Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11038 (2.80 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
    2. ███████████ 1 yr ago
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    6. ██████████████ 4 yrs ago
    7. ██████████ 5 yrs ago
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    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
7 days ago
so are these nuts
26 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
1 like
1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts





In the middle of the normally desolate and life, artic waste was full of action... with a massive tower that touched the sky looming over it all. It was a masterpiece of technology, glowing with a type of science that's seemingly otherworldly. In the middle of it, was a shining Power Stone that's glow could be felt from miles away...

... then there was a massive explosion at the base of it that brought it crashing down, and the Power Stone falling to the ground.

In the midst of it all, Oh-One himself was sent sliding into the side of a cliff. The so-called Perfect Machine crashed into the almost literal mountain of stone so hard that it almost shattered it when he came to an abrupt. stop. The machine was... not doing good. Parts of his armor were ripped to pieces, exposing sparking wires and other vulnerable machinery to the world. He was missing his entire arm, and before him...

... Was all the enemies he made on his quest to gain human emotion. The machine's internal systems were screaming at him with different pings and alerts.










TN-1841-2 - ACTIVE.

UT-218-4 - ACTIVE.

CO-237-1 - ACTIVE.

OH-942 - ACTIVE.

AZ-194-1 - ACTIVE.

AZ-194-2 - ACTIVE.

KS-028 - ACTIVE.

VI-420 - ACTIVE.

WV-293-47 - ACTIVE.

TX-748 - ACTIVE.

Oh-One felt as if his odds of turning this around were good as he stuck his hand out and in front of him, he erected a large hexagon barrier. To deflect their attacks as Oh-One calculated his next attention, however, he got more pings on his systems.


TN-1841-2 - INACTIVE.

UT-218-4 - INACTIVE.

CO-237-1 - INACTIVE.

Oh-One was realizing that these parameters were beginning to appear...


AZ-194-1 - INACTIVE.

AZ-194-2 - INACTIVE.



WV-293-47 - INACTIVE.


... Suboptimal.


Engage Assault Armor? Y/N?



"... Assault Armor."

The barrier began violently shaking as sparks of electricity came off of it... before it violently exploded and sent anybody near him flying. Using the last bits of energy he had, he activated his jet boosters as he flew away from the battle as his tower crashed into the ground and the last of his robotic forces were destroyed. He was going so fast that not many would be able to keep up with him...



His systems detected something going towards him... and he immediately activated his Assault Armor and the glowing red barrier clashed with the blue beam of energy that could only come from SUBJECT: Haggar, Justin.. The barriers were holding... for just one instant before the shield finally gave out and sent Oh-One flying upwards towards the sky... before he came crashing down, even more, burned and seared than before as he hit the ground with a thud. He attempted to activate his thrusters before some new mechanical abomination appeared.


It came from the sky, slamming down on Oh-One with all of its strength and the Machine slammed against the ground. He attempted to activate his laser beams before the mechanical beast came pounding on him again, and again, and again.


It brought its hand down on Oh-One, before ripping off his arm.


The monster brought its hands down on Oh-One yet again, crushing its systems further...


It did it again...




... And again.

"... Nothing will- *zzt* stop me fro- from-from achieving *zzt* human emotion..."


One more slam as the fist was crushing his internal systems.

"Let us..."


"... Meet again."

There was a momentary pause. Something played out across the cracks in its visor before it stabbed its hand into Oh-One, piercing straight through the armor plating. It twisted and searched for vitals before it pulled them out with force, hand dripping, and sparking with robotic viscera. It rose to its feet and let out another roar as it stepped down on the robot and pulled, cables snapping, and tossed the chunk aside. It lifted Oh-One, scanning for any signs of life, and tossed his corpse aside like a ragdoll, hearing a thud as it slammed against the ruined tower.

It paused. Vomited again. Fell to one knee. It stared into the glowing pool. Its components couldn't keep this up anymore. It crackled, seared with flame, and burst into blinding blue light.

