Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@DisturbedSpec Ships of the line. If the Immaculate and Resurgence are our Flagships, every other vessel is in support to that.
@DisturbedSpec Before you go on, we're not particularly looking for a ship of this class. We've got two Assault Carriers in the form of a Retrofit Venator and a CAS. They're our backbone. Support of these ships is what we're looking for.
William was gagged and blindfolded until he was thrown unceremoniously into a cage. At some point he had been knocked out and treated as his leg still hurt like shit, but less than it had before. The blindfold was removed from him as he was left in a white cell with nothing but a toilet and a door, the door was transparent. He rushed up and punched the door as it closed. "Let me out of here! I'm not a criminal." He continued to punch the door as his rage burned. A couple of scientists looked up from their workstation with complete and utter dispassion. His rage continued to boil as flames started to form from his hand. As soon as they did he found himself pulled over as there was a rush of air as it was pulled out of the room. He groaned, leaning against it fueling more power into his hands. The air being pulled out of the room pulled him to his knees. The lack of oxygen starting to affect his cognition he fell to his knees before passing out. Unbeknownst to him that the flame he was trying to pour out was being redirected with a gush of air into the cell next to him.

A cell that contained something that didn't look human anymore.

He sat with his back against the cell wall when he regained conciousness. Tapping the walll. "Anyone else there?"
@mattmanganon I'm not really awake yet, and intend on returning to sleep.

But there wouldn't be an armory of Goa'uld weapons since Goa'uld weaponry requires Naquadah to be created and even if Anubis had bothered to make it despite the score of effective infantry weaponry the SW Universe has (SW>SG for infantry related things) there wouldn't be a hand device in the armory. A user requires naquadah in their blood to use a hand device and nobody in this Galaxy is a host to a symbiote so nobody fits that description, the only possible users are the Kull and they don't have the mental capacity.
The police officer had been on the scene for less than a few minutes before he was contemplating wanting a cigarette as this crime scene was career suicide. No concrete witnesses, hardly any evidence of what killed the guy, and the camera angles were hazy on everything except the rats dropping in from off-screen, as he was about to turn to Vickers and say something he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. The robotic units sprang into action as well, which means they detected something abnormal about the man in front of him, so it had to be a parahuman no doubt about it. ”Hey you hands up, and above your head! Do not attempt to resist.” Chester shouted, the robotic units only echoed his statement for the strange man to put his hands above his head. Gun’s were drawn, and clearly aimed at the man any funny business would probably be met with a hail of gunfire. Hopefully, the perp knew that, and wouldn’t try anything funny like running away.

William stood up slowly, his hands visible as he did so. “Look, I don’t know what you think I did but Brutus, the enforcer for the Church of Para just tossed me-” William pointed down the alleyway he had came from. “-If you’re quick you can get him, I can be on my way. Everyone is happy.” He made sure to throw a croak in his voice. He did his best to look the same, despite being homeless, but he hoped that maybe, maybe the officer hadn’t recognised him. Disguising his voice just meant that the robot couldn’t use voice recognition, and instead needed to get close enough to perform a facial or fingerprint scan. At that point, he could getaway. He had to getaway. He had been on the job long enough after the Tower explosion to know what happened to Paras. They got carted away by Lorne, no paper trail and never heard from again.

The officers looked at one another, Brutus was on the most wanted list. But this might be too good to be true, this guy could be bait to lure them in after prime prey, and get themselves captured, maybe even just murdered for a message. He sent one of the robotic units down the alleyway that the criminal had said they had encountered Brutus in if anything happened to it the thing would send out an alarm to every cop in the area to converge on its location. ”L-4, did you get a positive id on this guy?” Chester asked, his voice masked by the helmets voice disguise. “Negative, detective. Voiceprint unable to be recognized, suggest moving in for facial, or fingerprint recognition. Confirm directive.”
[color=violet]”Confirmed, move on in.” He addressed the man now. ”Clearly the machine recognized something about you, so if you have priors or something I'm sure it can be worked out. But if you just admitted to working with para’s I doubt that’s it. But if you come peacefully I'll put in a good word for you. Okay?” With that cleared up, the robotic unit moved in closer to the man trying to get a scan.

William swore under his breath as he started backing away. “Listen. I didn’t confess to working with a Para. Don’t twist my words. I confessed to getting attacked by a Para. There’s a difference.” He stopped backing up but kept his face low to make a facial recognition scan as hard as possible. He’d have to come in close for a fingerprint, and that's when he’d get him.

