I'll save it till tomorrow
(Was gonna be from my ships perspective but I'm happy to see what you got cooking)
I'll save it till tomorrow
(Was gonna be from my ships perspective but I'm happy to see what you got cooking)
I might feel alive ernough to write a reply tommtow. This illness seems to have cooked by nurgle himself!
<Snipped quote by Sep>
sounds like a good time to drop the shooting and get to looting. What's the biggest and most intact ship in the debris field?
@Sep I came down with some annoying virus, gimme a mention if I am holding up the game and i'll whip something up, otherwise i'll take a break at least till myhead stips throbbing.
the Replicator ships sticking to their 7 OG targets and ignoring the ork ship? Probably for the best for it anyway, that thing needs to get a bunch of salvaged replacements for it's shields and warp drive into it soon as possible
@Sep Was trying to be metaphorical. Like, a wave of nanoites as in "So many of the bastards that they look like a tidal wave."
<Snipped quote by Sep>
None, if I go early cannon, bar some museum stuff like totally gutter shells of first war cylon aircraft and armour. Literal museum exhibits
I meant that cylon ships like Vipers tend to fight more close up and personal than fast straight lines.