The motorcycle sat smoking in a scarred, mangled heap. Pit Stop laid half-embedded in the snow, thrusters sputtering as the screen on their face occasionally flickered out. Jill's gear and armor had completely disengaged, a deathly pale face peeking out from behind layers of winter gear. She looked up at Justin and gave him a shaky thumbs-up.

"Heh..." She let out a small chuckle. She pulled it off. "We did it, Justin... He's finally-"

She went silent as she fell into the snow.


Justin shouted as he ran over to Jill.

In the far distance... there was a sight.

Abel and Violent, standing side by side as they watched the carnage ensue.

Abel's eye narrowed.

... however, that wasn't the end of Oh-One.

He transmitted his memories and files, or in other words, his conscious, to a backup robotics laboratory that he built on the far side of the world. Deep where those pesky Nomads couldn't find it, and immediately Oh-One placed a copy of his systems deep on the internet. Where ever he could stick it so in the event he's destroyed again, he could pull that file out from wherever and utilize it. Then, he began working up schematics to build a new body, a perfect body... it would take him time, but he had plenty to spare. Part of him wanted to wait a few centuries to amass an even stronger army, but if he wished to seize Human Emotion, he needed to act fast.

He was perfect after all, and even if he fails again, he'll keep coming.

Stronger than ever.

While he developed a new body, he scoured the world for any information about the locations of the Power Stones... while keeping an eye on those pesky nomads...

Battleship Exusia over Gold City.

Slowly inching its way to a stopover Gold City was a famed and feared vessel, the flying artillery piece known as Battleship Exusia. If it was noticed by the citizens of the city, it would certainly cause an uproar...

... However, it came completely stealthy. It would not be visible, nor appear on any sensors. It was completely undetectable.

Abel stood on the very tip of the battleship, looking down at Gold City... he could hardly feel the cold of being up this high in the sky. He just stood stoically, with his fists at his side as he looked down at the city that he had attacked in the past in pursuit of the Power Stone. However, while that time he ended up empty-handed, the same would not befall Abel again, as he had a plan.

"Brrrrrrrrr," Violet, his half-naked minion said as she walked up with her massive arms wrapped around herself, "Could you pick somewhere warmer to park your murder ship?"

"Violet," Abel turned his head back towards, and spoke to her in his digitally altered voice, "You cannot feel the cold."

"Just a little bit, Daddy Abel," Violet laughed as her arms hit the ground, and she stuck her tongue out and laughed. And Abel groaned in response.

He had little time for Violet's games, he just shook his head and then he pointed forward. Various members of MIRAGE gathered around him before he gave out the order.

"The Power Stone is in this city," Abel said, "Bring it to me."

Violet nodded, and the others sprung into action, leaping from the battleship onto the rooftops of Gold City (also using the teleporters) as they began the search.

Gold City.

Gold City... just wasn't for Justin.

He stood waiting for the light to turn green at the crosswalk, with his arms tucked into his yellow hoodie and his head down. With the barest traces of his face even visible, when he got the green light he walked forward with the crowd of people whose faces he didn't bother noting. Why bother? They were just civilians walking around, and he was just one face of many. He liked it that way... he wondered what Oh-Seven was up to, she was probably off at the tea shop or something. He knew she was a phone call away but Justin would rather avoid her right now, lest she tries to pull him into one of her tea parties or book clubs or something. At the moment, Justin was going to visit Jill. He had something that he wanted to talk about with her.

... And hopefully, she won't be going back to the hospital anytime soon.

Justin decided to cut through an alleyway that he knew would take him straight there. Whenever he stepped into the alleyway, he never felt like he was in danger. Likely because anyone foolish enough to mess with him is a straight-up...

An object came flying from his left and hit the wall to the right. Justin turned his head to see what it was and it was... a CD?

... Douchebag.

"♫ Numbah' one ninja, no gold fingas', that's boutta' put one..." Justin grabbed the CD as he turned his head down the alleyway to see a silhouette rapping its way towards him. Then the silhouette jumped and landed on a split, " ... in ya. ♫"

It was none other than Jaden Raldo. The #1 Douchebag.

