Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts


On that fateful day as Luke Skywalker fled the explosion of the Second Death Star aboard a shuttle with a dying Darth Vader, the young Jedi was visited by the visage of his mentors Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. The two Force Ghosts teaching the young Skywalker what he needed to know in order to heal his father, and bring him back too Endor alive. Redeemed, and miraculously alive both Luke and Leia agreed that it would be best if their father didn't hand himself into the newly christened New Republic, and instead move into hiding. Anakin however refused and faced the most public trial the Galaxy has ever known.

A target for extremists on both sides of the continuing war Anakin continued to supply information while being moved around from one safehouse to another as rebels attempted dot kill him in retribution, and Imperials attempted to kill him in order to stop him from continuing to give the New Republic information on their protocols, movements and bases. At the end of the trial, Anakin was granted his life in prison rather than a death sentence. Held in the former Jedi Temple, and Imperial Palace, on Coruscant. Visited regularly by Luke Skywalker who continues in his efforts to rebuild the Jedi Order his father tried so desperately to destroy, and while he has had some success they can both feel something coming. The Galaxy is about to change in ways neither of them could predict.

So if you couldn't tell this is an AU idea. The core change between this and Legends/Disney Continuity is the fact that Vader survived his injuries. Players will be given relative freedom to explore/interact with the Star Wars Galaxy however be warned. Something dark waits in the shadows, and you might not be as prepared for it as you think.



Exaron is a cold tundra world on the outer rim of the Galaxy. Neglected in Galactic Affairs since it was first colonized in 99BBY. A world of miners seemed to boom from strength to strength, eyed by the Mining Guild as a possible world for subsidization, however soon the mines were empty and people started to leave.

Its next use came at a time of strife and conflict, as the Clone Wars sprawled into the Outer Rim the vast flat and open spaces of the planet's notorious Tundras proved the perfect place for a Republic Base. Great temporary structures were erected allowing even the largest of Republic Vessels to land on the planet's surface for resupply or repair. Wartime brought a second boom to the economy, however as the Republic was replaced by the Empire the inevitable curse of Exaron returned as their luck started to fall.

As the Empire's hold on the Galaxy became complete, Exaron was handed to Governor Ideon Kordall. As the Empire worked the people harder than they ever had, the surface became ruined with the hulks of old Clone Wars Era starships, the debris dropped from space to be scrapped for the glory of the ever-growing Imperial War Machine. As the death's rose and the liberties died with the people, resentment towards the Empire grew. Like many worlds throughout the Galaxy, the first seeds of Rebellion started to form.

Elsewhere in the Galaxy a Rebel Alliance operative fleeing his would-be captors picks Exaron as his destination, only to find himself shot down and captured. The information he holds could prove vital to the fledgeling alliance, but will he manage to escape with his life?
I am both happy and unhappy with that post. I'm happy with it turned out, I'm unhappy that each section is as short as it is but that's what felt like the logical components.

Feedback appreciated.

(unless it's criticism (I Jk(do I?(yeah I jk))))
Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…


The woman in black turned, taking in the entire room. As she did so Thor's eyes wandered over her figure, the dress hugging her tightly. Few could match Lady Sif in beauty and ferocity, and yet this woman somehow managed to surpass all his expectations.

“I am Morrigan-” Whispered panic echoed throughout the room. “-and that-” she pointed to the withered husk in the fire. “-is my son.” Murmurs spread throughout the room as people cast each other glances from side to side, some beginning to eye weapons. Thor twirled Mjolnir in his hand, moving his legs apart in a wider more stable stance. A low rumble of Thunder could be heard from outside the room as Morrigan reached her hands behind her back. When she pulled them back up Thor twisted ready to throw Mjolnir, till he noticed in her hands were two horns of ale.

“You accuse me of killing your son, and present me with ale? I know I am not as cunning as my brother but I am not that foolish M’Lady.”

Morrigan threw her head back in what was somewhere between a laugh and a cackle, when Thors look of confusion only intensified she scowled slightly. “Do you believe I mourn his death?”

“You did barge in accusing me off murder.”

