Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Double Post is Double.

First Red Tornado post is up, it's shorter than I'd usually like and clunky but I know the story I want to tell but trying to get into the headspace of a Robot who has feelings but doesn't really have feelings? It's going to take time.


This assignment was one that Agent Bishop liked to call an easy job. The individuals known as the Terror Twins had been on a rampage along the East Coast. This wasn’t the first time that Damage Control had been called in to tidy up after them, Red Team had been re-assigned to the Pyrios - The Helicarrier assigned to patrol the Americas and had been following their swath of destruction. So far Red had been deployed to five states following the seemingly random path of destruction.

Now the two perpetrators were currently in inhibitor cuffs and being moved into a secure cell for transport. Kate stood on a nearby rooftop bow in hand ready for trouble. Despite her statement that this would be an easy job, Red recognized her vigilance as a prerequisite for their positions. Since being assigned to the same team 73% of their encounters ended up in crisis, with 33% being the result of further complications with criminals or criminal organizations. Red turned his head as his audio-receptors picked up a creaking and groaning noise from the direction of the Washington Bridge. Motors, engines, and various complicated mechanisms as a red tornado formed around his legs, raising him into the air. Leaning forward he pushed his way towards the bridge. As he approached it he eyed it, meanwhile reports from the Brooklyn bridge continued so stream in as S.H.I.E.L.D units continued to engage A.I.M.

“Red? What are you doing buddy?” The ‘voice’ of his handler appeared in his head. She wasn’t actually speaking, her transmission was encoded into radio signals, and then the data sent directly to his head.

“I am detecting issues with the George Washington Bridge. My auditory sensors indicate there may be an issue with its structural integrity. I’m moving for a closer inspection now.”

“Bad day for bridges in Manhattan, huh? I’ll alert the units in the area.”

As he approached the bridge there was very little traffic on it, S.H.I.E.L.D units were at either side of the bridge and had been allowing traffic to trickle in order to prevent too much of a backlog while Damage Control units patrolled the bridge doing scans. The creaking continued with faint snapping. Before Red could get an accurate scan however one of the cables snapped, the bridge shook slightly. Followed by a second one. Red swooped down and grabbed one, reaching out his hand a gust of wind pulled the other into his hand.

Magnets powered up and his hands clamped down with as much force as he could muster. Motors in his torso working in overdrive keeping as much upward thrust as possible, he didn’t need to lift the bridge. Just take enough weight in order to prevent any more cables from snapping. “All S.H.I.E.L.D and Damage Control units. Clear the bridge immediately. I am unsure of how long I can hold up the bridge.”
<Snipped quote by Natty>

The short answer? Yes. There are plans.
Plans are coming out a lil slow on that department, as I'm busy with studying, Henry's busy with baby and MB's busy... Remodeling the batcave?
But sometime soon TM there will be smaller-scale crisis events to take part in.

Nah MB is out in Space messing with the Nova Corps


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"My Apologies, Social interactivity was set to low priority"

In this iteration I'm dropping the cosmic super-tornado that fights his evil tornado self but that it isn't himself? Red Tornado is confusing, but honestly, I feel like that he and his family are a pretty cool group of individuals.

The Robot Known as Red Tornado was activated three-years ago. Agents Fitz and Simmons from Damage Control, a subsidiary of S.H.I.E.L.D specifically tasked with moving into areas after the Superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D agents have done their job to perform search and rescue and repair damage. Initially, the two young scientists struggled to get the unit online, and when they did the unit initially experienced panic and confusion it very nearly destroyed the facility that it was being held in. Through the skill and talent of the scientists and Kate Bishop, they managed to subdue the unit.

Leo Fitz and Gemma Simmons approached Director Maria Hill to allow them to field the unit they nicknamed Red tornado in Damage Control as their very own field operative alongside Kate Bishop. For the past three years under the command of Kate Bishop - Clint Bartons former apprentice, the two of them have stopped several attempts by A.I.M to steal high-level technology from wreck sites created by the struggles between 'Good and Evil' as Red sees it. As time has passed Fitz and Simmons have grown more and more impressed by the cognitive functions within the Robot, which is far more sophisticated than anything S.H.I.E.L.D, Stark, or even Luthor [SUBJECT TO DISCUSSION/CHANGE WITH RESPECTIVE PLAYERS] has come up with.

'Red' as he is known by members of his team, while he is still boxy and robotic, seems to have a clearly defined code of ethics, a slight sense of humor, and a particular way he behaves. Yet they are still no further in discovering where he came from, yet recently he has picked up on a signal. Like a noise in the back of his head, gnawing at him.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Nobody ever plays Ya Boi Red and that's a real shame. There's an innocence and an element of childlike behavior too Red.

