Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
3 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
3 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Sep>

That's not a dog at all.

Okay I'll try again

Here @Master Bruce have this

<Snipped quote by Sep>

I figured that'd be more fair to mention than those fi... sorry, six Condiment King posts you owe me, now.

Just read the two posts I did three more times.
@Sep over here bullying his co-GMs when he's got a second app to write...

We're nothing if not equal opportunity when it comes to shaking eachother down.

I don't have to have a second character. It's not mandatory.
@DocTachyon Wow! Thanks so much for this it's amazing!

He's gotta do something when he's not working on a post
I got a lot of tidying to do over the next few days but should get my post catalogue updated so it's all upto date, as well as a few posts maybe
Tis a smaller post but my day has turned busy and I feel like it stopping where it does isn't too jarring


"Run Iris, run.

It started as a walk, before speeding into a jog. Then she felt the power, the electricity running through her veins as her power flowed through her. Ever since gaining her powers, and realizing what they were she had always shown some element of restraint when running. The first couple of times her brain not used to the speed struggled to process the information fast enough.

Even once she was used to it she always had to be careful of the wake she caused, especially if she was slowing down to a stop and didn't want to attract attention.

Now wasn't the time for restraint, it was time to cut loose. Something about the speed felt right, something about using the speed felt satisfying. It as as if a small part of her was telling her that this was why she was hit by that bolt of lightning, so she would move.

There's something I never told you...-

"Fascinating-" She could barely hear Harrison over the sound of the electricity in the air and the whirring of machinery as the treadmill struggled to keep pace with her.

"Iris, what you do is dangerous. I just want you to be safe...

-"Fascinating! This is more than I imagined-"

Iris was barely registering the speedometer above her. All she new was that she wanted to go faster.

"You think this is your city?

A red light began to flash above her, and she could have sworn she heard some form of klaxon.

"Iris stop!"

"See you around, Flash.

Suddenly the treadmill fell to pieces, her lack of focus on the task at hand sent her flying into the wall in front as the belt below her suddenly stopped. As she was realizing what was happening, seeing no possible way to stop herself in time or to turn she put her hands up in front of herself in an attempt to shield her face.

When she didn't feel the unmistakable shooting pain of broken bones she looked up, and gasped at the various equally perplexed scientists that were in the room with her. The completely different room than the one she had been in before.

She waved a hand meekly, and was just thankful that she had decided to wear her - freshly clean - costume to this. "Uh, hey everyone-"

"Sorry everyone! So sorry!" Iris turned to the door as Harrison came running into the room. "Miss uh-"

He paused, not sure what to call her. Iris without a moments hesitation, and not entirely sure where it had come from, spoke up. "Call me Flash
All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

Cries Relentlessly closed his eyes, he allowed the weightlessness to hold him. He wore a modified version of the combat harness that the warriors wore. This one had propulsion nodes sticking out of his back, magnetic locking boots and gloves and the helmet encased his head, giving him a steady supply of air for about eight hours. Unless he carried a reserve supply or was topped off.

While dismantling a demon temple on the second moon, he had fallen and broken his leg. It had never healed properly, and as such it caused him constant pain and discomfort. Except when he was enjoying the weightlessness of the void. This was why he accepted this post. The lack of gravity agreed with him. He shone his small beacon down through another open panel, his jaws twisting in frustration at the burn marks on the wall.

The warriors who had taken this ship had been overzealous, to say the least. They had damaged many of the useful circuits and pathways that they required to fit their ships with communication and sensor equipment. The information left behind by the Gods, and translated by Miriam was vast and taught them much. They could grow ships and weapons. However, some systems still had a hard time understanding enough to replicate them by themselves. That is why they gathered all the unholy relics and deposited them here, deep in space and far away from the planet.

This was where the Tainted spent their days trawling through the burnt hulks of demon warships, passing racks of both large and small munitions. Despite his training, many of these relics held little significance for him. He turned and shone a light passed the large, open, door behind him. In the centre of this 'safe-room' sat a large pile of what the ship's computer and historical documents had called 'currency' or 'money'. The demons didn't barter for goods, instead, they arbitrarily assigned value to little 'credit chips', which they then exchanged for goods and services.

It sounded truly barbaric. Shaking his head, he pushed himself away from the wall. Closing his eyes as he drifted through the hallways of the ship. This must be how the spirits felt on their way through the void. He never got tired of this feeling, many Tainted came and spent their time here before moving on. Not him. Since he had come here twelve years ago this had been his home. No one else knew these demon relics better than he did.


He opened his eyes at the call. Breaker was the name that many here had taken to calling him. A sign of respect, bestowed upon him by the Shipmistress who protected these grounds from those who would hamper their work, as well as managing any combat drills that utilised the alien husks. Before him, in a plain white suit was a younger brother.