Morrigan tutted as she shook her head. “I did no such thing. I merely told you that the beast in the fire was my son. Have you not heard tales of Bodb Derg? He is better off dead. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

“You are glad your own child is dead?”

She nodded as she walked forward, as Thors stepped relaxed Morrigan saw her chance to move closer to the Asgardian, handing the horns off ale off to two of the occupants in the room as she walked very slowly towards the young Thunder God. Thor couldn’t help but watch her approach with great interest. There was something about the way she moved that made every muscle seem sensual. “Bodb Derg was a coward, a murderer, pillager and at his most vile a rapist. I may have birthed him but it had been many years since he was truly my child. Should you have failed to kill him, I shudder to think what would have become of these woman-folk.” She gestured towards the women atop the laps of the finest warriors in the village. As she did so a light haze emanated from her fingers towards the viking folk. As it came into contact with them their pupils dilated, turning their faces too eachother all fear was forgotten as their lips met.

All throughout the room lips met and hands began to travel over each other's bodies. Fear and clothes forgotten. Thor's eyes stayed locked with those of Morrigan. Thunder rumbled louder, in time with his heart beat. Lightning crackling. Walking up the steps she walked right up to him placing a hand on his abdomen while her other hand reached round behind his neck. “The world is a better place without him-” She leaned in closer to him, her right hand pulled him closer as her left drifted lower. “-I should repay you, though I do believe you owe me a son.”

Thor could feel her hot breath on his neck, goosebumps covered his body as there was a mighty roar of thunder as Thor groaned. Sounds of pleasure echoed throughout the hall. “Though formalities first-” she pulled pack and placed her lips on his, the sweet taste of her lips on his. The kiss seemed to last for an eternity until he felt a stabbing pain in his abdomen as she broke it. “-Formalities must be upheld.” As she stepped away from him she reached down and grabbed his cape, wiping the blood off the knife onto his cape. “Till we meet again Odinson.”

Without so much as a second word she vanished.


Thor left the palace of Kings behind, the doors closing on Balder, Lady Sif and the warriors three. He ignored the looks of concern on their faces, like Freyja they believed that he should stay here on Asgard and not on Midgard however he could not ignore Loki and his machinations. Already once before Loki had wrought chaos on Midgard, and now with the power of a norn stone he was in a position to create even more damage on the world which Thor held dear. Though the thunderer knew in his heart that should Loki succeed in whatever he had planned for Midgard then the realm eternal would be his next target. There were looks and whispers as Thor walked through the streets, they all knew that Odin had entered the Odin sleep. They all knew that their prince and protector chose to leave them during this.

Thor couldn’t explain himself to everyone, he was to be king one day and as such he had to choose what was the right thing to do and follow through with it. That was everything that his father had taught him. His cape flowed behind him, armour glistening in the mid-afternoon sun. Mjolnir hanging triumphantly from his belt. He could feel his weapon and most trusted ally tug at his belt, the weight wavering as if the weapon was second guessing Thors decision to leave. In the end however the weapon stayed as Thor made the long walk to the end of the rainbow bridge where Heimdall stood ever vigilant. Resting his hands on his sword as he looked out on the cosmos. Nine realms all within his view, all at once.

Heimdall spoke even before Thor could announce his presence. “Are you sure you want to go through with this my prince?”

Thor grimaced slightly. He had hoped out of anyone that Heimdall would have understood his need to leave. “I am Heimdall. You know that Loki cannot be allowed to wield the power he currently has, and that no good can come off it-”

“You are forgetting that you need not do this alone.”

“This is my responsibility.”

Heimdall shook his head. “Your responsibility is to the people of Asgard, and should you feel this quest is the best use of your time then I agree, that is where you should be. I am merely saying you need not go it alone.”

“I won’t be alone, I always have you watching my back.”

Heimdall nodded. “That is true, but not what I was meaning.”

“I know-” Thor walked towards the edge of the rainbow bridge. “-do not hesitate to pull me back at the slightest hint of trouble.”

As Heimdall raised his great sword, stabbing into the fabric of reality opening the bifrost casting the young prince toward Midgard he did not even bother to retort. They both knew nothing short of death could stop the guardian from fulfilling his duty.


