Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts


Steve turned as he heard Bruce speak. He shouldn't have been surprised that he had decided to sneak up on him rather than just walk up. He was the Bat for a reason. "Actually I tend to go by Director these days." Steve smiled at the Batman, he didn't exactly expect one in return but he had followed the Bruces career with great interest overt he years. From the Urban Legend to member of the Justice League, the two had worked together on a variety of different cases and while their ideologies differed, Steve firmly believed that the core that drove them was the same, and it all boiled down to the fact that they didn't like bullies.

"It may be a long way from the Triskellion but I feel that if I had shown up in the Helicarrier it may have raised a few eyebrows. We've got enough of a crimewave without S.H.I.E.L.D panicking every two-bit crook and gangster that roams Gotham. I heard about your takedown by the way, nicely done. Your boys and girls are doing well too."

He chuckled good naturedly. All he was doing was putting off the issue, and all that was going to do was piss-off Bruce.

"Waller is stonewalling me on the evidence gathered when they found Furys car, and she seems to be keeping all her files on the matter analog so I can't access them remotely. I'm clutching at straws here, I was wondering if you'd take a look at the photos and let me know what you think?


Bruce sat overlooking the terminal, screens all over as the drone drifted lazily over Las Vegas. Running a comprehensive series of scans that his team was pouring over. The team of five, six if you included Bruce himself, all had their own expertise and were all handpicked by Bruce. With final approval by the Director, who at the time had been Director Fury. Jennifer wasn't technically a member of hsi team, and had a lot more freedom than Bruce. S.H.I.E.L.D just advised that she spend the most of her time out of the public eye, the Hulk had done a lot of damage over the years. A lot of good, but people rarely remembered the good.

Shaking himself out of his own head he focused on the task ahead.

"Are we picking up anything different?"

"I'm picking up weird electrical signals from around the city. They form a perfect circle-" That was Daman Veteri, a molecular engineer to rival Hank Pym.

"-it seems centre on the Gamma spike that Veronica first picked up on. We've pinpointed it to the Strat Hotel, the upper floors are just radiating Gamma Energy." That was Randall Jessup, expert in renewable energy. Bruce had followed his work closely, the two of them had been working on a way to utilise Gamma Energy as a clean endless energy source.

Bruce nodded. Whatever was going on here it wasn't going to be good, in the time since they first picked up the energy signature it had more than doubled and it didn't seem to show any signs of slowing down. If it continued to escalate then it would rival the spike of Gamma that had resorted in the creation of the Hulk when the Gamma Bomb went off. Pushing his glasses up he rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. He couldn't really afford to wait for Parker to get here, to give him all the details and move on. The arrival of Cho just added an extra complication.

"Okay. This can't wait, Daman and Randall grab your-" Before he could even finish his sentence he watched in horror as in a flash there was a burst of green as a dome slowly formed around the Strat Hotel, before expanding out slowly encompassing everything. The drone fizzled and sparked as the field past over it, the signal died just as they could see people tearing at their skin and bursting out of their clothes. Mutating and changing into Gamma Monsters. "-Everyone grab your gear-" He turned to Doctor McGowan. "Call whoever you need too, call Director Rogers, the President, Chairman. Whoever. This is my site, nobody is to go into that dome without my say so. Everyone needs to keep their distance, the last thing we need is this escalating or these new Gamma Mutates getting out and causing havoc."

He grabbed his satchel, pausing for a second to keep his heart rate under control. Just your fight or flight response Bruce. Keep it calm. The world needs Bruce Banner, Gamma Expert right now. Not the Hulk. He looked over at his suit of armour, it was built to try and siphon off extra Gamma energy to stop him going on a rampage as well as administer sedatives. So far the Hulk hadn't tried to rip it off once, he looked silly in it as Banner but when he Hulked out it expanded with him till it fit perfectly.

Better put it on Bruce. Just incase. "I'll catch up with you all topside, get Jennifer briefed and ready and someone find out where Parker is and tell his pilot we have a Code Green."

Throg vs Croc Loki, let's run this @Natty!

Only if I get to play Ms.Lion.

It had been a tough fight through the irradiated Las Vegas. She-Hulk and Spider-man had reached the source of the radiation, only for Spider-man to be hit by an intense burst of radiation causing him to become more of a Man-Spider, one that She-Hulk had to try and subdue. Preferably without breaking him.

Meanwhile, Abomination was thrown through a wall at the top of the Strand. Landing in the centre of the room amid machinery, wires and piping. Through the hole jumped the HULK with a roar. Elsewhere in the room, someone moved, casting a long shadow. "I was wondering when you would get here-"

Hulk turned his head looking around the room. Standing ready, trying to figure out where the voice was coming through. Seeing a shadow move he grabbed a nearby piece of a broken pipe, throwing it to the other side of the room it clattered against the wall before rebounding and rolling along the floor harmlessly. "-now that's quite unnecessary. In fact, this whole 'heroic' act is really unnecessary. What I'm doing here would change the world and your place in it."

