Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts


"This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Stargazer. We were stranded here by an extra-dimensional being known as Q. Are you the commanding officer here, Colonel?"

Sam tried to think as best as she could for some mention of Q, extra-dimensional? Was he an ascended being? She sighed as all the vessels lumbered on, and in the background, the scanners indicated the Replicators were living up to their namesake. Thoth had appeared and went straight down to the surface and began firing its beam in an effort to help slow the Replicator's advance, at least something was going on. Teal'c was aboard the Malevolence right now and he'd start the ball rolling on their plan, hopefully, it would all come together and they could be back home before the Replicators became a serious threat.

"Captain, like yourselves we have all been brought here by a multi-dimensional being to deal with a serious threat not just to this reality but potentially more beyond, I don't know if I am necessarily in command however I have dealt with this threat before." Turning to the scan she grimaced slightly. "With your permission, this issue is very... time sensitive and we need to act before it becomes too big to deal with, I would like to transport a member of my crew over to your ship via a transport beam to tell you all we know. It would however require you to momentarily drop your shields. Unless you have some form of shuttlecraft you could send for him." She turned to Meyers. "Give him a visual."

She turned to the screen so that the camera would pick up her image. "We mean you no harm, I know the being who transported us here personally and he wouldn't want you here if you weren't willing. I promise once we're done here we'll do all we can to get you home if we're not finished."

Sam nodded to Tyrone, who walked over to a terminal. He opened a channel to the Avenger.

"Commander this is Lieutenant Colonel Franklin from the Hammond. Suit up, we got a mission for you. We'll fill you in on the details shortly once Colonel Carter is free."


Qui-Gon appeared to turn his attention towards Sinnali, an air of caution about him. "Nearly three standard months ago a ship appeared in orbit, it had no transponder, no identifying signals, and did not respond on the radio at all. It was subsequently destroyed and the debris fell into orbit and we forgot about it. A couple of weeks later they came marching on the Jedi temple-" A somber look crossed his face. "-We lost so many good Jedi in the assault. So few of us made it away. Those of us who were off-world fighting in the war were, ironically. Safe." There was more to the story, but if there was, he didn't seem ready to share.

Before Qui-Gon could continue Teal'c stepped forward.

"I apologize for this intrusion." He pulled a small handheld computer out from a pack he was carrying. He handed the device to General Sinnali. "Colonel Carter wishes to know if your ion weapon would be able to fire a blast at this frequency, it will disrupt the frequency between the individual nanite bonds-" or so he was told. "-We have the ability to make such a weapon, however, it would be quicker to utilize existing weapons."


Mitchell returned the salute, Vala positively beamed at being referred to as Agent. "Nice to meet you all, I'm Colonel Cameron Mitchell. This is Vala Mal Doran-"

She butted in. "I don't know I kind of like the sound of Agent Mal Doran."

Mitchell just sighed. "Don't make me regret bringing you." He turned his attention back to the rangers.

"We'll get some weapons sent down for you, don't worry we'll give you a quick tutorial but energy weapons aren't going to do anything here." He turned to the Mobians. "I'm not entirely sure..." He turned to Vala who just shrugged. "Do you carry weapons? You're not all children are you? I don't exactly... wish to arm children."

After their response, he turned back to the matter at hand. "Currently in orbit, we're working on a weapon that should be able to wipe out the Replicators all at once. We're sending some people into the temple to make sure we get them all."

He grimaced. "For you lovely fellows though... we need to know how deep the Replicators have penetrated into the planet surface. Up for a hike?"
Is it okay if I throw in a late submission?

Yeah fo'sho
Alright finished my character sheet. I decided to play around with the timeline more, so instead of being pre-arriving on Earth, this version was rebuilt with the help of humanity. I've also greatly changed up who the actual crew are. Let me know if anything needs changing.

I'm not familiar enough with transformers to say for sure but can 300 fit on such a small ship?
<Snipped quote by Sir Lucario>

To clarify again, given that this is Star Wars, the Republic blockade is presumably in orbit, in space. It's not possible to be right next to them and actually physically land on the planet. And to be honest, I'm not actually clear on if the PCs actually have permission to go down there yet until @Sep chimes in on exactly where we are supposed to be gathering first on arrival.

Sorry work been hectic which is why I posted what I did and then haven't been around much. Also sleep. Sleep is important. If they choose to land that is their choice, however once I have time to post as Sam she might open comms and recommend un-landing.

We'll have the resolute going simply cause I like it's name.
<Snipped quote by mattmanganon>

And I would like to think that ship is pretty clean, hardly a dank cave. The internals definitely hue to darker coloration though, despite the sufficient lighting. lol

I always assumed that as a Dac design the lighting was lower as underwater species would be used to lower levels of light and hues of colour
Everyone is free to drop in at Coruscant while we assess the situation
@Martian don't worry about me posting the start of the IC you're still free to join.