Many organisations existed in the world which didn’t really live up to it’s full potential. The most obvious example of this was the various churches of the Christian Faith. Too long had they allowed pagans, other religions, genetic abnormalities and various other crimes against God go unpunished. That’s where the Purifiers came in. Or, that was the theory anyway. In reality they were just a bunch of thugs. They occasionally repossessed some property from the filth to benefit the church or their cause, or tried to convert the occasional non-believer, beat the homosexuality out of the occasional individual however they weren’t living up to their true potential. They had chapters all over the United States and even the world, all it would take was one person to motivate them and show them the way.

Which was why the man dressed in traditional Knight's Garb, sword sheathed and shield on his back was walking into one of their known chapters. As he entered guns and knives were drawn. A bald man stepped to the front of the room, gun in hand. Pointing it towards the knight. “Whatever you think we’ve done, you ain’t got proof and you touch us and we’ll sue. So just turn around and go back wherever you came from.”

The knight chuckled slightly, before speaking in a voice with an English accent far unlike his natural voice. “You may believe me to be one of those costumed freaks, however I can assure you I am not. I am not here to arrest you, but to aid you in your battle against all those who would defy God's will. We will begin a new Holy Crusade that will spread across the globe, starting right here. In Noxville.”

“Look, I don’t know who you think we are but-” The Knight in a blur of silver and red, quicker than anyone else could truly recognise. Next thing everyone knew their leader was holding his throat with both hands as blood bled through his fingers, the sword outstretched dripping blood. Weapon fire rang out as bullets peppered the knight who merely stood there unphased by the bullets.

“You choose to follow leaders who would have you sit and do nothing. I stand before you as an Agent of God with but one simple message, join me or stay out of the way. For I intend to do the work no-one else seems willing to do.”

Some of their number lowered their weapons, albeit slowly before one of them stepped forward. “Alright then, where do we start?”

The Knight chuckled slightly. “We target Thor.”


The cosmos went past him in a flash of light as Thor travelled through the bifrost, various worlds and realms passing by him until the tunnel of energy came crashing down atop Stonehenge. Tourists gasped and jumped back in shock and confusion as cameras and phones were pulled out and cast in his direction, while initially several people had started to run as soon as they saw who it was they seemed more interested in coming closer. Some tour guides seemed dismayed at their tour being interrupted by something much more interesting, while others seemed glad that something actually interesting was going on.

Thor looked around, confused. In days gone past Stonehenge had been the entryway into Avalon. The Otherworld where the various creatures of myth and legend from the British Isles lived. Now, however, it appeared to be a spot that drew the attention of many mortals. Which was likely why he had been unable to break through the veil between the worlds, they likely moved in order to prevent just anyone from crossing over.

A red haired woman approached him as he looked around perplexed. “Excuse me uh, Mister… Thor? Is everything okay?”

Thor stopped his inspection to turn to her and smile. “Aye. I have merely lost my way-”

“Well, you’ve missed America by several thousand miles.” She chuckled nervously as he turned to face her directly, a look of confusion upon his face.

“Why would I be looking for America?”

“Well isn’t that where most of you superhero types go? I mean, there are a couple of other smaller groups, but that’s where most of it happens.”

Thor chuckled slightly. “Ah, yes, it is true that I do battle alongside many mortal heroes in America however I assure you while I may have done battle with your gods of old I am a friend to all mortals and a protector of all. In fact-” He looked around trying to spot any type of glyph or indication of any magic. Loki had always been better at this, why had he not paid more attention to their mothers teachings? “-I am looking for the entrance for Avalon. Last time I journeyed there the entrance had been here. Now I cannot seem to find it.”

“Avalon is real?” She paused for a second. “I mean, of course it is. I mean you’re real, Asgards real. Why wouldn’t Avalon be?”

“There is always a little truth to legend.” Thor looked at the woman, inspecting her closely. There was something familiar about her, a feeling he couldn’t shake. “Perhaps you can be off some assistance in this regard?”

