of the past, it is the alternative energy source now as opposed to the main source. While flying cars still aren't a thing, electric and self-driving cars are the prolific mode of transportation for many, and technology continues to advance at an accelerated rate.

Magic, as well as meta-humans in the form of mutants and beings of lore, has been public for only a little while. While it has mixed reception in some communities still, it is - for the most part - accepted as something that is not going away, and people have learned to cope with the fact that humans really aren't the only sentient life out there; that reality itself is far more than what they previously thought.

Every day, you pass someone on the street - usually unaware there is anything more to them than what they appear. That's just as true for this universe. The barista that just made your coffee could be teaching herself how to use magic, or perhaps that "self-made millionaire" was born with the superhuman ability to see probabilities and uses it to pick just the right stocks to amass his fortune. Perhaps the guy that you always see working the night shift isn't actually as human as he appears.

Not everyone in the world can learn to use magic; some are born with innate powers, while others can study to learn it. Whether or not you can is something you are born with, or perhaps was thrust upon you by some external force. It is illegal in many countries to experiment on people, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and sometimes pesky extradimensional beings will leave their mark after a visit - that was how this all began, after all.

But let's stick to the basics. There are 2 major categories all meta-humans fall under:

Those with innate magical abilities, and those that have the ability to learn to use magic.
From there, magic breaks down a bit further into a few more categories:

Nature - this covers all abilities that utilize elements, beasts, plant life, and/or even summon beings of such elements to you.

Personal - this covers abilities that come from the mind (psychics, telepaths, telekinetics, etc) or augment bodies (strength, speed, endurance, invisibility, shapeshifting, etc).

Intellect - this covers not just hyperintelligence, but also those with an innate knack for building complex and advanced devices.

Void - this covers powers akin to interdimensional access, such as teleportation, summoning/communicating with things beyond this world, extradimensional travel, and even drawing on powers from a dimension called the Void (top scientists are still trying to get a firm grasp on what that exactly is, but their best explanation currently is a realm of negative energy.)

Ki - this deals with the ability to manipulate the latent tangible energy found in all living objects and manipulate it for various purposes such as energy blasts, flight, and - in a few rare cases - healing.

Mutants - while previously believed to be the proper term for those born with the innate ability to use magic, it is far beyond that; aliens, beings of supernatural lore such as vampires, and people that were experimented on into being able to use magic all fit into this category. Mutants tend to already have a handle on how to use their natural powers, but some (particularly those that experimented on) do not.

The Setting

We will be students at the Anepool Academy for the Gifted, a boarding school dedicated to teaching meta-humans not only standard school courses, but also helping them understand, control, and utilize their magic in productive ways. There are plenty of extracurricular opportunities outside of learning magic, and even their standard classes offer a wide range of interests outside of standard curriculum and magicks. They host students in 7th - 12th grade, and graduates have the same opportunities as those graduating standard schools.
The campus is enclosed and monitored, so sneaking onto and off of campus will be difficult (but not impossible, if you were to ask some alum). Students are assigned dorms based on gender, but recent years have seen some shift to that with transgendered students being offered housing in a newly constructed dormitory that is based on a gender neutral concept; students housed here will still share a dorm room with another student, but both students will be of the same gender identity.

Anepool is one of the top most prosperous cities on the east coast, and is known for it's food, diversity, and has recently become an economic center for the US. It consists of six boroughs - Lewis, Minks, Sphinx, Roldo, Polis, and Cannes.


The largest borough, it sports a major residential section.
It is known for being ethnically diverse, while sporting a large Asian and black immigrant population.
Noted as one of the safest boroughs of the city, it's commonly said to be a great place to raise kids.
While it does sport commerce, most shops are department stores or small shops.


The most populated district, it is subject to gentrification for many years.
It is known for having an extremely active street life and lots of gang violence.
Minks, being the most populated, is known to be referred to by its two distinct sections - South Minks and North Minks.
South Minks is home to an affluent business sector and a great place for many aspiring to start large businesses to move to. It is also the home of Anepool Academy for the Gifted.
North Minks is, colloquially, a ghetto - known for its violence, as well as producing very talented drill artists.


