Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts


The parties from both the Prometheus and Enterprise were seated in separate conference rooms, receiving a basic 'debrief' by Republic forces. The simple background check, who they were, why they were here. All the while they waited for the shuttle from the Vengeful Spirit to arrive. Which took its time. CT-35691 seriously believed for a moment that the shuttle wouldn't fit in the bay, until it folded up its wings and eased itself in very carefully. With very little of it protruding out of the hangar. He supposed they should have used the main ventral hangar for it to dock, however the Admiral had ordered the side hangars be used as it put the Exodus in a less vulnerable position.

He offered a salute at the singular man as he descended. Allowing him to speak first.

"All corridors have already been secured, for our own safety as well as your own. The other, delegates-" There wasn't really a better word for the motley assortment of individuals aboard "-have all been allowed arms so I believe my Admiral will consent to your request."


Since beaming aboard General O'Neill, Teal'c, Daniel, and Sam herself had been drilled relentlessly. She was a bit tired of it, but she had already been in a grumpy mood by the inclusion of the General. When was he going to realize that SG-1 was now her team? And Mitchell was a fine officer who deserved to be here instead of back aboard the Prometheus keeping watch. Still, that wasn't her place to speak up against him. He was in command. Teal'c cast her a look and she ignored it.

He was always too perceptive.

They all turned as the door opened, revealing one of the clones that inhabited the ship. She was used to seeing identical beings, with the Asgard, however, seeing identical humans walking around was weirdly unsettling.

"All parties are present Sirs-" Sam waited for the inevitable and ma'am, but it never came. "-If you would follow me."

"About time." Groaned the General. "What, did they walk here?"

"We have no idea what their technology is like Jack." retorted Daniel.

"They were pretty far out Sir. Depending on the preparations they had to undergo, and any transport aboard a ship of their size. I would say the time was justified."

"Meanwhile the Replicators just keep... replicating."

"I didn't say it was ideal, sir." She winced as she said it. It came across as a little harsh.

Any response was missed as the door to the conference room was opened just as some individuals in very bright uniforms were escorted in from the other side. Their clone attachée introduced them as the Crew of the Enterprise. Meanwhile, the clone escorting SG-1 introduced them as the crew of the Prometheus.

The General moved over to the individuals in the Red, Blue, and Yellow shirts. Aiming for the bald man in the middle. The middle was a good safe bet, especially when he looked like the oldest there. O'Neill offered his hand to shake.

"General Jack O'Neill, commander of the USAF vessel Prometheus. A pleasure to meet you, and might I just say those are some mightily colorful uniforms you've got there."


Carolina looked around her as she walked out the back of the Pelican. Flanked by the Dakotas, Washington, and York. They all eyed their surroundings warily. Carolina had already noted several guards out of plain sight. Turning to face the rest of the team, speaking in a hushed tone. "North, focus attention on the higher levels. Several snipers at your 3 and 9. South, lower 2 and 10." Turning back as a guard approached, hand held out.

"You will need to wait here. Another unidentified ship is approaching, the Duchess will see you both simultaneously."

Carolina nodded, turning to wait for the other uninvited guests.

Will be of the posting tomorrow
@Sep Wrt shields it was going to be a question of whether the Enterprise crew could beam over or not. They'll take a shuttle.

Aaaah. I was gonna beam with prometheus tbh. Since it's shuttleless
@Dead Cruiser you can proceed along. Its shields will likely be up but that doesn't make much difference with Star Wars as most types of star wars shields allow the passing of physical matter without the lowering of shields
Sorry to double post, but does the like you gave mean that the Starjammer is accepted?

Yeah sorry I meant to comment but I guess the partner distracted me.

O'Neill sighed as another vessel approached, this one claiming to be the Federation vessel Enterprise. This was all getting a little... messy. He scowled in the general direction of Daniel, who merely shrugged. As the various requests came streaming in, from the Republic Vessels, the Imperium, and the Federation. O'Neill was about to refuse the Imperiums request, when before he managed to utter a word Daniel spoke up.

"Maybe we should meet."

Eyebrow raised O'Neill turned. "Excuse me?"

"Well there's obviously some confusion, this Republics' capital has just been taken from them, and obviously I haven't communicate with them to let them know help was coming. I just feel like it would go a lot quicker if we all sat down together."

"He has a point, sir." Chimed in Carter from his other side. "The longer we delay, the greater the number of replicators on the planet. Eventually they're going to try and leave the planet. The sooner we can all start working towards eliminating the threat, the better."