Justin sighed, as he lifted the hood off his head, and VERY POLITELY said to Jaden. "... Jaden, what the hell do you want?"

"I'm asking what the hell is up with ya'll," Jaden laughed as he stood up on his feet and shrugged as he turned his back to Justin. Before turning his back around and pointing his fingers at Justin, "What? After ya'll put Oh-One in a box you forgot there are other threats other there?" He chuckled.

"Like you give a shit," Justin said as he shook his head. "If you were just lonely, all you had to do was come ask... but I would have told ya' to fuck off anyway bud."

"Lonely?!" Jaden scoffed, "I'm up to my fuckin' neck in bitches."

"Suuuuuuuuure." Justin shrugged. "Where are they at?"

"Obviously back at the crib, but we're getting off track," Jaden replied and Justin put on a very cheesy smile.

"No, I'm getting back on track to what I was doing Jaden, I think you didn't hear me before but I'll say louder: fuck off, bud," Justin turned away to put his hood back up as he walked away...

"... MIRAGE is up to something and I have a clue as to what," Jaden said, and Justin stopped and immediately turned on his heel, "Question is, are you gonna sit on your ass and find out what exactly they're planning?"

Justin craned his head over his shoulder as he barked,

"Start talking."

"Oooooooooooo, now you wanna talk?" Jaden smirked and shrugged. Before he put his hands on his hips and leaned forward, "Second ago, you told me to fuck off."

Justin quietly growled as he swung his fist upwards Jaden, shouting, "Rhythm Hammer!"

Jaden backflipped to avoid it shouting, "Man, chill!"

He landed on his feet and grabbed his swords, and pulled on them slightly as he said, "You wanna fight, robot-man? Because I can bring tha' hurt!"

"Just shut up and start talking."

Justin and Jaden charged at each other to start fighting.
What was she even doing here?

Penny saw the Messiah launch a barrage of tendrils out of its hand at her and the wind from Caelea's abstraction shuffled her out of harm's way as if it was on autopilot. She'd only come to Florida to search for answers about the vision she had been shown and find Saul, and now she was throwing her life away for bunch of witches and feds with so much left unanswered. Penny lifted her hand and chunks of ceiling shot towards her, whipped around her back, and threw themselves at the Messiah. Throwing her life away? Bullshit. As if she could live with herself if she'd just ran.

The best she could hope for was to buy time for the others. Penny knew she wasn't winning this one. Still, that didn't mean she was going to be the only loser. She remembered one frustrating game night with her family years ago. Her older brother Billy was absolutely dominating and everyone else but her had called it quits. Every move she made just prolonged the match from reaching its inevitable end where her brother would gloat and lord over her for the rest of the week. So she kicked the leg of the card table. It bent inward and caused the table to tilt as gravity did the rest and sent the pieces scattering all over the floor. She didn't win, but neither did Billy—and watching him rage and scream when she called it a draw was more satisfying anyway.

She just had no clue how the fuck to replicate that here as she continued to circle the Messiah and launch fallen debris at them. With every piece of debris launched at them, the Messiah waved their hand and it disappeared into a mass of sparks. Penny would know it was consumed by the Glutton, but the Messiah stood still.

"Thanks to the actions of your friends," They raised their hand into a fist and around Penny, similar clouds of orange embers and sparks appeared. "My bond with Mother is far stronger, we have unlocked more power than ever before."

Out of them came, brutal, vicious-looking, orange crystal spikes that launched themselves at Penny at high speeds. The spikes got within arms reach of Penny before her sigil glowed and they projected themselves back at the Messiah. Penny grimaced as the use of her abstraction caused a spike of pain inside of her head but kept a strong face. Her attacks had done nothing against the Messiah, but maybe she could give off the same illusion of being untouchable. Penny couldn't put on air for too long, but maybe long enough to frustrate the Messiah into acting sloppy.

"And yet you lost again, even with your lame little rebranding. Does Mommy realize how much of a useless little shit you are yet?" growled Penny as she kept stepping around the Messiah, readied for the next attack.

