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1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

My life's goal is getting more than one post out in time for Roman's reviews lmao

Well. You failed.
I can see why it was recommended I give up the Shakespeare speak. I am enjoy the story of the current Thor run I'm reading but my lord...
@Roman We'll work going forward, see what we get. I appreciate the help.

Gave me a lot to think about. Obviously I still have much to learn from you o'mighty master in regards to wherever the syntax issues are coming from. AS honestly a lot of the time, even on re-reads, I'm not seeing them.

In terms of the Loki subplot there's more to come, just you wait and see.

Oslo // Midgard

Thor tried to side-step as Bor rushed towards him, the very fabric of Midgard seemed to quake with every step. Mjolnir crackled with energy. The goliath Asgardian God careered into his chest, knocking the wind from his chest. The shockwave sent ripples, shaking nearby windows and buildings. People screamed, the excitement of what was going on now gone. Replaced with fear. Giant hands with a grip as strong as uru grasped Thor's shoulders and slammed him against the ground. A hole in the ground forming below him.

Thor groaned to speak through the pain. “Grandfather, why do you assault me? Why assault the -ugh-” Thor slammed into the ground again “-the mortals!”

One of Bors's hands clasped around his throat as he was raised into the air. “You think your mortals deserve life?” Bor raised a mighty fist then punched Thor, he went flying down the street as he tasted blood. “Midgard was meant to be the crown jewel of Yggdrasil. Instead, these mortals have tainted it.” Bor roared as he leaped into the air, crashing down towards Thor who managed to roll just in time to dodge the blow, Bors fist cracking through the surface of Midgard. He stumbled slightly, however as Thor went to spring back into a standing position he found himself struck by a backhand. Breaking through a nearby well, Mortals who lay cowering in hiding screamed. Desperately trying to clamber over each other to get out.

Thor outstretched his hand towards Mjolnir lay forgotten. “The stain of mortality, of free will has infected Yggdrasil boy.” The voice came before the man. Thunder rolled outside as the rain started to fall. “You’ll learn your lesson, and then I’ll make sure all the nine realms understand that Bor has returned, and they will learn their place.” The goliath stepped on tables and chairs, they were crushed and fell to pieces under him. “Or I will tear them from Yggdrasil myself.”

Lightning crackled, a thunderous boom unlike any other in recorded history spread throughout the city. Dogs howled, cats shrieked and windows shattered as Thor stood, Mjolnir crashing into his hand. Electricity jumped from the hammer onto nearby surfaces. Bor rushed towards the God of Thunder screaming as he swung the ax in a curve. “I say thee NAY! The hammer collided with Bors' face, catching him under the chin. There was a crack as all the lightning from the hammer transferred to his grandfather, Bor went crashing through the roof and into the sky. Swinging Mjolnir towards him Thor roared as lightning lashed out from the sky crashing into his grandfather who roared.

Thor allowed Mjolnir to cast him into the sky. “So the welp of Odin has teeth after all!” Bor laughed as he pulled the ax from its holster on his back and threw it straight at Thor. Thor swung Mjolnir to deflect the blow. There was a clang as the two weapons clashed, the ax went careering into the ground, an explosion casting up dust and debris. Hovering above the ground Bor roared as he cast beams of energy lancing towards Thor. Raising Mjolnir in his defense the energy hit it square on.

Jotunheim // A Hundred Years before the Dawn of Man

As Odin withdrew his staff from the child who stood in his way. Fárbauti swatted the child away with one hand, struggling to stand after. “ᚤᛟᚢ ᛁᛗᛈᚢᛞᛖᚾᛏ ᚹᛖᛚᛈ! ᚤᛟᚢ ᛞᛁᛋᚺᛟᚾᛟᚢᚱ ᛗᛖ ᛒᚤ ᛒᛁᚱᛏᚺ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛟᚠ ᚨ ᚹᛟᚱᛏᚺᚤ ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ.” The Frost Giant King grabbed his sword that had fallen when he had pushed the child away. Rushing at Odin, Odin spun to dodge the blade, spear twirling between his hands and with a spin around his back the tip of Gungnir found itself lodged within the throat of Fárbuati.

