KidnappedYou were taken from a previous life to the factory. Good life, bad life, elite or poor man. The factory dosen't descriminate nor does it care about your past. Maybe you want to go back to the world you had, most do. It's a long dream and no one escaped yet though. Even if you did could society even welcome you back as you are now?
Career: You gain a career of your choosing, giving you mundane knowledge in that feild to a competent degree.
Past: Because you had a past others may know you. In some cases other abominations or waste will return stories for reliable stories of the outside.
Silver Spoon: Whatever life you had, you know what comfort is. Compared to the factory, it was heaven. You gain double stress and psychich damage.
CloneYou were born, fully grown in a tube. You may of lucked out and been one of the few to have something of a teenagehood. Coming out a bit underdone but either way...this is all you know. Most are simply processed, friends you had a month ago disappear into winding rooms and machinery. Some don't even get used...staying in cages seemingly indefinitely...others...become them. You may lack the human experience, you may even be tainted, but does some fabric of your humanity exist despite this bleakness?
Additional Testing: Most Clones undergo testing while in the tube. Giving you 1 more point in BODY.
Denizen: This place is your home. You survive here, flourish here. Sometimes you even manage to be happy...briefly. You start off with a MAP of your area and one type of chosen threat information revealed to you.
Newborn: Without the proper human experience yet still retaining some vague notion of what humans are, you are terrible at social interactions. You have negative -4 to detecting lies, lying yourself, or reading people/sentient folks.
ExpirementYou were created or abducted for one specific purpose. Ruthless, extensive expirementation. Your humanity in every sense have been stricken from you, what tiny strand you have left beneath the horrorshow purely exists out of sheer will power. You were abandoned, thrown away, a failure? maybe. A form of torture? possible. Who knows the mind of the factory. Maybe a simple flook, but it's mistake is your power. It made you regret life, perhaps you'll look to do the same?
Extensive Maltreatment: You get given one RANDOM BODY MUTATION freely. This may not be as useful as you hope.
Expirementation: Every time you have a LONG REST you have a 1/100 chance of regrowing any lost flesh/limbs. The more virtal, big, or complex the lost. The more higher your rolls have to be.
Monster: Your visage is disgusting, even by the standards of the horrors within the factory. There is no way you can pass as human or even tolerable to gaze at. Your physical form will be malformed in many, many ways. Maybe you have putsals of blood that appear all over like tumors that grow back instantly after forming. Maybe you have a long intestinal tube out of a hole that leads to your stomach than a mouth. None the less, most will consider you scary, even your own comrades.
ProcessedYou've seen them, walking about, the man-machines. If you could consider them either. Some are unlucky enough to be selected to become them, bad for you. Some, however, don't make it through the whole process of losing mind and body. Thrown into chutes and trash cans, bloody and broken but free. Good for you. The factory has no understanding of pain nor any care for it. Straps are easier to make than pain killers. The experience scarred you but did they remove ONLY your flesh in that operating room?
Augmented: You start the game with a RANDOM device of random quality and usefulness.
Imprint: You will register as a machine by others of your kind. Allowing you to dodge fights or interactions if your free will isn't too obvious.
Pawn: Poking around in your brain like that, can't describe it. Sometimes you still feel it. They put something in you, now when the speakers churn up or the authorities say something you can't help but to obey: you have to roll 1 - 100 when given a command by a factory employed enemy. Failure leads to stress or being mind dominated for a few turns.