Samual Sterns stood out of the shadow, and Hulk growled, teeth together in a long, low, snarl. "You do not want help, only control."

"Don't you see? Banner only uses you, SHIELD uses you, the whole world sees you as a sword to be used against whatever plight comes next. Gamma makes you strong, it makes everyone strong. In a Gamma-World you would be perfect and at home. Would I lead? Obviously but would the world not be so much better off? No more running, no more hiding. No more Banner."

Hulk paused. Sterns was right, Hulk was just a weapon to everyone. Something to be used when times got tough.

[color=yellow]"I could make it a world of Hulks, everyone would be strong like you."[/yellow]

A smirk crossed Hulks face. "Hulk is only Hulk and Hulk-" Raising both his arms and drawing back his chest, hands flat. "IS STRONGEST THERE IS!" Hulk brought his two hands together with a mighty thunderous clap, the shock wave went through the room tearing apart pipes, wires, gears and all forms of machinery and machinations.


A giant metal fist collided with Hulks jaw, sending him careering to the other side of the room.
@Sep Hard to know what would constitute an improvement if I'm just stabbing in the dark.

As Wraith said we're still in the deliberation phase, but your character is at what we call Year 0/1 in that they're just making their debut, and they're a pretty major character. Really any details on any potential plots you're going to do, villains you'll face and heroes you'll work with would be beneficial.
@Lord Wraith Any need for me to contribute to said deliberations? I feel like it even going on this long bodes poorly lmao

If you feel like there's anything you could do to improve your chances I'd always recommend doing it.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>

I do not have much experience with this kind of RP, but I think a lot of my trouble likely stem from anxiety and self-doubt like many others do. I find whatever I write to always be a bit disappointing and demotivating wishing I could have done it better. And I always feel no matter what I do the stuff I manage to put out is dull, boring, and not very creative.

Everyone here seems to be very kind and very supportive which I think is actually helping me gain a bit of confidence and has pushed me to actually try and speak to others instead of just lurking like I would usually do (unfortunately).

I feel like I get short bursts of "oh yeah this will be good lets try this" and then when I write it out I am like "what was I thinking this sucks" haha.

<Snipped quote by Kyoka>
This here is pretty key, because nothing is as demotivating as complete radio silence where it feels like you're firing stuff off into a void.

Honestly having a group of people you can get kind feedback from or support from is great. A lot of people here you could ask and they'd probably willingly proof-read your posts, I used to do that a lot or of something isn't sitting right I'll still do it, sometimes that support net of people reading it before it's public and going "actually if you change this it will flow so much better" is great.

I know for example if you ever want too just throw me a PM and I'll happily work with you. The very fact you're asking all this is good.
Shameless double post because I'm a monster. Well, fucking sniped.

I've got a question of the day if the GM's would indulge me.
These games have a habit of burning bright and fading out, and I can't help but wonder why.
What do you think your biggest pitfall in writing is? What's the thing that kills your motivation the most often?

On the creative side, I think my issue is being too hard on myself. The belief in every-expanding betterment. I've come to realize in my advancing age that maybe the drive to always make something that's better than the last isn't helpful. That it's okay to make something creatively that is by all means worse than a previous project without it invalidating the growth you've had as a creator.

Historically in these games I've tried to keep discussion going in order to generate interest. I know I dropped once due to seeing Endgame (I was playing Iron Man and it just burnt me right out, I still stand on the hill that I didn't particularly like Endgame and I will die on it.... but that's not important now).

I feel like burn-out is hard to pind own as there's lots of different reasons why it happens. Increase in work, drop of interest, self-doubt. I always try and compliment people as much as possible and plan to bring back the 'award'/'vote' scenario back from one of the games we did previously.

Lets go onward and upwards!

Thank you all, I appreciate it. Will try and keep these things in mind for the future. I always feel quite shaky and unsure when it comes to doing things for the first time.

Hillan raises a good point.

For example:

Flash fights very quickly, he's trying to put them down quick and rapidly.

Hulk is very chaotic, childlike.

Superman is very methodical.

Natasha is very tactical.

Get a feel for it, we'll all support ya. We're all friends here, I mean my writing has improved dramatically since joining this group.
Does anyone have any advice for writing fight scenes? I found myself really struggling and needing to rewrite and rethink a few times but still in the end feeling rather unsatisfied. Feel like it is rather hard to make it flow naturally and had difficulty in thinking of what should go where or if there should be dialogue in some places or none and so on and so on...

I feel like do it in a way that seems more natural, you can gloss over as DeadCruiser suggested. I tend to describe it, I never found I was particularly good at writing fight scenes but someone told me I'm okay.

Honestly take a look at what your favourite writers here do, you get some that go more poetic and some that go more descriptive. The most important thing is this: Find your own style.

I've not read your post yet but I will, and if I see anything I'll throw you some pointers in your PM, but we're all pretty friendly here and quite happy to give feedback/advice.
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