Avatar of Sanity43217


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5 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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5 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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Both sound intriguing. I do have a Weird West itch that needs scratching. Though the seven could be fun too.
Being awoken by whatever nonsense Sabriel was up to was pretty par for the course these days. That didn’t make in any better in Lauden’s eyes though. Not that he was sleeping peacefully at the time. What little sleep he did manage to get was often plagued with nightmares. Hyper realistic dreams of being trapped back in that endless desert of ash. He awoke in a cold sweat to whatever commotion was going on with the other hounds. Lauden out a disgruntled sigh, he got dressed before heading to the common area to see what the racket was.
Are you still accepting new players?
Are you playing TTRPGs without the fluff? That’s the best part.
I’m thinking of an Adept gunslinger. Who uses magic and guns.
In this scenario, have our characters been running together or are they all strangers at the start?
The sheet mentions races. Is it just human? What races live in this land?
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