It bodes well for me that speed impresses you 😉
So was driving for work yesterday and this song game on:

All I could think about was Booster Gold and Blue Beetle off on some adventure, that and probably the CAMPEST Thor story I could ever write.

Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…

Previously: Talking Heads.


The stench of ale, blood, sweat and a hard day's labour filled the hall. Men jeered and yelled, songs of a thousand days and a thousand nights long past. In the corner, Mjolnir lay on the ground. Occasionally a drunkard would stumble over and attempt to lift the mighty weapon. With no success. At the end of the hall in a position typically reserved for the earl sat the boy-faced God Thor. His blonde hair was being braided by the wife to the earl, Hilga while her daughters warmed his lap one on each knee. In his right arm a horn of ale, he brought the frothing liquid to his lips, throwing his head back with the horn. The luke-warm liquid poured down his throat, the horn finished and he crushed it in his bare hand. Laughing as he did so, cheers following the action.

Turning his head, he grabbed the younger of the earls’ daughters head with his left hand and pulled her lips to his, enjoying the sweet taste of her flesh upon his. Releasing from the kiss he stood up, grabbing the two girls by the waist lifting them into the air and placing them atop his shoulders. “My friends! Long have you and your ancestors enjoyed the support and protection of your Gods, yet your faith waivered as your lands were plagued by this beast-” Thor reached behind him, kneeling forward and picking up a head and holding it in the air. “-it pillaged your lands and raped your people. You prayed for Thor for protection, and thus I delivered.”

Thor threw the head into the fire, the flames reaching up and growing around them. The fire-spitting and cracking as the flesh sizzled and bubbled. It peeled away as the heat seared the flesh. He raised both his hands in the air basking in the cheering and celebration of those that filled the hall. As he turned back to return to his seat the heavy wooden doors were blown open at the end of the hall. A great wind travelled through the hall blowing out candles and the fire leaving the hall in twilight with the main source of light being the moon through the open door. A long shadow appeared as Thor turned. Everyone in the hall was turned looking at him, Mjolnir raised from the ground as he extended his hand, the weapon roaring too his hand as thunder rumbled on the outside.

A tall feminine figure dressed all in black walked into the hall. Her eyes a livid orange. “Thor Odinson! I would speak with you, Asgardian!”

Stepping forward cautiously Thor kept his footing wide, prepared for an attack designed to knock him off his feet. Right arm back while in his left Mjolnir sat in a guard position. “You have me at a disadvantage. To whom do I speak? Afterall you seem in possession of my name, yet I am at a loss of yours.” Thor paused as she raised a hand and clicked her fingers. All the candles and the main fire in the hall ignited. There stood a beauty as fine as any of the Goddesses that inhabited Asgard. Red flowing locks, a common trait among the Gaels and pearly white skin. Her black dress hugged her form tightly in a way that left surprisingly little, and yet much, to the imagination. A corset around her waist left her bust raised in the air, with the low cut top leaving her cleavage on display in a way that bordered on the inappropriate, should they have been meeting under formal circumstances in Asgard. All in all, she was a thing of beauty, and in any other circumstance, Thor would be already trying to bed her.

“I am Morrigan-” Whispered panic echoed throughout the room. “-and that-” she pointed to the withered husk in the fire. “-is my son.”


Deep within the safety and security of the palace, there was a room, the existence of which was known only too a few. It was not filled with treasures, weapons, trinkets or historical scrolls. Instead, it held a bed. A golden sphere encompassed it as Odin lay in the bed. His eyes closed, there was a stillness to him that Thor always found unnerving. The All-Father had the weight of nine worlds on his shoulders, and it was usually evident in everything he did. To see him so still and helpless gave the Thunder God a series of doubts about what it was he had to do. Even now Odin could see and hear everything going on in the world, he did not dream. He merely rested. His body shutting down to replenish its reserves of unfathomable power.

Freyja sat resting by his bedside, his hand clasped in hers as she rubbed it lovingly. Thor had heard the stories of their marriage, in the age before when Asgard and the Vanir were at war. While his Grandfather Bor sought too take Vanir by force it was Odin who proposed marriage to unite their two peoples. A rough relationship at first, in the aeons they had grown to truly love one another. Thor cleared his throat, as Frejya turned to look at him, a kind smile spreading across her face.

