Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@Hillan@Sep Thanks for being understanding. Maybe when I'm not so bogged down by shit, I can make my way back.

Conor would always let his best friend back.
@metanoia sorry to see you go, I'm sure @Hillan would gladly have you back in future, I'll make sure he doesn't kill you off ;)

If you want to do an exit post feel free, if not we can work something out.
I may be too many, but while I haven't been keeping upto date with the High Republic stuff, I am finding this intriuiging.
Gonna work on a GM post after 5pm when all the non-control room staff leave for the day, might include some Conor stuff it just depends on how much I can get done, if work is really busy it won't if it's still quiet I will. If it gets to teleporting time I will be sending us away with a great big 'Yeet'.
@Stormflyx there was a little bit of Powergaming from me moving Eilidh but I hope that's okay, I did it in a way that I could actually see Conor assisting her to her spot, feel free to have her elbow him in the gut or something if that's what you'd rather.

As Conors hands ran over the runes on his controls, feeling the runes beneath his fingers. The slight indentation of where he had carved them into the console. The light solidified in the room as a small paper dinosaur came running up to him. Conor waved it away as he continued to work, the last thing he needed while he was working on this was a little dinosaur nudging him increasing the chances of him making a mistake. There wasn't really a margin for error on these kinds of things. Eilidh came down and asked what he had been working on and Conor merely smiled towards her, trusting that his 'aura' changed enough for her to get the idea. Julian's tracker blipped, indicating that someone had already taken off at speeds. Which would probably be Hana conforming to her stereotype. Vincent also disappeared from the scan, but then the two of them didn't really need any assistance getting anywhere.

As more and more people filed into the room the lights softened slightly but stayed bright as all across Julians console readouts sat in the green indicating that everything was ready to go. Dandy came into the room, as a dog and Conor had to refrain from rolling his eyes. What kind of use was a dog? I mean sure it was a big dog, but, it was a dog. Conor sighed as he resumed his work, sliding his hand over several runes several circles became illuminated on the floor. Each had a different numerical sigil within it, he took several stones out of his pocket and handed them out to everyone that had gathered so far. "Take your stone and stand in the corresponding circle, this will make sure that if we choose to teleport back you land on the correct pad and we don't end up with any sort of crossover."

When he got to Eilidh he put the stone in her hand and guided her to the respective circle, careful to guide her rather than pull her with any level of force. When he got to Dandy, he stopped and showed the sigil to the dog. "So, do I just tape it to your leg or what?"
About to finish my shift. I'm very disappointed with all of you.

I was working! I have a reasonable excuse
<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

Who trapped you in bed? Ancient magiks, or is this a hostage situation?

She isn't trapped, she's stuck.

She clearly slept on a pile of glue.
Someone plz post more. I am not working this weekend but I’m stuck in bed, sick. Plz entertain.

Oh no.

I'm working 24 hours over this weekend.

If anyone wants to throw up some posts and keep me entertained - or if the GMs want to nudge the story along for me to respond to it would be greatly appreciated.

Well I'm working 12 so for the first half it ain't gonna be me.
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