The man was backing away, so the two detectives tightened the grip on their pistols. Chester set his for a three-round burst, in case things were about to get hairy with just a quick, practised flick to the side of his piece. When the robot got close enough it reached out for the criminal, and it probably wasn’t going to be gentle with identifying the man, if it did get a grab on him.

As the robot moved to grab him William used his knowledge in its systems to his advantage. He placed his hand on its faceplate pouring all the heat he could manage through his palm into its face. Melting away it’s faceplate and corrupting the systems within the robot leaving it a husk. He then grabbed its torso and held it between him and the officers as a body shield waiting for the inevitable attack from the officers. He shouted from behind the robot. “Look. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I know Lorne and Backup are on their way, and with the region of the city we’re in it’ll be about two minutes before they turn up! I’d like to leave now please!”

“You aren’t going anywhere, freak!” Vickers shouted, but Chester had other ideas his current clip had enough for four, three round bursts, before he would have to reload, more than enough to get his point across, but also to keep his ability hidden. He fired three bursts widy, like a rookie on a range, but his mind had calculated that these shots would miss his target, his last burst on the other hand one round would bounce off a street sign, and if he had calculated it fast enough it would find itself into the soft flesh of his calf. To most it would be a one in a million lucky shot, to him it was just how his para ability worked, he didn’t know how but it did. He hoped Lorne medics, would treat the guy when they came, and grabbed him.

Standard procedure dictated that right now they were shooting to contain, not to kill. As the gunshots rang out William dove for the nearby alley. What he wasn’t expecting was that one of the bullets would hit him despite his cover. He swore as his roll and dive turned into a fall and he cracked his elbow against the pavement. It wasn’t broken but it was going to bruise. He stood up again, wincing as he went to put weight on his left leg, bending it at the knee so all of his weight was on his right. He was acutely aware that he was bleeding out, and running was out of the question. His heart raced as adrenaline was pumping through his body. Subconsciously with the option of flight being removed his body wanted to fight.

His body temperature rose, red swirls in his eyes as he looked at the officers. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

The criminal made a dive, but he wouldn’t be able to go far, and even then their helmets would be able to pick up on the tiniest droplets of blood the perp left behind on the scene. But instead, he looked like he was getting ready to turn, and fight. Vickers looked at the perp, and began to speak. “That’s too bad, we want to hurt yo-”
”Shut the fuck up Vickers. Listen man we don’t want to hurt you either, but how far are you gonna make it with that hurt leg? Even if you get it treated, and you go back to the streets you’re gonna get taken advantage of until it heals. Lorne is gonna seem like paradise compared to what criminals are gonna do to you when they detect weakness. So do the right thing. Put your hands above your head, and turn around, you said so yourself back up is already on the way.”

William sat down on the sidewalk, sighing as he did so. “Fine. Though you’re wrong about one thing.” He raised a finger, a flame similar to that of a blowtorch came out of his finger and he grimaced as he placed it beside his wound. Burning it closed, stopping any further bleeding. “Anyone want a smoke while we wait for my life to end?”

“Didn’t you arrest a perp, that had fire powers earlier today, CJ?” Vickers asked, Chester shook his head. “Similar, but the other guy had combustion powers, and if he stored up enough energy he could explode like a bomb, that’s what took out the shop.” Both of them sighed, and Chester quickly pulled a cigarette from his pocket, and lit it, before handcuffing the parahuman. “Wait a moment, I know this guy, are you Locke? You were top of my class at the academy!” Vickers, asked the man. The sounds of sirens were getting closer, as they helped the man up off the ground.

William groaned as he was lifted up off the ground. Trying his best to keep the weight off his bad leg. He may have stopped the bleeding but it still hurt like a bitch. He winced as one of the two recognised him. It was going to happen sooner or later. “Yeah. That’s me alright. So when do the suits get here?”

“They can wait a bit.” Vickers said. Then he delivered a right hook to the side of Locke’s head. “This is for burnin the station you fuck!” He shouted, he went in for another blow, but Chester quickly moved both Locke, and himself out of the way. Then he gently set Locke on a fall to the ground, before stepping into the other officers instep, and pushing him over onto his back. ”Get a hold of yourself man! We’re cops, not animals! Our job is to enforce the law, not take it into our own fucking hands. Now go wait your ass in the cruiser, I don’t wanna see your face until this one is down the road.” With that said, and the other officer grumbling as he walked back to the cruiser, Chester helped Locke up, and escorted him back down the alley. ”Sorry about that, guy has no brain sometimes.” He stated. He sighed, behind the helmet it sounded oddly sinister. ”Sometimes we like to think we’re above the law, but you’d know all about that wouldn’t you? Using violence to achieve your means, turning the other way for the bad guys. Your file comes across our desk sometimes. Gotta say you’re famous around our precinct. So bravo.” This was said with barely veiled contempt, but there would be no beating to follow this, no nothing. Just the sound of their footsteps, as he marched him toward his doom.