"I suppose there's sense in that."

He waved a hand at Marks who nodded that the channel was open. "This is O'Neill. I suggest we all meet aboard the Exodus, in order to discuss our purpose here and what we can do to help. The sooner we do this, the better. They aren't called Replicators for anything."


All the while Admiral Killian had been speaking with these foreign ships, he had also been conferring with Republic Intelligence and Naval Command. There was no record of these ships, ship types, designations or names in any galactic database that they could find.

Then again it was the same situation with the Replicators, though they hadn't want to talk first.

"Very well. Send your representatives to my ship. We'll discuss matters here."


"Give me a status report." The Directors voice was calm as always, as it traversed across the command deck.

"Our transfer is complete-" The Chairman spoke, his tablet in his hands as he poured over the data that had been put through to him from the ships various technicians and scientists. "-We appear to be in orbit above an inhospitable world. Though we can detect several settlements and human life. Various ships."

"Is this Coruscant?"

"It doesn't appear to be. It appears the entity calling itself 'Daniel' has deposited us elsewhere in the Galaxy."

"Alpha." The small holographic armoured A.I appeared on the console before him. "What can you gleam from their systems, without being too invasive?"

"Not very much. They're a neutral world, called Mandalore. Apparently, they're a pacifist society and-" Alarms started blaring throughout the ship. "-they've noticed us and sent ships to intercept."

"Prepare a team Chairman." The Chairman nodded as he walked away, chattering into his comms-unit. The Director focusing his attention back on the A.I. "Open a channel."

"This is Doctor Leonard Church aboard the Mother of Invention. We come in peace, we have been sent here to help with an ongoing crisis in your Galaxy. Should you be willing. I'd like to send an envoy. We're not sure where we are, but I am sure we could be of use to one another."
@Zyx feel free to have your ship blipped over.

You and @Martian can pick between Coruscant and Mandalore for post-blip location. Martian we can hash out the convo or you can just come on over it's up to yourself my friend
I'm actually quite fond of the dialogue in my own post... to flatter my own ego somewhat. I feel like I've done the characters justice
@Dead Cruiser can you possibly change Jean Lucs colour? I'm partly colourblind and honestly can't read his text without highlighting

22,002 // ORBUCEN

Richard flew, more or less, straight to the government building. He did what he could on the way, with Worldminds constant nagging in the background. Save a couple of people from falling buildings, and move them in the direction of the ships. In the distance, he could see the rioters outside protesting the Central Authority. Good for them, shame it came right at the end. Richard really had no notion to move in and help them, but considering the fact that these officials held the lives of everyone aboard the ships in their hands he had no choice. If he couldn't save everyone, he had to save someone.

Without pomp or ceremony, he crashed through a window and into the center of a room. There were screams of panic, guards sprang into action before a very well-dressed alien came forward raising his hands. "Hold your fire! This is a Nova Centurion!" The being approached him, Richard extended his hand and it was grasped by both of the aliens' hands. "I am glad to be seeing you now. We had hoped that our planet could have been saved, however with you here now we can maybe save what is left of our people. The disturbances within the atmosphere have prevented our evacuation, and the protestors have prevented our land transports. You must see us to our ships."

Richard pulled his hand back. "I'll see you to your ship, but first give me the codes to launch the ships-"

Caution Richard Rider, adrenal spike detected in many of the occupants of the room.

"That way if you don't make it the ships can still lea-"

"Unacceptable. You will take us, and then we shall supply the codes."

"I only mean it to make sure your people survive."

"Either we all survive, or none of us do. This is the way of things. If you do not help us, none of us will survive and that will be your burden to bear."

"But your people will die."

"Only if you fail to save us."

Richard had to refrain from physically frowning, it cost all his focus to stop the rage from translating into his eyes. "Fine lets go, but no-one gets hurt."

Without offering a chance for any rebuke Richard led the group of five out of the room, through the council halls, and out into the public. As soon as they appeared the crowd surged forward, and objects came flying at them. Thrown from protestors. "Graviton shield to full strength, full coverage."

There was a flash of light as the field expanded, objects bouncing harmlessly off. As they moved into the crowd anyone that attempted to stand in their way was pushed aside. Richard could see the pain in these poor people's faces, the anguish, and the anger. The rage.

Richard had never felt more ashamed in his life, all these people wanted was a chance to survive. He could be doing something, and yet here he was. A chaperone to the powerful.

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