The King gasped, dropping the sword on the ground. Fárbuati fell to his knees as Odin pulled the tip of the spear from the throat of his foe. The child rushed at Odin, hitting him with fists that would barely move a grain of sand. The God looked down upon him, there was a warrior's spirit within the boy. A note of honor, though the boy was no bigger than an Asgardian Child. Ve approached, sword drawn. Malice was his intent when Odin raised his hand towards his younger brother. “ᚾᚨᚤ! ᛈᛖᚱᚺᚨᛈᛋ ᛏᚺᛖᚱᛖ ᛒᛖ ᚢᛋᛖ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚤ ᚤᛖᛏ.” His brother stopped a look of confusion on his face and yet he nodded. Giving in to the wisdom of his older brother.

A lone Asgardian came running into the hall. “ᛋᛁᚱᛖ, ᛏᚺᛖ ᚨᛚᛚ-ᚠᚨᛏᚺᛖᚱ ᚺᚨᛋ ᚠᛟᚢᚾᛞ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚨᛋᚴᛖᛏ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚺᚨᛋ ᚷᛁᚡᛖᚾ ᚲᚺᚨᛋᛖ.” Odin looked between his two brothers.

“ᚱᛖᛗᚨᛁᚾ ᚺᛖᚱᛖ, ᛏᚨᚴᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚤ ᛒᚨᚲᚴ ᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛁᚠᚱᛟᛋᛏ. ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᚨᛋᛋᛁᛋᛏ ᛟᚢᚱ ᚴᛁᚾᚷ.” The guards' eyes flashed green as Odin ran past. As he left the temple the streets of Jotunheim were different than they had been when he had arrived. The echoes of war still traveled through the city but the dead littered the streets. The Valkyries would be busy today, as would the hounds of Hel. He ran through the streets and out into the wastes. Closing his eyes occasionally, he and his father were bound together by magic unknown to him. Should he ever need too he could always find his father and King.

Turning a corner Odin saw his father. Though he appeared as white as snow. The Casket lay before him, with Laufey nowhere to be seen. That was when he noticed his father was indeed frozen. Not only that he appeared to be blown away with the wind.

As Bor began to blow away in the wind, calling for help, calling for Odin to gather what sorcerers he could. Carried off into the winds that bordered Jotunheim and passageway to Asgard Odin merely shook his head. “ᚾᚨᚤ!”

Scuttlebutt // Nidavellir

“Error. Error. Vocal input not verified-” Lady Sif shook her head. Could this vessel truly have sentience? If so was this it's way of expressing emotion? Through her time first as a maiden and then a warrior she had seen many sights. Though this had to be the strangest that she could recall, in all her lifetimes.

Sif placed her sword back into its scabbard. “Friend Skuttlebutt, do you know what happened here? Who has slain your people?”

There was a loud crashing sound, as the lights turned red and a sound like a wailing animal came through speakers in the ship. “Alert five hostiles detected. Activating interior defenses.”

As the screen went black Sif ran towards the console, pressing buttons. “Nay! I am here to help Skuttlebutt! Do not assault me or my companions!” Wait, had the ship said five hostiles? That meant that there was someone else here, other than Sif and the Warriors Three. She turned around and ran back down the corridors, past the chambers that spat out the cold, and the dead bodies lying among the corridors back to where Volstagg was still attempting to break down the door.

He was gearing up for another run at it while panting heavily. Fandral was sitting down bored, while Hogun looked on with the same stoic expression as always. “Halt Volstagg!”

The voluptuous man turned to Sif. “Lady Sif! You have come just in time to witness my triumph.”