William spat out blood. “You know I could have hurt a lot of people the day I ran. I didn’t. I never let the killers go, the murderers. You can’t win every fight, you have to be selective. I’ve made my mistakes, I’ve paid for it in full, or at least I thought I had.” He winced as he put too much weight on his bad leg. “You know, I never asked for any of this. If I had my way, I'd still be cleaning the streets of scum. Instead a freak accident makes me a criminal.” He gave a smirk, which looked decidedly menacing with blood trailing out of his mouth. “Seems fair to me.”

”You are a cop, doesn’t matter if you aren’t one now, you always will be a cop as soon as you pick up the badage, and even when it’s gone. You don’t get to be above the law, you don’t get to pick what laws you enforce. As officers of the law we should be twice as susceptible to the law, because we have to set the precedent. You forgot that long before you graduate, and you’re a disgrace to the badge you wore. But you should know now, it’s nothing personal I’m just here to enforce the law, and if putting you away is the law, then I guess I'll have to follow it.” He said his speech with much force behind it, one could hear his jaw tightening behind his helmet.

As they reached the end of the alleyway, there was more Lorne agents than when he arrested his last perp, the one without hair looked at him, and Chester was sure that if the agent had eyebrows they’d be raised. ”One condition before he goes, and then I'll hand him over.” He stated to the agent, who clearly granted it with a slight nod, the least the agent could do for him catching two parahumans in one day. With a quick jog Chester returned to his cruiser, and opened his aid kid pulling out a canister of medical foam. With practiced hands he applied it. The foam would harden forming both a splint, and if the wound was still open it would have sealed it, the chemicals inside it also acted as a pain reliever to the area making whatever it touched feel slightly numb. ”He’s all yours, just be nice to em. He might be parahuman scum, but he was still one of us.” With that said, they tucked Locke into the back of the van, and Chester watched as they closed the doors. For a brief moment, he couldn’t help but see himself in the man, but that thought was pushed down, so he could get back to work.

Holy heck this kicked off quick! Im lagging on my sheet but Im gonna do it tonight for sure.

Tunnel City

William turned over in his sleeping bag. Groaning with frustration as a sound came over the emergency announcement system. Some voice saying that they weren't alone. Of course, they were. 'Tunnel City' was where all the outcasts went to live. An old service tunnel that had collapsed years ago partway in. Nobody had ever bothered to open it up again, why bother when it was out of service? So the homeless moved in. It was a shelter, and the wind was only ever a problem when it came from the east. He crawled out of his tent, stumbling slightly over a piece of debris that sat outside his tent. He ran his hand over his face. Still smooth. He may have been homeless but at least he had enough money that he didn't look the part, unknown to him he did. The stench of alcohol and filth oozed from him, his eyes sunken and hollow.

He stumbled through the streets, unable to sleep. Everywhere he went he heard people talking about the face and the voice that had told them all they weren't alone. Different theories spread throughout the city, near the poorer areas a lot of the homeless doomsayers were sure that it was aliens. Letting them know that they weren't alone in the universe, a precursor to invasion. As he got into the second ring where industry was rife people thought it was something to do with the Church of the Para. Some message from Atom acting as if he was a god. William spit as flem rose in his throat, disgusted looks being cast at him from a group of girls who seemed to be enjoying a night on the town. He didn't even bother them with a response. William stopped in his tracks. Ahead of him was a police cordon outside of a donut shop. The robotic units stood guard as they let two detectives answer. He swore as he dove into a side alley. Heart racing.

He recognised the number on the side of the police unit. He was back within the purview of his former precinct. That meant that these officers knew him. He silently cursed himself, he had been half asleep and not even concentrating. He avoided this area like the plague and now he had just walked right back in. He had to avoid being seen by any of the units, one look with thermal imaging would oust him as a Para. The weather was turning cool as Fall was coming in, and yet his body radiated heat like it was the middle of summer. Diving down an alley he risked a look back. When he collided with something solid, falling back down on his ass he looked up at whatever he hit.