“Thor! How long have you been waiting?”

“Not too long, in all honesty, I had thought that you had noticed me and were simply being polite.”

“Perhaps I still am.” A slight hint of mischief crossed her face. While Loki was the Trickster God, he had learnt all his early magicks from his adoptive mother, and a lot of his tricks as well. Whether or not he liked to admit it. Standing up with a grace that Thor could never match she walked over and opened her arms. Walking towards her she held him for what seemed to be an age in a mother's embrace. Something about it made his worries almost fade and melt away, though the moment it was broken the gnawing feeling of guilt returned. “Tell me, Thor, what brings you to me?”

“I must return to Midgard-”

“Thor…” Freyja allowed it to trail off, he could already hear the disappointment in her voice.

“I know what you are going to say, my place is here while Odin sleeps. Yet it has been far longer than I can even remember since Asgard was last attacked and Baldur will be here-”

Freyja placed a delicate hand upon his shoulder, as he looked down at her face he could feel his resolve wavering. She may have been small and frail in comparison to him yet in this situation she held all the power. “Our people need you, Asgard needs you to protect it. She sighed as she pulled back and walked to Odin's bedside. Placing both hands on the edge of the bed as she looked at his face. “With Odin here, you are our best defence against whatever threats may come our way. Yes, we have Baldur, Sif, the Warriors three yet all of them pale in comparison to you, not just in power but also in prowess and heart.”[color=#7f6000] [/color]She sighed, lowering her head before turning around once again to look up to Thor.

“If Loki possesses a norn stone he poses a threat to Midgard, should he be left unhindered he could pose a risk to all the nine realms-”

Freyja shook her head, chuckling slightly as she did so. “One day you will be King and these decisions will be yours to make all the time, no matter the counsel you receive. Make the decision that you think is best for the good of the people.” Without another word she walked to the door, pausing slightly as she reached the door. Turning her head back to face Thor. “You have a good heart. Trust it.” Without another word, she was gone.


Loki hated nothing more on Midgard, nothing more, than flying commercial class. Crammed in amongst the various other denizens, recycled air. Practically a flying specimen jar. He had contemplated upgrading himself to first class, his followers wouldn’t have questioned it. Their leader deserved the very best they had to offer, a life off comfort was what he deserved after what he had promised them. To bring back a world of Gods and grant them access to the realm eternal. He smirked slightly, making eye contact with a boy across the plane. He winked, the boy pulling a disgusted face at the smiling old lady who had just winked at him before turning away. Oh the fun he could have if only he had been allowed to present himself to these people, yet he couldn’t risk exposing himself to the general public, not yet. S.H.I.E.L.D, the Avengers, perhaps the Justice League and most importantly Thor wouldn’t allow a sighting of Loki to go without due investigation.

Loki turned his head to the man beside him. As devout a follower as he had ever had. Much like Loki the man did not look like a lot, yet he had a keen and conniving mind, had he unlocked his potential earlier he could have been a ruler of men. Instead he had been a manager at a small hotel. “How are the preparations for my arrival?”

Walter turned, pulling out a tablet and opening up a file. “The safehouse is prepared for your arrival, we’re still waiting for our satellite uplink to be settled but that shouldn’t be too much longer.”

The technological age. It was a beautiful thing, in the time of vikings had Loki possessed the ability to send images all over the world simultaneously then he would have already had the entire planet under his control. “Excellent. As soon as we land, call ahead and make sure that everything is set up. In order for my plans to work we need to move quickly. For too long mortals have been denied access to the Gods, I seek to fix that but it must be while Odin rests so he cannot stop us. After that we’ll need to wait years before we can make a second attempt.”

Walter nodded along as Loki spoke. “I can’t believe Gods exist, and that for millennia they have hoarded their power and wealth from us.”

Loki allowed a solemn look to cross his face “It is the greatest injustice. One I seek to fix.” Reaching down he picked up his headset plugging it into the silly little two pronged jack that planes used for some reason yet couldn’t be seen anywhere else in the technological world. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I was a sucker for the first Megamind so I’d like to watch the sequel.”