{What is it, Enthusiastically Incorrect?}

{I was told to find you straight away, we were searching in the weapons array as you instructed, and we found something}

The youngster didn't wait for a response and turned and fired his jets back the way he came. Cries Relentlessly sighed and fired his own. The young very often had no patience. He had seen many come through the boneyard, and they were always eager to prove themselves. There were no shortcuts to be taken here, the demons technology was tricky and often had traps built into them. The younger brother stopped before a doorway, that looked thicker than the one that held the demons currency. It was interlaced with various hatches and locks, and a large yellow circle sat in the middle of the round door. Three black blades emanated from a central black circle.

The demon sign for radiation. This wasn't the reactor, Cries Relentlessly had been the one to dismantle it personally. No, this was something else. He tried to go over the floorplan of the ship in his mind, based on everything else he had ever come across.

Enthusiastically Incorrect extended a palm towards the door controls.


The younger turned to face him, flexing his jaws in contemplation, his hand hovered mere centimetres from the control panel. {Why, what is this place?}

Cries Relentlessly sighed, and with some degree of confidence looked the younger creature straight in the eyes. {The weapons battery.}


The whole place stank of piss and shit. Anders crawled underneath a half-open door. A ticket on the door said that it had broken four hundred days ago. It was on his to-do list, he grunted as he reached back and pulled his toolbag underneath the door before bringing himself back to his feet. There were more important things to worry about in the meantime, such as contact day. To achieve contact day, he had to go outside and fix the antenna. He only had three days. Dragging his tools along the corridor, others grunted and nodded in greeting as he walked passed towards the end of the hallway.

He felt a tug at his waist, groaning and rolling his eyes slightly he turned to see Jason. "Where you goin' boss?"

Anders voice was hoarse and cracked. He pulled a cigarette out from his top pocket and put it in his mouth, the end was worn and the colour faded from the amount of times he had it in his mouth. He didn't go for his lighter, instead he just held it in his mouth. Unwillingly to lose one of his precious few last cigarettes. "Outside."

Jason nodded his head and went to grab the toolbag. Ready to fill in his usual role as apprentice. Anders just raised the bag higher out of his reach. "No. You stay inside, I'll go." The young boy furrowed his brow.


"Because I said."

"Contact day is important."

"It is, but you're not ready-" Anders pointed towards the door that he had just had to crawl under. "-Go fix that." Jason rolled his eyes and groaned as he threw his head back.

"UGH, a door?"

"Get on with it." Anders turned and didn't pay Jason anymore notice, walking towards the airlock. Contact Day was far too important, he couldn't have a kid messing him up. They only powered up communications once every 305 days, out of fear that the aliens would find them. Not many ships remained, every time contact day came around fewer and fewer ships responded.

They were a dying race, and there was nothing they could do.

All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

"We... are surely god-chosen, as you say, 'Angel Miriam.' Chosen by all the gods. By Woden, by Zeus, by Vishnu, by the Mothers and Brothers. By the wind of all the spirits good and bad, by angels and demons, we have come. So always does one who has Revelation and walks with a foot in the world of spirit. But what are you?"

It took a frustratingly long time for Miriam to connect to the alien vessel to get some form of visual telemetry back from the ship. In reality, it was seconds, but for someone with her perception of time that may as well have been years. Woden, Zeus, Vishnu. They were terms she recognised, they were on the tip of her tongue but she couldn't place them. Her holographic wings shuddered and shook as she noticed to whom she was speaking. These beings, these strange visitors to their world were humans. Demons.

The hologram of Miriam shook, glitching out and then split into two. One half of it turned to the other and placed a hand on its chest. Seemingly cause it to freeze.

”You cannot be here. You must leave.”

Meanwhile back on the ship talons curled, as the Deacon watched the screen as the strange vessels continued to push into the system. {Miriam, what is going on?} A copy of the AI avatar of Miriam appeared on the holographic projector, stretching slightly. Looking up directly into the Deacons eyes, not that she had to being a holographic representation of a being without an actual physical body.

{Unclear. I have made contact, however I can no longer communicate with myself.} The Deacon stood up walking closer to the dias, she tried hard to conceal her concern. In all the years she had worked with the Angel, she had never known Miriam to lose contact with herself. Especially with such a small distance between points. She couldn’t allow anyone to steal the angel away from them, but they had never encountered someone with that capability.

{Shipmistress.} The Shipmistress Al’nok turned, her tall frame moving with an elegance one wouldn’t expect from a creature of that size.

{Yes Deacon?”}

{Prepare the boarding craft} Things were now in motion, should Miriam be unable to regain contact with herself, they would go in with their holy wrath and bring her back.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

That's five Condiment King posts you owe me.

My next time I face Condiment King I'm gonna take Punisher then it'll be the last time.
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