Volstagg turned to charge the door again when it opened. He collided straight into the chest of a black armored man. Falling back down on his backside Sif drew her sword, Fandral jumped up and Hogun moved his hand ever so slightly to the handle of his mace. Volstagg pushed himself to his feet. “Hail, be you friend or foe?”


Lady Freyja walked through the halls of the eternal city. People bowed their heads in respect as she walked past until she entered the healing halls. She was still seething from the dismissal she received from her husband. A marriage that had outlasted entire civilizations, and for what? To turn bitter and cold towards her. She would tend to the one that had called himself Beta-Ray Bill. If only to discover the threat to Asgard so that she could save her people, and save Thor to return him to Asgard. Perhaps then, finally, Odin would return to the Kind-Hearted man she knew him to be.

Entering the room that held the alien he lay down on a bed of what appeared to be solid stone, mystics surrounded him. Hands moving through the air as the soul forge projected the internal image of the alien hovering above him. She eyed it suspiciously. His whole body was not as it should be, he had been modified. His soul taking on a different form than his physical self. Turning to the mystic who ran the forge she indicated the controls. “May I?”

The mystic bowed her head as she pulled back. “M’Lady.”

Hall of All-Knowing // Omnipotence City

In a city older than any other in the Universe Gods met as Pantheons rose and Pantheons fell. A city created by the most ancient gods in all of reality. It was where disputes between the Gods were settled, trials and treaties. Though Loki didn't come to watch it as the Gods fought among themselves, not this time.

Jedi Prince Koren Omi-Ren

"You have the stance of a lightsaber specialist, Prince. As do your guards."
Koren nodded, while he was no real specialist he was well versed in the duelist form, Makashi had been the way of his master who despite preferring non-combat routes felt that if it came to a duel it was important to do so with dignity, elegance, and honor. All aspects that were at the core of Makashi. He nodded along as she spoke, fighting between Jedi did build bonds. He remembered many a day as a young Padawan dueling other Padawans while he and his master were at the temple. The days where he was working with Padawans heading towards the gathering he found great joy in teaching them the various forms.

As he started to teach the Royal Gaurd the bond between him and his guards became closer, he trusted them all with his life and the life of his wife. Some had tried to subvert his rule over them, though none had gotten far.
"Apologies Prince, it seems my time is short and so is yours with me this day. Do feel free to give me an answer on my offer, or if you like I can always scry the future of yourself or those nearest and dearest."
Koren shook his head, though before he could have any form of a comment she departed and in her place, another came along. The similarity between the two was immediately obvious.

Koren bowed his head out of respect as she introduced herself, and her title. He proceeded to then also bow his head in thanks as she offered to answer any questions. "I give you thanks Master Alleron. Though I must admit your sister, assuming that you are the sister that Sena Alleron spoke off. We covered many of the basics, as I am trying to discover if there is still room within the Jedi Order for myself, though I understand my duties are rather different." He looked around the courtyard that they were currently in. "Perhaps I should allow you to take point? Since Hapes has been in contact with the Mandalorian Republic and the Corellian... Hegemony?" He looked to the Jedi before him for confirmation if he had gotten the name right. "We have learned little of the politics in the wider galaxy. As such I would ask to speak to you first as one Jedi to another, and then we can speak as foreign diplomats."
Going forward with my story finally. Apologies for the delay. I feel like its not my best work but I had to get going again or I never would.

Oslo // Midgard

Thunder rumbled through the city as the Son of Odin leapt through the hole in the wall. Spinning his arm grasping Mjolnir tightly he let go of the hilt, letting the strap pull him with the hammer into the sky. As he raised up above the buildings he saw his foe tearing up the streets off the mortal city. Thor took pause, spinning Mjolnir above him to keep him in the air. A look of confusion upon his face, for the garb of the assailant was Asgardian. He swung a two handed axe, as it hit the ground it cracked. Lightning sparked from the wound as it spread out to a nearby building, glass shattered and people screamed. Thunder roared overhead as there was a flash of lightning in the sky.