In the interest of discussion:

Since Wraith and I have already done it, and it may be too busy right now for you to do a whole feel goody post. Who are you enjoying reading most right now?

I am really enjoying what's going on with @Pacifista and Hulk, while Ted Kord is a close second I'm really looking forward to seeing how this goes, and how Hulk/Banners relationship develops.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

If that means we get more Thor then I'm happy.

I'll take this as a compliment
Midgard was once a world with Pantheons upon Pantheons, more Gods than many other worlds combined. The small, seemingly insignificant rock adrift in space a nexus point for various realms to come together. Over time some faded into obscurity, others left the realm altogether. While others continued to play with their influence on the world, subtly interacting with the world according to their grand design. This is not the tale of one such God. This is the tale of…

Previously: Home at last.


Arthur Blackwood walked in the door of his house and tossed his keys into a bowl by the door. The slight stench of mildew in his house, and the smell of dust in the air. Piles of books and papers laid around the small house. Black and white photos of various historic family members. The feature wall of his living room held an English flag and an old coat of arms. He was a third-generation immigrant but he never forgot the roots of where he came from. Cast from his ancestral home by claims of violence and racism, ‘racism’. That’s what they called his Grandfather for trying to keep England pure and clean. Chased from their home, they fled to some land they owned in Texas. Once his father passed Arthur had completed his education, earning his doctorate in history he was on the fast track to gain a position at Harvard or Yale.

That was when someone discovered his heritage and leaked it to the press. Now he was stuck in Texas teaching the fifth grade in a school that either didn’t know nor care about his family heritage. Sighing, he threw his cellphone down on the coffee table as he allowed himself to collapse into his sofa. Instead of his ass and back making contact with the sofa and stopping his fall however his back just kept going as he fell through the sofa and into the black abyss. Spinning backwards, under and over, under and over till he wasn’t sure how long he had been falling. He did not know what way was up, arms flailing in the dark attempting to grasp hold off anything that could break his fall.

There was a crack as he hit a cold stone floor. Pain coursed through his body as his head collided with something solid. Seeing stars he felt a chill through his bones as the minutes passed. By the time he was able to move, he wasn’t entirely sure how long it had been. By then night had fallen, the only light flickered in the room. Candles, somewhere beyond his sight. Arthur moved slowly, his lunch climbing to the top of his throat if he moved too quickly. It took him time to recognize that he knew this place. The archaic architecture, to the cask behind him. This was the burial ground of Sir Reginald Blackwood, Knight to the King of England, and the source of his family’s station. This couldn’t be possible though, he was in America. He was in his house, on his sofa. This was all some kind of dream.

If it was a dream, why was he in so much pain?

A bright light appeared, raising an aching hand to shield his eyes it slowly faded into nought but an ethereal glow. Which was when Arthur noticed a man standing there in the light. A man who bore a resemblance, some familiar visage. “Who, who are you?” Arthur managed to convince his body to sit, and once he was sat he managed to convince it to stand. “Where am I? What is this?”

“You mean to tell me that you do not even recognize your kin?”

“But I have no-”

“Nay, you have no living kin. I however have long surpassed the living world. You have forgotten your way, your purpose. As had your father and I am here to remind you-”

“We do not live in England anymore. I live in America it’s a whole other-”

“You are still on God’s green Earth are you not?”

“I am-”

“And thus your purpose still needs to be served.” The figure walked over too his casket, sticking his hand straight through the solid stone and withdrew a sword. “Kneel before me, Arthur Blackwood.” Unsure on what to do other than go along with what the spirit was saying. This was after all the weirdest dream he had ever had. As Arthur knelt the spirit lowered the sword till it touched Arthurs’s left shoulder, tapping it lightly and then passing to the right and then back again. “I imbue you with my power and the power of my sword. You must begin it again, so long as you have people that have faith. You will have power.”

“Begin what?”

“The Crusades.”

