I don't see you formulate a better name. I win."
Hubert's mechanical voice buzzed through the lass' receivers loud and clear. He would not add anymore input as she would make her choice however, and instead reluctantly follow as the evasion maneuver was employed by the intergalactic explorer. The Flag seemed to be pleasantly roaming as it had always did, focusing itself on the same area while Kiera attempted to bypass its intimidating being and avoid another potential confrontation.
As she'd proceed, there would be no change whatsoever. The eel-like animal did not appear to react too much, though its long swirls focused themselves more and more to the opposite direction of the girl. Subtle, but clear to a machine like Hubert. The aquatic organism wasn't too keen on assaulting possible 'prey', or was it all deceit? In any case, as Kiera would advance, the Flarg would remain calm in its little territory, no longer minding the distracting existence of the woman.
Whew ... Guess these teeth truly are just receptors ..."
He admitted just as the ordeal was traversed. Looks like this little drone had been omitting suspicions, though perhaps for the better at times. It was up to Kiera to decide. For indeed, the Flag's 'teeth' served as more powerful receptor-like antennas for food it'd suck through its minuscule oral orifice. The shape of teeth could be attributed to an intimidation defense mechanism or an evolutionary quirkiness. In any case, Kiera was safe, and the Boonharks had long since abandoned their coveted meal.

As the armored adventurer emerged from the filthy bog with her drone companion, they'd bear witness to quite the astonishing sight. Covered in moss and surrounded by exceptionally invasive flora, a base with the emblems of the United Federations littered in various surfaces would be presented right before them, arrogantly serving as a stain onto this otherwise virgin land. All in all, it wasn't too big, as the base didn't expand beyond the slightly impressing complex. Chances were that it went underground, but that was up to Kiera to find out.
An entrance would be available to Kiera from where she'd emerge. A half-open, horizontal metal door that led into the dark entrails of the facility was offered to her like an appetizer fancily opened before her in a chic restaurant. This was her target, or at least, whatever it held inside was what she was looking for.
Guess that lead wasn't such a dud after all. The fact that this is not only open, but also apparently abandoned gives me the heeby jeebies. Some crazy Area 51 shit there, Kiera. No time to be a bum."
They could approach this in a few different ways. They could find another entrance, though there weren't any guards so she should weigh the value of such an alternative. They could create an entrance, though that would be loud, and it remains unsure just what's in there. Or wait and ponder some more, hoping no Boonharks find their way here.