Thor had seen enough. Swooping down he landed down the street. The tarmac cracked slightly under his feet. He raised Mjolnir towards the foe. Standing seven foot tall, helm and an axe. Could this be the ‘demon’ that Beta-Ray Bill had tried to defend his ship against? As the being went to sweep his axe towards a woman who stood in shock screaming Thor cast Mjolnir forth, the hammer colliding with the behemoth's shoulder sending him spinning. Arm outstretched, Thor called for Mjolnir to return to his hand, when the being turned to face him. Mjolnir fell to the ground as it went straight past Thor's open hand, as he failed to catch it. Mouth wide open as he looked at the horned helm, the armour and the axe that belonged to his Grandfather. Bor, son of Buri.

Raising his arms, in a show of peace Thor walked forward. “Forgive me Bor! For I am Thor, Son of-” The wind was knocked out of Thor as the eye of the axe collided with his chest. He got sent backwards, calling Mjolnir to his hand as he flew through the air. The hit was so powerful that the windows shattered. Running forward Bor roared as he chased down his quarry, Thor managing to recover himself.

Bracing himself Thor dodged to the left of Bors path just when they should have collided. “-I am your Grandson! Why are you attacking me? Why attack these Mortals?!” Bor gave no response, and instead, twisted his torso and swung the mighty axe around. Thor raised Mjolnir with both hands to deflect the blow. Despite all his strength, and that of the Uru metal Thor found himself pushed back, heels digging into the ground. Lightning sparked forth as the weapons met, he could feel the raw power that Bor possessed, it was far beyond anything he had ever faced against.

Thunder cracked through the city as the weapons met again, a surge in electricity knocking out the electrical grid. Thor raised Mjolnir in the air with all his might, a mighty bolt of lightning came crashing down upon it. The hammer started to glow blue before he pointed it towards his grandfather. All the energy being cast towards the Asgardian thought long dead. The bolt of energy collided with him directly in the chest, it lanced and lurched as it spread throughout his limbs. While at first he appeared unphased there was suddenly a massive crack as he was sent tumbling backwards.

Flying through the air he collided into a building, through the wall. Thor walked towards the building as the rain started to fall, weighing each step carefully. He could not allow Bor to continue his assault on the mortals. There was no honour in slaughter, especially slaughter without meaning. Though the more pressing matter was how could Bor be here? Thor remembered the stories Odin had told him and Loki when they were but children. “Bor, we need not fight! Come with me to Asgard! This should be a time of celebration from your return, not off unnecessary battle.”

Walking out of the building, debris continued to fall as he did so. Bor held the axe in his left hand in a loose grip. “Oh we’ll return to Asgard boy, but first I need to teach you a lesson.”

Jotunheim // 100 Years before the Dawn of Man

Odin stood, legs shoulder-width apart braced for the fight of his life. Gungnir was poised ready to strike. Fárbauti turned to his Queen muttering to her in their shared tongue. “ᛏᚨᚴᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚨᛋᚴᛖᛏ, ᚱᚢᚾ.” She turned and ran the casket in hand, taking massive strides. Odin took a step forward however Fárbauti took a step forward swinging the mighty frozen blade, slamming it down on the ground. A crack in the floor opened up, zig-zagging along the floor.

Odin stepped to the side, the floor below him opening up. Balanced on the edge of the chasm he avoided looking down into the very depths of Jotunheim. He turned to look at Fárbauti, raising Gungnir towards him with one hand. “ᛁᚾ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚾᚨᛗᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛗᚤ ᚠᚨᛏᚺᛖᚱ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᚤᛟᚢᚱ ᚠᚨᛏᚺᛖᚱ. ᛁ ᚲᚺᚨᛚᛚᛖᚾᚷᛖ ᚤᛟᚢ ᛏᛟ ᛋᛁᚾᚷᛚᛖ ᚲᛟᛗᛒᚨᛏ!”