The ship appeared in orbit of Coruscant without warning. It was instantly detected and targeted by orbital defenses and patrol vessels alike, it was swiftly dealt with. There was no panic on Coruscant. Not by the general population, the military, or even the Jedi. There was however one man who was concerned. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine had crafted everything in the war, every piece moving perfectly according to his grand design. Minor bumps in the road were swiftly overcome, and strategies were adopted. This however was an unknown variable.

The media was spinning it as a new form of Separatist vessel, probing Coruscant's defenses and reaction times as a precursor to invasion. Palpatine knew better or believed he did. This vessel wasn't separatist. Not unless His apprentice was planning to overthrow and replace him. Such a thing was unlikely but not impossible. Since the start of the war he had pushed his Apprentice further and further to the Dark Side, and power afterall did corrupt. Though as the wreckage from the ship came crashing down to the surface off the planet, the worry soon disappeared out of his mind as days turned into weeks. It continued to nag at the back of his brain, but more pressing matters gained his attention.

In an area of existence between existence itself, beings of unworldly power and knowledge met together in a place that never existed. It defied existence and completed it all at the same time, and the figure wearing the white sweater approached one in a far more intricate state of dress.

"I need your help."

"Oh?" The figure turned to face him. "You have come to me for help? That's interesting."

"You're the only one who will listen to be about this-"

"I wonder why, is it because I am a little crazy?"

"I've already spoken to who I need to speak to, I just need someone to do the transportation."

"Ahhh, there in lies the rub. The rules."

"Just because the others approve, doesn't mean they'll let me do whatever I want."

The Jedi Temple was one of the most historically significant structures in the Galaxy, a beacon of hope and justice. Today a level of unease seemed to permeate the very walls of the structure. The Jedi walked the halls going about their day-to-day lives with a shadow they just couldn't shake, no matter how hard they tried. Security ran system diagnostics, Jedi meditated on it.

A lone figure ascended the steps of the Jedi Temple. Past the protestors, approaching the Clones guarding the temple. They raised their hands to stop her, however, she continued. One of them made an effort to grab her, and with lightning efficiency and speed she broke both his wrists before kicking his shin sending him to the ground.

By this point, the rest of the squad was in motion. Stun shots rained out against her, which were quickly replaced with fully powered blaster bolts. Burn marks appeared all over her body, causing her to pause. The shots stopped as she looked down observing the marks. A silver shimmer passed over her body, as she seemingly healed herself and fixed her clothes. Looking up she screamed, and all throughout the Jedi Temple replicators burst forth.

The Force nor blasters seemed to be effective against them and while Lightsabers could destroy them they seemed to come in endless wave after wave. Throughout this chaos Sixth worked her way deeper, and deeper into the temple. For the first time in the history of the Republic, the Jedi began evacuating their temple. Their home, until she rested herself in the command and control center. Tying her into the Republic Battlenet.

Weeks passed. Codes changed. A ceasefire between the Republic and the Separatist Alliance was orchestrated, largely in part by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. All evacuation of Coruscant was halted after a single replicator was found aboard a cruiser. A single replicator that very quickly took over the entire vessel. Since then nobody has left the surface, a fleet of Venators bombards the surface around the Jedi Temple almost constantly trying to prevent the Replicator Advance while the best minds throughout the galaxy try to come up with a solution.

So when a being with power to even convince the most skeptical of Jedi, a Senator or Clone Trooper showed up and offered a team to help restore the Galaxy the Republic, reluctantly, agreed, but did they have what it took? To stop the Replicators on Coruscant once and for all?

Well, that's where the story begins, and don't tell Daniel, but I've included a special twist of my own.

@Lord Wraith we've discussed your presence so its good.

So nobody needs to have relations with the Star Trek ship.

They're the wild card.
I'm on my phone at work so forgive me being brief.

I feel like mostly everyone else the crew of the Hammond will be in awe in the size of the Hammond. I'll pm you later @Lewascan2 to discuss ion cannon.

The sonic ship... there will be slight issues with a child being present but there's not much we can do about that they aren't from our reality.

The living ship or the Power Rangers vessel will likely interest Sam a lot more than the power rangers themselves.

The Avenger won't be underestimated because Sam knows just how much a team of badass infantry can alter the fate of a galaxy... from personal experience.

The crew of the Hammond (that is US military) will likely notice similarities to home in the Republic, whether this is a good or bad thing isn't for me to say.

@Martian no worries my friend. We all have real lives too attend too... sadly.

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