Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
My Homestuck class: Bard of Void
Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
No, because the potential for meta knowledge would be too strong. Since any clues or things in a post that can give away your killer could still be there and obsfucation is paramount for the paranoia affect.
If it starts I might open up like adult roles for teachers and essentially non-game playing NPCS for the murdered if they like.
It all started off small, it never came near the town itself but as the number of headlines grew it seemed each death was a foot print closer to the Town of Tenfork. A name given for this towns many forks in the road that split it apart, now there is going to be a new fork in the road.
The high school prom is coming up and everyone is making a big deal out of it. The apathetic and depressed wallow about its superficiality, brought along by peer pressure while the average students considers the implications of who and if they get a date this year will mean in the long run. It seems in the world of angst every positive to the adults has a negative to the teens themselves yet the stampede for the event has been unrelenting as the weeks follow up. For whatever reason you and a few others are the few without dates to it two weeks to the prom.
Clocks ticking...
School Schedule
The start period is counted with everyone choosing what teens they are going to be. All TEENS must pick 1 positive trait and 1 negative trait for their character. This is for the prom section. The relationship period will last 2 week real time. Players will be using a layout to properly allow players to post freely without disrupting posting order.
During the first two weeks of the RP it will play out as a standard slice of life. Your goal durring this time is to develope relationships, accrue drama, fall in love, make enemies, make friends and generally life your live. Your prime goal is to get a prom date. The more relationships and drama you do, the more points you accrue..
The PROM: At the prom the killer will appear and it will become a fight for your life. The killer can be anyone at anytime, from close lovers to hated rivals and even family members. Durring this time each players has 3 chances to dial the cops until the cops consider you to be unreliable and stop responding, you also have the option to try to kill another player if you believe they are the killer themselves-or for purely personal reasons- by donning the same costumes and weapon. You get this option ONCE and you can fail to kill someone.
Then you got to figure out who the real killer is before you are all chipped away or total chaos ensues and dooms you all. Figuring out who is who is paramount, if you don't do it before an unrealesed deadline in real life the killer gets away and becomes untracable due to their tracks going cold, you have no way of reliable guessing if they're come back to finish their spree by adding you to that list at a later date.
Traits for Teens:
You always count as ahead of the group when running. Atheletics count as equally ahead unless logic dictates otherwise when in a group with another atheletic player. This includes ahead of any killer.
Hard Candy
Something about you is alluring. Maybe your hot, maybe you have an outward personality. Maybe it's just a sixth sense sort of thing. The killer must spend a short while in some sort of relationship status with you, stewing on their obsession-or stalking you- before striking. They cannot elect to not go after you.
You are really, really annoying. Maybe it's an acts or you're just that way. Anyone killer-be it another inoccent making a guess or the true killer- must give up what they are doing and go after you if you annoy them. This only works ONCE per murder.
You are or at least, borderline, intelligent enough to be considered a nerd. You know about one feild enough to do mundane everyday action in it: EG: electrician can repair lights. Engineers can repair hardware tools ectr.
You work hard to keep a fit body, or maybe, you're just a genetic lottery winner. When you hit something it hurts, threats hit with a blunt melee objt/unarmed are stumbled. The true killer dosen't seem to ever really get hurt more than stunned though.
Hearts of steel, even when its bleeding. You don't panic or scream under normal circumstances, even when injured. Allowing you hide and think properly.
Heart Burn
When you are being killed you put up such a fight that the killer has to return to do a second murder attempt to finish you off. Allowing you to survive one murder attempt, although you will be INCREDIBLY wounded and disabled in someway from the attack.
Sweet Tooth
You have a inoccent aura around you that especially excites sadistic tendency. You cannot be killed you until it has either A: made you suffer physically or emotionally or B: all others are dead.
If more than one sweet tooths the killer chooses who benefits from this trait.
Whenever you run you are forced to a stop 4 rooms away. Your breath is significantly louder durring this period.
Out of Shape
Your general lack of health significantly decreases your speed. Making you behind all other healthy players in a run.
You are very easily brought to emotional stress, issues and crying. Even getting hit can force you into tears.