The Messiah merely raised a hand and the spikes went around them... except for one that graced their cheek. It left an oozing, glowing, wound, but the Messiah was otherwise nonplussed. Even as Penny taunted them.

The Messiah smirked and Penny stopped dead in her tracks, one hand held out with the other behind her back.

"You call this losing?" The Messiah chuckled. "Are you aware that Mother is free from that dreaded mountain - the timeline that the False Light was so adamant on hiding? That she's growing stronger every day? That your God won't be strong enough to stop the Promised Day?"

They laughed.

"That's fine," said Penny quietly as the laughter echoed throughout the chamber. As the Messiah had ranted, she'd unlocked the device behind her back and had started to film. Now Penny stood her ground with a defiant smirk of her own, her phone now held forth like a crucifix trying to ward off a demon as she sent the video of the Messiah off to Kimberly, Justin, Tuyen, and the others. The phone dropped from her hand and flew into her hip pouch as she stared down the Messiah.

"You think that we need help from the Child or God or fucking anyone else either than each other to stop you or the Glutton? Please. You had every goddamn advantage the last time—surprise, numbers, the home field, everything—and y'all still got your asses whooped by a couple of kids holding hands and singing kumbayah. This time my friends are prepared, are stronger, and want nothing more than to shut your stupid, mommy issues ass up."

"And oh no, our God won't be strong enough to stop the Promised Day?"
repeated Penny in mockery, her voice wet with venom as it erupted into a feral roar. "You stupid bitch, I kill gods!"

Penny pulled her hand back and attracted the orange crystal shards that had bent around the Messiah straight towards its back.

The spike penetrated the Messiah and then they smiled as it disappeared. The Messiah was absolutely silent as they shrugged.

"... Then do it again."

The roof rumbled and shook above them... and then what was left of the ceiling suddenly broke and then came crashing down on top of Penny. She looked up and shouted; the gusts of wind wouldn't knock her far enough away from the collape. Penny reflexively protected her head with her hands and hunched down as she let her abstraction blast the debris away. She felt herself connect with hundreds if not thousands of bits of stone as she rocketed them away. She grunted lowly and tears began fall from her eyes as her head began to explode with pain from the overuse of her abstraction. Her ears rang. Her vision flashed white, red, and then black as she felt a sharp pain at the back of her retinas. She was about to blackout.

Penny dropped her abstraction and braced for the worst. She screamed and jerked to the side as a rock smashed against her upper back, her feet tumbling over a rock and sending her crashing down upon her rear. Two more chunks of ceiling hit her from above, one cracking against her forearm wrapped around her skull and another on her leg. She sucked in the cry of pain and coughed out the dust from the collapse. The alive burial she'd anticipated didn't follow. The rumbling from above had quieted. She had survived.

But for how long? Penny tried to open her eyes. It proved to be challenging. She heard a wet, viscous suctioning noise as she finally peeled them open and saw a dark, reddish haze and nothing else. She inhaled deeply, fought back the urge to cough, and calmed her breathing. She slowly pulled herself up off of the ground, certain that the Messiah wasn't done with her yet. The pain screamed at her that it would not be ignored, but Penny held it back.

"You can't beat me, Speaker. How about we call it a draw?" said Penny, blood dripping from her mouth as she smiled, damp hair tangled and matted to the side of her battered face, her blinded eyes a ruby spiderweb of burst capillaries. She stood with her shoulders relaxed and her chin up as she waited and listened, her beating heart nearly deafening.

"Well," The Messiah stuck their hand out at Penny, as a small, wry grin forms on their face. "We'll see."

They launched a barrage of orange tendrils tipped with brutal looking crystal daggers. Penny, with her eyes still blinded and her lips still smiling, threw her hands down at the ground as the Messiah spoke. A blast of wind shot out from her palms and propelled her upwards into the air as she attempted a blind dodge at whatever the Messiah had just thrown at her. There was a moment as she flipped in the air that she thought she had actually pulled it off.