Before William was Brutus. One of the Atoms henchmen, who had previously been on the loser in against William as Atom had tried to recruit him into his deranged plan. William raised his hands in a sign of peace as Brutus leaned down and placed one of his rocky hands around Williams throat and lifted him up. "Thought you were told not to show up in these parts 'gain?"

William clawed at his throat, he dared not risk using his powers. His voice came through raspy as he struggled to find the air to speak. "Look-" He choked slightly coughing up. "-the police are just back there. We can't afford to do this right now. We need to get out of here."

Brutus grinned, rock grinding against rock as the mans face re-arranged. "Well. Maybe I should go and you should go say Hi." Brutus pulled William closer to his body before throwing him back out of the alley and into the middle of the road. William grunted and his vision flared for a moment as he hit the road, coughing as the wind was knocked from his body. He could taste the iron of blood in his mouth, and his whole body ached. As he sat up he saw two robotic units scanning him, drawing their sidearms they started to approach sirens wailing.


Alarms started to blare on the bridge as ten ships de-cloaked and started targetting various vessels among the fleet. The front portion would open up revealing the main cannon, none of them any bigger than a LAAT. "Marks, what am I looking at?"

"Unknown sir. They appear to be quite small but are amassing a large amount of energy." The one closest to the Daedalus fired, a beam coming out of the main cannon before tearing through space and colliding with the shields of the Daedalus. Caldwell grabbed onto his armrests as the entire ship shook with the force of the impact. "Shields down to 75% sir, scans indicate they seem to be targetting other vessels among the fleet." Caldwell grimaced. He just had to hope that while their shielding systems appeared to be different, at least by their scans, that they could hold up to the assault.

He watched in horror as three of the ships entered a formation, firing a sustained beam that intersected with eachothers assault. The beams seemed to combine and then lance out, tearing through the leviathan. Caldwell grimaced, this is the exact situation he didn't want to get into when everyone else decided to start this assault. There had been no proof that this Empire was hostile, though now it certainly was. "Open fire, all batteries. Non-nuclear ordinance only."

Missiles launched out from the Daedalus as it pulled away from the nearest vessel, arching through space before colliding with the vessel. Shields intercepted the missiles as they did virtually no damage to the vessel. "Confirmed the enemy vessels are shielded." Another beam launched towards the Daedalus, narrowly avoiding contacting it. At least they had manoeuvrability on their side.

He tapped his comm system to the engineering deck.


"Engineering this is Caldwell, are you seeing this?"

Novak was already pushing people out of the way as she tapped furiously at a terminal, reading through data as it streamed through her console. "Yes Sir. The energy readings they're giving off are something akin to the Satellite Weapon that destroyed the Prometheus. I Recommend avoiding being hit."

"I already figured that out Doctor, what else do you have for me?"

The little grey alien behind his console spoke next. "Colonel. My scans indicate that the vessels' shields weaken when the beam is fired. I believe at this point we should be able to beam an explosive device past their shields."

There was a pause before Caldwell spoke again. "Do it."


"Sir!" The voice of his XO sounded rather more panicked than usual.

"What is it Marks?"

"One of the vessels is targetting the Imperial Vessel the boarding parties are on, prediction algorithm indicates the beam will destroy the 'starfighter' bridge."

"I want a transport lock on every individual in that bridge, Cooper. Lower shields on my mark."

"Sir, we're also being targetted."

Nothing could ever be that easy. "Raise shields as soon as they're on board." He turned his chair to face Marks. "Beam everyone directly onto the bridge." There was a shimmering light as a large clump of people were brought aboard the bridge, just as the starfighter tower was torn apart by an energy beam, the entire ship shook as it was grazed by another beam just after the shield was restored.

"Shields down to 65%, but the weapon is away." On his screen, there was a blip as the ordnance detonated. "We have a kill."

"Nine more to go."

Caldwell stood looked up to address their guests. "Welcome aboard the Daedalus Commander. Sheppard."

Sheppard looked at Erthos with a coy smirk before looking at Caldwell with a confused look. "Sir?"

"We're in the middle of a battle here, the commander can remain but please clear the bridge."

"Yes Sir." He turned to the group of boarders from the Resurgence. "If you would come with me folks."
So we're starting now?

Yes Sorry, I hate double posting so I didn't say it in the OOC. You may feel free to start.

Things are afoot.
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