I plan to do a single season arc with Red, which is something I've never done in one of these games where I usually come in with a big A-Lister, heavy hitter where I have rough plans to last me a while. As a member of Damage Control Red will go around tidying up everyone else's mess, helping out the people after the capes have left. His motivation is purely to figure out who he is, where he came from, and what he was built for.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Important NPCS:

Kate Bishop: I didn't want to touch Hawkeye as I feel like people are more likely to take him than his protége. I am willing to drop her, I'm also going to underdevelop her so that if someone does wish to take her they can. She isn't the focal point of this story, Red is. She's just there as a friend and an ally. She fulfills the role of Reds handler.
FitzSimmons: Leo Fitz and Gemma Simmons. I'm keeping them more or less the same as their AoS counterparts, very season one though in regards to the potential romance. There are hints of it there but they aren't full-on yet. They're Reds technicians/supervisors.
Maria Hill: I felt like my girl was done dirty and replaced by Amanda Waller. As such she is now in charge of Damage Control, it's not where she wants to be and she might try and climb the ladder but you better believe Damage Control works like a machine under her control
Red Team: The Team Red works with in the field. It's going to be made up of random/nothing S.H.I.E.L.D agents whom I make up.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Red sat staring at the wall. Unmoving, uncaring. While he appeared to be completely idle his neural processors were firing through gigabytes of data per second. In his last altercation against the forces of the Advanced Ideas Mechanics, he had been protecting Chitauri relics that were being moved to a new location to be studied by the Strategic Homeland Intelligence Enforcement and Logistics division. Somehow this information was leaked to their foe and it resulted in physical violence between the two groups.


Internal motors shutting down the air manipulation that kept him airborne within a miniature tornado ceased, slowly. Lowering him to the ground. In the road directly ahead of them were soldiers wearing fluorescent yellow biohazard suits. This seemed like an illogical clothing choice since the unit Red was currently assigned too was not transporting biohazardous materials. Records on file however indicated that the group known colloquially as A.I.M wore the suits as some form of rudimentary uniform. Despite its lowering of possible combat effectiveness by at least 15%.

Activating his vocal systems Red spoke, his voice neutral and uncaring. "Attention: This convoy is under the protection of Damage Control, a subsidiary under the United Nations peacekeeping association known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Hampering the progress of this vehicle is a criminal offense. Please stand aside." Before the A.I.M units could get a chance to respond an arrow shot past his head, striking the weapons off one of the men in yellow. Electricity lanced out from the arrow jumping from weapon to weapon causing the soldiers to drop them as they yelped in surprise.

"Come on Red! Get it together, they're criminals, take them down."

As the rest of the agents began to fire, a turret popped up from the top of the vehicle. He raised his right hand. The motors spinning causing his right hand to start spinning at incredible speeds. Hidden motors within him working as a miniature tornado formed. ‘Pushing’ it with his other hand the Tornado went underneath the vehicle and flipped it on top of its roof. Meanwhile, bullets began to pepper and bounce off of his metallic shell. “As per our orders I was attempting to avoid physical confrontation-”

Kate Bishop was mid flip, reloading her bow and firing it. An explosion pushed several individuals away in a concussive blast. “That’s if we didn’t know they’re bad guys, c’mon Red don’t overthink things-”


No matter how many times he replayed the memory file he was unable to establish the moment where he had begun to overthink the scenario. The door to the storage room he stayed within opened. He turned around to the smiling faces of Agent Doctors Fitz and Simmons. “We’ve got a mission for you Red. It’s time to go to work.”

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

Done. If the sheet isn't long enough lemme know.
Really tired so dunno if I will finish Red today, but I finished the post.
Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…

Previously:School Day // Wooly Hat

“-and that is how I managed to have myself transformed back from a frog into my true form.” There was applause around the room as Thor stood with a smug look on his face. Mjolnir twirling in his hands. At this point, the room was filled with not only the people from this classroom but several others had ventured in cramming the room as full as it could be. With even more people crowding outside the room, and the windows peering in. Cameras flashed, the small telephone devices held up recording video and audio. It would no doubt be only a short period until news crews started to show up. Soon after that, his Avengers ID card would no doubt notify him that his ‘liaison’ Agent Brand would like to talk to him.

“That is quite enough now Mr.Thor. We have taken enough of your time.” Thor turned to the teacher, this Mr.Blackwood seemed to hold resentment towards him. The teacher turned towards the window as there was some form of commotion through the crowd. A raven flew through them before landing on the windowsill cawing, it tapped on the window. Blackwood groaned as he moved towards the window. “What now? Shoo you stupid bird, shoo!”