Fárbauti laughed before raising his sword and roaring, the five other giants pushed running at him. A lance of light fired from Gungnir, hitting two of the giants square in the chest as they charged, Fárbauti continued the charge, they didn’t even flinch as for a Jotun to fall is to be weak. To be weak is to die. Two giants fell as Odin turned as the blade fell down beside him, he could feel the cold radiating from it. Slamming the end of Gungnir into the belly of one of the beasts he swung it around between hands slashing another one. Part of him wished Gungnir had the same enchantment the one Ve had on Dainsleif, where even the smallest wound resulted in death. It did push the Jotun back, however, giving him more room to breathe.

While the numbers had improved, Odin was still alone against four giants. Ducking below a blade Gungnir let out a blast of light into the ceiling, cracking it some of the giants ducked as the roof came collapsing down. Smaller than the giants Odin moved with ease between the pieces of debris, all of them landing harmlessly around him.

As one of the Jotuns charged him, the giant blade raised in the air Odin felt a sigh of relief slip from his lips as suddenly the giant's face exploded in blood and brains. The blade Skofnung landed in the ground, before being pulled back by magic into Vili's hands as he dove through the hole in the roof. The giants momentarily distracted, two of them fell as they were struck from behind as Ve slid past them as he re-entered the room.

It was now three against one, with a smile upon his face Odin raised Gungnir, parrying a blow from the giant. Moving his hands he flicked upwards, the giant frost blade being knocked from the giant's hands. Capitalizing on the momentum Odin put the spear into the ground, launching himself into the air. Both feet into the chest of the giant pushing him backward and onto his back. Odin let himself fall into the movement, spinning the blade in his hands. Pointing Gungnir towards the ground he held it in both hands, slamming it down towards the beast's chest.

Only to have it deflected by a blade. A look of confusion on his face, he turned to look at the culprit. As a being impossibly small held the sword, a look of disgust on Fárbauti's face.

Mount Olympus // Midgard
Greek Pantheon portrayed by @Mao Mao

Upon entering the Hall of Olympus, Zeus saw his children in the midst of a heated discussion about their reason for being summoned. All of them received Hermes’ message, but the reason for the assembly was rather vague. The messenger was purposefully leaving out valuable details besides the visitor was the Asgardian God of Mischief. And he didn’t say anything else since handing the last scroll to his father. Regardless, the Twelve Olympians were called upon for an audience with an Asgardian. That was important enough.

Zeus approached Dionysus and Aphrodite, arguing about their affairs on Gaia.

“-I swear to the Gods if you dare to overstep into my profession again, you’ll regret it brother!”

Dionysus put his hands and gasped in shock. “My own sister dares to cry foul because she’s afraid of a competitor! It isn’t my fault that I love to engage in the activity. Maybe you should have tried harder to-”

Zeus coughed loud enough to get both of their attention. Aphrodite bowed down as a sign of respect while Dionysus crossed his arms instead. The God of Lighting didn’t have the time to correct his son’s disrespect. Instead, he scolded both of them. “Enough! Didn’t you both forget to never discuss your dealings in Man’s World?”

“Sorry, father.” Both of them apologized in different tones, but Zeus accepted it. For now.

“Go.” Zeus ordered and turned towards the other Gods. “Take your seats now. This assembly has commenced. Bring forth the Trickster of Asgard!”

The massive doors of the hall opened up and Loki, along with the Kolossi, made their way up the steps and into the center. The Twelve Olympians, including Hades, looked upon the Asgardian and were curious about the unexpected visit. However, they remained silent to allow Zeus the first word of the audience. And after a moment of examining the trickster, he leaned from his throne and asked a simple question.

“Why did you request to speak with us?”

Loki walked into the throneroom, the twelve thrones spread along the back of the room in a semicircle. At the head of the room was Zeus, ‘King of the Gods’. So he called himself, yet in the eyes of Midgard they were but a speck. The Asgardian race had existed for as long as Gaia had roamed the surface of the planet, since the Mother Goddess Gaia spawned Atum in order to protect Midgard from its former Elder Gods.