Penny landed with a rough three point landing then cried out in pain as the tendrils pierced through her stomach. The red haze flashed white before being bathed in an orange light as she felt a searing pain spread throughout her body. Her mind and heart raced one another as blood gurgled out of her mouth between sharp, ragged breaths. Then everything stilled and Penny started to laugh. The laughter grew louder, a horrific, wet cackle as her hand lashed out and wrapped itself around the tendrils.

"I told ya, you can't beat me," roared Penny, practically feral. She pulled on the tendrils and with a blast of wind launched herself towards the Messiah, throwing a wild haymaker with her left. "I'm un-fucking-stoppable!"

The Messiah was punched across the cheek and... it didn't feel like Penny punched flesh. More like a slow crystal-like substance... and it cracked and sent shards of the Messiah's face all over the place. They grit their teeth as they floated up into the air, wordlessly this time as the ground shook and cracked. A large hunk of the ground was ripped from the ground and floated in the air... before it was launched at Penny.

A noise like a stuck boot being yanked free from a muddy bank rang throughout the chamber as Penny's howling laughter stopped echoing off of the walls. There was no sound of the rock impacting the ground, and as the dirt and the dust cleared the Messiah would be able to see Penny's clutched fist shaking as her abstraction kept the boulder locked in a stasis just inches away from completely crushing her. Teeth gritted, body broken, and choking on her own blood, the blinded girl felt her abstraction slowly lift the massive boulder away from her. Inch by inch, it slowly began to rise.

Penny had repulsed the boulder maybe a foot above her before she felt the warm glow of her sigil fade. She had surprised herself by being able to reactivate it at all. The fight hadn't been a total loss. The others would now know what they were up against, and she had the satisfaction of knowing that she had gotten in one good punch. Perhaps not the draw she was aiming for, but she didn't want a draw anyway. She wanted to win, and she knew she would—eventualy. But a break first would be nice. Maybe she'd see her friends. Penny smiled at that final thought as the rock dropped and her fist went limp.

Seemingly moments after Penny's death... the entire Forgiven compound collapsed in on itself. Reducing itself to ash, and leaving only traces of the horrors that went on there for people to dig through the rubble.


Myeisha awkwardly laughed as the guy smirked at her.... her eyes drifted off to the side as she tugged on her collar. She was bracing for him to say something weird, but he answered her question... just not in the way she wanted. Just the hotel bar, and two random bars in town? Well, she's better off sticking to the Hotel because she is sure as hell didn't want to wander around here at night. This place reeks of a Sundown town. Though, she was about to say thanks, then awkwardly shuffle away from the weirdo boatman and go back to listening to Young MA. That was when an Asian guy that was only a little bit taller than her spoke up, Myeisha wasn't sure if he walked up and she didn't notice or if he was here the whole ass time! Though he didn't say anything actually interesting, it made a question pop up into her little head.

"Ayo," Myeisha was probably, again, making a bad fucking impression (but she's slow to adjust to new environments) but she had a question on her mind. "Thanks for telling me... but, uh, I ain't tryna go wanderin' 'round time but what places should we avoid?"

It was less of a question-question and more of a way to see how he'd answer.

Tabitha's Throneroom.

A slight grin formed on Tabitha's face as everyone explained their reasoning for accepting such an insane quest. Nakala only half-listened to most of the explanations only because she didn't want to grow attached... lest they end up the same way as some of the others at the camp. She was more focused on the Queen, and she had to tell herself to keep it cool as the woman really didn't want to suck up to any type of royalty. Especially the kind that likely has slaves or treats the ones who aren't as slaves. However, she wasn't going to shoot herself in the foot either, especially since Queen Tabitha seemed to be the type to fly off the handle at the slightest sign of disrespect. She had to look at everyone else's forms of respect from taking a knee (as the Golem that got a bit too close did), a slight nod (as Arthur did), and bowing (as her short, wordy, friend, did).

However, it was her time to speak after the human girl finished. It was awkward, but Nakala bowed forward and resisted the urge to hurl as the very act made her very sick to her stomach but she was gonna suck it up. She had to do it for Joko.

Anything for Joko.