Considered to be the upscale borough out of the six, it's known for its high rises and banking centers, as well as it's fashion, art, and entertainment destinations.
This is where the seat of the city's municipal government resides.


Known to be the most violent borough, most of the city's organized crime is based here.
It has several street gangs, and almost all major criminal syndicates and organizations have roots here as well.
It's known to be the city's hub for illicit trading and black market dealings, especially for advanced weaponry and other illegal goods.


A small island off the coast of the city could be considered a town of its own - this happens to be Polis, the 5th district of Anepool.
It is known to be a fishing town, and is also known to be the quietest borough as it does not boast any real attractions aside from great fishing spots.
Many believe it to be cursed, as it is one of the many locations where otherworldly invaders first appeared.


This borough was recently designated an experimental section created by the Anepool city council to be host exclusively to meta-humans.
Known for being the base for many major technology and manufacturing corporations, it makes start competition with North Minks for business ventures.

Like I said before, we'll be playing students at the Anepool Academy for the Gifted.

Everyone will get to play up to 2 characters for now.

Characters should be no younger than 12, and no older than 19. Exceptions can and will be made for certain cases but not everyone.

Characters can be from anywhere and any type - but make sure to not make their race OP if not using a base human type. If you're worried about potentially being OP, contact me to review first.

All characters need to be approved before play, but there is no cut off to when people can join if they submit a character sheet and it gets approved.
Sheets are to be submitted to the OOC first. Once approved, they can be moved to the Character Tab.

If you have any questions feel free to post them in the OOC or join the Discord and post them there. Joining the discord is not required, although it is the best way to stay in touch with others as well as get ahold of me.

It's preferred character images are anime/drawn, but images are not required.

Thanks, everyone. I'm currently finishing up the OOC intro right now. I apologize again for the further delay. Yesterday I was able to pick up her remains and I was completely useless for doing anything aside from talking the whole thing over with my kids.

For now, here's the discord link. I will post it in the OOC once I get it finished. Feel free to join if you want to throw questions my way before I finish getting the OOC posted. https://discord.gg/sFngNr6W

@Dead Cruiser This is still what is debated. "Mutants" have genetic markers akin to what has been brought up through things like X-Men, but not everyone that ends up having the ability to use magic has these same genetic markers. Which is why it's so widely disputed on how to properly identify meta-humans. With many countries starting to view them as having rights and meta-humans not having to hide themselves, it's becoming much less a topic for discussion to identify such individuals.

@Daxam All of that would be fine, yes.

@Martian That would work. If you want to go over any more specifics about the energy being part, feel free to message me. There will be a part on the character sheet for stuff like that too though. Most things will fly so long as the character doesn't appear too OP.
Sorry for the delay in getting the OOC up. I had some stuff come up IRL which included losing a pet that has been in my life for the past 16 years.

The OOC will not be up tonight, as I will be finalizing some updates to the timeline to involve aliens and such as well as finalize the format for the character sheet, but it will be up tomorrow at some point. I will also post a link to the discord channel tomorrow too (sorry, but I don't want to get overwhelmed with messages tonight before getting the OOC up) as part of the main post.

I'm not tagging everyone that has spoken up since my last update - but yes, you all are welcome to join.

@Spin The Wheel - regarding the Olympics, yes - metahumans are not allowed to compete. The science behind determining who can and cannot use magic is still being debated (multiple countries have been working on such genome tracking, but argue which method is most accurate) and not fully explored. Each country requires their athletes to submit to genetic testing before competing, but the organization doesn't have a standard test they use and thus expect each nation to report accurately. This does not actually prevent cheating by use of metahumans with physically amplifying magic, but the penalties are severe for countries caught using metahumans - including exclusion from remaining and a number of future games as well as loss of medals accumulated to that point.

@Daxam - about multiple magics - yes, multiple magics are possible. However, each magic type has their own subcategories. So it would be more that one learns all of a particular magic type and maybe a subcategory of another or two, or they learn a few subcategory specialties. It's easier learning magics that compliment each other, and metahumans find they are stronger if they focus on only a handful rather than trying to learn from each category.
@Perse Awesome. All are welcome.

Update for all though - my timetable for getting the OOC up has needed to be pushed back. I hope to get it up later this weekend, but I haven't had the time to get it together yet.
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