The Asgardians and the Olympians had a troubled history, word among the Pantheons that Odin stole the flame to give to man in order to spite his father Bor who hated the mortals. In retribution Bor told Zeus that the mortals had stolen the flame themselves, gifting Zeus Pandora's box to release pain and strife into the mortal world. He bowed, sweeping his head down low and his arm outstretched in the most flamboyant way possible. Oh the rage Zeus would have if he knew that Loki had been the one to steal the flame. “Oh great and powerful Zeus. I come before you in times of a great threat. As such I come to notify you that despite the treaty that Asgard and myself made, entrusting you to make sure no member of the other eight realms sets foot on Midgard my brother Thor, Son of Odin has returned in order to investigate and stop this threat from destroying the nine realms. I have come to inform you that your role in enforcing the treaty is no longer required, oh mighty Lords of Olympus.”

All of the Gods were caught off guard by the news. Dionysus nearly choked on his wine while Athena called out to her owl for guidance. The reveal as an Asgardian set foot in their world was truly a violation of the treaty. Zeus was visibly trying to contain his anger in front of the guest, but it was getting more difficult. “If such news is the truth, then why couldn’t Odin present himself to us. Why did he send forward a child to defend such a clear attack on the treaty?”

Loki smiled at Zeus, the self appointed God above all. “Need I remind you, oh Lords of Olympus that it was I that brokered the treaty between the nine realms and requested that you our closest allies in the pantheons of Midgard help ensure that the treaty was upheld. Your services are no longer required, let this be a burden raised from your shoulders Olympians! It shall give you all the more time to be among the mortals and their dreary little lives.”

“No longer required?” Zeus smashed the arm of his throne and pointed at the child. “Are you truly blind or just plain ignorant? What would Asgard do without our Kolossi and Amazonians protecting their precious tree? How would they have dealt with the other pantheons if they dared to challenge your father? You may have been an architect of the treaty and became the crown prince, but you are still just a boy!”

A smirk crossed Loki's face. “Need I remind you o’King of Olympus that we are around the same age. As for Asgard it would survive, as would Yggdrasil. The job entrusted to the Olympians, for which you received handsome reparations as you will recall, was to ensure that no-one from any of the other realms came to Midgard, and no harm came to it to which I might add you have done a wonderful job in letting the mortals govern themselves. As for the many other pantheons as you will recall have been dormant for a very long time, and some have retreated to the Omnipotence City. Asgard has fair relations with the ones that remain. We thank you for your service and are eternally grateful. Though our dealings are at an end.”

Zeus was filled with such anger that he couldn’t respond to the disrespect. Instead, he stood up and prepared to punish the child. His hand rose up as sparks flew from his arm, and the God of Lighting was ready to strike. If the boy wanted to act ill-mannered, then Zeus needed to teach him some manners. Before he could cast his hand down, Hera rose up from her throne and grabbed her staff. The other Gods watched in disbelief as she was breaking several rules created by her husband. Then, in a bold attempt to restore order, she stuck the marble flooring and yelled out with her matured voice.


Zeus’ eyes widened in disbelief as the electricity slowly faded from his arm. He was offended that his own wife would dare to break his rules. But when he tried to reprimand her, Hera avoided it and kept on talking. “Have you both lost your common decency?! Husband, how dare you for thinking to strike our guest-an Asgardian-because he may speak truth?! And you, Asgardian God of Trickster, are foolish enough to insult the King of Gods during your audience! Both of you should be ashamed!”

As Hera took a moment to calm down, the other Gods were talking among themselves about Hera’s moment of defiance and the big reveal. Zeus, meanwhile, couldn’t form words to this offense committed by his own wife. Instead, he remained silent, and angrily went over to his throne to reflect. The Queen of the Gods took a deep breath and turned her attention to the Asgardian. “Unlike my husband, I do understand why our warriors are no longer needed. But, our services to Asgard and Gaia are not done just yet.”