Thor took a step closer. “I would not do that. That is Huginn, he brings a message from Odin. I would let him in-”

“Let a wild bird into my classroom? Are you mad? If you want to talk to birds do it on your own time.” Flapping his hands at the bird it seemed undeterred by the mortal's actions. Cawing once more it flapped its wings and then turned away flying in the opposite direction from the window. “See? Just a random Raven. Nothing to do with-” Before he knew it Huginn had turned flying directly towards the window. Several people flinched as it got close, but instead of colliding with the window, it passed straight through landing on the desk.

The bird shot Blackwood an annoyed look before it turned its head so that one of its eyes was focused on Thor. Opening its beak the booming voice of the All-Father filled the room.

“Thor!” The Prince of Asgard winced slightly. The tone his father used was not a good sign. “Why do you sully yourself by consorting with these mortals? I have told you before you have a higher duty to attend.”

“I was merely answering a Prayer, in the way Lady Freyja taught.” Throwing the name of his mother in there was always a good bet. Well, usually a good bet.

“Do you take me for a fool boy? Return to Asgard at once. I would have words with you.” Thor sighed as he bowed his head towards the raven, without even waiting for an answer Huginn left the same way he entered the room. Putting on his most reassuring smile he moved towards the small girl Alice. Who’s prayer had brought him here.

“I will return, Lady Alice. Until then, I bid you farewell.” Without so much as another word he left the room, passing people within the halls and out the front door of the school. He was immediately swarmed by people as clouds and thunder formed overhead. He raised Mjolnir above his head. “I would stand back if I were you-” people backed away from him as he shouted into the air. “-Heimdall open the Bifrost!” A beam of light came crashing down from the skies, a rainbow of light surrounding Thor as he disappeared. Pulled through the fabrics between the realms.


A lone figure dressed in black walked through the crowd. Green accents adorned his outfit as he occasionally delicately placed a hand on the shoulder of one of the many people on their knees. Chanting and praying was all that could be heard, the droning of over one hundred people praying in unison. The figure ignored the cameras, ignored the lights. This sermon would be broadcast through various back channels all over the world. The figure did not doubt that this would eventually find its way back to the authorities, they had been chasing for quite some time now, and yet, they were always a step behind. The numbers of the Woken were too many now, too many to ignore. With a significant power base that gave them the option of working more openly, and more freely.

Thanks to the Heroics of Thor the movement had only grown, people willingly giving up their beliefs in one God or another, after all, how could you possibly argue with Gods you saw on the daily news? Gods who interacted with humanity regularly to make the world a better place. Reaching the end of the aisle of worshipers there was a stone throne, roughly carved. Atop it a hole. A place where one of the norn-stones of myth would one day sit.

The figure held up their hand, and the chanting stopped. With another wave, an elaborate horned helmet formed atop his head. “People of Midgard. For too long those who you worship as Gods have ignored you-” There was the murmur of agreement. Quiet. “-for too long, those you have chosen to lead you have abused you-” there was a louder cheer this time. “-for too long the Lords above have ignored you-” the cheering was becoming a roar at this point. “-for too long you have been left to squalor and rot in the dust while others succeed upon your backs! Reaping rewards from that that you have sown! Well, today I say no more!” People stood roaring at this point and he merely raised a hand to stop them.

“Together we will accomplish wonderful things.”

Loki couldn't help but smile.

@HenryJonesJr sure hit me up here or a pm or discord. About to go to work for the next four/five hours
@HenryJonesJr I'll put it here as I'll probably miss your response in discord. I have a couple of alternates if Red Tornado takes too much away from you.

It's why I didn't wanna put it out there yet but someone invaded my safe place.


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"My Apologies, Social interactivity was set to low priority"

In this iteration I'm dropping the cosmic super-tornado that fights his evil tornado self but that it isn't himself? Red Tornado is confusing, but honestly, I feel like that he and his family are a pretty cool group of individuals.

The Robot Known as Red Tornado was activated three-years ago. Agents Fitz and Simmons from Damage Control, a subsidiary of S.H.I.E.L.D specifically tasked with moving into areas after the Superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D agents have done their job to perform search and rescue and repair damage. Initially, the two young scientists struggled to get the unit online, and when they did the unit initially experienced panic and confusion it very nearly destroyed the facility that it was being held in. Through the skill and talent of the scientists and Kate Bishop, they managed to subdue the unit.