Before Arthur could respond he dove forward on his sofa, falling on the floor he winced in pain. His whole body still ached from his dream, had it been a dream? It had been so real, so vivid. He had felt every part of it. Pushing himself off the ground slowly he turned to face the sofa. Where a Crusader Sword lay stretched across the sofa, the same one that had been in his dream. He could have sworn that the emeralds in the hilt glistened.


Thor walked through the courtyard. Beyond him, Yggdrasil stretched into the sky. The world tree, on which the nine realms rest. Rested within the bark of the world tree lay a well. Water dripped in crystal clear droplets down the tree into the well. The drops could be heard splashing for far longer than they had any right too. Above the well, there was a head, perfectly preserved but it was undeniably a head without a body. A gold ringlet around his head, full head of hair, and a clean and tidy beard. As Thor approached the eyes opened. The head spoke in a croak. As if its mouth was dry. “Ah, the Son of Odin and Crown Prince of Thunder approaches. What wisdom do you seek Thunderer?”

Thor bowed his head to the head. “Mimir! I seek your counsel.”

“As I already surmised.”

Thor pointed towards several flagons that were sat nearby on a casket of ale. “May I?”

Mimir closed his eyes in a double wink indicating a silent yes, Thor went and picked up a flagon. Filling it with ale, he opened his mouth accepting the cool liquid. The froth finding a new home on his upper lift till he wiped it off. Once he drank his fill he filled a second flagon, walking towards the head he held it to the heads’ lips and poured. Mimir greedily drank the liquid until none remained. When he was a child Thor had been curious as to where the liquid went, though he still did not have an answer. Taking the flagon back he placed it back onto the casket. “I seek knowledge of Loki.”

“Hmh. That is a subject in which I will find it difficult to provide answers. Loki is not known for following any form of reason.”

Moving to the side Thor grabbed a nearby chair and dragged it closer till he sat eye level with the decapitated head. “The All-Father grows weary and ready for the Odin-Sleep and there is a threat coming. I know it, and he senses it. I need to know what you know.”

“You assume the threat our King prepares for comes from the Trickster.”

“Are you saying there is another threat?”

“I am in no position to say anything.”

“You do not know?”

“I do.”

“Then why do you hold your tongue?”

“The All-Father has willed it. The threat is only for the All-Father to concern themselves over.”

“In his absence-”

“In his absence my young prince you rule Asgard, this does not make you King nor does it make you All-Father.”

Thor scoffed, frustration travelled across his face. He had never been the politician Freyja or Loki had been. “Then I shall act in my best judgment.”

“That is all any of us can do.”

“Tell me what you know of the magicks to move between realms? How can Loki be remaining hidden even in the eyes of Heimdall.”

“Loki is well versed in many forms of the ancient magicks, as taught by your mother Freyja. However, I would doubt that even she would be able to find him these days. The magicks he uses are strong and mystic, rooted in the very fabric of Yggdrasil itself. I suspect that he has somehow gained the power of the Norn.”

Thor sat up in his seat, his focus shifting. He could already feel the hairs on the nape of his neck rising. [b][color=#a4c2f4]“That cannot be, the Norn would no more help Loki than they would me or even the All-Father. They remain impartial, weaving the destinies of all things. Their duty is to record, not to interfere.”[/b] [/color]This couldn’t be possible if Loki had gained the power to influence the fates themselves then he was more powerful than any of them realized

“They would not knowingly aid him, but in the time before when Bor still ruled Asgard there were twenty-four stones he had been gifted by the Norns in order to aid him to bring about peace to the nine realms. To prevent abuse of this power many of these stones were destroyed, however, it is said that your father hid away nine such stones on Midgard. They grant the user incredible power, that can vary from individual and in all honestly even I struggle to understand or explain them.”

Thor stood up, groaning in frustration and kicking over his chair. His father was preparing to enter the Odin-sleep even now, Loki was still on the loose and there was a threat coming to Asgard that he didn’t even know about. Now Loki held some ancient power, and the most knowledgeable of all the Gods had nothing to offer? “Then why do you waste my time Mimir.”

“Ah, your patience is that of your father's, Thunderer. I may not understand them, but I do know where you can find one.”

Thor turned back to face the head. “Where?”

The head chuckled slightly. “Do you remember the way into Avalon?”

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