Loki didn’t so much as flinch despite the power that Zeus had on show. He knew he could survive more than a single lightning bolt. He was about ready to speak when Queen Hera spoke up. He had to hide the smirk. Such strife among the Gods, no matter what Pantheon they were from. “I assure you M’lady-” He bowed his head out of respect. “-I mean not to insult the King of the Olympians. I merely corrected him on the notion of me being a mere boy. When I am no more than a century younger than his excellency. May I ask, to which services you refer?”

“Well, you mentioned a great threat against your nine realms hidden in Man’s World. It means indirect harm to our domain and creation. Why don’t we offer assistance to Asgard-one last time?”[color=#e69138] [/color]Hera smiled after answering the trickster’s question.

Loki nodded and bowed. “Need I remind you, your graces, that while your Lord Zeus and the other members here had a hand for how Midgard was formed and shaped, that you can not take sole credit? King Bor had influence, as did Odin in both Midgards creation and the worlds in this universe as did many others. Thus it is not solely your creation, or your domain. Midgard is at the centre of Yggdrasil, the tree that binds the nine realms together. The threat to Yggdrasil is one you do not understand, we shall deal with it ourselves.” He turned directly to Hera and bowed. “Though I am grateful for the offer.”

Hera couldn’t help but laugh at the response. “You may be right, but everybody knows the truth. But we don’t have the time to debate. And I wasn’t talking about aiding you, Loki.”

“Athena.” Hera turned towards the Goddess of Wisdom and guided the guest towards her. “Please give your wisdom to the trickster.”

“Yes, Queen.” Athena got up from her throne and allowed her owl to land on Loki. “Your brother, God of Thunder, will cooperate with influential mortals. And those earthlings will call upon our creation known as Wonder Woman to them. Both of them will have their introductions and quarrels, but they will eventually work to defend Gaia and Yggdrasil from the threat. That’s my insight and our aid.”

Loki turned to Athena and then back to Hera. “So by aid you meant to say you would give prophecy? If this is the extent of your aid in that your champion may or may not help the Odinson, then I accept and humbly ask for your patience in this time of transition from our former agreement. It is safe to say, the Asgardians have returned to Midgard.” This was all going to work fantastically.

The Ship of Beta-Ray Bill / Nidavellir

Lady Sif walked through the halls of the ship, there was cool air in the ship as he passed through the halls. The pods on the side of the wall seemed to spit forth cold air. She took a second to lean in closer to one of the bodies, they were similar in appearance to Bill though there were differences. Bill was more pronounced, more muscle and sinew whereas these mortals almost appeared malnourished. Tortured and beaten before they wound up dead. The beast had seemed intent that someone had killed his people, and it was someone who appeared to be similar to Thor. She knew Thor had rage, and a warriors heart but nothing could compel him to such savagery. She was broken free from her wandering thoughts as she came across a door unlike any other she had seen so far.

Strange runes engrained on it. Lifting her hand to it the door opened, within there were windows that went nowhere and showed more strange runes and shapes on them. On some of the windows she could somehow see the exterior of the ship. As she walked into the room a red light pierced from a tablet covered in runes, starting at the top of her head it worked its way down. She drew her blade and moved into a ready stance waiting for an attack that never came. “ErrOR: Protector is not detected.” The voice was distorted, and broken up. As if something was wrong.

“Hail! Who goes there?” Sif walked cautiously into the room, looking all around her trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. It seemed to come from the very walls themselves.

“Designation: Skuttlebutt. A.I Operator of the Korbin evacuation fleet.”

“Fleet?” This didn’t sound right, unless the All-Speak had failed this vessel, if it truly had a voice, was expecting there to be a fleet of vessels when there was only one.

“Correct, one hundred vessels carrying evacuees from Korbin. The last of its people-”

“Nay Skuttlebutt. You are the only ship left.”

@Pacifista I mean I wasn't finished yet but I guess I was too slow.
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