"Oh, Queen," Nakala tried to pull off an overly cheery and servile tone... however it probably ended up sounding forced and sarcastic. "My daughter was taken by slavers, and I wish to use the wealth you offer in return for buying her freedom... O' [i]gracious/i] one[.]"

In response, the Queen stuck her hand out, and shortly afterward, a servant ran up with a wine glass and ran off... followed by another slaver who came with a bottle of the finest red wine and poured it all into her glass. The Queen gulped it all up in one fell swoop. Before she spoke,

"Some of you are here to help others, some are here for their own personal mission... I can't say there isn't any bad reason for accepting this quest I've put out," She chuckled for a moment before her eyes fell onto the elf-girl. "However, there isn't really much to help down there... as the Karlezek said, nothing but endless chaos! There are better places to use my resources..."

Nakala stood upright as she looked off to the side awkwardly.

"Now that I got your reasoning, I believe that you all are serious about this task! Perhaps you were the right group to ask... but that's what I told the last group! Ohoho!" She laughed briefly, "Just kidding, but perhaps I should explain to you properly what I want, and why?"

Nakala didn't care for why, but what exactly this bitch wanted, however, she quietly played along like the others. Tabitha stuck her hand out again and the wine glass was filled up yet again.

"I was born in the very ruins that became Exusia... back in my time, this was a "cursed" island where all the Witches and wizards were cast-off to. A scattered lot of people that didn't know their potential! And throughout my youth, I used to play in these ruins, and I read the runes and writing on the walls and I was enamored by the stories they told. They were so interesting, yet, at the time I had no idea what they even meant."

She sighed as she finished the wine and placed a hand on her chest and continued. "They were the stories of this world, the past of this land... Alas, they stop short, and there are many gaps of information in them. The kind of gaps I want filled, sweeties. These glyphs speak of other locations which have more stories to tell spread all across the land...."

She trailed off as she rolled her head from one shoulder to the other accompanied by a roll of her eyes. "I think you all are educated enough to get what I'm inferring here... but do acknowledge if you accept this quest you'll be going deep into areas such as New Kaimeria, The Sorrowfields and... Desolation."

She paused.

"... Do you accept?"
@Butteryicarus accepterino

The longer Myeisha sat on this boat, the more out of place she felt. Maine was definitely far from home, and she was super out of her depth here. She sat on the side of the Ferry, staring off into the seemingly endless expanse of the Pacific Ocean to ease her mind. However, it was very foggy, and even though she was trying to distract herself with music blaring through her Beats. Through blaring rap music loudly through her headphones, she was able to ease herself, and finally simmer down.

She was acting like she was on a slave ship!

It wasn't long until the fog broke through and she could see the island approaching... and she was hoping that these were the friendly kind of racists. Just what was she thinking? Leaving Atlanta? Especially for New England, of all places. All dressed up like some kinda gangster... sagging ripped skinny jeans with red and black Air Jordan 13's. She had a bright-red long-sleeved Polo t-shirt with the blue polo logo, and her hair dyed blonde at the tip. Of course, she had three gold chains with crosses on them... and she was hoping that God was looking over her when she took the invitation. Though there was a bit of a crowd forming around an old man and she figured that she'd see what was up.

The Atlanta-woman slid the headphones around her neck - still with the rap music loudly blaring - slid her hands into her pockets and drifted over towards the scene. As they were listening to the old man, Myiesha was staring off into the distance as if she wasn't paying attention, but anyone with a brain would know that she was listening. Not that it bothered her, it just wasn't in Myiesha's nature to stand there gawking at them. She heard bits and pieces of the conversation... just not enough to extrapolate anything worthwhile. Old bastard going on about a hotel, some bitch she never heard of, and some other boring-ass places.

Like who the fuck wants to hang out at a dusty ass fortress?

Some dude that was smoking introduced himself, after asking about the waterfall and Myeisha rolled her eyes. Like he gives a shit who he is. "Yo- I mean, hello," Myiesha started, "That's nice and all, but do you know where the good bars are at?"

I guess I truly am the Ghost Note forever
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