Leo Fitz and Gemma Simmons approached Director Maria Hill to allow them to field the unit they nicknamed Red tornado in Damage Control as their very own field operative alongside Kate Bishop. For the past three years under the command of Kate Bishop - Clint Bartons former apprentice, the two of them have stopped several attempts by A.I.M to steal high-level technology from wreck sites created by the struggles between 'Good and Evil' as Red sees it. As time has passed Fitz and Simmons have grown more and more impressed by the cognitive functions within the Robot, which is far more sophisticated than anything S.H.I.E.L.D, Stark, or even Luthor [SUBJECT TO DISCUSSION/CHANGE WITH RESPECTIVE PLAYERS] has come up with.

'Red' as he is known by members of his team, while he is still boxy and robotic, seems to have a clearly defined code of ethics, a slight sense of humor, and a particular way he behaves. Yet they are still no further in discovering where he came from, yet recently he has picked up on a signal. Like a noise in the back of his head, gnawing at him.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Nobody ever plays Ya Boi Red and that's a real shame. There's an innocence and an element of childlike behavior too Red.

I plan to do a single season arc with Red, which is something I've never done in one of these games where I usually come in with a big A-Lister, heavy hitter where I have rough plans to last me a while. As a member of Damage Control Red will go around tidying up everyone else's mess, helping out the people after the capes have left. His motivation is purely to figure out who he is, where he came from, and what he was built for.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Important NPCS:

Kate Bishop: I didn't want to touch Hawkeye as I feel like people are more likely to take him than his protége. I am willing to drop her, I'm also going to underdevelop her so that if someone does wish to take her they can. She isn't the focal point of this story, Red is. She's just there as a friend and an ally. She fulfills the role of Reds handler.
FitzSimmons: Leo Fitz and Gemma Simmons. I'm keeping them more or less the same as their AoS counterparts, very season one though in regards to the potential romance. There are hints of it there but they aren't full-on yet. They're Reds technicians/supervisors.
Maria Hill: I felt like my girl was done dirty and replaced by Amanda Waller. As such she is now in charge of Damage Control, it's not where she wants to be and she might try and climb the ladder but you better believe Damage Control works like a machine under her control
Red Team: The Team Red works with in the field. It's going to be made up of random/nothing S.H.I.E.L.D agents whom I make up.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Red sat staring at the wall. Unmoving, uncaring. While he appeared to be completely idle his neural processors were firing through gigabytes of data per second. In his last altercation against the forces of the Advanced Ideas Mechanics, he had been protecting Chitauri relics that were being moved to a new location to be studied by the Strategic Homeland Intelligence Enforcement and Logistics division. Somehow this information was leaked to their foe and it resulted in physical violence between the two groups.


Internal motors shutting down the air manipulation that kept him airborne within a miniature tornado ceased, slowly. Lowering him to the ground. In the road directly ahead of them were soldiers wearing fluorescent yellow biohazard suits. This seemed like an illogical clothing choice since the unit Red was currently assigned too was not transporting biohazardous materials. Records on file however indicated that the group known colloquially as A.I.M wore the suits as some form of rudimentary uniform. Despite its lowering of possible combat effectiveness by at least 15%.

Activating his vocal systems Red spoke, his voice neutral and uncaring. "Attention: This convoy is under the protection of Damage Control, a subsidiary under the United Nations peacekeeping association known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Hampering the progress of this vehicle is a criminal offense. Please stand aside." Before the A.I.M units could get a chance to respond an arrow shot past his head, striking the weapons off one of the men in yellow. Electricity lanced out from the arrow jumping from weapon to weapon causing the soldiers to drop them as they yelped in surprise.

"Come on Red! Get it together, they're criminals, take them down."

As the rest of the agents began to fire, a turret popped up from the top of the vehicle. He raised his right hand. The motors spinning causing his right hand to start spinning at incredible speeds. Hidden motors within him working as a miniature tornado formed. ‘Pushing’ it with his other hand the Tornado went underneath the vehicle and flipped it on top of its roof. Meanwhile, bullets began to pepper and bounce off of his metallic shell. “As per our orders I was attempting to avoid physical confrontation-”

Kate Bishop was mid flip, reloading her bow and firing it. An explosion pushed several individuals away in a concussive blast. “That’s if we didn’t know they’re bad guys, c’mon Red don’t overthink things-”


No matter how many times he replayed the memory file he was unable to establish the moment where he had begun to overthink the scenario. The door to the storage room he stayed within opened. He turned around to the smiling faces of Agent Doctors Fitz and Simmons. “We’ve got a mission for you Red. It’s time to go to work.”

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

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