You take out your issues on other people. Under stress or fear you are COMPELLED to pick on the weakest person in the group, exceptions to your partner.
Early Bloomer
You developed attractive traits before your other classmates. This naturally causes drama from the opposite sex. Despite your sexuality the opposite sex players who didn't get picked by you for prom have all their relationship turn to antagonists and cold. Good luck sorting this drama out.
Pick something bad that you are known for: theft? Sexual harrasment? assualt? You become destiny bound to do this to another player the next time you see them after the PROM segments becomes active.
Finger Food
You make an excellent scream of pain, your eyes, your voice. The killer takes an especially gruesome strike at you when he hits. You always count as critically bleeding and mangled. Crippling you.
Razors Edge
You have a bad habit of cutting yourself when depressed or distressed. When a friendly teen dies or you are distressed in the prom section you are compelled to cut yourself.
Without help you can't climb over things, lift heavy objects nor escape even loose grips from any threats.
You hardly ever turn up at school. Because of this your character has no concept of its layout and can't read the map layout.
Any points gained in Relationship are used to buy two things
1: Things which can help you survive, be it traits or items. The list of possible items may not always be the same and is sent privately to each person to purchase upon prom stage.
2: Things which can help you kill. The killer has the full list of possible killer traits and items to buy t, while those attempting to off another person out of suspect or personal reason with their one chance get a much smaller, randomized list in which they can spend their accrued points.
No one will know another person list of possible choices nor their chosen purchases-these remain secret besides the initial trait in character creation-
When a murder attempt goes down a player is sent a PM, if multiple players are involved they are included in the PM cycle. Durring this period things will be happening in a period of hours before the first chase or strike is made in which case the post will count as happening 1 to 5 minutes between each other in RP time. The player must find a way to escape, moving from each room and using what they have. If they manage to escape the killers sight and get out of the initial map or make the killer flee-or somehow get authority help- then they survive the murder attempt. If they don't then the scene goes on until the killer catches them and finally kills them.
Murder attempts should be done quickly and I expect a post a day in a murder attempt.
Murders can only happen either if NIGHT DESCENDS ....or...your target is totally alone-even if they're alone in public space, like the library- The person making the killing attempt will send me the post and I will post it for them-maybe after editing some give away writing quirks or patterns- so no one knows who the killer or the murder attempt maker is meta-wise.
This is a rehash of an older RP idea I had ages back. It's virtually the same in a lot of ways although I've added new mechanics and concepts. This is HEAVILY inspired by the SCREAM series, a slasher fic where the fear is based on the anonymity of the costume and ultimately no one knowing who could be the serail killer at play.
Oh, and before you ask, yes, I did choose the cheesiest angsty teen theme I could find.
1: 3 days to post maximum. If you don't post then your turn is skipped. If you repeatedly have your turn skipped then you are killed off by me.
2: 2 paragraphs with leanience.
3: Try to keep your post under 6 paragraphs on average. Once again, very leanient on this.
4: You may not be chosen to be the killer, so please keep that in mind joining up.
5: You may be gruesomely killed off, possibly early on. So be prepared for that.
6: This needs 8 people to start.
IF YOU ARE NOT INTO THIS RP: Then try checking out my other IC which has similair themes but involves monsters and a dating show:…
If, somehow, Date or Devil or this SUDDENLY shoot up. I'll be hosting one of them depending on who has the most people. The one that has less will not be hosted.
The vast horizion of ships stare blankly at the crew from all directions, a vague indescriminate pale light reflects nothing in the vizors and hulls of the audience as the name of their decision echoes down into the infinite of scrap before them. A slow whirling crunches tension under it in a loud, grinding activity of metal tendons hidden away that thrust the platform forward then stops with a sudden force. Then meekly it starts again moving gently across and over the scalps of the many stored ships. A electronic voice fizzes out.
"CONFIRMED: MOVING D.P.U TO DESIGNATION 355 OUT OF 2509" In a neutral, nearly screeching chord of a voice so loud it's akin to shoving a dirty microphone in your ear.
As the platform moved across two barely visible rail lines the light lost it's sickly, equally dispersed effect on the ships, just for a minute you could swear a ray of relfection followed you all down after hearing the designation akin to akwardly examining eyes. You pass through many ships, some forces the platform rises up to that of a small building to pass over while their empty maw of their massive cannons yawn at you and others were so small that anything short of a child would have to crunch themselves up to sit in. A series of beeps blurted out as it got closer, followed by that same voice estimating the remaining minutes to arrival. It took 20.
A vast military ship tries poorly to blend in, a sleek set of wings sprayed out like a proud eagle as its long, spear-like gun reaches far overhead of another ship. The Platform passes it like shrubbery.
Another heavy, robust brick of a ship that was a mock re-imaginating of a truck from earth grinned at you with it's grill front. You see a massive array of cargo space and the vague light of little pleasures through the window. A coffee machine and a vertiable small army of little animal figurines wave you off with a smile, not moving as you go on.
So many ships were lined together on your approach. Was it the sleek looking ex-race ship, you could still see the slick numbers of 11 painted but worn out on it's back. It's thrusters were big and imposing, bigger than its own hull. No. You pass it, it must be the ship next to it, a yacht of luxury. Still fresh white, lacking any weapons but you could see the jacuzzi glowing slightly inside. Then it appeared, rising up from between the two.
It didn't take a degree for you to recognize what exactly Lucy was.
A class S+ versatile light ship developed by the Orchinko corperation on Earth, known as the Star Seer. You also know that this make is roughly around 500 years old and one of the first ever ships to become commercially open to the average citizen. It's a relic. The melancholic blue was scratched off from years of hull exposure and dents bruised its blocky hull all about. You couldn't tell where the armor started and the machine began, the parts seemed to just meld into each other in a vague mash up of abstract shape based art.
As the platform slowly lowered you down you saw three duck-shaped metal feet keeping it to the floor, you swear you could see it tremble and you just hope that was the plat form vibrating approach doing that and not the ship itself. A mirror copy of the ballistic anti-hazard cannon sat below its gut.
You start to suspect that maybe the last owner who vouched for it's quality was a tad....little bit...perhaps just slightly...affected by a personal sentimental value for her. "Best in it's feild" obviously didn't include the date in that assessment.
Any option that is a room is limited by space-so either, since some utilities are room too. Like the prison.- the A.I just more towers to the A.I server room, which is already built in the map. So that just add more sever towers in that room itself.
Charmers kill in secret-pm- At the end of the game all the sheets are posted again in the credits. This time with the charmers true identity revealed below and the secret kill scene. I'm not entirely sure if I'll let charmers continue on or not.
I'm leaning towards when a charmer kills they end their part in the game. So, a charmer trying to the end for max points before they bust themselves out is essential-and builds up a lot more tension and suspense- but I didn't want to lock killing ONLY to the final stages because it would give lonely a meta security.
It's meant to be vague mimicry of love island and general romantic reality shows. I haven't hammered it out but the general concept is that those chosen to choose each "round" will have a pool limit of how many people they're allowed to be interested in. If someone display no interest in you you are phased out. I'm hoping that a generous "interest pool" and equal numbers will make sure that everyone gets a second chance and not get phased out of the game early on.
As the game goes on the interest pool limit gets tighter and refreshes. You'll date one person outside the pool-with one character getting a choice at the start of each round- and everyone else getting matched up randomly. Then you make your choices-or stay committed- to your last choices. Ditching one person.
And so on and so on until everyone has one committed partner they're sticking with at end game.
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
[b]Fandoms:[/b] Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality:[/b] Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters:[/b] In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
[b]My Homestuck class:[/b] Bard of Void
[b]Likes:[/b] Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
[b]Dislike:[/b] Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
[i]Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
[url=] my 1 x 1 IC [/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><br>Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Fandoms:</span> Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Personality:</span> Ambiguously ?????????????????.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Favorite Homestuck characters:</span> In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.<br><br>Hate kanaya and Jade.<br><br><span class="bb-b">My Homestuck class:</span> Bard of Void<br><br><span class="bb-b">Likes:</span> Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Dislike:</span> Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit. <br><br><span class="bb-i">Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.</span><br><br><a href="">my 1 x 1 IC</a><br></div>